Daybreak (5 page)

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Authors: Keira Andrews

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Gay, #Contemporary

BOOK: Daybreak
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Wait. Was he…? Did he…?

A flutter of panic gripped Lucas, and he jerked his gaze back to Ashley. That guy wasn’t hitting on him, was he? Afraid to look back, Lucas nodded and laughed weakly at whatever Ashley was saying. He wasn’t sure, and didn’t ask her to repeat herself.

There was no way the cute boy wanted
to go upstairs.

By the time Lucas dared a glance at the pool table, the boy had vanished. The slow melody of a ballad began, and Lucas ducked out as Ashley’s arms arced around his neck. “Sorry, I’m not feeling well.”

Waving apologetically as Ashley pouted, Lucas escaped into the fresh night air.

Chapter Five


“More potatoes?” Rachel held the platter out across the dinner table. Her long red hair was pulled back with a headband, and she wore a frilly yellow dress.

Lucas shook his head. “I don’t think I’ve eaten this much in…ever. But thanks.”

Rachel smiled at Lucas for another few moments before offering the potatoes to Sam. Nate’s teenage cousin had always seemed rather fascinated with Lucas, and he’d noticed her pout when Sam had sat beside him. Nate was on his other side, and the extended Kramer family filled out the table.

Sam took the platter eagerly. He never seemed to get full. “Thanks, Rach,” he said around a mouthful of roast beef. Amanda was working overtime, and Sam’s table manners suffered in her absence.

Nate’s aunt Linda spoke up from the head of the long table. “Sure you don’t want any more, Lucas? Remember, no food or water until tomorrow night.”

“He’s not Jewish, he doesn’t have to fast.” Mr. Kramer winked at Lucas. “He’ll be eating Big Macs for all of us tomorrow.”

Everyone laughed, and one of Nate’s younger cousins sighed loudly. “I miss Big Macs already.”

Rachel rolled her eyes. “It’s, like, one day without food and water. Besides, we’re eating so much now that I won’t be hungry until tomorrow night anyway.”

Lucas put his fork down. “I think since I get to eat the Yom Kippur meal I should have to fast. Do you have to give up anything else?”

Nate’s grandfather, who sat at the other end of the table, cleared his throat. “It’s the day of atonement, when we repent for all of our sins. We give up food and water at sundown on the eve of the holy day until night falls again. Do you really want to take part, young man?”

Beside him, Nate shifted in his seat. “Papa, I’m sure Lucas is just being polite.”

“No, no. I really want to follow the rules.” Lucas enjoyed spending time with the Kramers and being a part of the traditions they followed.

Nate’s grandfather clapped his hands together once. “Okay, second rule is no washing. And no putting on cologne to make yourself smell better!” Everyone laughed, and he went on. “No leather shoes.”

“Don’t ask why, or we’ll be here all day,” Mr. Kramer joked.

“One last important thing,” Nate’s grandfather said. His eyes twinkled mischievously. “No hanky-panky.”

“Father!” Linda burst out laughing, with everyone following suit.

As Lucas tried to think of a response, he felt Nate’s hand slide up his thigh. Lucas coughed. “Okay, I’ll keep all those rules in mind.”

Linda announced that it was time for dessert, and Lucas offered to help clear the dishes. In Linda’s kitchen, he cleared the plates before Rachel stacked them in the dishwasher. After they were done, Lucas tied off the full garbage bag and pulled it out of the can. “Where should I put this?”

“In the garage.” Nate appeared. “Come on, I’ll show you.”

Lucas followed him out the back door and around to the side entrance to the garage. Nate tugged on the wooden door and let Lucas go first into the musty interior before closing the door behind them. The only illumination came from the line of fading sunlight that came underneath the front door of the garage on the other side of a large SUV. Lucas fumbled for the light switch on the wall.

“Leave it.” Nate was closer than Lucas thought he was. Nate took the garbage bag from his hand and dropped it somewhere with a slight clang.

Pressing him up against the back of the SUV, Nate’s tongue dipped into Lucas’s mouth, his hands quickly untucking Lucas’s dress shirt and skimming across his skin.

Lucas sucked in a breath. “Your family will be wondering…”

He couldn’t see Nate’s face clearly in the dim, but could hear the smile in his voice. “If my family knew how hot you were, they’d understand that there’s one more thing I need to eat before sundown.”

Lucas tingled with desire as they kissed again. Nate sank to his knees, tongue dipping into Lucas’s belly button while he yanked down Lucas’s slacks. Lucas moaned as Nate sucked his hip, his mouth and tongue teasing and skimming over Lucas’s stomach.

Nate had barely touched Lucas’s dick, but it was already hard. Nate blew a stream of cool air over the tip, and Lucas quivered. “Please, Nate.”

After a teasing lick from the base of Lucas’s cock to the end, Nate pulled away. “Please what?”

“Please suck me.”

Lucas’s eyes had adjusted to the dark, and he could see Nate’s head lean in, his lips closing around the head of Lucas’s cock. Lucas arched his hips, trying to get more of himself inside the warmth of Nate’s mouth.

But Nate pulled back, teasing him with more little kisses and licks. Lucas groaned and reached down, his fingers strong in Nate’s curls. Nate opened his mouth and swallowed Lucas as much as he could. As he fondled Lucas’s balls, he pulled back. “Remember, we have to atone for this tomorrow, so you’d better make it worth your while.”

Lucas was so horny he thought he would explode. He tightened his grip on Nate’s hair, and Nate swiped his tongue across the head of Lucas’s cock. “Fuck my mouth.”

With a low moan, Lucas did. Grabbing Nate’s head in both hands, he pistoned his hips forward, holding Nate in place as he buried his cock in the hot depths of Nate’s mouth and throat. He felt a rush of power that went straight through his dick from his balls to the tip, and he came, shooting down Nate’s throat as he shuddered.

Resting back against the cool metal of the SUV, Lucas caught his breath. He could hear Nate swallowing thickly, and he ran his fingers through Nate’s hair gently as Nate jerked himself off, grunting quietly. When he was done, Nate got to his feet and they kissed leisurely.

Nate rested their foreheads together, and Lucas pulled him close. “So, no
until tomorrow night, huh?” Lucas asked.

“Nope. Think you can manage?”

“As long as we stay far away from each other, it should be a breeze.”

Nate chuckled and then froze. “Did you hear that?”

“What?” Lucas strained his ears in the darkness.

The side door suddenly swung open, daylight spilling into the garage.


One foot on the step, another bag of garbage in her hand, Rachel stopped, looking back over her shoulder. “Yes, Uncle Ben?”

“I think there’s another bag to go out,” Nate’s father called from what was probably the back door.

“Are you sure? I double-checked.”

Nate and Lucas remained frozen, breath caught in their chests.

“If you could just check again.”

Rachel grumbled and turned back to the house, leaving the door ajar. Lucas and Nate leaped into action, straightening their clothes and hair. They escaped into the backyard just as Rachel emerged from the house again.

She stopped, surprised. “There you guys are.” She smiled sweetly at Lucas. “Dessert’s ready.”

“Great, thanks!” Lucas cringed at his overly friendly tone. Rachel headed to the garage, and they tried not to giggle too much as they went inside.

* * * * *

“I am so thirsty.”

Nate sighed and rolled over, his back to Lucas in their bed. “Repeating that every minute will not help the situation.”

“I know, I’m sorry. But this whole fasting thing is harder than I thought it would be.”

“You realize it’s only been seven hours.”

“Yes, but…” Lucas knew he was being whiny, but damn, he was thirsty.

“Lucas, just go get a drink and let me sleep.”

“No, I told your grandfather I’d fast. I’m going to temple with you guys tomorrow and I should follow the rules.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell.”

“That’s not the point.”

“Lucas, who the hell is going to know?”

“God, for starters.”

Nate rolled over onto his back again. “You’re not even Jewish. God will give you a break, okay? Besides, we’re fags. We’re going to hell anyway.”

“Do you really believe that?” Lucas realized they hadn’t ever talked about it.

“No. I don’t know. Maybe.”

“What do you think your parents would say if they knew?”

Nate scowled. “I think they’d say they only had one son.” He turned over once more.

“You really think so? They might surprise you.”

Nate’s voice was muffled by the pillow. “Go to sleep.”

“Really, I think you’re selling them short.”

“Lucas, you’ve known my parents for less than a year. I’ve known them my whole life. Trust me. A couple of years ago one of the women from temple didn’t show her face for months after people found out her daughter was shacked up with another chick. Every time my mother talked about it, she whispered the word ‘lesbian’ as if it was just too horrible to say out loud.”

“But…you’re their son.” The Kramers had been so good to Lucas, and he wanted to believe that one day he and Nate could live in the open.

“Yeah, their son
the queer
.” Nate dropped his voice to a whisper on the last two words.

Lucas couldn’t think of anything else to say, and the silence stretched out. Finally he said, “The good news is that I’m not thirsty anymore.” It was a lie, but it made Nate chuckle, and they fell asleep in each other’s arms.

* * * * *

Sucking in a weary breath, Lucas trudged up the final flight of stairs. The elevator was broken yet
, and the Indian summer heat made the trek up the stairs even more painful.

Lucas muttered to himself as he climbed. All he wanted was a shower, a beer, and some TV time. He was sick of school, sick of the pages and pages of reading he had to do this week, and to top it off, Nate had forgotten his birthday.

Granted, he’d told Nate months ago when his birthday was, and since he felt needy and weird reminding him, Lucas hadn’t said anything this week. Still, he’d hoped that maybe Nate would remember. Yet that morning had been like any other; Nate had had an early class and he’d rushed off after giving Lucas a quick kiss.

Fumbling with his keys, Lucas swore under his breath. He pushed the door open with his foot and blinked in utter surprise. Candles flickered gently around the room, and an orchid plant stood on the battered coffee table. A delicious savory smell permeated the small room, and Nate stood by the kitchen island. He’d gelled his hair back and wore a cuff-linked dress shirt and sharply creased pants. He was beautiful.

“You remembered.” Lucas swallowed hard over the sudden lump in his throat.

“Of course I remembered. Happy birthday.” Nate kissed him soundly.

Dropping his book bag, Lucas hugged him tightly before pulling away, remembering the state he was in. “I’m all sweaty and gross, sorry. Your clothes.”

Nate shook his head, laughing. “I don’t fucking care.” He pulled Lucas close again, and slid his tongue into Lucas’s mouth.

They stood in the doorway kissing, and Lucas fumbled with the buttons on Nate’s shirt. “’Fraid you got all dressed up for nothing.” Lucas tugged Nate’s pants down, and soon they had peeled off all their clothes.

“You wanna fuck me?” Nate rubbed their cocks together, his lips urgent on Lucas’s neck.

“Yes, yes, yes.” Lucas was already getting hard. He urged Nate a few steps toward the bed, but Nate shook his head.

Instead, he faced the dresser, spread his arms, and bent over as the lean muscles in his back flexed. He offered up his tight, firm ass, nodding his head toward the lube and condom ready and waiting on top of the dresser.

Lucas told himself to slow down, but he tore the wrapper open with his teeth, rolling the latex on his pulsing, waiting dick. He squeezed out too much lube and messily coated himself with it before pushing his fingers into Nate. Taking a shuddering breath, he slowed his movements, prodding Nate gently.

Nate squeezed around his fingers, wiggling his ass. “I want you,” he ground out.

Grasping Nate’s hips with his slick hands, Lucas pushed the head of his cock inside. Nate groaned, pushing back, and Lucas thrust into the tight heat. He rocked his hips and gripped one of Nate’s shoulders for more leverage.

Lucas loved being fucked, but he loved fucking too. Nate always urged him on, telling him to do it harder, and Lucas didn’t worry about hurting him anymore. He surged in and out of Nate, heat squeezing his cock torturously. He slammed in right up to his balls, his hips meeting Nate’s ass on every thrust.

“Yeah, yeah, like that,” Nate muttered, his body a wire of tension as Lucas fucked him. Both sweating and breathing deeply, they pushed and pulled, Nate leaning down farther, opening himself up even more. Reaching around, Lucas began stroking Nate roughly in time with the thrust of his hips, and Nate moaned and shook, shooting his load.

He breathed heavily and didn’t pull back as Lucas still pistoned in and out of his ass, his balls tingling. Nate squeezed down, and that was the end, Lucas calling out as he came, shuddering. His feet slipped a little in the sweat that had dripped down from his body.

After Lucas pulled out, they both dropped to the floor, leaning back against the dresser. Nate pressed a kiss to Lucas’s shoulder.

Lucas closed his eyes blissfully, but opened them a moment later. “What’s that smell? Did you cook?”

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