Dealing with the Devil (18 page)

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Authors: Marina Black

BOOK: Dealing with the Devil
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“I’m sorry. Matthew, it was good to meet you.” Something didn’t feel right about this situation. The boy had his eyes… those sparkling, haunting, Caraway green eyes. Matthew had to be around fifteen years old, which meant Candy would’ve conceived around the time they were together. Even if the soldier she married had been with her in that timeframe, there was also an equal chance that kid could be his. Marco was going to get to the bottom of this one way or another.

“Hey, Matty, how about you get us some punch?” Julia pasted a smile on her face until her nephew’s back was turned. Then, she rounded on Candy with murder in her eyes. “What the hell are you doing?”

“Protecting my family,” Candy hissed. “I won’t go down this road again!”

“It’s been fifteen years.” Julia whispered back, “Matthew never even
Anthony. After everything that’s happened, Matthew
a father in his life. Don’t you think it’s time you told the truth?”

Candy wrapped her arms tighter around her waist. “I need time to think about this. And if—and that is a very big
—I decide to tell them, I need to do it on
terms. I love you, Jules, but this isn’t your secret to tell.” Candy needed to get away…if only for a moment. “Excuse me.” She headed into the bathroom for a moment of privacy.

The door to the clubhouse swung open again and, much to the surprise of everyone assembled, Narayan Bosko brought his wife and daughter Adela to the fundraiser. He drank punch, chatted about politics, and donated generously; he even offered the support of the Nightriders if their services were ever required. Tim Gunter was unable to make it personally but he sent along his nephew and several other club members to show his support. It seemed very odd that Los Santos—who had remained the closest after the takedown of the Black Jacks—were not present. At least not at first.

It was well into the evening when Cecelia and Rogelio Santos slipped in through the back. Rogelio looked a little worse for the wear, arm in a cast and several lacerations on his face. Cece quietly informed everyone that her brother been in a motorcycle accident earlier in the week and wasn’t feeling his best. For once, she doted on her brother and made sure he got a seat near the food table; she’d even found a couple of Devil Eaters to keep Rog happy while she said her hellos.

Danny didn’t even bother to play it cool when he realized Cece had arrived. He rushed over, grabbing her in a tight hug. Cecelia laughed and let it happen for half a minute before she shrugged him off. “I’m here now,
, now the real party can begin!” Cece nudged Danny playfully before they went to grab a couple drinks.

The sight of Danny and Cece cozied up in the corner made Lucy smile. It seemed that everything was working out after all. Lucy slid beside Gabe again; he draped his arm around her and she beamed. “I never thought I could be this happy…” Lucy murmured. “That’s all thanks to you.”

“No, it’s thanks to you. This is all your doing.” Archie grinned. “I will never be able to make it up to you in a thousand lifetimes but I’m going to try. Lucy, you were right all along. You are exactly what this club needed…and what
needed.” Kissing her sweetly, he grasped her hand and began tugging her toward the door. “By the way, Anita is going to watch Amelia tonight.” He whispered into her ear, “I’ve got a big evening planned. A moonlit ride along the river, a hot meal that we eat without being interrupted, and…then I think we should get started on baby number two.”

Lucy captured Gabe’s lips again. “There’s nothing in the world that would make me happier.” Hurrying out to the van, Lucy stopped to gaze at Gabriel standing in the soft glow of dusk. Somehow, despite the odds, all her dreams had come true. It might have taken a little gambling to get it done, but the results could not be argued with. “I love you, Gabriel.”

Archie captured her lips once more, “I love you too, Lucy.” And with that, they headed toward the vibrant orange-red sunset. Happily ever after was right around the corner.

The End

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