Davis, Liz - Slivers of Moonlight (Siren Publishing Classic) (4 page)

BOOK: Davis, Liz - Slivers of Moonlight (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Everything she felt in this moment was so intense, and her eyes seemed to view things with crystal clarity, as if magnified under a microscope. What was happening to her right now had to be a dream. It had to be because it felt too good to be real. Then his lips were upon her, soft and warm and gentle. When he kissed her, it was so light and tender that it only made her want him more. She felt his lips press a little harder, coaxing her mouth open as his tongue ventured within. It was quite an erotic kiss, considering they were still getting to know one another, but she was too wrapped up in the heat of the moment to even think about stopping him. And then suddenly he released her lips, leaving her in a whirlwind of passion and arousal.

“I better go inside.” Maya’s voice sounded husky, and her eyes were clouded with desire. Her lips formed the words, but her heart was saying something else.

“I’ll let you go then.” But he didn’t make a move, only stood there with his hands wrapped around her waist.

Then she felt his lips press against hers once again, and she heard herself moan, parting her lips to receive the taste and feel of his tongue. She could feel his hands on the small of her back, thumbs stroking along the hem of her shirt. Then she felt the tips of his fingers begin to touch her, skating along the softness of her skin. Her body instantly reacted, nipples tightening beneath the fabric of her shirt, followed by a tingling sensation that stirred in her belly. The touch from this man seemed to be awakening every nerve inside of her. Mustering all her strength, she pulled back from the kiss, removing her lips from the heat of his mouth.

“I have to go.” Her palms pressed softly against his chest, pushing him away from her.

She noticed his brows knit together, as if he were puzzled.

“Why, did I do something wrong?”

“No, of course not. I just have to go inside and get ready for bed. I have work tomorrow, and I need to get my rest.”

She really didn’t want to leave. What she felt like doing was standing out here and letting him kiss her some more, but she was afraid if she didn’t leave now then she might get carried away, might do something she’d later regret.

“Hey, no problem. I’ll give you a call later, all right? ”

“Sure thing. And thanks again for the ride.” She opened the door and crossed the threshold. “Good night,” she said over her shoulder.


As soon as the door was closed, she leaned back against it, her pulse racing from the strength of emotions that ran through her body. She could still taste him on her lips and could remember the feel of his warm breath ghosting against her skin.

It took a few moments for her to come down from her high, but once she finally did, she took off her shoes and tossed them by the door. Then she walked into her bedroom and undressed, still in a daze. After taking a nice long shower, she slipped into her favorite chemise nightgown and flopped into bed.

As her head lay comfortably on the pillow, she found herself daydreaming. She wondered what kind of a lover Evan was and what sort of things he would do to her in bed. She also thought about those lips of his and found herself growing wet at the thought of him placing them between her legs. He certainly knew what to do with them, that much was for sure.

The melodic ringtone of her cell phone filled the air, and even before she looked at the display screen, she already knew who it was. Her suspicions were confirmed as she saw it was Dylan. She wasn’t in the mood to talk to him, though, so she shut the phone off and rolled over onto her side. Only a minute seemed to pass before her home phone rang as well. Giving a sigh, she leaned over and answered the call, preparing herself for the onslaught of emotions that were sure to come.


“Hey, Maya.”

Her heart lifted as she realized it was Evan. A small tingle rushed up her spine from the sound of his deep, sexy voice.

“Evan, hi. So you made it home.”

“Yeah, just got in a few minutes ago. So what are you up to?”

“Not much. Just stretched out on my bed, relaxing. What about you?”

“The same. I just wanted to call and make sure you were okay.”

“Yeah, of course I’m okay. Why?”

“You pushed me away when I was kissing you, so I thought I may have done something to offend you.”

Shifting onto her side, she cradled her head in her hand. “No, not at all. I was just starting to feel a little overwhelmed.”

“In what way?”

“I don’t know. You just brought these feelings out of me, and I started feeling really turned on.”

“And that’s a bad thing?” His voice was tinged with humor.

“No, of course not. It’s just…I…” She was searching for the words, trying to find a way to tell him, but she just couldn’t figure out how.

“Were you thinking of your ex-boyfriend?”

“No, that’s not it. It’s just…” She paused for a moment, staring up at the ceiling. “I just want us to take our time, is all. Because I like you a lot, and I want to keep seeing you.”

“Well, I like being around you, too. And we will keep seeing each other, so nothing’s going to change that. And just so you know, I’m not looking for a casual thing with you.

“I know we only just met, but you’re the type of girl I would want to have a relationship with. So don’t think I’m just trying to get what I want and then dump you after. That isn’t what this is about.”

Maya felt her heart lift from his words, and she sank back onto the pillow, pulling on the cord of the phone.

“Okay.” There was a short moment of silence between them, and then she said, “I enjoyed seeing you at the restaurant tonight. It was a nice surprise.”

“Really? I was hoping you wouldn’t mind me there. I just felt like I had to see you again.”

“Of course I didn’t mind.”

“Well, good.” He was quiet for a few moments, and then he began to speak. “Would you like to go out sometime, Maya?”

She felt the pace of her heart quicken. “Yeah, sure. That would be nice.”

“Great. How about we do something this weekend? I know this great sushi place downtown. Would you like to try it out?”

“Sure, I love sushi.”

“Cool, then it’s a date.”

“Looking forward to it.” Her lips turned into a smile.

“So you’re not seeing your ex-boyfriend anymore, right?”

“No. I haven’t talked to him since that night you towed my car.

It’s over between us.”

“Glad to hear it,” responded Evan. “You deserve better anyhow.”

A brief moment of silent passed between them and then he once again spoke. “You’ve grown quiet all of a sudden. Can I ask what you’re thinking?”

“I’m thinking about what a good kisser you are. You’ve got some talented lips, you know that?”

As she heard him chuckle, she imagined the corners of his eyes crinkling in amusement. She’d noticed it that day he’d driven her home in the tow truck.

“Well, thanks. Glad I could put them to good use. You’re not so bad yourself, you know.”

Grinning, she twirled a lock of hair around her finger.

“I’d love to get in some extra practice with you again.” His voice was seductive. “Not that you need lessons or anything. It would be purely for my own self-improvement.”

She laughed, flexing her toes into the mattress. “Oh right, like you need to get any better. Kissing is not anything you need to improve upon.”

“I’m good at more than kissing, though.”

She felt her face grow hot, and she twisted the phone cord around her finger. “Like what?” She already knew, but she wanted to see how he would respond to her question.

“Oh, I think you know what I mean.”

“Do I?” she teased.

Evan chuckled. “Let’s just say I haven’t had any complaints.”

“Well, do you have any references?”

His laughter floated through the receiver. “You’re fun to talk to, Maya. I like you.”

“Well, that’s good because I like you, too,” she replied. She could almost hear him smiling through the phone.

“So, would it be too forward if I asked what you were wearing right now?”

She stared up at the ceiling, playing nervously with the hem of her nightie.

“Ummm, a nightgown. And what about you?”

“Only thing covering my body is skin,” he replied.

The visual of him lying on his bed naked while talking to her sent a delightful little tingle between her legs.

“Oh really? So you’ve been talking to me this entire time naked?”

He gave a little chuckle, “Sure, why not? It’s not like you’d have known any better unless I’d told you.”

“Well, no, I suppose I wouldn’t. So do you always sleep naked?”

“Yep. It’s more comfortable for me that way.”

“What about in the winter, when it gets cold?”

“I just bundle up beneath a heavy comforter.”

“I see,” she replied.

“And what about you? Don’t you ever sleep naked?”

“Yeah, in the summer if it’s been an especially hot day. Sometimes I’ll even walk around the house naked. Of course, I close all the shades before I do, though.”

“Now you’re just teasing me.”

She released a giggle.

“That really was a great kiss we had, wasn’t it?”

Her face creased into a smile. “Oh yeah, it was fantastic.”

“And it was only our first try. Imagine what it’ll be like once we get in more practice.”

“Mmmm, I know, right?” She slid one of her hands across her thigh.

“You smelled lovely tonight. That scent you were wearing, was it jasmine?”

“Yep.” She found herself pleased that he’d noticed. She’d applied the scented oil earlier in the morning in hopes it would have some effect on him.

“Yeah, I thought so. It was really nice. I bet you smell good all over, though.” His voice turned husky.

Her pulse quickened from the tone of his voice, and her body became tense with desire. The sound of his voice alone was making her wet. Closing her eyes, she began to imagine what he looked like naked.

“I wish I could touch you.” His voice came out in a deep sort of whisper. “Would you let me, if I was there?”

Still caressing her thigh, she allowed it to travel further up until it reached the junction between her legs. “I don’t know, maybe.” She closed her eyes, imagining that the hand between her legs was his.

“Where would you let me touch you?” She could hear him shifting on his bed, moving into a more comfortable position.

“On my stomach…and my legs…” She wanted to say more, but found herself suddenly shy. Her face was getting hot with desire.

“And where else?” His voice was full of tension and desire.

She grew quiet, feeling too shy to continue.

“What about your thighs? Could I touch you there?”

She pressed her fingers firmly against the space between her legs. She could feel a bit of moisture dampening the fabric of her panties.

“Yes.” Her voice sounded tiny.

“And what about between them?”

Stifling a moan, she rubbed herself harder. His voice had her so horny and wet for him.

“I bet you smell incredible, Maya. I’d really love to taste you.”

Her free hand was caressing her breasts, playfully pinching and twisting her nipples.

“Maya, are you still there? Say something.”

“I’m here,” she responded.

“Am I making you uncomfortable?”


“Okay, good. Sorry if I’m getting carried away. I just got so turned on thinking of you lying on your bed in that nightie.”

Deciding to have some fun with him, she responded, “Who says I’m wearing a nightie?”

For a moment, there was silence on his end of the phone, and she knew what he was visualizing.

“So you’re not wearing it anymore, then? You took it off while we were talking?”

She giggled softly. “No, I’ve still got it on. I was just joking around.”

“You know it’s really cruel the way you tease me.”

She could tell from the tone of his voice that he wasn’t genuinely hurt, just playing around with her.

“Sorry, I couldn’t help it.” She grinned, stifling a yawn.

“Not keeping you up, am I?”

Turning over onto her stomach, she responded, “No, not really. I usually stay up kind of late anyways.”

“Are you working tomorrow?”

“No, I have the day off. I’m working on Friday, though.”

“What time do you go in?”


“I could give you a ride if you like.”

“That would be nice.”

“I’ll pick you up at half past eleven. How does that sound?”

“Sounds good.”

“Great, so I’ll see you on Friday.”

“Sounds good. I’ll see you then.”

After saying their good-byes, they hung up the phone and Maya flopped back against the pillows, already buzzing with anticipation of their next meeting.

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