Read DEAD SEXY Online

Authors: Caitlin Falls

DEAD SEXY (2 page)

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What had he been doing there anyway? He had seemed totally at ease, yet he was obviously not part of the company? Could he have been a spy for another company? That was totally ludicrous; no spy would have waltzed in in those tight jeans, the way that seam rode right between those perfect and tight ass cheeks would have drawn anybody’s attention…

It was useless; she couldn’t concentrate on work at all. Jenna was no fool, it was a big day and she had to get her mind off her throbbing crotch and there seemed to only be one solution for that. She had to come, and soon so she could get her work finished in time for the conference at nine am.

Deciding to deal with it made her feel immensely better, if no less horny. She got up and walked down to the elevators, heading for the lower floor and the tucked away bathroom behind the mailrooms. She had used it before, although not for this purpose and she knew that it was a rare day when anyone was in that one, it was older and outdated and had none of the fancy frills of the new bathrooms a hundred or so feet down another hallway.

She needed privacy and she was in a hurry so as soon as she got into the bathroom she went to the last stall, pulled her skirt up and leaned against the wall. Her fingers slid down her soaked panties, the white lace was sticky with her juices and when she ran her finger across her clit it responded with a heavy pulse that made her gasp softly.

Her eyes closed and her fingers teased at the edges of her panties, prolonging the moment even though she knew she had to hurry. The lace was slightly rough, the smell of her own arousal drifted to her nostrils and her knees shook slightly as she bent them. Her fingers moved below the fabric of her panties, stroking across her tangled pubic curls and then she stroked her outer labia, causing the swollen pink lips to part and drool rich oils across her fingertips. Jenna pulled her panties down to her knees, they rubbed the backs of her legs in an exciting way and she began exploring her body in earnest.

She slipped one finger between her lips, reaching inside her slippery walls. A second finger joined it while her other hand worked against her clit. Her breath shuddered in and out in hard gasps as she neared climax. Her eyes squeezed shut and she bore down, grinding against her fingers as a thick wave of come splashed across her hand and her tunnel contracted around her fingers.

After she recovered and got herself mostly dried off she reached for the handle, intending to go out and wash her hands and straighten her makeup but before she could open the stall door the outer door swung open and a woman said, “Oh come on Karen, tell me! I have been dying to hear it!”

Oh great, gossipers. Jenna was stuck, she couldn’t be seen exiting a stall in a minor employees bathroom, everyone knew who she was and they would wonder what she had been doing there and nothing they thought would be flattering.

“Okay so a few days ago Lucas, you know Lucas, the nerdy guy from accounting with the bald spot…”

“And the bad comb-over?”

“Yeah, does he really think that fools anyone?”

“Get on with it!” came the impatient retort.

“Oh, yeah, anyway he noticed there were these discrepancies in some of the files. They were really clever and if it had not been for him having to go back he may never have noticed it—it was some weird accounting thing—I don’t know but anyway…someone on the top floor is stealing money, and a lot of it.”

Jenna’s mouth fell open, literally. Someone was stealing? But how? There were all sorts of procedures in place to prevent embezzlement and… her thoughts were halted by the next words.

“They called in Blake Lewis. That man is so fine, I saw him on a talk show once—Good Morning America I think it was—talking about how he busted that Senator for selling secrets to some government and my panties almost melted right off.”

Blake Lewis. She had known the name, of course. He was the PI who had not only busted that Senator but a string of other high profile investigations under his belt. He was a former cop with a real thirst for putting people in jail. She had never watched the shows so she had not recognized his face but she was willing to bet everything she owned he was the man who had made her so eager she had wound up in the bathroom stall in the first place.

“He’s going to be checking out everyone.” There was glee in the woman’s voice. “What I wouldn’t give to see the face on the person they bust, those bigwigs up there deserve to get their asses handed to them sometimes.”

She stood there, breathing hard. Dark spots danced before her eyes and she barely registered the two women leaving. Her heart crashed against the walls of her chest and her mouth tightened down into a line. If he was checking everyone he would look into her past too.

Fear ate into her. Her job was all she had, and she couldn’t afford for anyone to discover who she was—or rather who she had been. That person was long gone, dead, and the thought of her being resurrected terrified Jenna.

She jerked herself back to the moment, left the stall and went to the sink. Under her eyes light lilac circles had bloomed and her mouth had grown pale below its cover of lipstick. She took a few deep breaths, pasted a pleasant smile on her face and stealthily made her way back to the elevators and to her own floor.

Denise, her secretary, was in the front room of Jenna’s large and nicely appointed office. Her brown hair was pulled back so tightly her eyes had taken on a slant and her dress was so starched it practically stuck out in sharp angles from her stick thin body. Denise had been at the company for over forty years and she was sharp-eyed, sharp-tongued and incredibly cold.

The two of them only spoke when necessary, Jenna always felt that she somehow failed to measure up to Denise’s standards, after all Denise had been secretary to Jenna’s predecessor as well as a few other influential men who had since retired. She never hid the fact that she doubted that Jenna would last too long in that office, and that day when Jenna came walking in Denise gave her a sharp stare that made Jenna certain she knew exactly what it was she had been up to.

The day began and Jenna was in her usual rush. She had a conference and several other meetings all before lunch, and at lunch she had to head down to Keen’s Steakhouse in Midtown to meet a finicky client who was wavering about their loyalty to the company.

Right as she was leaving Denise popped into her office and tossed a file at her. “I need these documents signed now, please.”

“I’m on the way out, just leave them.”

“They need to be couriered over this afternoon.”

Jenna sighed and checked her watch, “I will get to them as soon as I get back, but I’m going to be late.”

Denise planted her hands on her hips; it was her typical stance when Jenna was too busy to heed whatever it was that Denise thought was important at the moment. Sometimes Jenna wished she could just fire the damned woman but she had some kind of tenure there at the company and nobody seemed willing to let her go, even if nobody seemed willing to have her in their office, either. She was efficient, of that there was no doubt, but her personality left a lot to be desired.

“Just leave it.”

Denise moved to take it back but Jenna put her hand down on it. Long seconds ticked by. Jenna did not have time for this particular battle of wills and quite honestly she had no idea why she was engaging in it, usually she just went along to get along when it came to Denise.

“I’ll take care of it when I return, please close the door behind you.” Her voice was as cold and crisp as fall cider. Denise looked shocked, and it was the first time that Jenna had ever seen anything other than her usual sour expression on her face. It might have been funny if she weren’t so frazzled.

Denise backed out and Jenna stared down at the file. Whatever it was it would have to wait. She might have time to look at it in the cab though, she shoved it into her bag and headed out.

By the time Jenna got back from lunch she was late for a meeting with a new client, who was not impressed by her lack of punctuality, although she managed to smooth that over, and then it was time for final reports.

Denise had long since left, she checked out exactly at five pm, not a moment sooner or later, and the night had fallen an hour before. Jenna had her head bent to the papers on her desk so she didn’t see Blake standing inside her office doorway observing her.

God she was beautiful, he wanted to tug the pins holding her hair neatly in place and let that beautiful fall of dark red waves cascade over her narrow shoulders. He wanted to touch the long arch of her neck, right where it met her shoulders, place a tiny kiss there and another one in the hollow of her throat, he wanted to feel her pulse against his lips and teeth.

That disturbed him; it had been many years since a woman had had such a strong effect on him and to allow this particular woman to affect him was foolish, to say the least.

She did not look like a career criminal, but then most career criminals didn’t—especially the good ones. She had changed her name and changed her spots, or so it would seem, but with five million plus dollars, money she had access to, missing from the company’s coffers and her record she made a good suspect.

“You’re working late.”

The words came across the room in a slow rich baritone. If she had been able to bite those words they would have tasted of purest honey but since they came from seemingly nowhere she screeched and sat bolt upright in her chair.

“I’m sorry,” Blake untangled his lean body from the shadows, “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

Jenna’s heart knocked against the walls of her chest with a crazy rhythm that she was sure was going to send her to the emergency room. “Can I help you?” Her voice failed to convey professionalism or politeness, mostly due to the squeak that came out at the end of the words.

“I’m Blake Lewis.” He shut the door behind him as he spoke.

She just looked at him. So, it was all happening after all. She knew he expected her to be afraid but she had had far too much experience with cops, and telling lies, for that. He had a major effect on her, no denying it, her nipples were threatening to shred the material covering them at any second, but lust and fear were far different.

“Why do I expect the words vampire hunter to come next?”

She had guts, he would give her that. And humor too, a lethal combination. “I prefer to kill zombies.”

“Too bad, all the zombies left the building right around dinner time. Stick around though; the werewolves will be scaling the walls around midnight.”

“Yeah I am afraid of body hair; it’s a real turn off for me. I blame it all on a girl I used to date that hated to shave anything.”

Jenna opened her mouth and found she had nothing to say to that. He was fast, and witty. Not to mention dead sexy. His hip was leaned against her doorframe and his booted feet were crossed, the bulge in his jeans was accented and she looked at it then away then back again. Her face burned and she directed her gaze at his face but that was no help, he was almost inhumanly handsome.

“Maybe you should have taken her in for a waxing. Is there something I can help you with? I’m in the midst of something here.”

She had somehow managed to obtain that crispness she had aimed for earlier. Blake let his eyes wander over her upper body, she had removed the jacket and her breasts were small but rounded under her red blouse, he could see the erect cap of her nipple and the tautness of her waist but then the desk cut off his view.

He said, “I need to ask you a few questions,” and walked around the desk.

Jenna was too surprised to protest. Blake sat on the corner of her desk, one denim cover butt cheek obscuring part of the file she had been working on. “Do you know anything about the Heinelen or Michener accounts?”

“I do.”

“You want to tell me about that?” His blue eyes were like searchlights in the fog, she could feel them probing into her very soul.

“I’m sorry, that’s company business and as such it is subject to privacy laws…”

“Care to tell me who is skimming off the tops of those accounts?”

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