Debutante (15 page)

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Authors: Madeline Moore

BOOK: Debutante
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‘Cool,' said Paul.

‘Yeah, so she wants someone to make his way through the crowd and fuck her against the barricade.'

‘What? She's out of her fucking mind!' Luke stared at Emily. ‘Are there cops?'

‘Yeah. So? You guys go. Luke, take a hand-held camera. Paul, it's time for your close-up.'

‘Wait a minute –' Paul began.

‘We don't have time to argue. Just do it, OK? Go. Go!' Emily leaped from Luke's lap. She grabbed his coffee cup from his hand. ‘Go!'

‘What the lady wants, the lady gets,' said Luke. ‘What do you think, Paul? The Samsung?'

‘The Canon's smaller but for a crowd shoot you're probably –'

‘Just go!' Emily was practically jumping up and down. ‘This is going to be fucking fabulous!'

‘Right.' Luke grabbed the Samsung. ‘Bye.'

He walked out the door with Paul right behind him.

‘Man, that's some bossy babe you've got, bro,' said Paul.


The men walked quickly towards the edge of the crowd.

‘You know what Gary was sayin' last night?'

‘No idea,' replied Luke.

‘He says when Kara gets her panties twisted in a knot he gives her a good hard spanking.'

‘No shit.'

‘No shit.'

They stopped at the edge of the crowd. The cacophony of voices, some amplified by megaphones in the classic call-and-response that invited the agitated students to chant in unison, was almost overwhelming.

‘One, two, three, four. We can't afford to pay no more!'

A police whistle blew and a rowdy protester was captured by cops. The crowd roared its disapproval.

Luke raised the camera. ‘Marion was right about this. It's wild.' He shot the protester, who had gone limp, being dragged off to a police van. ‘Don't get caught, man. I think fucking in a public place might be against the law.'

‘I'm not going be doing any Marion-fucking, my friend.'


Paul shook his head. ‘I'm on her no-fly zone. It's in our files.'

‘Fuck. Emily doesn't even look at the files any more. She just tells everyone what she wants and expects them to hop to it. Goddam it!'

‘Sorry, man.'

‘Please don't tell me my friend Marion is racist.'

‘Nothin' like that. Depending on who you talk to, she propositioned me one night and I turned her down, which pissed her off, or I propositioned her one night and she turned me down, which pissed me off.' He grinned at Luke. ‘Now you tell me, which scenario is more likely to make a little red-headed size queen permanently pissed at a poor long dong named Paul?'

‘Marion does not like rejection.'

‘True dat. So, I shoot, you fuck.'

Luke made a split-second decision. ‘OK. Here.' He handed Paul the camera. ‘It'll be fast and dirty. I'm gonna make a beeline for that sexy bitch and she sure as hell better have her panties off when I get there.'

Paul steadied the camera on his shoulder. ‘At least there's a lot of press here.'

‘Yeah, maybe if we're real lucky we'll make the six o'clock news.' Luke glowered.

‘I mean I'll blend right in. I hope.' Paul flashed Luke another grin. ‘Ready?'

‘I'm more than ready. Stay close, dude. I'm gonna fuck her up the ass until she passes out from pleasure.'

‘Whoa! I'm right behind you! Rolling!'

Luke started through the crowd. His blood was boiling. Little Emily who couldn't take more than a pinkie up her bum without crying like a vestal fucking virgin had whored him out
. Without so much as a ‘would you mind, Luke?'

‘Sorry,' he muttered as he trod on someone's foot. ‘Man on a mission.'

As a matter of fact, Luke didn't mind at all. He hadn't had anal sex since he'd given up fucking for making love with someone so sweet he'd thought he could live without a butt fuck for the rest of his life if he had to. But ‘sweet' no longer described Emily. So, if she wasn't willing to give a man what a man wanted, a man, a
man, would get it somewhere else.

He'd turned down a gorgeous piece of ass the night before but it hadn't been easy. He wasn't about to do it again.

The thought of sinking his dick into Marion's eager asshole was so enticing he was practically running. Paul had better keep up because he sure as hell wasn't slowing down.

She was easy to spot. Her hennaed head of riotous curls stood out even in a crowd as large and rowdy as this one. Just as she'd said, she was pressed up against the barricade, chanting along with the rest of the crowd. She'd be singing a different tune in a couple of minutes.

Marion didn't so much as look to see who it was that suddenly grabbed her from behind. She just tilted her ass back, inviting a ‘stranger' to do whatever he wanted.

He unzipped his pants and flipped up her full, short skirt, exposing her bare ass for a flash. Luke gripped his dick, dipped his knees and jammed his raging hard-on up her ass.
No fuss, no muss.

Marion gasped. She froze, both hands gripping the barricade to keep her balance as her assailant rammed the full length of his rod inside her.

‘Atta girl,' he whispered. ‘Take my great big dick up your ass like the anal slut you are.'

‘What the hell!' Marion enunciated as best she could, given the circumstances. Obviously, she was doing her part to make sure their dialogue didn't get lost in the roar of the crowd. ‘Who the fuck are you?'

‘None of your business.' Luke, taking his cue from Marion, spoke as clearly as he could and as loudly as he dared. ‘What the fuck difference does it make, bitch? I've got what you want. Admit it.'

He pushed harder, jamming her up against the barricade and burying his dick another quarter-inch inside her.

‘I want it!'

She knew who it was. He was sure of it. Luke's memory was flooded with images of Marion and him fucking each other's brains out. It'd been so easy. So goddam fucking easy. And so much fucking fun.

‘Diddle your clit if you want to come because I don't give a fuck if you do or not.'

One of Marion's hands dropped from the barricade. She wriggled it down between the barricade and her body and slid it under the hem of her skirt. She swayed a little.

Now that Luke was inside her both his hands were free. He kept one on her shoulder and grabbed the railing of the barricade with the other.

‘Christ,' he hissed.

‘What the hell?' A shocked voice let him know they'd been spotted.
No time to waste.

‘Hey!' This voice came from the other side of the barricade. The cops would be on him in a moment. He didn't care. If they tried to drag him off he'd drag her with him. They'd have to hose the two of them down to separate them now.

Marion moaned, ‘Oh my God.'

Luke fucked her hard and fast. It was heaven to be inside her tight, hot little asshole. It was … it was … almost too much …

‘Fuck!' The first spurt of come seemed to be sucked from his whole body, from his firmly planted feet to the top of his head.

She whimpered. ‘I'm gonna come. Don't stop. Please … I'm coming right fucking now!'

Her cunt contracted so violently her tunnel squeezed the length of his prick and he spurted again and again and again and again …

Luke sunk his teeth into the back of her neck, like a mutt claiming its bitch. It was the only way he could keep from howling.

‘Po-po,' muttered a voice behind him. Right. Paul.

Here came the long arm of the law.

But it didn't matter. Luke was done. He pulled out, zipped up and took off. He didn't know if Paul was behind him or had kept his camera on Marion. He didn't know and he didn't care. At the moment, he didn't even care if Marion was getting lost in the crowd or dragged off to the cop van. He was free and that's all that really mattered.


Luke didn't stop running until he was in his own back yard. He threw open the back door and practically fell into the kitchen.

Emily was exactly where he'd left her, no more than half an hour earlier. She jumped up as he burst through the door. ‘What?'

‘Quiet.' He glanced out the kitchen window. Nobody there. ‘Ha!' Luke collapsed into a kitchen chair. He was panting like the dog he was. ‘Ha!'


He focused on Emily. As usual, her beauty disarmed him. He tilted his head back and closed his eyes. It would be easier if he wasn't looking at her when he spoke.

‘Did you … did you guys find Marion?'


‘Did you get the shoot?'


‘Great. That's terrific, Lukey.'

‘You got that right.'

‘What's the matter? Luke, look at me. What's going on?'

He took a deep breath and opened his eyes.

Her soft grey eyes were filled with concern. She looked innocent, as always. She smelled clean.

Innocent and clean, while he was sordid and dirty. Last night he'd eaten out an older woman and shoved a vibrator up her butt while she rode his buddy's dick. His first threesome had been forced on him by his own girlfriend. Fifteen minutes ago, he'd fucked his roommate up the ass in full view of his peers and professors, again at Emily's orders. And there she sat, fresh as a fucking daisy. It made him mad.

She leaned forwards to touch his knee. ‘Talk to me.'

‘Don't touch me, please,' he said in an even tone.

Emily's hand jerked back as if he'd smacked it. ‘Oh God, what is it? Did someone get arrested? What happened, Luke? Talk to me!'

‘Talk to you? OK, Emily, since you asked so nice. I'll talk to you. Let's see – I'm very tired. I'd like some alone time now.'

‘We are alone, Lukey. Let's go upstairs.' Emily stood.

‘I mean all alone. I want you to go back to your house and leave me be for a bit.'

‘No. Not until I get some answers.' Emily folded her arms.

The little bitch.

‘I'm the one looking for answers, Emily, and you better have them ready for me when I see you again.'

‘What's that supposed to mean?' She planted her feet. Her face began to turn red.

‘Hey!' His voice was sharp. ‘Don't even think of pulling one of your tantrums on me, little girl.'

Emily recoiled instantly. She whispered, ‘What's happening?'

‘Dunno.' Luke stood. He folded his arms, imitating her. ‘But here's what's going to happen. Listen up because I'm only saying it once. I'm going up to my room. I'm going to get my black belt. The thick one. You know the one I mean?'


‘I'm going to bring that belt right here, to the kitchen. And if you're still here, Emily, I'm going to put you over my knee and spank your ass until it's covered in welts. Until you beg me to stop. I don't care how much noise you make, or who sees us, or how hard you struggle. I'm going to take my belt to your ass and teach you a lesson you won't forget.'

Her mouth fell open. She stared at him as if he were a stranger. ‘B-b-b-but –'

‘I'm leaving the kitchen now, Em. Going to get my thick black belt. If you think you'd like to sit down sometime this week, you'd better get moving. Otherwise I swear to … to the Gods of Film, I am going to beat your ass black and blue.'

Luke sauntered out of the kitchen. He climbed the stairs at a leisurely pace. In his room, he opened his closet door and selected the black leather belt from among a few others hanging on hooks on the inside of the door. He doubled it and smacked it hard against his palm. The sound was satisfying. His palm stung. This would do nicely.

He descended the stairs, again taking his time. He didn't know if he hoped she'd be there or not. On the one hand, it would be immensely satisfying to punish her for the thoughtless way she'd cheapened their relationship. The way she'd cheapened
. On the other hand, if he beat her the way he'd said he would, the way he fully intended to if she was still in the kitchen, then she'd be cheapened, too. She'd never seem clean to him again and that would be a terrible pity.

The kitchen was empty.

Luke shoved the belt through the loops of his jeans and buckled it. From now on, he'd make sure he was wearing it whenever he saw Emily.

If, that is, he ever saw her again.

Chapter Eighteen

Three days had passed. Emily sat at the desk in her father's study. It was a place she'd rarely visited since his death, four years ago. When she'd returned from Luke's house she'd gathered up all her executive producer materials, come in here and started sorting them out. Hopefully, it would help her find the answers Luke was looking for.

He'd been so angry. And that belt – the one he'd so calmly announced he'd beat her with if she was still in his kitchen when he returned – it was thick black leather. Smooth on the outside but rough, unfinished leather on the inside. Emily shuddered.

Daddy had never spanked her. Tears filmed her eyes. Here she was, an orphan, practically, just trying to do her best by everyone and she'd fucked up royally.
Was it her birth mother she yearned for, the one she couldn't remember? Or Bobby, who'd only been trying to do what Daddy had told her to do in his will?

The first night after ‘the incident' she'd searched in vain for information about Bobby's relatives in Brazil. Emily had never shown any interest in who they were or where they lived. Brazil was a place she'd visit with Bobby, maybe, someday, after she finished school … damn! Maybe that was the answer Luke was looking for? Emily was self-centred? She'd made a note.

The next day she'd gone through the fact sheets on the Movie Mob. Sure enough, Kara's stated clearly that she didn't do girls. Worse, though, were Marion's preferences. She wanted to work in sound: recording it and marrying it to the finished movie. She wanted to write. She wanted to act and was willing to play with anyone, male or female,
except Paul
. How long had Emily been operating on ‘instinct', deciding who should do what, regardless of what they'd stated they wanted to do? Add to that the fact that she'd been shooting and releasing movies all summer without issuing a single contract to her ‘people'. The only contract that mattered, she'd decided early on, was the one she'd signed with Vito. So she'd provided shelter and food for them and ignored their increasingly frequent requests for more than the allowance she'd doled out each week. She'd treated them like children, all the while denouncing Bobby for treating her the same way. But –

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