Damon [The Texas Senator's Sons 1] (Siren Publishing Classic) (8 page)

BOOK: Damon [The Texas Senator's Sons 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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With plans made, Regan hurried out of the kitchen to get dressed.

Chapter Five


It was Monday morning, and Regan woke up nervous. She needed to muster up the confidence to go into that club and ask about a position today. She was excited but also a little queasy. It was much easier to plan and talk about it than really do it.

When her cell rang, she was sure it was Bree but was pleasantly surprised that it was Damon instead.

“Good morning, gorgeous.” Damon greeted her with his fantastic voice.

“Hi, I was worried that I scared you off!” Regan teased.

“Sweetheart, you couldn’t scare me off if you wanted to,” he drawled at the other end. “I’m sorry, though. I meant to call yesterday but got hung up with a cow having problems calving and didn’t get in until late. I thought maybe you’d be asleep, and I didn’t want to wake you,” he explained.

“Oh no, are the cow and calf okay?” Regan asked.

“Yeah, fine now. So listen, I have to go to Austin and take care of some business today and tomorrow for my father, but when I get back I’d like to see you if that’s all right.”

“Sure, just give me a call when you get back.” Regan smiled and tried not to act overly enthusiastic or goofy.

“I had a great time Saturday night,” Damon said softly, “I just wanted you to know.”

“Me, too.”

“Well, sweetheart, have a wonderful day, and I’ll give you a call tomorrow.”

They ended the call, and Regan fell back into her pillows with a sigh. Too bad she wouldn’t see him for a couple of days, but she didn’t mind. She had a lot to do anyway.

After Bree arrived and worked her magic, they set out to do some more shopping. So far, everything was going on schedule. Regan needed to find an outfit to go to the club in to apply for a job. Somehow she didn’t think a pair of khakis and a T-shirt would land it. If she didn’t get the job, she had already planned to keep the receipts so she could take the stuff back.
Well, maybe she’d keep them, for fun and all.

With her purchases made, Regan laughed as Bree drove. Next stop was to find a place to change her clothes. One part of her couldn’t believe what she was doing while the other part cheered. She had her reasons for wanting to do this, but she needed a little pep talk to help push her along.

“Bree, you don’t think I’m stupid for doing this, do you?” Regan asked. She needed to hear Bree remind her.

“No, and you know that.” Bree drove toward a close convenient store and parked. “I see you having the time of your life already, which is great. You have been unhappy this last year, and don’t try to deny it. Just do me a favor, okay?”

“Anything!” Regan said with concern on her face.

“Don’t get hurt, please,” Bree pleaded.

Regan smiled. “You have my word. I promise to just enjoy this week for what it is and nothing more.”

“Good girl, now get your cute ass in there and get dressed! You have a job to land.”

When Regan came out, Bree nearly laughed out of shock. Regan had transformed from a twenty-nine-year-old florist in khakis to hello–hottie, looking more like she was twenty-five. She was speechless as Regan opened the door to the car and got in. It was obvious the girl worked out, but Bree had no idea how great she looked under all the clothes she normally wore. Sitting next to her was a woman with a flat, smooth stomach, full hips, and a well-crafted backside. The push-up bra she picked out made her chest look bigger than it really was. The tight, black faux leather pants with flared legs accentuated her curves perfectly, and the short halter top left her midsection bare.

Bree blinked and looked at Regan again. “Girl, is that you?”

Regan laughed and shook her head. “Yeah, I look ridiculous, don’t I?” she complained as she surveyed her clothing.

“No! Dang girl, why don’t you show yourself off more often? You look great!”

“I never had anywhere to go.” Regan sat back as nervousness set in again.

Bree felt like she was seeing Regan for the very first time, really. Inside her cool demeanor was a woman who wanted to just have a little fun. She had known her for nearly eight years and always thought she was happy until a year ago. Bree just thought it was the getting older and not being married scenario playing out, but she couldn’t have been more wrong. No, Regan was a fun-loving woman who had always been responsible and worked hard to accomplish her goals but never found time to just live for the moment. Inside was a woman that was breaking out of her shell.

Once parked outside the club, Bree knew that Regan needed a serious pick-me-up. “Okay girl, sit up straight!”

Regan looked at Bree like she was crazy and smiled. “Okay, so now what?”

“You are sexy! Sassy! When you walk into that club, own it!”

Regan rolled her head and tried to loosen up. “Okay, own it, got it.”

“Think about when you watched the strippers at the club the other night. I want you to recall their attitude, their expressions. Close your eyes, and adopt their confidence,” Bree coaxed as Regan complied with her instructions.

Regan closed her eyes and thought about Shay. She pictured her walking out on the stage with authority, attitude. She expressed confidence, and it poured freely from her. Her smile was devilish and cocksure. Shay felt sexy as the eyes from the crowd drank her in, and she basked in it as she moved seductively across the stage. “Yes, confidence. Sensual, sexy,” she told herself.

“Own it, girl. Get in that club and show them what I see,” Bree cheered.

Regan opened her eyes and nodded. She stepped out onto the pavement and allowed attitude to wash over her. The high heels made her feel sexy, and she tried not to instinctively cover her midsection that was bare. As she walked, she kept Shay’s image in her mind and tried to mimic her subtle movements with confidence. She took a deep breath and opened the front door.

Inside there were a few customers mainly there for cheap drinks at this time of day. A lone dancer was rehearsing on stage with little notice from the few patrons sitting around. Regan walked to the bar and remembered how sexy she felt the other night in here when she was kissing Damon. That’s it, she thought, it is coming back. The sensuality flamed inside her, and her skin became hot. Oh, how that man thrilled her.

“Well hello, gorgeous!” the man behind the bar said then whistled. “What can I do for you?” He smiled and leaned against the bar, inches from her.

Regan pictured Damon and smiled. “I need to see the person in charge of hiring,” she said with coolness in her tone.

“You’re looking at him. I’m Randy Marcano, the owner. You need a job, sweetheart?” he asked with a grin on his face.

The man seemed pretty sure of himself. He had a nice build, slender waist, a muscled torso, and was pleasant to look at. His face was lean with a strong jaw, deep chestnut eyes, and black hair.

“Actually, I do. When can I start?” Regan leaned back to show off the goods and allow him a look at what she had to offer.

“Honey, you can start tomorrow night! I just lost a dancer last night, and my prayers have been answered. Be here at six. That’ll give you time to get acquainted with the other dancers and find a locker in the dressing room.” He grinned with a sexy smile and welcoming eyes.

“Great, I’ll see you then,” she said, trying to not allow her giddiness to get the best of her.

“Say, you ever danced before?” He eyed her suspiciously.

Regan smiled. “Of course.” She wasn’t lying. She had danced for nearly thirteen years, just not while stripping off clothes.

“What’s your name, honey?”

“American Pie.” Regan grinned and then felt stupid. Why she came up with that name she wasn’t sure. It must be the blond wig, she thought and tried not to blush.

“House gets five hundred a night. Be sure to check the schedule for stage times. I’ll put you in the rotation.” Randy winked.

Regan nodded and flashed him a smile as she turned and walked to the door carefully. She couldn’t believe it was that easy and quivered with anxiety all of a sudden. This meant there was no turning back now.


* * * *


It had been a long day, and now Regan sat in her living room with her laptop, trying to come up with a routine for the next day at the club. It shouldn’t have been difficult for someone with so many years of dance, but after adding in seductive moves, crawls, and stripping, she began to see that it wasn’t as easy as it looked. The dancing didn’t bother Regan, but the thought of dancing naked in front of all those eyes did.

Even though she was uneasy, she was also exhilarated. The important aspect, she reminded herself to remember, was to find out anything she could about Shay. That would be quite a task to undertake in a week. She clicked through YouTube and found a beginning stripper routine. Who knew? It was basic with no complex pole maneuvers, and overall doable.

She sat her laptop down and began to practice. It had been years since she had danced, and she was now finding muscles she had forgotten she had. When she crawled across her living room floor like a cat on the prowl, she began to giggle. It felt silly to dance seductively in her apartment all alone. Each time she tried another move, she giggled harder. When her phone rang, she could barely contain her laughter.

“Hello!” Her voice rang out through giggles.

“Hmm, I would love to know what you’re laughing at.” Damon’s voice purred on the other end.

Regan stop giggling and smiled. He couldn’t have called at a better time. “Oh, it’s silly. I was practicing a routine for the club, and let’s just say that’s hard to do alone!”

“I wish I was there. I think I could help, you know, pointers and all,” Damon teased.

“I could use some pointers, actually. I don’t exactly know what would really get a guy going. Silly I know, but right now I doubt I could make a priest blush. It’s pathetic, really.” Her face flamed at her admission.

“Sweetheart, anything you’d do with your body would get any guy going, trust me.”

Just hearing his velvet voice compliment her sent a quiver racing though her. The thought of their naughty make-out session at the club sent prickling sensations racing across her skin. That was what had been missing during her practice, the feeling of sensuality. Damon’s voice gave her the warmth deep inside. “You’re really sweet to think so.”

“I’m going to help you out,” Damon said, and paused. “Here’s what I want you to do. First, dim your lights.” His voice vibrated through the phone.

“Okay, what next?” Regan turned out the main light and only left a small lamp on.

“Put your phone on speaker, and set it where you can hear me.”

Excitement coursed through Regan when she laid her phone on the end table. She had already scooted the coffee table out of the room and had a large open space to dance. “Okay, can you hear me?” Her voice echoed lightly.

“Perfectly, now turn your music on low,” Damon said.

Regan turned the music on and set it low so that she could hear him. Her fingers trembled as she stood in the middle of her living room, feeling like a thousand eyes watched her.

“Ah, perfect. Now, close your eyes,” he said, his voice raw and raspy now. “I’m sitting on the couch watching you. My eyes follow your every move. I see your chest expand with each breath you take.”

Regan trembled, her eyes still closed. She was picturing his lean, muscular body stretched out on her couch. His arms draped across the back of it, and his legs relaxed, gaping open wide. “Mmm,” she purred, envisioning the incredibly large cock she had run her hand over at the club. He was well-endowed, thick, and long. Heat fanned across her body.

“You’re gorgeous, there are so many things I would love to do to your body right now,” Damon teased.

Regan began to move to the music slow at first, her hips swaying, knees slightly bent.

“I want to run my tongue over your stomach. Mmm, I kiss across your ribs toward your perfect breasts…I can feel your heart racing each time my lips touch your soft skin.”

“Yesss,” Regan moaned, running her hands up her stomach toward her breasts. Her fingers fumbled with the buttons on her shirt.

“I flick my tongue out to taste. Your skin is luscious. My hand roams freely over your stomach to squeeze your breasts. Perfect…my fingers flick over your erect, rosy nipple. Damn, it’s just right, so I pinch it with my fingertips.”

Regan’s shirt fell to the floor, and her hands raced to unclasp her bra. When her breasts were freed from their prison, her hands traveled instinctively to her erect nipples that begged to be fondled and sucked. “Ooh, yes,” she said, feeling electricity shoot through her, causing her panties to soak.

“My mouth can’t wait. My tongue swirls around your nipple, mmm.” He groaned. “I nip it with my teeth then caress it with my tongue softly, gently. Yes, so perfect…I nibble again and can’t help myself when I latch on and suck it hard. My tongue and mouth pull roughly, and then I slowly release to love it again.”

Regan moved in time with the music, and Damon’s voice enveloped her. Her mind was hazy with lust. It felt like he was here, his eyes raking over her as she danced for him. She was working to pleasure his senses one by one.

She unsnapped her shorts, allowing them to fall to the floor. “More, I need more,” she begged and eased down onto her knees.

BOOK: Damon [The Texas Senator's Sons 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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