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Authors: Culine Ramsden

Define Me (11 page)

BOOK: Define Me
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“Sure thing, meet you by the car.” 


I quickly made my rounds saying good bye to the girls, I didn't really get to meet Vincent's friends, but hopefully we will meet again. 


I walked into the kitchen to find Heather waiting for me by the door with my handbag. 


“I put something in there for you I think you might need tonight.” 


“Oh let me guess you went shopping for that too this afternoon.”


“Oh yes I did, a girl must be prepared for what life throws at her.  Now go have fun, I will see you tomorrow.” 


“Don't let this party go on to late please you know the neighbours can get a bit funny about noise.”

Yes mom, I will not let it go on to late, now get out of here, that Hunk of a man is waiting for you.”

Chapter 13


When I got outside Vincent had my bags loaded into the back and was leaning against the car.  He always wears his cap back to
front; I wish that sometimes that he would not wear it. 


“Hey gorgeous are you ready to go?”


“Yes, I can’t wait to see your place.”


“Great, let’s go.”


I walked to the car and Vincent opened the door for me.  I looked over his shoulder; I could see Heather on the patio of my place doing our happy dance.  That girl is crazy. I got in, ready to put my seatbelt.  He bent over me to clip the belt, he was so close I could almost lick his neck, I controlled myself.  There is going to a lot of licking and biting and kissing happening soon, I'm counting on that. 


Vincent closed my door, leaving me to myself; it smells like, him fresh with a hint of mint.  I closed my eyes, taking in all that is Vincent. I was snapped out of my daydream when the door slammed. 

Penny for your thoughts.”


I looked at him and just smiled. 


“I will show you just now.” 


“Is that a promise?”


“Yes a promise.”


“We just need to stop at the drug store first if you don't mind; I need to pick something up.”


“No problem, is everything ok?”


“Yeah, I have a little bit of a problem; I don't have ... you know ... condoms.”


Vincent was blushing, wow never in a million year would I have thought a man like him would blush. 


“Oh so you have run out?” 


“No, no nothing like that, since I've been here, I haven't seen anyone, meaning I haven't needed them.”

Oh .... OK”


My inner goddess was doing her happy dance.  Ok maybe I should tell him that I have some in my bag.  


“I have a little confession to make of my own, I have only been with a guy once and that was a few months ago and then we broke up.  We used protection but I had myself tested just to be sure.  I'm clean and I have some condoms in my bag.  Heather was kind enough to get some this afternoon; I think she knew before me that this is where the night was going to end.” 


“Only once?”


“Out of everything I just said you heard the word once.”


“Yes, of course, I'm a man I need to know what type of competition I'm up against.”


“No competition, don't worry.” 


Vincent stayed about 2 miles up the road, also a sea side home.  We pulled into the driveway of a double story home, two large palm trees either side of the arched doorway, and it is amazing.  We stopped and Vincent put his hand on my leg and looked it to my eyes. 


“You ok with this?”


I smiled at him, trying to stay calm.  I didn't want him to know I was nervous.  But he lifted his hand and put it over my heart. 


“Your heart is beating so fast.” 


I bit my lip not knowing what to say, and then I heard that growl again.  He moved uncomfortably in his seat like he was trying to hide what was very obvious, the excitement in his pants.


“Woman I need to get you inside right now!  Before I take you in this car and I don't think she would like sharing me in that way.”


He calls his car a she, but this is not the right time to get into this.  Vincent turned to get out of the car and I reached for the door handle to open it. Vincent turned back and reached over me placing his hand on mine stopping me. 


“Don't, I will come and open for you.”


OMG, what a gentlemen.  I think I just fell even harder. I watched as Vincent walked past the front of the car, I had to grin at what I saw, not even his baggy jeans could hide it.  He saw me looking at him and gave me that cocky grin as he opened the door; he offered me his hand to help me out of the car. 


“Sorry for this, he has a mind of his own.  You have been driving us crazy since the first time I laid my eyes on you.” 


I pushed up pressing my body into his, my left arm around his neck and my right travelling down past his rippling abs till I find what I have been craving since the first day I saw him.  Cupping him in the palm of my hand, hell he is big, I squeezed just a little before I whispered into his ear.


“Let’s go.”



bent down and scooped me into his arms almost sprinting up the steps.  Not wanting to set me down, he fumbled with his keys to get the door open and switch the alarm off. 


“I'm sorry, but I can't wait to taste you, all of you.”


“No wait I need my bag please.”


“CAITLIN, really you need it now?” 


“Yes please, it has been a long day and I need to freshen up first.”


Very reluctantly he placed me down on the ground next to the front door. 


“Ok, wait here, I will go get it, but you know that it’s not needed.”


“Yeah but I need it.” 




He walked out of the house and went to get my bags out of the car.  When he got back he had my bags in his one hand and took my hand with the other. 


“Let’s go, I have waited far too long to get you alone.  I will give you a tour of the place in the morning.” 


We went up the stairs and stopped by the second door on the right.  He walked in first pulling, me behind him.  What an impressive room, it is about twice the size of mine and such a man’s room.  The colours in the room were white, grey and black with a massive king size bed. A big bed for a big man.  Vincent let go of my hand leaving me standing in the middle of the room, I wasn't too sure what to do or what to expect.


“The bathroom is through there, I will put some towels out for you.”


He walked into the bathroom and placed my bags on the little bench just outside.  Five minutes later he came walking out the room with a big grin on his face, I was still standing in the same spot that he left me. 


“You ok, you haven't moved?” 


“Yeah I am fine.  Just checking out things you know, making sure this will do.” 


“Oh really?  Well I will leave you to yourself for a little; it looks like you need it.  I'm going down stairs to get us something to drink and a midnight snack you did not eat much today.” 




He walked out the room closing the door behind him.  I let out a sigh of relieve, I was a little panicky.  I hope I wasn’t making a mistake to be with him so soon after we have met.


I grabbed my bag and went into the bath room to find that Vincent had lit some candles and was pouring a bubble bath.  Oh this is going to be good.  I took off my clothes, folded them up and placed them back in my bag.  I took out the outfit Heather bought for me today.  I had never been so nervous in my life; I hoped the bath would calm my thoughts. I took out my soap and put it on the side of the bath before I slipped into the water, I was fully covered in bubbles, it was glorious.  I lay back in the bath, floating away in thoughts.  I did not ever hear Vincent come back into the room. I could feel him though.  When I opened my eyes I found him leaning against the door looking at me. Those dream eyes would be the death of me one day.   


“You like what you see?”


“Very much yes!  You enjoying that?” 


“Yes I am thank you.” 


“You mind if I join you?”


“No, I don't mind.” 


Vincent walked towards me undressing as he went, he came to stand right in front of me, dropping his pants.  I didn't know where to look this was the first time I had seen a man so naked.  My eyes ran the length him his body, Vincent was perfect in every way, you could see he works out.  It was the first time I could see the full effect of the tattoos running across the top of his shoulders I wondered what they meant to him.   I did not realize I was staring but how could you not, he has such broad shoulders and his abs, hell it’s so defined and the V over the lower part of his hips!  I think I started to drool a bit. I moved forward so that Vincent could slip in behind me, he put his leg either side of mine.  I leaned back into him with my head against his chest.  The feel of his skin against mine pricked every nerve in my body.  Every part of me was aware of every part of him.  I was a little nervous to start; I was not sure how to react. 


“Just relax, I am not going to bite, maybe not right now, but I can’t make any promises about later.  You need to know that I will not do anything you don't want to do.”


“I am fine, just a little nervous; this is all very new to me.”


“Just relax.  I brought us something to snack on when we done in here.”


Vincent put some of my soap in his hands and rubbed it over my back and down my arms. The touch of his fingers sent shivers down my spine and goose bumps over my flesh.  My nipples hardened and my sex was craved more.  I placed my hands on his thighs, holding maybe just a little too hard but he said nothing, he just continued to lather my skin with soap. He leaned in and kissed me behind my ear and then moved his palms over my chest, I stopped breathing but waited in anticipation for what was to come.  My nipples were already hard from just a simple touch of his hand; I was so ready for this man to take me, to own me completely.  Vincent very slowly cupped my breast with once hand rubbing, squeezing pulling my nipple; other hand travelled down to find me ready, wanting him. My breathing became shallow and rushed.  I wanted it so much but yet I was scared, I was scared that I was not woman enough for him.   


As if he could feel my fear, he started whispering in my ear.


“I want and desire you from head to toe.” 


I leaned even further into Vincent allowing him to take me.  I was lost in the moment; his kisses went from gentle, soft kisses to hard and passionate.  Nipping the shell of my ear and sucking it into his mouth, biting my neck, I turned my head to the side to meet his kisses.  When our lips connected it was like fireworks between the two us.  He moved his hands to cup my face; he licked the bottom of my lip before biting down on it.  He pushed his tongue into my mouth; the movement was strong, wilful and demanding.  He was in control and I had the freedom to let go and let him show me the way forward.  Not breaking our kiss for one second, Vincent turned me around so that I was facing him, wrapping my legs round his hips.  His one hand moved to the small of my back, resting there for just a little before he passionately pulled me against his body, water splashing out the bath.  I was so close, every part of our bodies was touching and I could feel his cock grow harder against my body. 


The water felt cold against my skin and I began shivering.  Vincent pulled away from me; he looked into my eyes and rubbed his palms up and down my arms. 


"As much as I want to take you right now I think we need to get out of here, you are starting to get cold.  We will need to do this again since I did not get the chance to wash the whole of your body" 


Vincent got out of the bath, the water running little rivers down his sculptured body.  He grabbed two towels off the heated towel rail, wrapped the one around his hips, not even bothering to dry his body and then he held his hand out to me, to help me out of the bath.  I stood up in the bath fully exposed in front of him.  I let go of all my insecurities and just lived in the moment, there was no turning back.  Vincent stood in front of me not making any effort to help me out; he just stood there staring at me.  His eyes started at my legs trailed up my body, absorbing every part of me.  His eyes lingered over my full hard breasts; I swear they perked even more by the lust in his eyes.  When his eyes finally settled, he held his hand out and helped me out of the bath. 


“You are so beautiful.”


BOOK: Define Me
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