Read Desires of the Otherworld 2: Darkest Hunger Online

Authors: Aline Hunter

Tags: #Shape-shifter/Vampire Paranormal

Desires of the Otherworld 2: Darkest Hunger (16 page)

BOOK: Desires of the Otherworld 2: Darkest Hunger
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Was it love she was feeling? Or was it a natural reaction to the side of him that called to the wild and untamed animal within her? She wasn’t certain. All she did know was that she would do anything to keep him safe. She thought about the lethal pill in her pocket. She’d been so determined to end her life and ensure he never had his Fated again. But when that time actually came, would she have been able to do it?

The thought made her sick, and it must have shown in her expression.

“It’s not wrong to love him,” Trace said softly. “Bridon has been my closest friend for centuries for a reason. He’s loyal to those under his care, and he never does anything without sound justification. In the years since Aislynn’s passing, he has waited patiently for you. Instead of fighting your people when he learned of your rebirth, he waited to claim you. Not many men would be so patient. As a Lycae, you should understand that.”

Alpha males of a pack always took what they wanted regardless of the consequence. Yes, it was something she understood. Her brother had taken on a vampire mate and had died for it. Other alphas had challenged her father for the throne following Micah’s passing and died as a result of their foolish lust for power.

“I’m nothing like her, you know.” She didn’t dare look at him as she spoke. “The soul may be the same, but Aislynn and I are not.”

“That’s not a bad thing.”

“Ian doesn’t think so.” She felt her face grow hot at the admission.

“I’m not surprised.” He chuckled. “Ian has a certain idea of how a woman should be. He was a warrior before he was changed. It’s only natural he would gravitate toward his instincts as a man versus a vampire.”

“So you don’t agree?”

Trace looked at her and smiled. “Aislynn was a beautiful woman. She was kind, nurturing, and impossible to dislike.” His smile waned, becoming somber. “But she wasn’t an ideal mate for a king. Bridon needs someone at his side who can make difficult decisions when necessary. He needs an equal.”

“His people are not mine.”

“None of them care about that.”

“I find that difficult to believe.”

“I imagine you do.” When she frowned at him, he shrugged. “You’ve been raised in a pack that doesn’t hold the same ideals when it comes to loyalty, and Bridon has had five hundred years to convince his people of how important you are to the kingdom.”

“How would you possibly know anything about my pack?” The anger she’d almost forgotten returned.

“I’ve been around a long time.” He sounded exhausted as he made the confession. “It’s my duty to keep abreast of things in the Otherworld.”

Trace stood before she could say anything and looked down at her. “We’ll make the portal by the new dawn. Since I’ve joined you, Bridon has decided it’s best to travel in a direct path instead of the one he took for safety. Before we arrive I would suggest you think long and hard about how things were between your brother and father. If you ask yourself the right questions, you might uncover more than you think.” He sighed, and his tone became gentle. “You’re not stupid, Willow. You’re just a woman who was groomed to believe something that isn’t true.”

With that he turned on his heel and walked to the cave, leaving her staring at his back.

* * *

Bridon waited for Willow to come to him. She’d remained outside the duration of the day, staying in an area he could not venture. He reached out to listen to her thoughts a couple of times but found her misery was simply too much for him to bear. Especially when he learned what Trace said was true.

Willow had planned to take her own life.

He knew how proud his Fated was, but he never imagined to what lengths she’d go for her pack. For the first time, he truly hated her father. The Lycae was so power hungry, he’d do whatever it took to remain on top. His children didn’t matter to him. All the bastard knew was that to maintain control, he had to make big sacrifices—so long as it didn’t involve harming himself or endangering his standing with the pack.

The first time Bridon listened in to Willow’s chaotic thoughts, he almost instructed Trace to bring her to him. She was in pain, and she was confused. After her discussion with his friend, she’d begun questioning everything she knew. It wasn’t easy. All of her life she’d had a purpose. Now, she didn’t know what she would do or of what importance she was. Her newfound mating prevented her from delving too deeply into what she couldn’t change, but he knew she felt as if she’d failed. He knew if she came to him that his presence would ease her worries, but it wasn’t his place to force the issue.

The moon would do that soon enough.

“I’m going to take these out to the nightmares.” Trace hoisted satchels over his shoulder.

“How was she when you saw her?”

“She’s confused, which is understandable. She’s having a difficult time coming to terms with her feelings and your claiming. I told her I was going back in to get the rest of our things and I’d give you time alone. It won’t be long until she joins you.”

“I wish I could tell her everything,” he said quietly. “She deserves to know.”

Shuffling footsteps ended the conversation. Willow appeared, obviously in the grips of the mating heat. Her eyes shone brightly, and she’d wrapped her arms tightly around her waist. He was amazed she’d held out as long as she had.

“I’ll be waiting outside.” Trace nodded at Bridon and walked past Willow.

She remained where she was—aroused yet perplexed. He crossed the distance to her, taking his time. As tense as she was, she was liable to lash out if she felt threatened. When he reached her, he ran his fingers along the side of her cheek. To his relief, she leaned into the touch instead of pulling away.

“Do you want me?”

She sighed, nodding. “You know I do.”

“Why did you stay away so long?”

“You know why.” She spoke so softly, he barely made out the words.

“I want you to tell me.”

“After talking with Trace…” She brought her lower lip between her teeth and shook her head.

“Tell me, Willow.”

She took a deep breath and released her lip. “All of this is so confusing.”

“It doesn’t have to be.”

“That might be the case for you, but it isn’t for me. Everything I’ve been taught has become hazy. The way you make me feel, the things I want with you, are things I’ve been told are wrong.”

“Were they wrong for Micah as well?” When she gazed up at him, he asked, “Have you ever considered there is a reason he fell in love with my sister?”

“He didn’t have a choice. Your sister didn’t have a choice.”

“You’re not seeing the bigger picture.”

“Then show it to me. If you know something that will make this easier for me to accept, say it.”

His stomach knotted. If only she knew how much he wanted to do as she asked. “Soon,” he whispered. “I promise you’ll know everything. We are two halves of one whole. No one will ever understand you the way I do. After you learn the truth, there will never be any secrets between us. I vow it.”

He lowered his hands and reached for the hem of her shirt. She helped him pull it over her head. He removed his own clothing as she stripped. His cock was already hard, his balls aching for release. All day he’d thought about having her again. Once wasn’t enough. There would never be a time when he didn’t crave her.

There was no warm-up, playful fondling, or heavy petting. Instead he lifted her into his arms and backed her to a wall. She wrapped her legs around his waist, lowered herself until they were aligned, and he entered her in one forceful thrust. She threw her head back and muffled a cry by biting her lip.

He stopped moving, staring at her until she met his gaze. “I want to hear every sound you make. Don’t deny me that.”

“It’s the only thing I can deny you.”

“Then I’ll have to work a bit harder, won’t I?”

He rolled his hips, and she moaned. Maintaining eye contact, he began moving inside her, the glides of his cock sure and steady. Her pussy tightened around him like a fist, clenching his shaft in exquisite heat. Each plunge into her depths caused her to make more of the wonderful moans and whimpers that were seared into his mind from the previous evening. He would never grow tired of hearing of them, of knowing the pleasure he gave her.

“I can keep you safe, love. I alone can make you happy. I swear I can.”

“Fates, I want to believe that.”

It took a moment for him to realize he’d picked the thought from her mind. Although she didn’t say it aloud, it eased the ache in his chest—the heavy weight that refused to diminish when he learned she would rather end her life than spend an eternity with him.

“Believe it, Willow. Have faith in me. I’ll never give you a reason to regret it.”

She gasped and lifted her head. Before she could question him or become angry that he’d invaded her thoughts, he reached between their bodies and searched for her clit. The nub was so swollen and sensitive that when he touched it, Willow arched her back and cried out. Her entire body erupted into tremors. He felt the snug clasp of her sex, followed by ripples against his cock.

“You’re so close, love. Aren’t you?”

“Y-Yes,” she stammered, shaking.

“Come for me then. Show me how good I make you feel.”

A shift of his hips, a ragged exhale from his Fated, and Bridon knew he’d found the spot inside her tight vaginal walls that would send her soaring. He continued stimulating her clitoris, thrumming his fingers, and pumped harder into her. Her shaking increased, as if she were standing in the grips of a violent winter storm. Then she screamed, coating his cock in her release, easing his way as he increased the pace.

“That’s it,” he whispered into her hair and brushed his lips against her throat.

He wasn’t gentle when he scored the vein throbbing against his mouth, intentionally marking her skin. His bite would be a symbol when they reached their destination, a visual reminder that she was his alone. She lowered her head to his shoulder, grasping his arms as she climaxed again. He held her as he fed, drawing the sweetness that was hers into his mouth.

He felt his balls pull up, going tight against his cock. Hours of picturing her like this merged with the real thing—her warm body grinding against his, her sweat-slicked skin gliding up and down his torso, her blood splashing against his tongue—and he allowed himself to fall over the precipice. He groaned against her skin as he jetted his seed into her, plunging into her all the while. His cock pulsed a final time, and he slowed his movements. He wanted this to last, but it was impossible. They had to leave shortly if they wanted to arrive at their destination, the hidden realm known as Munell, by dawn.

After swiping his tongue along the wounds inflicted by his fangs, he leaned back to study them. There was already bruising around the circular swells, and the skin was puffy and red. There would be no question of who put them there or why.

Willow kept her face averted, as if she were ashamed. Although it angered him, he also understood.

“You might not believe me when I say this, but after tonight you won’t feel ashamed by the way you feel about me.”

She didn’t say anything—not that he expected her to. She merely nodded, unlatched her legs from his waist, and slid down his body. He didn’t interrupt her when she went to her clothes, and he didn’t try to offer her any other comfort as she dressed. Within hours, his vow would be absolved. Then he could share everything he’d ever wanted to with the woman he’d fallen in love with all over again.

And when he did, she wouldn’t be afraid to love him back.

Chapter Fourteen


Willow was stunned when they passed the magikal barrier and entered a forest. As they rode past the thick trees, she saw the large castle in the distance. The massive structure looked nothing like the compound she had been raised in. Instead of grime, hay, and filth scattered about, the walls had a clean, untainted appearance. The gates to the entranceway stood open instead of closed.

Men greeted them when they rode inside, waving them by with torches. They were human and, unlike her father had led her to believe, they seemed happy and healthy. There were a few people scattered about, preparing for the new day to come. Most of the vendors glanced at her curiously, while a few whispered things she couldn’t understand.

They traveled past the booths and rode up an incline, toward the castle itself. More men waited at the large double doors. One quickly ran down the stairs and took Bridon’s reins as he climbed down from his saddle. Bridon nodded at the man and came to Willow. As he helped her climb down, she tried to calm her rattled nerves. Everyone kept saying the answers she sought waited inside. She wasn’t sure she believed that, but she was ready to see what was so special that Bridon had taken a vow not to reveal it.

“I’ll take the horses to the stable,” Trace said, watching her closely.

Bridon held her arm as they climbed the stairs. The man had already opened one of the doors and stood aside as they walked in. The interior was as clean as the outside, only far more lavish, as if it had been created from the mortal realm instead of the Otherworld.

An old woman greeted them and led them to a room to the left. A large fireplace was in use, the embers flashing brightly, covering the paintings along the wall in hues of orange. Willow stepped away from Bridon and started to pace, unable to remain still. She wondered if they would bring her nephew in. Perhaps he was the surprise. Maybe they thought that once she glimpsed him, she would let all the things that had led her to this moment pass without a second thought.

Quick footsteps came from the hallway, and Willow looked up in time to see who had rushed into the room. Her heart skipped a beat, and time seemed to stand still. It was impossible. She had to be stuck in some kind of dream.

There was no way he could be here.

He was dead.

Micah looked exactly as she remembered him, long flowing hair and bright hazel eyes. He was clothed differently, wearing garments finer than those he’d ever possessed at Norvallen. He hesitated as their eyes met, as if he was trying to gauge her response.

BOOK: Desires of the Otherworld 2: Darkest Hunger
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