Daughter of Asteria (The Daughter Trilogy) (13 page)

BOOK: Daughter of Asteria (The Daughter Trilogy)
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Devin motions for Theia to join him, and she intertwines her fingers with Hagar’s as she pulls

him into a private booth. Devin leans over to kiss me on top of the head before whispering in my ear.

“I hope you didn’t think I forgot.”

I smile a little bashfully. “I wasn’t going to press the issue, but I did wonder if it had slipped your

mind,” I admit.

He tilts my chin up, and I can’t stop smiling like a fool. He’s acting so differently here. There’s

still that intense bridge between us, but it’s also so effortless, fun, and completely beguiling. I can’t

help but enjoy his lightheartedness in the face of the monstrous war ahead of us. It’s calming, and it’s

pretty damn hot too.

“I’d never forget to buy my soon-to-be-wife an engagement ring,” he smolders.

Wife. Hmm… That sounds so good.

“Well, I’d never forget to give my soon-to-be-husband a surprise, since I’m the only one capable

of doing such,” I say with a childish giddiness.

His eyes light up and his excited tone is so adorable.

“You giving me back my picture?”

I laugh a little as I pull out a small box wrapped in crisp white paper and a sleek black ribbon tied

elegantly atop.

“This isn’t big enough for a picture,” he says while holding it to his ear and shaking it lightly.

I laugh again as I see the enormous smile plastered to his face. He snickers lightly like a child as

he pulls open the ribbon, and carefully rips open the paper to pull out the black box inside.

He gingerly removes the lid, and his eyes narrow suspiciously as he pulls out a Vegas souvenir

pen set.

“I wasn’t expecting that,” he says with bemusement.

I laugh a little more as I motion to what’s under the false bottom of the box. He pulls out the

slither of cardboard, and his eyes widen as he unfolds the brochure to the inn my father manages.

“Is this what I think it is?”

“Click the pen,” I giggle out.

He lets out a bit of a chuckle as he entertains my odd request. As he pushes the pen, his eyes light

up. Music frees itself from the hidden music box within, and it plays the wedding march with a fast,

somewhat cheesy, but effective rendition.

“You want to get married at the inn?” he says with more excitement as he swirls me around.

My feet slowly find the floor again, and his incredible lips glide against mine.

“Yes. I do,” I say with a dorky romantic intended pun.

Vegas is bringing out the
in me.

“Where did you get this?” he laughs as he holds the pen up.

“Vegas if full of wedding shops. I asked Camara to find me anything that played this tune, and

she came back with this. I wrapped it while I was in the bathroom. I love you.”

“I love you too, babe. When are we getting married?” he questions with giddy enthusiasm.

“As soon as I’m immortal again.”

He frowns a little, and I move in closer to his body.

“Why do we have to wait until then?” he pouts.

I smile at his rush to see me walking down the aisle.

“Because I want a bed-breaking, electrifying, wall-shaking wedding night,” I seduce.

He swallows hard against the knot that has instantly formed in his throat, and his face glows a

faint shade of red as he adjusts his collar.

“I don’t need all that. I just want to be married to you,” he says before gulping.

I smile at his hesitation to finish that sentence considering my very enticing and salacious remark.

“I want to be married to you too, but I also want it to be the most magical night we’ve ever had. I

think we both know my awakened Aphrodite half will aide with that,” I seduce more.

“I’ll do whatever you want me to,” he murmurs as my fever explodes from within.

He lifts me to meet his lips, and my fingers tangle in his hair. His firm hands grip me through the

thin garment snugly tailored to my body.

“You two have to keep the seduction level a little lower. People around you are starting to feel

the effects,” Hale warns.

Devin slowly releases me, and I can see all the eyes in the room staring at me.
Damn, this is new.

“Her mortal and immortal waves are starting to collide. Her mind and emotions have been set to

immortal, but her body is playing catch up. We probably need to rush Theia along,” Persia murmurs

in a low whisper.

We don’t have to rush Theia though. She and Hagar emerge from the private booth and rejoin us

with heavy eyes.

Theia has had to relive those terrible memories over and over. I can tell it’s starting to take a toll

on her. She hasn’t even told very many others from our group because she knows they’ll want to see.

They’re just contacting their contacts to start readying for the big fight they know is coming without

hearing about the rewind.

“I’m going to take your mother back to the apartment. She needs to rest for a while,” Phillip

murmurs with concerned eyes as he steadies the body of his weakened wife.

“I’m fine. It’s just a little rough after the initial reviewing,” she lies.

“Go back. Get some rest. We can take care of everything else,” Devin assures.

She frowns slightly but nods in appreciative defeat. Hagar’s ghostly appearance brings down his

once intimidating stock.

“I’ll help you,” he affirms with a tone of astonishment mingling with fear.

“Thank you,” Devin says while shaking Hagar’s hand. “We’re trying to keep everyone roped in

together. We don’t want to be surprised again.”

“I’ll tell my wife, and we’ll join you in a few hours,” he murmurs gently before turning to walk


Hale walks up with mischievous eyes, and I can see Deacon smirking a little as well.

“Time for Stasia, playboy,” he teases.

I hide my scowl, but I know my eyes are burning furiously. It’s a good thing I’m mortal right


Devin grumbles in distaste for the taunting remark, and I feel myself pulling away from his grasp

as I turn to follow Camara’s lead.

He quickly pulls my hand in his before I fully escape, but I don’t fight his touch. I have to try to

trust him.

“A strip club?” I squeal
in disbelief as we stand in front of the flashing sign advertising the

unexpected destination.

Deacon roars out his laughter, as do some of the others. Devin’s face is completely flushed as he

tries to answer me.

“I’m sorry. This is where she works.”

Oh that conniving bitch.

“No wonder she requested the meeting be here,” I growl. “What immortal spends eternity

flashing her goods on stage?”

“The kind who enjoys a man’s lust,” Gemma snorts in disgust.

At least I’m not the only one completely grossed out. I hate knowing Gemma is my only ally


“Well. I think this is the best meeting place I’ve ever been asked to come to,” Hale says with a

menacing hint.

I roll my eyes as I huff, and then I shrug Devin’s arm off from around my shoulders as we walk


“Please don’t be mad at me,” he murmurs against my ear.

“You could have warned me,” I gripe. “What time are we supposed to meet her?” I ask as we

walk through the hazy lights barely offering any real illumination.

“Right now,” Devin murmurs over the music with a slight grimace on his face.

A new song starts playing just as a lean, perfectly measured blond struts out onto the stage with

all of her beauty and seductive poise.

She flips her hair as she quickly bends forward, and her eyes lock in on Devin’s as she slowly

pulls back up. He looks away promptly to break eye contact, but it’s not like he needs his eyes to see


Fucking psychic.

I’m sure she’s doing nothing to block his visions either.

“So you saw this coming, and we still came?” I growl.

“We need her,” he mumbles.

need her, or do
just want to enjoy a show?” I snark.

“I’m not enjoying this. I avoid these visions, and I’m blocking her out right now,” he assures.

“Then I guess you should be able to block out a vision when you hold a present too,” I say in order

to enforce my suspicious tone.

“When provoked by touch, I can’t help but see. I’ve already told you this. Please don’t question

whether or not I’m telling the truth,” he almost admonishes.

“Don’t get pissed at me right now. I’m not the one dragging you to a strip club to watch my ex

perform a striptease for me,” I harp. “I’ve also heard how incredibly good you are at lying, playboy.”

He shakes his head, and turns his back on the stage as he stalks toward the bar.

Camara walks over to attempt to offer me an encouraging smile. I take a deep breath, but instead

of fresh air, I collect stale seduction, lust, and desperation.

My anger is almost boiling over at this point, and I’m begging Aphrodite to loan me some of her

confidence because mine has been smashed to bits by this blond bombshell having her fun on the


I almost throw up in my mouth when I think of how intimate and wild the two of them had to have

been. There’s a reason Gemma hates her, and I’m sure there’s more to it than just the murder attempt.

The song ends, and she scoops all of her cash up as she slides her lingerie back on before walking

off the stage.

I walk over to stand beside Hale who is in less of a teasing mood now that he sees how truly upset

I am by all of this. He slides his arm around my shoulders, and I lean against him for support just as

Devin returns.

“Devin,” she squeals excitedly, and I notice there’s a thick, Russian accent.

Great. Hot and foreign. As if my confidence needed another low blow.

She throws her arms around him, and his drink sloshes as he pats her very stiffly before quickly

withdrawing. The furious red grows with intensity as I glare at the two of them.

“Thank you for meeting with us,” Devin says very cordially.

“Of course. You know I like to do things for you. The payment is always so… rewarding,” she

seduces as she drags her finger up his chest.

Like I’m supposed to stand here and be okay?

Hale’s grip tightens on my shoulder, preventing me from trying to take on an immortal. Devin

withdraws from the stray finger as he cautions her.

“I’ve already told you I’m engaged.”

At least he did that much.

“Yes, but you didn’t say what you were engaged in?” she replies with a fake coyness.

“It’s not what I’m engaged in, it’s who I’m engaged to,” he clarifies to the blond pretending to be

an oblivious bimbo.

Her eyes scowl into Gemma’s, and Gemma doesn’t do anything but step toward her fearlessly.

“You had better not be engaged to that troll,” she snarks.

Gemma starts to lunge, but Deacon restrains her by the elbows, pulling her just far enough away

to keep her from ripping Stasia’s head off.

“Did I provoke that as well?” Gemma scoffs to Devin.

He rolls his eyes at the two women fighting for his attention while my hands fist at my sides. I

fucking hate feeling out of place when he’s supposed to be mine.

“I’m engaged to Adisia,” he sighs.

“Adisia? I don’t know an… Adisia,” she murmurs with confusion.

Devin starts looking around, but I stay cowered beside Hale. His eyes narrow when he sees the

close contact I’m sharing with the sexy sun, and he walks over to pull me away from Hale and into


“This is Adisia,” he says proudly as he kisses my forehead.

She doesn’t react the way I expect though.

“She’s cute. You know she’s a mortal though? I can smell it on her breath,” she says so casually.

“I do know. She’s not too far from obtaining her immortality,” Devin offers.

She nods but doesn’t question him further. She turns to me, and her eyes flash in what seems to

be excitement.

“You like to be peeped on?” she giggles. “I walked around in my underwear for two centuries

because I knew Devin was peeping on me. He never stays away for long,” she delivers with a veiled



“Please don’t do this, Stasia,” Devin pleads in a worrisome tone.

“Do what? Does she not realize you can see the future? How else would you have known about

her changing soon?” she says with yet more false coyness.

“I can’t see Adisia, or anything related to her,” Devin explains. “It’s a long story, and that’s why

we’re here. I’d prefer it if you didn’t say those sorts of things in front of the woman I plan to marry.”

Too late, asshole.
The fact that he
on her can’t be unheard.

“I’m so sorry, Devin. I never pictured you to be with a woman who would get jealous over such a

tiny little thing considering how you are,” she gasps so innocently.

“That’s how I was, not how I am,” he grumbles as I cringe in disgust.

I start to walk off, but he grabs my hand to pull me into his arms. I don’t cause a scene by

attempting to escape the arms I know I can’t.

“I love Adisia. Please just consider it a show of respect to exert restraint from your otherwise

crude tongue,” he gripes.

“You know just how crude my tongue can be,” she seduces as a wicked grin slithers across her


Devin grumbles under his breath, and his posture and eyes scold her for her disobedience.

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