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Authors: Moxie North

Dealer's Choice (4 page)

BOOK: Dealer's Choice
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Chapter 8


Sitting eating some kind of sweet sorbet, Marco had turned thoughtful. I watched him, he wasn’t really noticing me. I could see the wheels turning in his head so I took advantage and soaked up his beauty.

His eyes finally flicked to mine, “I think we can make that happen,” he said folding his arms. He looked smug.

“Can make what happen?”

“Your dreams, we can make sure you have time to finish your degree. Then after that if you are still interested in managing at a hotel, my family owns a number of them. A few even have casinos, of course they are all in Europe. Monaco to be exact.”

“I’m sorry but what are you talking about?” I sputtered.

Standing he walked over to me, took my hand and pulled me to my feet. Circling his arms around my waist, he leaned down and kissed me.

I was out of breath when he pulled back and spoke, “I have you. You’re here, in my home. I want you to stay here. I want you to quit your job and go to school full time. When you graduate we can decide where we want to move. I can work from anywhere in the world as long as I have a computer and my assistant is willing to travel. That’s what I’m talking about. And I wouldn’t be horribly upset if you decided to do most of your studying by the pool in any one of the suits I bought you,” he said running his hand over my bottom and giving it a pat.

Cheeky Italian, and clearly used to getting his way.

“We don’t even know each other Marco, what if this doesn’t work out? What if we aren’t compatible? I can’t just give up my job. And I don’t want to owe anyone for my education.”

“First, we will work out. I’m positive, because I adore you already. You’re funny and smart and determined to change your life. You’re beautiful, and sexy and I get hard just looking at you. Let me have you, let me make you mine. I promise I will make sure that if you ever choose to not be with me, I’ll get your job back for you. I’ll even pay your rent on your apartment so you know you always have a home. Even if it’s not with me. Although, I must tell you, I have five homes. Take your pick,” he said casually.

“Five? Really? Are they as big as this?” I teased.

“No, of course not. Some are bigger,” he laughed.

I rolled my eyes at him, yup, cheeky Italian.

“I just don’t know if I can commit to all of this Marco, It’s so much and so soon,” I admitted. It’s not like I could hide my vulnerability.

Mi amore
, I will give you all the time in the world. Just start by giving me tonight. Will you?”

“Yes, tonight I can agree to readily,” I said smiling, feeling like I had just had my sentence stayed at the last minute.

He gave my forehead a kiss and stepped back, stripping off his jacket. His hands went to his buttons on his shirt. Deft fingers flicked it open and a smooth hard muscled chest was revealed. He kicked off his shoes and his socks followed.

My eyes were glued to his hands opening his pants and shucking them down his legs. His shirt slid off his shoulders to the ground and there he stood. Naked.

He looked like the statue of David, expect he was packing a much larger endowment. No fig leaf was going to cover his long hard cock. It was quickly going from semi erect to full and ridged as I watched.

“Marco, someone could see you!” I reminded him. Not that I wanted him to cover up. I just felt it was the polite thing to say.

“My security and staff are very discreet, my dove,” he assured me, then dove into the pool.

Great, rock hard body, stunning cock and now he was soaking wet and looked like an ad for one of those obnoxious clothing stores in the mall.

“Join me?” he asked, holding out a hand to me.

I bucked up my courage and closed my eyes. I grabbed the cover up, which admittedly wasn’t covering much and dragged it over my head. Still not looking at him, I walked to the edge of the pool, sat and slipped in.

The covering of water helped me feel not so exposed. Marco swimming up to me and wrapping me in his warm embrace, skin to skin having me not giving a flying fuck about what I looked like was also nice.

His hot cock was nestled between my legs as I hooked one leg around his hip. That felt good, he was strong and he actually made me feel petite, at least in the water.

“I can’t wait to see you naked, but I must admit, that suit is the biggest cock tease. You will model the rest for me, yes?” he asked as he gently kissed along my neck.

I tilted my head, I was a sucker for neck kisses.

Firm hands roamed across my body, I felt the edge of the pool push up against my back. I was able to rest one foot on the bottom of the pool, so I could keep my leg wrapped wantonly around him.

Marco’s kisses moved to my mouth and I opened for him. I wanted him and I didn’t want to play coy. I wanted this man even if it was just this night.

A hand slid down the front of my tummy and I even forgot to suck it in, so lost was I in his kiss. I wasn’t prepared for the hand that dipped into the front of my suit. But the moment his fingers touched my hot wet folds, I moaned into his mouth. 

His fingers slid through my pussy lips, finding my throbbing clit and he zeroed in. Rubbing it as he used his hip to keep the pressure between my legs. It felt sooo good, I wanted more.

“More,” I moaned into his mouth.

“Anything for you,” he said, slipping one long finger inside me. His finger curled inside me, rubbing that sweet spot that had my pussy clenching his finger.

His hand kept up a steady rhythm, building it slowly. His thumb had slid over my clit and was circling it now, pressing around it like he was trying to stave off my orgasm.

“More,” I demanded.

“Anything for you,” he said, then added another finger inside of me. I bucked against his hand. It was tight and his fingers were thick. It had been a while for me and I was starting to doubt if I could fit the rest of him inside me. Sure it fit in my mouth, but I use that hole every day. Don’t even dare me about foot long corndogs.

“Show me your beauty, c
ara mia
,” he growled against my mouth.

I wasn’t totally sure what that meant, but I was really, really hoping he wanted me to come. I was so close, I just needed a little more.

“More,” I whimpered this time.

His fingers inside me dug deep and his thumb pushed down on my clit. I strained for it and the wave crashed over me. Lights flashed behind my eyes, as the orgasm traveled over my body. My pussy clenched his fingers over and over trying to suck him in deeper. It was perfect, he never stopped what he was doing, just let me find it on my own.

Chapter 9


As I started to relax, enjoying the afterglow of a delicious orgasm, my brain started picking up he was speaking in Italian as he placed kisses over my face and neck. I had no idea what he was saying. He could be telling me about the weather, but damn, it sounded sexy.

I felt his arms move to my legs and wrap both around his hips. He started walking to the pool stairs. As he stepped up, I tried to let go, but his arms tightened around me. He carried me, yes carried me out of the pool! I’d never had a man attempt to lift me up. Marco didn’t look like he was straining at all.

He walked us over to a large lounger that was set with a deep canopy that came over halfway down the top and sides of the bed. It offered some privacy, but not total.

“I know I should take you inside, but I can’t wait, my dove.”

He kneeled onto the cushion and laid me back on the smooth surface. Luckily it was warm enough tonight we would be dry in no time.

Marco sat back on his knees and just looked at me. His eyes scanning head to toe. They would stop and ponder some particular piece of me for a moment. The heat in his eyes altering and growing, then they would continue their journey.

Strong hands started moving along my limbs. Up my legs and over my thighs, across my belly and skimming the underside of my breasts. He even ran his hands down my arms until they laced with my fingers. Pulling them up, he gave each one a kiss on the backs of my hands.

“Tell me. Tell me you’re mine, that I can have you.”

Hmm, I might be a bit low on the self esteem level, but I was no fool.

“Yes, Marco, I’m yours.”

A white smile flashed in the dark and he leaned down to kiss me. Softly at first, but then with great urgency. Hands moved over my body, cupping and squeezing my breasts. I arched into his hands, then with a magic move, my top was gone. Anywhere but Vegas this would seem strange, but I’d seen enough magician acts to know anything was possible.

My brain was trying to locate the missing top when his hot wet mouth came down on my taut nipple. He sucked it into his mouth, his tongue flicking the end and his teeth nipping my sensitive flesh. Marco gave both breasts equal attention as I felt my pussy heating up under my cool suit.

“So soft, so delicious and now they’re mine,” Marco murmured into my skin.

“Hmm, yours,” I managed through my pleasure fog.

Marco sat back again, releasing my nipple with a pop. His fingers slid up my thighs and tugged on both knots of my bikini bottom. The fabric fell way and the little white scrap was barely covering me. A strong breeze could move it and leave me exposed.

Instead Marco stared at that triangle and then with reverent moves, like he was opening a highly anticipated Christmas present, he peeled it away.

My tiny landing strip of hair was neatly trimmed but I was nervous he wouldn’t like what he was seeing.

His hands moved to the inside of my thighs and in one move he pushed my legs up to my chest leaving me totally exposed. I was shocked until his mouth locked over my pussy and he started eating my pussy like a man who’d been lost in the desert and starved.

Metaphorically I suppose this was true, if you believed what he’d said earlier.

His tongue dipped inside me like he was scooping out my honey. I could hear him moaning and speaking Italian with out of breath pants.

Teeth nibbled along my labia, and graced my clit. I was in heaven, pure blissful heaven. He didn’t stop to ponder what to do next, it was like he had a master plan on how to eat me out. Hell, maybe he did. I didn’t care, it was phenomenal.

“Marco, baby,” I warned, feeling my already primed body ready to come again.

mi amore
, come in my mouth. I want to taste you.”

Those words were like dynamite going off inside me. I came, my back arching off the cushion. My hands clamped down on his head, pushing him into my wet heat. Trying to keep my orgasm coming. I was greedy, and wanted more. It was the best orgasm I’d ever had and like a junkie wanted to keep my high.

Marco worked his tongue over my clit, dragging out my pleasure as long as he could. So add longest to my official best orgasm ever title.

As I was enjoying the floating sensation coming down from my orgasm I felt a smooth tip nudge at my opening.

My eyes flew open and saw Marco looking down at me, his eyes burning and feral. I locked onto his gaze as he pushed into me. My body stretched to take even the head of his cock. I was swollen from my orgasms, but I wanted to feel him inside me. I relaxed and he moved forward, deeper into me.

Our eyes on each other, he flexed his hips, seating himself completely inside me. I couldn’t help but gasp. I was so full and stretched my mind wanted to rebel, but my greedy pussy was more than happy.

“Are you ok, my dove? I need to move, tell me I can,” he pleaded, holding himself still but I could see his muscles straining for control.

“Marco, make love to me,” I urged and his eyes closed briefly with a look of relief. Then he moved.

Slowly at first allowing me to get used to his size. Then he set up a delicious pounding rhythm that had me constantly guessing. His pace stayed the same, but he was adjusting his hips like he was searching for something. On one especially deep thrust, he hit a spot inside me that I couldn’t tell if it was pain or pleasure.

I gasped and squealed, shifting my hips away from his cock rubbing inside me. His hands came down from where they had been bracing him on the lounger and grabbed both side of my hips.

He held me securely so I couldn’t wiggle and kept hitting the spot over and over again. I tried to get away from it at the same time I urged him deeper. It was unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. Pleasure, pain, and confusion warred inside me.

Cara mia
, trust me, come again for me. Let go,” he panted.

I trusted Marco, so I let go.

I imagine I had a pleasure stroke. There was no other way to describe it. My entire body seized and my brain stopped functioning. My vision blurred and the pleasure felt like it was leaking out of my pores it was so intense. I felt the hard squirt of something liquid shooting from my pussy. When that happened a satisfied grunt came from Marco.

I went limp as Marco picked up his pace. He kept my body from relaxing completely as I rode through the end of the now most amazing orgasm of my life. It was like I’d placed bronze, silver, AND gold tonight.

I felt his body start to jerk and his thrusts shorten. I pulled my pussy muscles tight around his pounding cock. Urging him to cum in me, to soak me in his seed.

Mi amore
, Carmen!” he shouted as his body locked and I felt hard jets spurt into my wet weeping pussy.

When the last hot stream coated my womb, I reached my hands up and petted his hair. He let his head drop to my chest as he caught his breath.

This felt so good. It felt so right. I didn’t want to leave this giant sun lounger ever. We could live here, people to bring us food, water to cool off in. Yup, I was moving into this lounger with Marco. Simple.

I loved his weight on me. I loved his cock still inside me. I loved the smell of the desert heat and the aroma of flowers surrounding me. It would be too easy to fall in love with Marco here. Being surrounded by beauty lets your mind think of all the amazing possibilities.

“My dove, are you okay?” I heard as Marco raised his head from my chest and placed a soft kiss on my mouth.

“Of course, that was the most amazing sex I have ever had. I’m totally one hundred percent blissed out right now,” I admitted.

“I’m glad, I want you to be happy and blissed out,” he said looking into my eyes. His were sparkling and I don’t mean reflecting light. This sparkle was coming from within. He looked blissed out and happy himself. Relaxed and content actually.

“Are you okay? I mean was I okay?” My nagging self doubter reared its ugly little head.

“I’m ecstatic,
cara mia
. I’ve wanted you for so long, and now that I have you, I’m a bit overwhelmed. Please don’t take it for any kind of hesitation. I’m afraid this is just a dream and I will awaken very sad tomorrow,” he said. The look of vulnerability pulled at my heart.

I pushed up onto my elbows. I wanted to reassure him, but I didn’t know what to say. My momma always says to follow your heart. That we over think things and let love slip away too often. It was a sin to turn your back on love.

I didn’t want to turn my back on love. I really didn’t want to turn my back on Marco. Maybe he was my prince charming. He certainly had the house for it. And although I doubt any were crystal, I’m sure the shoes upstairs would make even Cinderella jealous.

What could my life be like with him? Was I brave enough to risk a broken heart to find out?

“Marco?” I started, chewing my lip trying to figure out how to begin.

“Yes, my treasure?” he said kissing my eyelids, tickling his lips down my cheeks.

“I’ve always thought about going to school in New York. You wouldn’t happen to have a home there would you?”

He pulled back and the look that flashed across his face was shock, then varying levels of disbelief then pure unadulterated joy.

vita mia
, but I’ll buy you one,” he promised, kissing my mouth hard.

We both laughed and kissed. Holding each other tight, our desert oasis humming with life around us. Perfection was right here in Vegas.

Per sempre insieme
,” he crooned into my ear.

“Huh?” I really needed to learn Italian.

“Forever together, my dove. I’m only yours and you are only mine.
Ti amo

My heart grew light as I looked into those emerald green eyes. Maybe sometimes even the dealer needs to bet it all.

BOOK: Dealer's Choice
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