Read Deadly Obsession Online

Authors: Kris Norris

Deadly Obsession (7 page)

BOOK: Deadly Obsession
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“Damn your ass is tight.” He pulled back then plunged again, feeling her muscles grip his finger. “So tight and hot it’s all I can do not to come on the spot.”

She groaned her reply, apparently not able to speak. He smiled a savage grin, adding another finger. Damn, it was too tight. How the hell would he ever get his cock inside her? He pushed harder, separating the untried tissues, tunnelling his fingers back and forth until the severe clenching relaxed as she accommodated the width more easily.

Take her now before she has a chance to refuse.

He thrust again, reaching to the side table, removing a tube of lubrication from the drawer. He opened it with one hand, squirting a generous amount down the length of his shaft. He’d only tried to penetrate her once this way and had needed to stop when the pinching had gotten too much for her to bear. He could only pray he wouldn’t have to stop tonight.

He spread the gel along the length of his cock, ensuring the head was completely covered. Then he removed his fingers and lodged the crown against her anus. He didn’t see how he’d fit, but he was sure as hell going to try.

“Easy, darling, I don’t want to hurt you.”

She relaxed her muscles, moaning in pleasure as he pushed against the tiny opening. It gave slightly, allowing just the tip inside. He growled and pushed again, pulling her cheeks apart as he speared his cock against her. He felt the tight ring clenching on the end, whether to draw him in or force him out he wasn’t sure, but the small measure of success was all he needed to spur him on.

He thrust forward, sinking the head inside. She cried out, wailing his name as more of his shaft sank into her hot, forbidden opening. He withdrew, pausing with only the crown still lodged inside before plunging ahead and sinking his cock completely inside her anal channel.

“Oh God.
You’re so hot and tight. I never dreamed it’d feel this good.”

Her reply was nothing short of a growl. He started moving, taking her ass with slow, firm strokes. It was almost painful in nature, her ass milking his cock so hard it took more force than he’d intended to keep moving. She mumbled something, but all he could make out was the pounding of his heart.

She squeezed, clamping her muscles around him.

He lost control, pounding into her so hard he nearly pushed her off the other side of the bed. He could feel his release growing, but he wasn’t even sure he’d be able to finish inside her.

She screamed his name, convulsing beneath him. He kept moving, feeling her squirm until her body went limp and he came inside her, head thrown back, balls squeezed tight. He gasped for air, finally taking them both to the bed, turning them onto their sides. Damn it’d been incredible. So tight and hot he’d been able to feel every shot of semen he’d squirted into her ass. Felt every contraction of his cock as it erupted over and over. It was the most erotic act of his life.

He closed his eyes, trying to steady his breathing. Brooklyn shuddered in his arms as he grasped her hips, easing his softening erection from her body. He should hold her. Stroke her hair. Whisper words of love. Thank her for the gift she’d given him. But he couldn’t. Instead he rolled off the bed and stomped over to the window. Good Lord, what had come over him? He’d been too rough, pushed her too far. He should have left when he had the chance. But it was too late now. He clenched his fists at his side, holding them rigid, as he turned to face his wife. “Why, Brooklyn? Just tell me why?”

She tensed at the anger in his voice, skirting a quick gaze back across her shoulder. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Why, what?”

“Damn it, Brook!
It’s one thing to have an affair, but it’s another to lie about it to my face!” He took three steps towards the bed. “Just tell me why you thought it was necessary to screw around on me with my own brother!”

turned to face him as she rose from the bed, her face twisted with anger. “What are you talking about? I’m not having an affair with Peter!”

Her body shook, and Gage could see tears gathering in her eyes. “Don’t bother denying it. I saw you two together today at O’Toole’s. I couldn’t believe it, so I called your cell, and watched you lie to me about where you were, and who you were with.” He took one step closer, his large figure diminishing hers. “Just having lunch with Emma, huh? Need to talk about the book!” He growled deep in his chest. “You’ve been lying for a month now. I have proof you’ve seen him at least a dozen times. Jesus, I’m a Federal Agent, didn’t you think I’d be smart enough to figure it out?” He looked away in disgust. “I bust whores for a living. I just didn’t think my wife would be one of them.”

’s mouth dropped open as she stepped back, nearly tripping onto the bed. She stared at him as if he’d just punched her in the stomach before finally sucking in a ragged breath. She steadied herself, set her shoulders, and pushed past him, grabbing her robe off the chair. “How stupid of me to think I could actually outsmart you. Not you. Not the mighty Gage Matthews, Special Agent! You’re right. I have seen Peter a dozen times this past month, and that’s not all. I’ve seen Sam behind your back, too.” She smiled as the mention of his partner twitched the muscle in his jaw. “That’s right. I’ve been seeing both of them, and you never suspected a thing.” She pulled the robe around her body, cinching it tight. “Do you want to know why?”

He clenched his jaw, his reply nothing more than a deep rumble.

“I’ll tell you why.
Because next Thursday is your fifteenth anniversary with the Bureau, and I was arranging a surprise party for you.
I wanted all your friends and family to attend, not just your work buddies, so I phoned Peter, and he offered to help. Sam did the same. I even got Director Henderson to concoct some lame-ass assignment to keep you busy that day, but would conveniently bring you to O’Toole’s at seven o’clock. Congratulations, Gage, you’ve caught me red-handed.” She slipped on a pair of socks and headed for the washroom.

Gage lunged at her as she tried to brush past him, and grabbed her arm, spinning her to face him. “If that were true, then why were you only meeting with Peter?”

“Because Sam called and cancelled at the last minute. He said he couldn’t break away.” She placed one hand on her hip and glared at him. “Call him if you want. He’ll back my story.”

“I’m sure he will…
.” There was no mistaking the sarcasm in his voice and he knew Brooklyn understood the message behind it.

“Go to hell.”

She backed away, but he grabbed her again, his grip harder than before. “Nice try, lover, but I’m not buying it. Peter was holding your hand and I saw him kiss you.”

“Don’t touch me!” she shrieked, pulling away from him, toppling against their dresser. “Peter always holds my hand. And he kissed me because I’d just showed him the first copy of
Sarah’s Secret
.” She bent her head, tears once again falling from her eyes. “I’m not sleeping with him. How could you even think I’d do that to you? I love you.” She looked back up, the hurt in her eyes staking through his heart. She waved her hand at the bed.
“So is that what tonight was all about?
Wanted to take me up the ass before another man had the chance?” She wiped the tears from her face,
as more took their place. “Tell me, did hurting me and treating me like a whore make you feel like a man?” She cut off his reply with another wave of her arm. “Save it. I don’t want to hear it.” She marched into the bathroom and slammed the door.


Gage opened his eyes, his heart racing,
sound so loud it echoed in his head. He sat up and looked around, finally settling on Brooklyn’s silhouette. She was sleeping, her body hidden beneath the thin cotton blanket he’d placed across her earlier. He got up and walked over to the bed, gently taking her hand in his. Except for the past two days, he hadn’t touched her since that night. He’d been wrong. Sam had gone ballistic when he’d confronted him the next day, and Peter hadn’t spoken to him since, except to tell him what a jerk he was. Brooklyn had attended the party, a smile plastered on her face. She’d even given him the present she’d bought for him—a custom-built, nine-millimetre
with his anniversary date engraved on the back. It’d been a bizarre gift by most standards, but it’d saved his life twice since that night.

He looked down at her face. He could still see the hurt in her eyes as she’d tried to pretend everything was okay. It’d only gotten worse since then. Now she wanted a divorce. He sighed, kissing her lightly on the forehead. “I’m sorry, Brook. I only wish I could say it to your face.” He thought about waking her up, to tell her just that, when the door opened behind him.

“I understand you wanted to see me?”

Dr. Nick O’Brian stood in the doorway, his profile nothing more than a black shadow against the glaring hallway lights. He stepped inside, moving over to the bed. He glanced at Brooklyn,
his gaze across Gage’s hand, before meeting his stare.

“I paged you this afternoon,” said Gage.

Nick merely shrugged, resting against the edge of the bed. “I do have other patients, not to mention a whole lot of surgery.” He wiped his sleeve across his forehead. The man looked exhausted, and Gage doubted the doctor had slept any more than he had. “What can I do for you? Your wife is coming along nicely, so I doubt it’s about her condition.”

Gage shuffled his feet. “There’s something I need to ask you…about Brooklyn.” He looked down at her, hoping to God his suspicions were wrong.


“The day they brought her in, did your staff…” He trailed off, trying to force the words out. He huffed and tried again. “Did they check to see if she’d been…

Damn, he just couldn’t say it.

Nick sighed, and shook his head. “Did we check to see if she’d been sexually assaulted?” he finished.

Gage clenched his jaw. “Did they?”

“It’s standard protocol on any kind of assault case. Since we didn’t know the circumstances surrounding the knifing, we wanted to make sure her obvious injuries were the only ones we needed to treat.”

“And?” he asked, not sure he could stomach the answer if it was ‘yes’.

“Your wife wasn’t raped.”

Gage released a long breath, sagging against the bed. “That’s good to hear.”

Nick straightened and patted Gage on the shoulder, before moving to the door. “Try to get some sleep, or you might be my next patient.”

Gage nodded. “Thanks.”

Nick opened the door and stepped through, but stopped and turned around. “What made you ask now?”

Gage looked over at him. “I’m not really sure. I just needed to be certain.”

Nick nodded. “Get some sleep. I’ll drop by again in the morning.”

“Thanks again, doc.” Gage watched the man leave before staring down at Brooklyn again. At least that fear had been resolved. But that still didn’t answer why her attacker had waited so long, or why someone would be targeting her in the first place? He sighed and sat down. There was no way he’d be able to figure anything out if he didn’t get a few hours of sleep. And stumbling around on his feet wouldn’t help Brooklyn any. He looked at her one more time, smiling at the softness of her face before he closed his eyes and drifted back to sleep, silently hoping the dream wouldn’t return.

Chapter Five




March 15


“Good God, Brooklyn! Are you okay?” Peter Matthews rushed into the room, running to Brooklyn’s side. He grabbed her hand, squeezing it tight. “I would’ve come sooner, but I just heard.”

okay, Peter. I haven’t been conscious for long.”

Peter pulled back turning to Gage. “Damn it, Gage! Why didn’t you call me?”

Gage stood up. Peter had three inches and forty pounds on him, but Brooklyn knew he’d never backed down from the man before. And she could tell by the expression on his face, he sure as hell wasn’t going to start today.

“I’ve been busy,” said Gage, keeping his tone casual. “Besides, as I recall, you told me never to call you again.”

Peter hissed and stepped forward, brushing his chest against Gage’s. “You know damn well that doesn’t apply to this situation.” He clenched his fists at his side. “You were just trying to piss me off.”

sighed. She hated watching the two men fight, which is all they did on the rare occasion they met. Peter had never forgiven Gage for hurting her, and Gage had let the relationship slide.

She cleared her throat. “Are you two boys finished acting like children yet, or are you going to throw a few punches before you consider the job done?”

Peter glanced back at Brooklyn and took a step back.
“Sorry, Brooklyn.
This isn’t the time…or the place.”

Gage dodged around his older brother and moved to the side of the bed. “I need to go and talk to Emma. She said I could drop by today. If it’s okay with you, I’ll dash out while your gallant knight is here to protect you.”

She heard Peter utter a hushed curse. “Must you make it so hard, Gage? He’s trying to be civil.”

BOOK: Deadly Obsession
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