Dark Desires: Genesis (4 page)

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Authors: Kourtney King

BOOK: Dark Desires: Genesis
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just make sure that sailor doesn’t have PTSD and is packing condoms. Other than
that I’m more than happy to pick up after you hussies.” Everyone laughed at
Maci’s chastising. They knew she was the most responsible and hardly if ever
did she step out of her scripted life. “Okay everybody let’s get dressed” she
gulped down the contents in her cup “the cab will be here in an hour and we
need to polish off a couple more cups of that Truth Serum Val concocted”.

the cab arrived all the girls made a mad dash to the mirrors in both the
bedroom and the bathroom, ensuring that everything was in place. Natasha styled
her hair in lose blond waves, with pink gloss and black mascara that made her
green eyes pop. She had catwalk legs that were only exaggerated by the white
shorts and heels ensemble topped off with a three quarter grey shirt in an
effort to not be too revealing. Toni was of Indian hereditary and it showed in
her thick long hair that fell straight down her back. The gold dress she wore
highlighted the honey brown tone of her skin. She finished off her look with
sultry eyes. Macy being the sophisticated one of the group, decided on black
high waist pants, a black sleeveless top and black heels. Her hair was pulled
back in a tight bun and only the shocking red lips and smoky eyes distinguished
the look from high fashion business meeting to that of a night on the town.

looked at her best friends. They were gorgeous and would probably attract the
men like bees to honey
unless they were the wrong kind of men then we would
be attracting them like flies to shit
. When they got to SOCO the club was
packed. It was the end of summer and the city was still playing host to
tourists. Macy, having the foresight that she did, had reserved a table and
everyone was thankful when they realised that wearing heels could bring the
night to an early close if they couldn’t find seats. As everybody settled into
the booth, they ordered drinks and shifted into small council mode - giving
fashion praise to the girls they envied and silent words of commiseration on
those that completely missed the mark. They then turned their gazes to the
guys, sizing them up and throwing sultry looks to the ones that made an
impression. After some idle chatter they decided to get up and hit the dance
floor. Shaking their hips and swinging their hair to the beats the DJ was
playing. It was a great night and everyone was having fun.

felt someone come up behind her, it was a club after all and the bodies on the
dancefloor were packed very tightly together. The next track was one of her
favourites and she followed the sound of the music letting it guide her body to
the sensual, melodic sound. She felt the hands of the stranger wrap around her
waist and internally cringed. If she had not gone out yesterday she would not
have minded the attention but today she was in no mood for men.
Send them
all to Siberia for all I care!
She gave Toni an exasperated look at the
guy’s antics behind her but only received a wink. Great she knew she wasn’t
getting help on this one. She turned around to tell the gentleman behind her as
politely as she could that she wasn’t interested when she found herself staring
at a very familiar face.

excused himself to go to the bathroom. He had been entertaining his associates
and feigning interest in the night’s festivities. The location was great, the
women were beautiful and the drinks kept flowing but he felt exhausted and
wanted to call it a night. Emerging from the bathroom he felt a feminine hand
caress his arm. He turned to find a sexy brunette giving him the come hither
look. Turning on his charm he grabbed her hand and kissed it on the back. “Vladimir,
and you are?” he asked flirtatiously.

pleased to meet you.” She replied batting her long lashes. She was beautiful
and tall. Maybe she was even a model with her svelte physique. Vladimir felt
his cock groan. He had been wound up since waking up this morning and was happy
to have found a woman to end the night with. “Are you here with someone?” she
asked coquettishly.

here with a few associates for a reprieve after some business. Would you care
to join us?” he asked with the charming smile he had perfected over the years.

would love to” she replied and followed him as he led the way back to his
table. He walked past the bodies that filled the space and brushed past a woman
who almost tripped had it not been for the man she was walking with. In most
situations he wouldn’t have apologized but knowing that he had a female
prospect in his midst, he maintained the aura of charm. “Sorry miss, are you
okay” he asked feigning concern.

don’t worry about it. It’s just really full tonight and accidents are bound to
happen” she replied.

knew that voice, he knew that ass that was bent over in a tight white dress and
he knew the owner of those magnificent breasts even though he only had a side
angle to look at - unless Valerie had gotten into his system is such a way that
every black woman reminded him of her. She was holding onto the guy she had
been walking with and spoke partly to him and partly to the floor while bent
over, refitting the heel that had slipped off her foot. As she stood up he got
a good look at the woman who had snuck out on him earlier this morning. Valerie
simply started and he couldn’t help but stare back. Chloe’s arm wrapped
possessively around his thick bicep breaking him from the brief spell.

Uhm hi…” she greeted nervously.

to see you again Val” he replied cooly.

sure” was the only response that Val could come up with. She then turned back
to the guy she was with and they walked over to her group of friends. She
couldn’t believe she had run into Vlad again. What were the chances?! She
decided to focus her attention on Charles. She was surprised that he was the
owner of the hands that had been all over her on the dancefloor. Val hadn’t
seen him since she left the city a few years back and she was glad to have run
into him. He was always the dorm favourite when it came to last minute tutoring,
even if you were didn’t have the money to pay for his services. His ability to
see women as people rather than warm bodies for the night, had garnered him a
large amount of respect. They sat down and caught up but Val couldn’t stop
thinking about Vladimir and the gorgeous woman on his arm. It was a major
bruise to the ego considering she’d only left his bed this morning.

couldn’t believe he’d run into Valerie again. He had intermittently thought
about her throughout the day but had resigned himself to leaving the past where
it was and moving on. Chloe was on his arm and stroking his thigh suggestively.
Had it not been for the encounter a few minutes ago, he would have welcomed her
sly gestures by bidding a good evening to the men he was here with and going
back to the hotel to ravish her. Right now he wanted to walk over and grab Val
before hightailing it to his suite. In his mind they had some unfinished business
which is the only plausible excuse he could give himself as explanation for the
change in women and the jealousy he was feeling towards the man he saw her
with. He never competed for attention, as far as he was concerned he didn’t
have any. He turned to Chloe to give his apologies; they weren’t going to
happen tonight or ever for that matter seeing that he was leaving the country
on Monday. “Darling something has come up and I need to leave. Feel free to
stay and enjoy yourself” he said with as the sincerest smile he could muster.

you want me to come with you she asked” pouting her soft pink lips and lowering
her lashes.

afraid not. This is business and I need to wrap things up before my flight” he
stated flatly, brokering no room for argument. He then turned to the men at the
table and bid them a good evening. He headed over to the bar and requested the
bill for their table thus far. After paying he headed in the direction he had
seem Val go in. He found her table and decided to be cordial even though he
felt far from it. “Hi ladies” he smiled sweetly at all the women and shook the
man’s hand hard to assert his dominance. “Mind if I borrow little Valerie for a
minute?” he requested

was surprised that he’d even come back, there really wasn’t anything for them
to discuss. The words they’d spoken to each other the night before could hardly
be considered a conversation and beyond sharing names, none knew the other well
enough to illicit a private conversation. To avoid a very awkward situation Val
stood and joined him “I’ll be right back” she told everyone before leaving with
him. “Where are we going? What do you want to talk to me about?” she asked once
outside, trying to get to the root of what was in actual fact going on before
raising unwanted suspicion from the girls. She felt his hand move down to cup
her ass and nearly tripped at the overt action.

going to finish round three” he casually replied as if he merely requested a
bottle of water. Vlad placed his hand on her hip to steady her after her second
near fall. She didn’t look very interested in his proposition but he was never
one to give up and considered himself a master manipulator of both people and
events. Everything could always be moulded to suit and serve his needs,
everyone else be damned and this case need not be any different. “Was that your
boyfriend back there?”

I would never cheat on my boyfriend or walk out on him to have a private
conversation with another man” she replied defending her character at what he
was suggesting.

a prospect for tonight?” he asked.

was losing her patience. So this is what he thought of her, simply because she
slept with him within an hour of their meeting; that she indulged in this kind
of behaviour often. She was incensed and wanted this little têtê á têtê over
with. “Why did you want to talk to me?” she asked forcefully.

finish what we started last night.”

not interested. Yesterday was great but we’re done.”

don’t think so” Vlad replied, he leaned down to hoist her by her ass and press
her against the wall before he kissed her with a fervent hunger. He could feel
the blood rushing to his groin and his cock hardened at the prospect of being
in her tight hole once more. He ground his erection into her and heard her moan.
He knew she would be doing a lot more of that tonight as he continued to kiss
her, building up their mutual excitement. “Let’s not fight what we both want.
I’ll be leaving on Monday and you can forget all about me” he doubted she would
ever forget him but pressed on nonetheless “just give us tonight.

head was swimming. She thought that she had gotten enough sex to last her a few
months but based on the flutter she felt below, she knew she was just as turned
on as she was yesterday, she would leave with him.
This is the last time
I’ll ever sleep with him or any other sexy stranger for that matter. After
tonight I will never see him again.
She swore it to herself as she tried to
steady her breathing. She nodded her head and acquiesced to his request. He put
her back down on the ground and led her to a cab for the second time in as many

Chapter Three

felt a sense of déjá vu as she sat in the cab with Vladimir. The feeling of
familiarity washed over her because she had been in the exact same position
heading to the exact same location the night before. As with the previous night
she kept her gaze straight ahead with all the sexual tension emanating from
them both. She tried to swallow, suddenly feeling her throat dry.

sat next to a nervous Val and stared at her even though he knew it only aided
in her growing nervousness. He planned to be a bit more adventurous than the
night before. “Come here,” he cajoled.

Valerie replied, growing ever more nervous at his request.

said come here,” he commanded silently.

I’m sitting right next to you” Val added in refute to what he was asking.

want you on my lap” he said with his face set in earnest.

could only stare at his visage which was a mask of seriousness. He wasn’t
joking and it didn’t seem like he was making a request, it sounded like a
command if she ever heard one, regardless of the tone he had spoken in. She
would not give in to him as a matter of pride and propriety. She was not
adverse to PDA but if their thoughts were one in the same then his actions
could not be classified as affection; he would probably have his hands between
her legs, her panting and her goodies on display for the driver - not going to
happen. Having made up her mind and unwilling to continue to be a participant
in the staring contest, she turned her gaze to the window at her side, watching
the city go by and anxiously wanting to finally reach the hotel.

had been dismissed when she turned her head to stare out the window. He saw the
internal struggle in her eyes when he requested she sit atop him. He wanted to
tease her and even make her orgasm from the sheer excitement of exhibition but
she refused. She was holding back from her true desires and he could guess that
it was based on some preconceived notion of what society considered appropriate
behaviour. If only he had more time with her, he would break down all those
walls and she would experience the joys life had to offer when one lived
outside the expectations and boundaries set by social conditioning. He would
have to work on her to the best of his abilities given the short time
allocation. He broke away from his thoughts when he noticed her reaching into
her purse for her cell phone.
She probably wants to let her friends know
that she won’t be re-joining them tonight. Or she could be texting that guy she
was with earlier.
He watched as she got a reply and her face lit up in a
smile, “Who are you messaging?” he enquired.

friends, just letting them know I’ve called it a night” she answered.

what did they say that was so funny?”

you like to know” she told him in a mock sing-song tone before slipping the
phone back into her purse.

though the curiosity would eat at him, he decided to drop the subject seeing
that they had finally arrived. She had been an aggravating woman tonight and he
planned to set his world right again as soon as they were alone. His little
angel was misbehaving and he had to punish her. As he ushered her, hand lightly
placed on the small of her back, from the cab and through the lobby and into
the elevator, he maintained the air of a complete gentleman. Even though he
felt his blood rushing to his cock, he maintained a steady pace and an
impassive face as he led her down the corridor and to his door, swiping the key
card to grant entry into the suite. When she entered the darkened room, he kept
his gaze pinned on her – shutting the door he rushed forward and grabbed her
waist from behind pushing her body against the wall.

element of surprise was a ploy he had crafted and she was an easy and
unsuspecting victim. Usually Vladimir’s surprises were never good for those
they were planned but he wanted Val to enjoy this one. He grabbed her arms and
pinned them both high above her head, using one of his large hands. He then
reached down to the hem of her dress and began to draw it up her legs and over
her ass. He gave it a hard slap and rubbed his palm over where he’d hit her. He
heard her breath hitch after the slap and continued to rub her ass before reaching
up to the sides of her hips and grabbing hold of the waist band on her thong
before pulling it down to her knees. He kicked her legs open wider, ensuring
her underwear remained in place restricting any movement, and then reached down
between the crack of her ass to rub her pussy.

was turned-on when Vlad spanked then caressed her. She waited in anticipation
for his next move. She craved his cock. She wanted - no needed - him to fuck
her. Her rubbed her slit and inserted two digits in her wet core, using her
essence as lubrication. He drove her wild with need as he continued his
ministrations and withdrew his fingers leaving her bereft. She heard him
unbuckle his belt and pull down the zipper of his pants before she felt his
cock head stoke her slit from top to bottom. He positioned himself at her entry
and thrust himself to the hilt. She felt full and would have gladly pushed back
to create the friction needed but was trapped between his imposing form and the
wall. Before she could utter her prerogative, he withdrew out of her channel
and pushed back in, increasing the pace to a wild frenzy. She felt wanton in
her lust. Vlad’s possession of her was neither loving nor tender. It was
animalistic; through brutal thrusts he asserted complete dominance over her, driving
her to the climax she so craved. She felt her core pulse before reaching her
orgasm with a loud cry.

continued to rip into her but when the walls of her wet pussy closed around his
cock he erupted and sprayed his seed within her. He leaned against her back and
tried to catch his breath whilst simultaneously inhaling the scent of her
perfume. He moved closer to her neck and placed a soft kiss there before
pulling out of her. He wanted to take her again. He wanted so much more. He
hoisted her body into his arms and carried her into the bedroom. Once they were
inside he placed her feet on the floor before reaching for the material of her
dress that dipped into her cleavage. With firm hands he tore the front of her
dress revealing her breasts. Like the last time, she wore no bra underneath. Examining
the large mounds he wanted to reacquaint himself with her dark chocolate
nipples that were now peaked in salute. He moved forward and lowered his head
to suck on one and then the other, eliciting her delicious cries. He loved the
sounds she made; they were raw and genuine, demonstrating her responsiveness to
his craft. He pushed her back onto the bed and peeled off whatever remained of
the attire she had worn tonight – what was a once very seductive white dress
and a thong that clung awkwardly to her left ankle.

her splayed out on the bed, ready to be taken, Vlad felt compelled to taste
her. He got down on his knees, pulled her legs over his shoulders and buried
his head at her centre. He sucked at her clit gently then spread her thighs further
apart to gain better access. He licked her from top to bottom before pushing
his tongue into her channel. She writhed in his arms trying to break free but
he held firmly to her thighs and continued to pleasure her. He moved his tongue
from her core and tentatively licked at her aroused bud before closing his
mouth around it and began sucking - at first gently and then harder until she
screamed in ecstasy. He nipped her clit with his teeth causing her to shudder
before he made his way back up her body and then to her lips. He needed to be
inside her again. He pushed his pants further down his hips and drove his cock
into her pussy once more. She was hot and wet from their earlier release and
the feeling of her bare walls surrounding his cock made him grow harder. Giving
into hedonistic lust, he began to pound into her relentlessly and lost himself
in the motions that were so instinctual in every man. He placed his hands on
her ass and spread her cheeks to deepen his thrusts. Val voiced her pleasure in
groans when he was rough and soft mewls when he slowed down. He wanted to
absorb her pleasure in every way possible so he leaned forward and closed his
mouth over hers – effectively swallowing her cries into his being. He felt her
pussy begin to spasm around his cock signalling that she was coming and that
was when he allowed his body to reach its own climax. He felt the muscles in
his legs, arms and back tighten before his cum was expelled into her core once

their breathing was laboured as they tried to regain their composure. Vladimir
noticed the light sheen of sweat that had settled around her skin and looking
at her face, which was a mask of satisfaction, he felt his own. The pagans may
have been off kilter with some of their beliefs but the mating ritual that gave
them clarity to see “god” may have held some semblance of truth – this was
bliss. He climbed off of her and moved to settle behind her on the bed
realising that he must be heavy on her small frame.

could not think straight; in fact at that point in time she could not muster a
single thought or word. The sheer elation of their post coital bliss had left
her mind blank. As she tried to steady her breathing, she felt Vladimir move
off of her body and the act of drawing air into her lungs became easier to
manage. She felt hot and sticky and needed a shower. She rolled to the other
side of the bed needing some space away from his bulky frame in order to cool
down. “May I use your shower?” she requested. It was the polite thing to do,
considering she was a guest in his home regardless of how temporary it was.

he replied. She got off the bed and headed to the bathroom feeling dazed and
satiated. Once in the shower she tuned the water to cold. She needed to regain
some semblance of herself, some semblance of sanity, before heading out. She
rinsed off the sweat and began to wash her body, she washed off the makeup she
had meticulously applied for the night out on the town and she allowed the
water to rejuvenate her. As she stood in the shower allowing the spray of the
water to cascade off of her body, she heard the door open and turned to see
Vlad entering the shower stall. “We aren’t done yet angel.”

couldn’t get enough of her, just when he thought that he had had his fill and
he could send her home, the image of her naked and wet in the shower had his
penis stirring back to life. He would take her slow and draw out this orgasm
until his balls ached and hopefully this would be the final realise he needed
before he called it a night. He got into the shower and was mesmerized by the
way the rivulets of water made their way down her finely shaped form, gliding
over the hills that were her breasts and the valley that was her stomach.
Feeling his dick stand to attention, he ignored the urge to claim her
immediately, he would delay his gratification. Grabbing the complementary body
wash and towel the hotel provided, put his plan of teasing her into action, he
would drive her as wild as she did him.

lathered the wash cloth and began rubbing it across his chest; he worked his
way down to the ridges of his stomach and then continued down his legs. He
turned his back to her knowing he had her rapt attention, he began washing his
back and ass. He could hear her breathing pick up its pace and knew that he had
created the desired effect. He turned back to face her and scrubbed his arms
before he dropped the cloth onto the floor and reached down to grab his aroused
cock. He stroked himself in front of her, feeding off of her desire for him,
growing harder with each motion of his hand and the reactions that he read off
of her face. He stopped what he was doing and stepped forward, bending down and
hoisting this woman by her ass against the stall wall. He plunged into her with
one quick powerful stroke and looked into her eyes as she sat impaled on his

gasped once he entered her but unlike before his strokes were long and
measured. She felt the sensations that had become all too familiar and needed
more to chase her climax; she wanted him to go faster. Vladimir knew that Val
was close but he wouldn’t give her the satisfaction she craved, he pushed his
body flush against her and the wall, ensuring she did not have any wiggle room.
Pinning her small body with his larger one, he grabbed a firm hold of her ass,
prohibiting any movement on her end and opened her favourably to receive his
pleasure. All Val could do was throw her head back and be the receptacle he
made her whenever they fucked. His thrusts were so slow they only ever teased
her to the edge without the benefit of falling over. The desire she had for him
to ravish her drove her to the point of madness, she needed to come. “Please -
faster” she exhaled in staccato like breathes but he did not relent. She felt
the all-consuming sensation as it approached but she never came, he would not
allow her, every time her pussy clenched around his cock to keep him in place,
he would pull back and wait for the moment to pass. They continued like this for
what seemed an eternity, thankfully he began to drive into her at a pace that
had her biting her lip so hard, she tasted the copper of blood. Once he came,
the feeling of his hot cum at her womb tipped her off of the precipice she had
danced on since he stepped into the shower.

kissed her after his release. It was a kiss of gratitude that was tender and
slow before he eased her legs back onto the floor and bent down, washing away
the remnants of his release out of her battered pussy. Once he was done, he stepped
out of the shower and grabbed one of the towels. He dried himself off and did
the same for her before guiding her back to the bed. When they were settled he
pulled her back towards his chest and wrapped his arms underneath her breasts.
For good measure he tossed his leg over hers just in case she thought of
sneaking away from him again. He kissed the back of her head and fell asleep.

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