Read Deception at Dark Hall (The Briony Martin Mystery Series) Online

Authors: Stacey Coverstone

Tags: #mystery, #series, #Paranormal, #Romance, #Gothic, #novella

Deception at Dark Hall (The Briony Martin Mystery Series) (10 page)

BOOK: Deception at Dark Hall (The Briony Martin Mystery Series)
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Daniel rolled his eyes. “If you’d heard the crying, you wouldn’t think they were faking anything.”

“Please,” Briony said. “Listen to me. You’re emotionally involved. I’m the voice of reason. Call Sergeant Montague.”

He finally acquiesced and phoned police headquarters, but he left a message when told Montague was on another line.

“Let’s wait until he returns your call,” Briony begged.

“I can’t wait. I’m leaving now. Montague will get my message and meet me there.”

“If you insist. Wait for me to grab my coat.”

He grabbed her arm. “No. You’re staying here. Tell Mark and Paige what’s going on. I can’t involve you more than I already have. You’re right about my feelings for Sharlyn. I love her, and I want to be there for her. She won’t hurt me.”

“But Shelby might!”

Ignoring her, he strode to the kitchen where his coat and hat were and flung the coat over his shoulders like Superman’s cape.

Briony’s heart thundered. Old fears stirred like a bear arousing from hibernation. It would be safer to stay here. But no detective worth her salt would let fear hold her back. Crimes weren’t solved from the recliner. She’d grown so much in the past few months. Anxiety wouldn’t defeat her now. Detecting seemed to have gotten into her blood. More importantly, she needed to keep Daniel from running off half-cocked to Dark Hall. He’d finally admitted he loved Sharlyn. But that didn’t mean he’d be safe with her.

“I’m going. Wait for me!” she called, dashing out of the kitchen and up the stairs to her room. She pulled on her jacket and stuffed her feet into fur-lined boots. When she returned to the living room, Daniel had finished scribbling a note to Mark and Paige, which he left next to the telephone.

“Let’s go,” he said, casting open the front door.

It was a good thing she’d dressed warmly and put on boots. Fat flakes of snow were falling from the sky.

~ * ~

A thin layer of powdery snow covered the ground by the time they arrived at Dark Hall. An ambulance was parked in front, but no police vehicles. Daniel urgently pressed the buzzer next to the front door. After the third time, an unfamiliar masculine voice crackled through the intercom.

“Who’s there?”

“Daniel Collier. Let me in.”

“I don’t know anyone by that name. Why are you here? Who called you?” The voice was tart and laced with suspicion.

“Sharlyn called me. Please let me in.”

Silence met his plea. Exasperated, Daniel shouted into the intercom box. “Look. I know what happened to the butler. Sharlyn called and asked me to come. Now open up!”

The door finally creaked open. A handsome man looking to be in his late thirties or early forties stood erect on the other side. Strongly built with a flat nose and a full beard, he looked dapper in dress pants, a sports jacket, and a tie. His hair was curly and jet-black. Briony found herself staring at his large pointed ears. Memories of her studies in mythology flooded back.

This man resembled a Satyr! From what she remembered of Greek mythology from school, a Satyr had goat-like features and was a lover of wine and women. Satyrs were ready for every physical pleasure and were obsessed with nymphs, whom they often pursued through a ritualistic dance.

The weird tapestry she’d seen in the séance room of this mansion also flashed through her mind. A scream caught silently in her throat. This man didn’t have horns like those rams gathered around the nude woman in the tapestry, but his dark eyes sparkled hypnotically like black diamonds. A shiver ran the length of her when he smiled and bared razor-sharp teeth. She entered the foyer squeezing close to Daniel.

“Who did you say you were?” The man’s gaze raked them up and down.

“I’m Daniel Collier and this is Briony Martin. I told you over the intercom that I’m a friend of Sharlyn’s. She phoned and told me what happened to the butler, Griggs. Is he going to survive?”

The man shook his head. “Sadly, he passed away ten minutes ago. The coroner has been contacted.”

“The police are on their way, as well,” Daniel said. “They should be here any minute.”

The man’s head snapped toward him with eyes flashing. His mouth opened and closed, as if he were about to comment and then changed his mind. Was there a reason he hadn’t wanted the police called? Briony felt an emotional charge surge from her neck to her knees when his spellbinding gaze met hers.

“I didn’t catch
name,” Daniel said.

The man stuck out his hand to shake. “Nikolaos Yannatos.”

“Isn’t that Greek?” Briony asked, feeling her heart pound against her rib.

He stared. “Yes, it is. My ancestors came to this country many years ago.”

“And how are you associated with Sharlyn and Shelby?” Daniel asked.

Yannatos’s gaze narrowed. “I’m the Dark family’s lawyer. I was the first person they called when Griggs was discovered in his quarters. I’ve known the girls all their lives. Oliver Dark’s ancestors are also from the Old Country. He and I grew up together.”

Briony bit her lip. She didn’t believe it. If Oliver were still alive, he would probably be in his sixties. That would make Yannatos the same age and at least twenty years older than he looked. How could that be, unless he drank a magic potion that kept him immortal? Paige’s talk about witchcraft and sorcery had gotten into her head. She shook it hard to rid herself of the ridiculous thought.

Daniel’s chest swelled, and his chin lifted. “I want to see Sharlyn and Shelby. Will you please take us to them?”

Before Yannatos could answer, a whirring sound caught their attention. Briony recognized it as the elevator they’d taken to the second floor on the night of the séance. Two paramedics appeared from the dim hallway wheeling a gurney. The body stretched upon the gurney was covered with a white blanket. The paramedics halted in front of them.

“Mr. Yannatos, we’ll be taking Mr. Griggs to the city morgue now,” one of them said.

“Fine, thank you.”

Daniel placed his hand on the cart to stop it from rolling. “No, it isn’t fine. The Chicago police department is on their way. This man isn’t going anywhere until they get here. They need to conduct an investigation, even if it’s a suicide.”

“I’m sure you know that’s proper procedure,” Briony added, glancing between the two paramedics. Sheepishly, they both looked at Yannatos for direction.

His lips were taut. “Of course.” His head snapped toward the library. “You men can move the body into that room.”

“Yes, sir,” the medics said in unison.

Once they’d disappeared into the library, Daniel repeated, “Please take us to Sharlyn and Shelby.”

Yannatos hesitated.

“What are you waiting for?”

“I think it would be better if you come back later when there’s less chaos.”

Daniel gritted his teeth in frustration. “We’re not coming back later. I insist you take us to Sharlyn now! I love her. She needs me. I’m here to help her through this crisis.”

“You love her?” Yannatos said, clearly surprised.

“Yes.” Daniel’s patience had run out. “If you won’t show me to her, I’ll find her myself.” He began walking in circles around the foyer loudly shouting out her name. “Sharlyn! Sharlyn!”

“Stop,” Yannatos said, clutching at his arm. “It’s obvious you care for her.”

“Damn right I do.”

A long moment passed before the man spoke again. “I can also see you don’t understand the situation.”

Briony spoke up. “I think we do understand, Mr. Yannatos. Sharlyn’s been hiding Shelby here since Andrew Whealdon was killed in her apartment. The police will want to question her when they arrive. Is that why you didn’t call them about the butler’s death? You don’t want them to know it was Shelby and not Griggs who committed the crime. Am I correct?”

He said nothing, but she shuddered under his blue chill.

“As her lawyer, you must convince her to speak to them,” she continued, willing her voice not to shake. “Shelby won’t be in trouble if she had nothing to do with the murder. But if she, or the twins together planned the crime, they must be held accountable.”

Daniel moaned, “Briony, I told you Sharlyn isn’t capable of killing anyone. She helps people, she doesn’t hurt them.”

“I’m sorry, Daniel, but a man was murdered in cold blood. Maybe even two men. And you were attacked. Whomever is responsible must face charges.”

“You’ve got it all wrong,” Yannatos said darkly. “Griggs left a note. He confessed to killing this Whealdon fellow, as well as a man named Todd Brandt five years ago, and my old friend, Oliver, ten years prior. Griggs wrote that Oliver didn’t fall down the stairs. He pushed him. Griggs committed all the crimes.”

“Why?” Briony asked. “What was his motive?”

“The note explained that he felt possessed by a demonic spirit. Many years ago, he’d spurned a woman. She was a witch and put a curse on him. From that moment on, he was consumed by satanic desires. Like a starving man craving a meal, his only gratification came when he killed. He fought hard to control his urges, but with this last kill, the guilt apparently became too much to live with any longer. He wanted to go to the police and confess what he’d done, but he was old and knew he wouldn’t survive prison. His note said he decided suicide was his best option.”

“A witch!” Daniel exclaimed. “Of all the ridiculous things…” He shook his head, unbelieving. “The police will want to see that suicide note.”

 “What a tall tale,” Briony muttered, “even for a bizarre place like Dark Hall. It’s my opinion something less theatrical, but far more sinister is at play here. Would you like to hear my theory, Mr. Yannatos?”

He clasped his hands behind his back. “I suppose I have no choice.” His cold stare turned her body to ice.

She inhaled deeply. “I do think someone in this house killed Andrew Whealdon, Todd Brandt, and maybe even Oliver Dark. But it wasn’t Griggs. However, Griggs knew who that person was. Perhaps he’s been covering for her all these years. After Whealdon was found dead in Shelby’s brownstone, he knew the police were closing in on the real murderer, so he asked her to turn herself in. She refused and murdered him to keep him from spilling the truth.”

“Preposterous. Who
you, anyway?” Yannatos tossed his hand into the air. “Tell me why I shouldn’t throw the two of you out on the step right now?”

“Because you know I’m right, Mr. Yannatos. Griggs did not commit suicide. You’re a lawyer who has sworn to uphold justice. You can’t do that and keep protecting the twins. It’s time for the truth to come out.”

His mouth twisted. “You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Then tell us what’s really going on. Take us to the girls,” Daniel demanded.

Yannatos spun on his heel. “Very well. Follow me. If you want the truth, you’ll get it.”






His shiny patent leather shoes clicked along the floor as Briony and Daniel trailed him past the spiral staircase to the hallway where the elevator was located. Head craned over her shoulder, her gaze moved to the top of the glass dome above the winding stairs. She doubted anyone could have survived a fall, or push, down those stairs. Least of all, an older man Oliver Dark’s age. Why had he been on the stairs at all, when there was an elevator in the mansion? She wondered if he’d been lured there.

Without speaking, the three of them rode the elevator up to the third floor. The door slid open. As they padded down a hallway of thick carpet, Briony found the stillness odd. She’d heard sobbing on the phone when Daniel was speaking to Sharlyn. And he’d said a woman was crying hysterically in the background. Had the mourning stopped so suddenly? Or was this a ruse as she’d first suspected?

Myriad thoughts flashed through her mind. Was Yannatos in cahoots with the twins? Knowing Daniel had been speaking to the police, had they lured him here to silence him for good this time? If so, they’d have to get rid of her, too. At least Daniel had left Mark and Paige a note. It was some consolation the couple would have proof of Briony and Daniel’s destination to show police if they turned up missing, or worse.

The lawyer stopped in front of a walnut paneled door. Without knocking, he opened it. “This is Sharlyn’s room,” he said, stepping back to allow Daniel and Briony to look inside. As she expected, it was eclectically decorated in feminine colors and fabrics mixed with an assortment of objects related to the supernatural. Some of the things she noted as her gaze perused the room were a large crystal ball, Tarot cards, bottles of oils, incense sticks, candles, and a Ouija board.

“Sharlyn isn’t here,” Yannatos said.

“That’s obvious,” Daniel stated dryly.

Yannatos closed the door and moved further down the hall. After stopping at another door, he opened it, also without bothering to knock. “This is Shelby’s room, when she’s around.”

They peeked inside. It reeked of strong perfume and resembled a bordello, or at least what Briony imagined a bordello to look like.

“Shelby’s not here, either,” the lawyer said.

“We can see that,” Daniel thundered. “What game are you playing?”

Yannatos shut the door. His burning hot gaze seared two holes through Daniel. “This is no game, Mr. Collier.” He set his shoulders and clenched his teeth. “If only it were. You did say you’re in love with Sharlyn, didn’t you?”

“Yes, I am.”

“But you were also captivated by and physically attracted to Shelby when you met her? Am I correct?”

Briony saw Daniel’s Adam’s apple slide up and down his throat. “That’s none of your business. What are you driving at?” he said, angrily.

The corner of Yannatos’s mouth turned up, and his fang-like tooth glistened. “They’re as different as fire and ice, but men are always falling in love with both of them. There’s something oddly provocative about twins, don’t you agree?” His eyebrow cocked.

 “What in the hell are you prattling on about?” Daniel said. “You’re very close to sounding perverted. If you don’t watch your mouth, I may have to punch it.”

“You, Mr. Collier, are no different from all the others. You were a fool to get mixed up with any of them.”

Any of them
? The air in the hall suddenly grew thick. It was hard for Briony to breathe. Her mind clouded over. She tried desperately to grasp the man’s meaning, but her logical brain refused to accept his implication.

BOOK: Deception at Dark Hall (The Briony Martin Mystery Series)
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