Death Takes A Trip (Julia Blake Cozy Mystery Book 5) (16 page)

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Chapter 28


Stan wouldn

t talk to them. Julia tried his number the minute that they returned to
the car. As soon as Julia mentioned Adams Construction he hung up.

At least I got
him to confirm his address before he hung up,

Julia said.

Are we going
to Edinburgh then?

Cain asked hopefully.


ve never been
there before.

Julia started the car.

I don

t know what we

re going to do about Stan, but we

d better get on our way, Delilah has been staring at us for the last
five minutes out of the window. Thanks for helping me in there.

I enjoyed it.
Although it was difficult to look unimpressed as she showed me around. Have you
seen the size of those bedrooms?

Julia laughed. They picked up lunch at a local shop
and then made their way to their next client.

Julia had just finished cleaning her client

s bathroom when her phone rang.

Hey, Julia!
Hope I

m not
disturbing you. It

s Helena

Hi, how are
you? Don

t tell me you

ve got some information for me already? Have you found out who that man
is that

s been
following Douglas?

I certainly
have. I

m looking at
him right now. He

s standing
outside the local hospital. It

s the one that your friend, Nina Sapphire, is in.

Julia gasped.


s he doing? Is
he looking menacing? Shall I drive over there?

You are a
woman of many questions! No, you don

t have to come here. I

ve got everything under control. I

ve taken several photos and I

ll know who he is within the hour.


s great. Thank you. Will you

Keep an eye on
him and make sure he doesn

t sneak into the hospital and do away with Nina?

Something like

Julia said.


ll keep an eye on him. If he moves, then I move too. Catch up with you

Oh, Helena,
just a minute. Can I ask you something?


Julia explained about Stan, and that he wouldn

t speak to her. She also told her about Erin Matthews and how concerned
she was about her granddad

s death.

Helena said,

I have ways of making people talk, and not by using force. Listen, I
have a contact in Scotland. I

ll give her a ring, she

ll be happy to visit Stan on your behalf. She

ll get the info that you need.

Really? That

s so kind of you.

Helena laughed.

You might regret asking for my help. When all this is over I

ve got a favour to ask you. Bye for now!

Julia told Cain what Helena had said. Cain said,

What do you think the favour is? Do you think she wants you to
assassinate someone? Or act as a spy? That would be awesome! Ask her if I can
help too.

I hope it

s nothing like that. Are we finished here? One more job and then we

re done for the day. I

ll pop in on Nina after I

ve dropped you off.

When Julia called in on Nina she was glad to see that
she looked brighter. She was surrounded by friends but still had time to make
Julia feel welcome. Julia didn

t say anything about the latest developments, she didn

t want Nina to lose her smile.

Julia yawned as she walked through her kitchen door an
hour later. Her yawn turned into a scream as she tripped over something. Strong
hands caught her before she landed on the floor.

Dad grinned at her and said,

Do you do all your own stunts?

Julia looked down at what had caused her to fall.

What are all these shopping bags doing here?

I noticed you
were getting a bit low on groceries. Your mum had me doing our weekly shop so I
thought I

d get some
things for you too. I was about to put them away. And don

t worry about that cat you dropped off, she

s fine with us for the moment.

He stopped.

Now come on, there

s no need to cry. Sit down, let

s get the kettle on.

Julia wiped her eyes.

Sorry, Dad. You

re so kind and thoughtful. I

m just tired. A lot has happened today.

She sat down.

Dad reached into the nearest carrier bag and pulled
out a boxed chocolate cake. In mock surprise he said,

How did that get there? We can

t let your mum see this. We

d better destroy the evidence.

A few minutes later they were both tucking into
generous slices of cake, cups of tea at their sides. In between mouthfuls of
cake Julia brought her dad up to speed.

She waved a fork at him and said,

Mildred pushed Nina down the stairs at the shop, she hates Nina and she

s got a bad temper. I can imagine her doing that. But I

m not sure that she killed Douglas. There

s something going on with Kirk Adams. He

s involved in Douglas

death somehow.

She yawned

Dad patted her hand.

Finish your cake. You need a good night

s sleep.

I don

t think I

ll be able to
sleep, my mind is too busy.

Dad stood up and reached into another carrier bag.
And, like a magician, he pulled something out.


s this doing
in here? White wine? Me and your mum only drink red wine. You

d better have this.

But I

ve got work tomorrow,

Julia protested.

One glass won

t hurt. Oh dear, I

ve opened it now. You

d better have a glass before it goes off.

He took a
glass from the cupboard and filled it halfway.

Take it into the front room and I

ll put this shopping away.

Julia stood up and took the proffered glass.

Thank you, I love you.

Most people

He turned her towards the living room and gave her a push.

Julia sat down, took a sip of her wine and placed it
on the table at her side. Her eyes were stinging. She closed them for a moment.

A short while later she was shaken awake. Dad smiled
down at her,

I hate to wake
you but you can

t sleep in
that chair. I

d carry you
upstairs but I don

t want to put
my back out.

He put his hands out and helped her to her feet.

Julia said thank you again and saw Dad to the door.

She slept better than she thought she would. She
certainly did not appreciate the banging on her door early the next morning.


Chapter 29


Good morning,
Julia Blake!

Julia peered through half-open eyes at her visitor.
She croaked,

Do you know
what time it is, Helena?

I do. I
thought you

d be up early.
Can I come in?

Julia opened the door and indicated for Helena to
enter. Julia said,

Five-thirty is
not early, it

s still night-time.
Sit down, I

ll put the
kettle on.

Helena grinned at her.


re not a
morning person, are you?


s not morning yet, I just told you, it

s still night-time. Tea? Coffee?

Helena waved a hand.

None for me thanks, I can

t stay. I

m due to follow
a cheating husband in twenty minutes. Listen to this, my contact spoke to that
Stan fella.

She got him to

Julia reached for the kettle. She definitely needed a caffeinated drink.

Of course, she

s a professional. You

re right about Stan being threatened. His windows were broken on
purpose. He faced up to Kirk Adams but then the nasty scumbag threatened to
hurt his grandchildren.


Julia slammed
the kettle down.

What a


s too early for me to put words together.

I have many
words for men like Kirk Adams. Stan felt he had no choice but to sell up. He
moved in with his daughter, then he convinced them all to leave Yorkshire. He
said they

re not totally
happy living in Edinburgh but Stan is too scared to move back.

Julia filled the kettle and switched it on.

Wow, that Kirk really got to him.

She looked
closer at Helena.

Why are you
grinning like that? Have I got something stuck in my teeth?

Nope, you

t heard the
best part yet. Well two best parts, if that makes sense. Before Stan moved away
he made a formal complaint about Kirk Adams.

Who to?

His dad,
Alexander Adams.

Julia reached for a teabag.

And what did he say?


s grin threatened to split her face in two.

He said he knew! He knew all about Kirk and his ways. He said he
endorsed them.

No way!

Yes. Stan
confronted Alexander Adams in his office when there weren

t any witnesses about, silly sod. You should always have witnesses.
Alexander told Stan that he

d taught Kirk to act that way. He boasted that was the reason Adams
Construction was so successful. It was his idea for Kirk to threaten Stan

s grandchildren.

Julia sank onto the nearest chair.

I can

t believe it.
I spoke to Alexander Adams, he doesn

t seem the type. Everyone has only good things to say about him.

Evil can put
on a friendly face, never forget that. I haven

t got to the next best bit, or the last best bit. Listen to this, Stan
told my contact that before he agreed to sell his house he got the feeling that
he was being followed. He caught sight of a man behind him several times. He
gave a description to my contact. It matched the description of the man that
was following Douglas.

Julia shook her head.

This is getting weirder.

Helena made a shushing motion at her.

Listen! I found out who the man is. He

s called Bobby Saxton and he works for


She moved closer to Julia and closed her open mouth.

I know, shocking, isn

t it? I confronted Bobby Saxton yesterday. He told me he

d been hired by Alexander Adams to follow certain people. Not to attack
them or anything, just follow them and make sure that the victim knew they were
being followed. Can you imagine that? You

d soon turn into a nervous wreck if you had someone staring at you
wherever you went. That was all part of Alexander

s plan. What do you think of that?

I think I need
a strong cup of tea. I can

t believe you found all that out so quick. Douglas said someone was
following him. Kirk, or his dad, must have been the one that pushed Douglas
down the stairs. They must have returned to the house after Mildred left.

Julia looked
straight at Helena.

Nina! They

re going to go after Nina next! I have to speak to DI Clarke.

Helena held up a hand.

No need. I

ve already
done that. I

ve crossed
paths with the lovely inspector before. I called on him before I came here.

You did? I bet
he was annoyed at you for waking him up. I bet he glared at you with those
piercing eyes of his.

Helena shook her head.

No, he was already up. He

d just returned from his morning jog.

Julia narrowed her eyes.


s not normal.
What did he say?

He thanked me
for coming to see him.

Humph! He
never thanks me for anything.

Helena continued,

I gave him supporting documentation and photographs. He said he would be
contacting Alexander and Kirk Adams first thing this morning. He

s going to question them again about Douglas

death, and how
they run their business.

Will he let me
know what happens?

Helena smiled and said,

He said, and these are his words,

I shall inform Ms Blake in due course what the outcome of our enquiries
are. No doubt she will be pestering me before I eat my lunch today.

Julia gave Helena a small smile.


s right about
that. Thanks again for your help.

She swallowed.

About the favour you mentioned?

Helena said,

Can I speak to you later about that? I really have to go. Don

t worry, I won

t be asking you to kill anyone! You can go back to bed now.

Julia stood up.

I won

t be able to
sleep with all this new information in my head.

Helena opened the kitchen door, threw her a wink and

You can go for
a jog. Catch you later!

Julia threw her a disgusted look.


t be
ridiculous. Thanks again.

Julia closed the door and finished making her tea. Did
Kirk or Alexander Adams kill Douglas? If so, why did she have this niggling
feeling in her stomach that something wasn

t right? There was something she was missing.

She couldn

t shake the feeling all day.

Later on, at a client

s house, Cain said,

I thought you

d be pleased.
You always said that Kirk Adams had something to do with Douglas


I know! That

s what

s bothering
me. I should feel happy, glad that justice has been done. But I don


She shook her head.

Perhaps I

m being silly.

Why don

t you tell DI Clarke how you

re feeling?

Ha! I

m sure he

d love to hear
about my feelings. You know what he said when he phoned earlier, he

d arrested Kirk and Alexander over their business dealings, and they
were looking into Douglas

death again.

Did he say if

d let Mildred

No, they

re keeping her for a bit longer. I

m sorry, Cain, I

m not much company today.


s alright. I know what will cheer you up. There

s an old black and white film on tonight, it

s one of Nina

s earliest
films. I

m going to
watch it.

Julia made a note of the film. Nina would be out of
hospital soon, it would be great to mention that she

d seen her in a film.

At the end of the day Julia settled down in front of
the TV with a glass of wine. She said,

Cheers, Dad,

and took a sip. Why did the first sip always taste so lovely?

The film began. Julia smiled when she saw Nina

s name come up.

As she watched the film tears began to pour down her
face. She put her glass down. She reached for her laptop and logged onto the
Internet. More tears fell. Her phone rang.

Julia, it

s me, Cain. Are you watching the film?

Julia nodded and managed to get out the word yes.

Cain said,

Are you crying? I am.

Julia nodded again. She cleared her throat and said,

Cain, I never expected this.

What are you
going to do?

The right


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