Defy the Eagle (39 page)

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Authors: Lynn Bartlett

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #General

BOOK: Defy the Eagle
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Jilana distributed the wine and turned her attention to cleaning the plates. She had just finished the task when, as if in response to her thoughts, Ede appeared. Jilana's lips curled into a resigned smile as she reached for another cup. The smile disappeared when a second figure followed Ede into the camp. Lhwyd. A cold knot formed in Jilana's breast when the white-robed Druid came to a halt in front of Clywd. The wine forgotten, Jilana was drawn to the two men in spite of her instinctive urge to flee. She came to a halt a few feet behind Lhwyd.

"What have you done with him, Clywd?" Lhwyd's question was soft, almost gentle in nature. The tone made Jilana's skin crawl.

Clywd looked at the younger man from beneath upraised brows. He swallowed the last bite of wheat cake and drained his wine before speaking. "Done with whom, Lhwyd?"

"My prisoner, my special offering to the goddess," Lhwyd replied, his rich voice caressing the word offering. "Where have you taken him?"

Clywd shook his head. "You claimed the prisoners, all of them, as your own. I did not know one was more important than the others."

"Do not lie, old one," Lhwyd warned silkily. "The Queen herself is interested in tonight's sacrifices. 'Twill not go well with you if you tamper with her wishes."

Both Caddaric and Artair came to their feet at the thinly veiled threat and started toward Lhwyd. In the space of a heartbeat, Clywd was trapped in the center of an arc formed by three armed men who had suddenly appeared from the trees. Caddaric stopped beside Jilana, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. Lhwyd looked over his shoulder and smiled in a way that made Jilana's blood run cold.

"This does not concern you, Caddaric," Lhwyd said reasonably.

"He is my father," Caddaric growled in return. "What do you want here?"

Lhwyd's expression twisted into an ugly mask at the challenge. "Who are you to question me?" he demanded, his green eyes burning. "You, who mocks the gods, denies them—" Words seemed to desert him. Lhwyd's mouth worked silently but no sound emerged, and he shrugged off the calming hand Ede placed on his arm.

"I do not doubt the gods," Caddaric said, "only their servants."

"As well you should." Lhwyd's mouth spasmed into a parody of a smile. "Your noble father, for example, is trained in the art of healing and yet fully half of my prisoners died under his care."

"Only because you refused to let me tend to them earlier," Clywd spoke up wearily.

"I wonder." Lhwyd fixed his gaze on the seated Druid, caught up in his own thoughts.

Jilana's heart hammered wildly, He knows! She laced her fingers together to hide the way her hands were shaking.

Caddaric's hand tightened on his sword. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Artair and Heall exchange a slight nod. If Lhwyd thought to take the older Druid prisoner, he would pay dearly.

Only Clywd was unperturbed. "Why do you come here with armed guards? Do you accuse me of causing the prisoners' deaths, Lhwyd?" He tucked his hands into his wide sleeves and watched the other Druid calmly.

Lhwyd shook his head and for a moment rays of the dying sun were reflected in his blond hair, framing his face in a red halo. "I seek only one prisoner, old one. The legionary; the one you and Caddaric's slave," his green eyes brushed over Jilana, "cared for."

Clywd came to his feet in a graceful movement that belied his years. "He is not here. I have not seen him since last night."

"But she has." Lhwyd turned his full attention on Jilana. His voice became caressing. "You were with him this morn."

Lhwyd's eyes and voice invaded her mind, erasing everything else. As if her body had a will of its own, Jilana felt herself nodding. "I changed his bandage." Why are you explaining, some part of her brain called out in

warning. You must say nothing! And then Lhwyd smiled, moved closer.

"Where is the soldier, Jilana?"

The question beckoned, inviting an answer. Jilana stared at Lhwyd, fascinated by the emerald depths of his ires. "I—" Speech was difficult. "I do not know."

"Release her, Lhwyd." As he spoke, Caddaric stepped forward and placed himself between Jilana and the Druid. "She knows nothing."

Hidden by the barrier of Caddaric's broad shoulders, Jilana roused herself, as if from a dream. What evil power did Lhwyd possess, she wondered, that he could reduce her will to rubble?

"Do not interfere," Lhwyd warned. "The man was my prisoner. I am within my rights to question all who saw him."

"And your little slave did see him," Ede put in triumphantly. "The guards admitted her this morning."

"I know." Caddaric informed them simply. "Did your guards not tell you that I was there as well? That Jilana left with me?" He cocked an eyebrow at Ede's surprised expression. "Nay, I can see they did not."

Lhwyd was not to be defeated so easily. "But she returned, Caddaric. One of the other prisoners swears that your slave returned and took the legionary away."

The laughter which burst from Caddaric surprised them all. "How did she accomplish such a feat?" he inquired when his mirth had subsided. "Did she work some spell that turned them invisible to the eyes of your guards?"

Lhwyd stiffened and his voice lost some of its melodic quality. "The guards were gone."

"Gone?" Caddaric reiterated in a chuckle. To his side, Artair laughed softly and Heall could not control a grin.

"Aye, gone," Lhwyd hissed. "They went into the city when the temple was fired."

Caddaric nodded wisely. "So the only witness you have is a prisoner? Tell me, Lhwyd, what would you say or do if you thought there might be a way to save your life? Surely you would not lie to the man who holds your life in his hands?"

The mockery was more than Lhwyd could bear. "I would tell him anything. Even the truth." His eyes glittered. "Your father deprived me of thirty sacrifices—I cannot prove his deed, but I know his weakness. No doubt he thought to be merciful."

"A quality which is foreign to you," Artair noted blandly.

Jilana stared at him in surprise. Artair's allegiance had always lain with Ede. Why had he changed? What forces were at work here that she did not understand?

"Artair," Ede gasped in dismay.

The young man shrugged. "Gods, Ede, have you not seen enough blood since Venta Icenorum?" Artair asked fiercely.

"The Morrigan demands—" Lhwyd began.

"Nay, Druid, you demand," Artair interrupted. "'Tis not even an honorable death you grant your captives. 'Tis butchery."

Lhwyd's face hardened until the skin was stretched taut across his cheekbones. The effort he made to keep his temper was visible to all. "The legionary's tunic was found where he lay. The trees around the prisoner compound have been searched." His voice assumed a reasonable tone. "While Clywd may feel duty bound to offer the wounded a painless death, he would not help one of my sacrifices to escape. Neither would any Iceni or our allies." He stared at Caddaric's shoulder, as if his gaze could pierce the other man's flesh and see Jilana. "Only one person in this camp would have a reason to do such a thing."

Caddaric gave a snort of disgust. Reaching behind him, he caught hold of Jilana's wrist and pulled her to his side. "Look at her, Lhwyd. She is chained; as much a prisoner as your helpless sacrifices. If she were Iceni, I would admit to the possibility of what you say, but she is Roman." Caddaric did not see the look that passed between Artair and Heall at his words.

Lhwyd slowly shook his head. "You are a fool, Caddaric. Why do you not see what is so plain to others?"

"Then ask her yourself." Caddaric, impatient, nearly shouted the challenge. "We will see which of us is the fool!"

Jilana stared at the ground, consumed by dread. She would not look into Lhwyd's eyes again, for that way lay destruction, not only for herself but for Heall and Artair as well. Heall had not prevented Hadrian's escape, and then he and his son had taken risks to conceal her deed. Ahh, gods, if Lhwyd ever learned of their actions—

"Do you know where the primipilus is, Jilana?" Caddaric prodded.

Jilana swallowed convulsively. "Nay." That, at least, was partially true. She knew only his destination, not his path,

"Did you help him escape?"

Lhwyd's question settled over Jilana like an icy cloak. Her fingers were laced so tightly together they were numb. "Nay."

"Look at me!"

Jilana glanced at the Druid, but her eyes quickly skittered away. She was wiser now; to do as Lhwyd commanded was the first step in subjecting her will to his. Her eyes came to rest on Clywd and she saw the concern in his face. He, too, knew the dangers; but worse, Jilana had the feeling that Clywd also knew her guilt. "I will give you your answers," Jilana told Lhwyd in a trembling voice, "but not my soul."

"You dare," Lhwyd cried, his expression murderous. With an oath, he started forward.

In a blur of movement, Caddaric whipped his sword from the sheath and slapped the flat of the blade against Lhwyd's chest. From all around Jilana came the sound metallic hiss of other swords being drawn and readied and her stomach gave a sickening lurch. "Keep your distance," Caddaric warned Lhwyd in a steady voice. "She was given to me by the Queen. Not even you dare to touch a royal gift."

Jilana looked around. Heall and Artair stood poised for battle, the sun reflected on the naked blades of their swords. Lhwyd's guards were similarly prepared. A discreet distance from their camp, the curious had gathered to witness the confrontation. More blood would be shed, someone would be wounded—or killed—if something was not done. Jilana forced the muscles in her throat to work. "I did not help Hadrian." In the heavy, charged silence, Jilana wondered if they had heard her. "I did not help Hadrian escape," she repeated, her voice growing stronger. "Caddaric dragged me back to camp and ordered me to stay here."

"And did you?"

Damn Lhwyd, Jilana thought angrily. Why could he not simply accept her lie? The sudden rush of anger enabled Jilana to bring her head up and glare at the Druid with a certain disdain. "Aye. Thus far he has placed me in chains. What would he do if I disobeyed him?" She felt the pull of Lhwyd's will and quickly looked away before she could fall under his spell again.

"Are you satisfied?" Caddaric asked a heartbeat later.

"Nay," Lhwyd retorted. Ignoring the threat of Caddaric's sword, he moved toward Jilana. He stood close enough that his breath brushed her cheek when he spoke. "You have won this time, slave. The next time will end differently; then I will welcome you to the Morrigan's bed." Lhwyd turned and motioned to his guards. Jilana wrapped her arms around her trembling body in the wake of his departure.

It took forever before the three men relaxed enough to sheath their weapons. Artair moved first and Heall and Caddaric followed his lead.

"You have my thanks," Caddaric told Artair when the other resumed his place by the fire. "There was no need for you to make Lhwyd your enemy."

Artair stared into the flames. "One of the men I killed today had never held a sword before; his grip was wrong and he nearly dropped it before he swung at me. I imagine he was a merchant, mayhap a shopkeeper. I had to

remind myself that he was as much a threat as a legionary." He took up his cup and drank deeply. "Where is the glory in such an act?"

"We do what we must in order to be free." Ede spoke up, attracting their attention. "Have you forgotten the outrages committed against us and our Queen by the Romans? 'Twas shopkeepers who screamed the loudest when the Queen was scourged."

"We know, Ede," Heall said quietly. "But that does not make the killing easier."

Ede turned to Caddaric. "Is this how you feel? Are you as weak as this old man and his braggart son?" She eyed him contemptuously.

"I do not revel in death as your brother does," Caddaric replied. "I serve my Queen and Albion as I must, where I must, and wait for the destruction to end. One day, when you are glutted on the sight and sound and stench of the battlefield, you will understand."

"Never," Ede declared, her eyes glittering. "Every Roman I kill eases the indignities I suffered under Rome. Only when Albion is ours once again and every enemy slain will I be truly free."

Jilana watched Ede leave and wondered how the other woman could be so hard. She turned back to the campsite and resumed the task of putting the plates away. Given Lhwyd's accusation, Jilana was not surprised to find herself shaking so badly that she lacked the strength to lift the amphora of wine back into the wagon. The handles slipped from her hands, and the jar would have fallen had not a pair of strong hands miraculously appeared and curled around the narrow neck. She recognized the long, blunt fingers and the heavy bracelets which circled his wrists. Caddaric!

"Lhwyd will not bother you again."

Jilana nodded, keeping her eyes on the amphora. What irony that Caddaric should choose to believe the only lie she had ever told him! And, Juno, if he ever discovered the truth— "The sacrifices will keep him busy," Jilana said bitingly. Caddaric's silence forced her to look at him, and the expression on his taut features told her the truth. "He is going to do it," she breathed, horrified. Until this moment, she had not truly believed Lhwyd capable of such an act. "Lhwyd is going to murder those poor people."

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