Dead After Dark (38 page)

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Authors: Sherrilyn Kenyon,J. R. Ward,Susan Squires,Dianna Love

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Collections & Anthologies, #Fantasy

BOOK: Dead After Dark
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Trey entered Vyan’s mind for an insight to this man’s intentions only to find raging emotions—aggression and anguish.

As if he realized what Trey was about, Vyan smiled, his gaze sinister. Double-black pupils floated in each of his swirling gold irises. “I will enjoy touching her, Belador.”

Trey’s discipline snapped. He lunged forward, but came up empty when the warrior disappeared. Momentum sent him one more step into thin air. He landed on the ground, searching for Vyan.

He’s gone, Trey
. Brina could never be locked out of his mind for long.

Where? Tell me the location of his hideout

No. Our tribe’s survival depends on not warring. I cannot interfere. I merely sent him away so you could cool off, but that is all I can do. You do realize what tonight is, don’t you?

. Trey rolled his eyes and headed for the porch. Every Belador across the world would lay low during the one day of the year they were most vulnerable to be killed. But he did not have that option with Vyan clearly after Sasha.

Do not sacrifice your tribe for one woman
, Brina ordered.

Trey stepped up on the porch where he could see Sasha. She stood with her shoulders back, proud, trying so hard to show him a strong front. Impressive, if her face hadn’t lost all color. He considered his options, but only one thing mattered to him right now—keeping Sasha safe.

I took an oath, Brina
, Trey replied.
Honor above all else. Those four words have ruled my life. I’m trying to protect our tribe and Sasha, but I will not allow that demon to take her

I took an oath as well
, Brina countered.
I will also do whatever it takes to protect my tribe . . . even if that means turning my back on you. There is no honor in sacrificing an entire race for one woman

That’s your perspective. I have mine
. He waited for her to snap at him, but she’d withdrawn without another word. Not an encouraging sign. He’d hoped Brina would show up with a solution, to give him a dragon to slay. Not to leave him even more guilt-ridden. Was he being selfish to protect Sasha?

“He’s gone.” Trey stepped inside the house and reached for Sasha, who rushed to his open arms. She trembled. He hugged her tight and whispered, “I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” She nodded against his chin. Damn that Hindu. He’d scared a woman who wanted to take on a gang the other night.

Trey walked Sasha to the kitchen where pots and pans clattered. Rowan was starting to cook. He appreciated her effort to settle things down for Sasha by the simple activity of preparing breakfast. A knock rapped at the front door.

“That’s for you,” Rowan said to Trey. “Bring him to the dining room. I’ve prepared an early lunch for four.”

Trey opened the front door to a dark-haired Hispanic guy standing several feet back. Most people wouldn’t realize that the body shielded by a black turtleneck, black nylon jacket, and black cargo pants was close to Trey’s build. The color suited the agent’s dark gaze, wavy black hair, and brooding attitude.

“You Lucien Solis?” Trey asked, not extending his hand.
So this is the son of a bitch nobody wanted to work with

“Yep, but you got the wrong species. My mother wasn’t a female dog.” Trey hadn’t even felt Lucien enter his mind and instinctively went into Lucien’s mind where he heard,
Damn, Findley. Wasting my time on this when I should be—

Should be where, Lucien?
Trey asked, interrupting.

Silence. Black eyes flashed irritation just before Trey felt an impenetrable wall slam into place between their minds. Impressive and interesting, but not something he had time to investigate right now.

“Just so we’re clear,” Trey said, “I don’t like Findley, either. If you don’t want to be a part of this, then go.”

Lucien shrugged. “I’ll stay . . . for a while.”

“In that case, Rowan has lunch ready. I’ll catch you up while we eat.”

Trey followed the aroma of warm bread and vegetable soup to the dining room where Rowan paused from pouring coffee and did a double take on Lucien who answered her curious glance with a scowl.
Wonder what that had been all about
. He didn’t care enough to find out right now so he settled down next to Sasha and began reviewing the situation for everyone. By the time they had finished eating, he’d filled in Lucien on what they knew to this point, including Rowan’s illness though she still had not shown signs of madness. Could Sasha be exaggerating?

Lucien hadn’t said a word, which worried Trey. The guy could be a liability.

When Sasha started to stack dishes, Rowan said, “Please sit down. I’ll take care of all this.” She lifted her hands, palms up, and whispered words. The table cleared instantly.

Lucien’s sharp gaze narrowed slightly, but still he said nothing. Rowan’s eyes met his, hers sparkling with delight in the face of his dark mood. Trey caught her utterly feminine assessment of the agent. He’d have to warn both women later in private about being careful around Lucien.

“I’m wondering why Vyan has not tried to breach the house,” Trey said, wanting to move ahead.

“Maybe because I placed a protective spell over the house when I moved in,” Rowan offered.

“If that’s the case, the women should be safe here, but I don’t want to take any chances in case he’s only waiting for an opportune time,” Trey said. “I’m going out scouting tonight. Lucien will watch the house and can reach me if anything comes up.”
Lucien would communicate with him.

“Where are you from, Lucien?” Rowan interjected.

“Spain.” Lucien’s terse answer didn’t invite further conversation.

Trey kept his mind blocked from telepathy and leaned back to study Lucien while Rowan pressed her questions. He wondered if the rumors he’d heard were true, that Findley had been told to put Lucien in the field without a probationary time.

“Where do you call home now?” Rowan asked, clearly unaffected by Lucien’s curt attitude.

“Wherever I sleep for the night.” Lucien crossed his arms in a you’re-wasting-your-time pose.

Sasha spiked an angry glare at Lucien, and Trey almost chuckled out loud. Atta girl. Maybe he should get rid of this guy. Why hadn’t the council, specifically Sen, blocked Lucien’s fieldwork until the coalition had time to assess him?

When this was over, Trey would ask Sen what was up. An immortal who appeared when he deemed an issue worthy of his time, Sen had insinuated himself into an unofficial liaison capacity with the VIPER coalition. He presided over a governing council created of different beings whose job it was to keep an eye on all the supernatural assets and their actions.

Rowan stood, her pink ankle-length dress loose on her. She’d lost weight. “Sasha, you want to help me refill coffees?”

“Sure.” Sasha scooted her chair back.

“What, you’re not going to blink your eyes and refill the cups?” Lucien asked with a sarcastic edge.

Trey checked Rowan to see if she was insulted. If so, he’d have to deal with Lucien’s smart mouth before he kicked him out. Trey was beginning to think the guy had a thing against witches.

Rowan gave Lucien an amused look as she circled the table to the doorway directly behind him. “Not this time.”

Having scooted from the other side, Sasha had just
reached the same spot behind Lucien when Rowan’s body went rigid.

“Oh no. Rowan, don’t . . .” Sasha pleaded.

“Sasha, what’s wrong?” Trey was rising from his chair when Rowan literally flew at her sister, grabbing her by the throat and pinning Sasha to the wall. Trey reached them in a lunge and gripped his hands around Rowan’s slender wrists and hands, which had turned into two cast-iron clamps at the moment.

“Don’t . . . hurt . . . her,” Sasha squeaked, face flushed deep red.

“Let her go, Rowan, or I
hurt you!” Trey yelled.

Rowan laughed and swung unholy eyes at him that burned bright as the setting sun. “You can’t stop me.”

“Oh, but
can, witch,” Lucien said from behind her. “That is, if you aren’t afraid of me . . .

Rowan released Sasha and knocked Trey aside when she spun in midair. She rose another two feet higher, her dress fluttering as she locked in Lucien as her next target.

Trey grabbed Sasha up and wrapped her trembling body within his arms.

“Do you dare to taunt me?” she asked in a voice that sounded as dangerous as it did insane. Trey hoped Rowan would calm down and regain her sanity before he was forced to use his powers on her. Sasha might never forgive him for that.









“A witch?” Lucien laughed. “You don’t scare me.”

Trey cursed Lucien’s arrogance and stupidity. On the other hand, Rowan’s strength had been amazing. Maybe she’d teach the new guy a lesson.

“Come on, witch,” Lucien prodded. “What have you got?”

Rowan howled and lunged at Lucien whose face turned fierce. He shot a hand up as if to stop her with the simple gesture.

“Don’t hurt her!” Sasha yelled at him, but Lucien’s full attention was on Rowan who slammed to a halt as soon as her abdomen came into contact with his open palm. He held her suspended above his shoulders at arm’s length, his unbending gaze slammed against her crazy one.

Energy charged through the room, slapping walls. The air whipped around Lucien. His lips moved with silent words.

Rowan’s hands flew to her head. Her body quaked, rocking against Lucien’s hold. She cried out, “Help me, help me, help me, please. It hurts.”

Mouth in a hard line, Lucien seemed to debate something
then scowled. He raised his other hand and grasped her shoulder. At the contact, his body jerked and his jaw muscles flexed, lips curled back over clenched teeth. Sparks rippled across the top of Rowan, pooling at her abdomen, then wicking down Lucien’s arms and along his body. The energy spun, engulfing him in a bright glow.

Trey couldn’t believe Lucien was drawing whatever was inside Rowan into his body. What the hell
Lucien? Trey prepared for whatever might happen once Lucien released her.

The muscles covering Lucien’s body pumped once, thickening his size to double before he murmured something strange and eased back into his normal shape. When everything stilled, Rowan went limp. Lucien caught her to his chest as she fell from her levitated position; then he lifted her into his arms.

“Rowan!” Sasha pulled against Trey, but he held her back.

Lucien was breathing hard. His gaze zeroed in on Trey. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to attack anyone here.”

“What did you just do?” Trey asked.

Shifting Rowan’s rag doll body in his arms, Lucien said, “I purged the force holding her . . . temporarily. She’s not mad, but someone has control over her when her guard is down. I’m thinking her mind’s being poisoned while she’s asleep since Sasha told us Rowan is tired and sleeps a lot. That’s probably when the possession is woven into her subconscious. My bet is Ekkbar caused the insanity to use his ability to cure her as a trade for opening the portal. Why else would he be so sure he could cure her?”

“Good point. Shouldn’t we wake her?” Trey asked.

“No. She needs rest to fight the madness. If she weren’t so strong, she’d have killed someone by now.” Lucien turned his attention to Sasha. “Where should I take her?”

“I’ll show you.” Sasha tugged away from Trey. “I’m okay, really.”


At the top of the stairs, Sasha led Lucien to Rowan’s room above hers, but her sister preferred lavender and cinnamon red to Sasha’s Goth colors.

Sasha remained at the door as Lucien laid Rowan on the velour bed cover. Rowan roused, grasping his arms as he lifted up. When her fingers tightened on him, Sasha held her breath.

“You know what happened to me, don’t you?” Rowan whispered in an exhausted breath.


“How did you make it stop?”

“I pulled the negative energy away from you.”

“But you don’t like witches. In fact, I felt an intense hatred—”

“I keep personal opinions to myself when I’m on a job.”

witches? Sasha took a step forward, ready to put him in his place even if he
just saved Rowan.

Rowan stared up at him with that same curious look she’d had earlier, pausing Sasha in mid-step when she said, “Well, this witch considers you a friend and welcomes you back into her home anytime you wish to visit or need a place to stay. Thank you.” She offered him a weak smile.

“Rest for a while” was all he said in reply.

The man was sexy as hell, but scary too. Sasha debated what she should do when he remained caught in place. He didn’t move until Rowan’s eyes drifted close, then he gently pried her fingers from his arms and placed her hands alongside her body.

Had Sasha not been watching for any hint of threat from him she might have missed when he brushed a wisp of hair from Rowan’s face in an almost intimate gesture.

He may not like witches in general, but Lucien didn’t seem
to be a threat to Rowan so Sasha breathed a sigh of relief and backed away into the hall. When he stepped through the doorway and passed her in a fast stride, she fell into step behind him. A million questions bounced through her thoughts. None she was foolish enough to ask a man who had dealt with Rowan’s madness so easily
wasn’t fond of witches.

At the bottom of the stairs, Trey stood with his jacket on, clearly waiting on her to return. “I’m heading out,” he announced. “I’ll be back in a few hours.”

“I’ll go with you.” Sasha raced past Lucien to Trey.

Lucien strolled past them, exiting through the front door and closing it behind him.

Trey kissed her forehead. “Stay with your sister until I return. You’re the only reason I’d risk a battle. I hope to find him and come up with another way to solve this.” When she nodded, he stepped through the front door.


“I have to trust you to protect Sasha and Rowan,” Trey told Lucien, who stood at the edge of the porch, his face turned up to overcast skies.

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