Read Damian (The Caine Brothers #3) Online

Authors: Margaret Madigan

Damian (The Caine Brothers #3) (4 page)

BOOK: Damian (The Caine Brothers #3)
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Her arms went around him and the bite of her nails jabbing into the muscles of his back made his cock spasm. As a big man with big appetites and a lot of power, he’d always had to be careful with women and hold back so he didn’t scare them—even the ones who claimed they liked it rough—because they usually didn’t like it as rough as they said. He always liked sex, no matter what, because getting off was getting off, but when Elena broke their kiss and focused her mouth on one of his nipples, he about came undone.

She started with a sweet, warm, wet flick of her tongue that made his belly clench in a way he hadn’t expected. While she licked the one, she caressed the other with her fingers. He felt ridiculous, lost in waves of desire just from her paying attention to his nipples, his eyes shut and holding his breath as heat built and rippled at her touch. He wondered if it felt similar when he did the same thing to her.

Then she bit him and he just about came with his cock jammed in her belly.

“What the fuck?” he said. This time his voice came out higher pitched than normal.

She bit her lip and lifted her brows, the fakest innocence he’d ever seen. He caught her by the waist and hauled her up to his eye level. She clamped her thighs to his waist and pushed herself up even higher, so she looked down on him, as if she’d climbed the tallest tree in the forest and could now see up into the clouds.

Damn, she was fucking breathtaking.

In that position, her tits were right in his face, so he figured turnaround was fair play. He sucked one nipple into his mouth, hard, and tweaked the other with his fingers and was rewarded with a hissing intake of breath, then a long, low moan.

He liked a woman who knew herself and was comfortable in her own skin. They were rare in his experience. Elena didn’t seem to be shy in any way. Too bad this was once and done. She might be fun to get to know.

“That feels fabulous,” she said, throwing her head back to reveal a long, gorgeous expanse of neck. He wanted to take a bite out of it, but couldn’t bring himself to release her nipple. Tits made him stupid—warm, round, soft, sweet—whenever he saw a beautiful pair, he just wanted to bury his face in them and stay there.

But right behind tits—or maybe even with them—was pussy, and hers hovered right over the tip of his cock like a…

Fuck. He couldn’t think. Like a pussy. That’s what it was like. A pussy. What else did it have to be like?

He latched onto her waist and shoved her downward, plunging the tip of his cock into her hot, wet folds.

Talk about making him stupid. His brain turned to mud and one instinct took over: thrust.

He held her waist and his hips moved, thrusting, slamming, bucking, heaving. God if felt so fucking

The word echoed in his brain with each thrust: Good. Good. Gooooooood.

The air filled with the sounds of their mingled moans and grunts, the panting breath as they inhaled and exhaled, chasing their orgasms. He kissed and sucked her nipples, she squirmed, he rubbed and pinched her clit, she made needy, greedy sounds that drove him wild.

Damian’s orgasm started to curl low in his belly when somewhere deep in his brain the caveman waved his hands in a panic, trying to get Damian’s attention. Caveman was yelling something, but Damian gave him a mental
fuck off, man, I’m about to come.
Caveman cupped his hands over his mouth and hollered one word: condom.

Too late. Ice cold panic splashed his enthusiasm just as Elena’s orgasm hit, her body squeezing and clutching at his naked cock, triggering his orgasm which exploded like a cannon. Bright sparks flashed behind his closed lids, and loud thundering blasts rattled the walls.

“Oh, fireworks,” Elena said, her voice a husky purr.

At first he thought she meant the orgasm, then as blood returned to his brain, he realized she meant actual Fourth of July fireworks as part of the party.

“Elena, I didn’t use a condom.”

He waited for her anger or panic, but she patted him on the shoulder, kissed his nose, and lifted herself off his cock to climb back to the floor.

“Don’t worry about it, hotshot. I’ve got an IUD, so unless you have some raging STD, we’re good.”

Jesus, that had been a close one. Nothing like anxiety to make the orgasm even more intense.

Elena strutted over to the window, pushed the curtain aside, and leaned on the windowsill to watch the fireworks. She didn’t bother dressing, just sat that pretty round ass down and with her dark hair tumbling in waves down her back, looked up into the sky with wonder, oohing and aahing with each fiery blast.

He settled next to her to watch, too. “You like fireworks?” he asked.

She smiled, but didn’t take her eyes off the sky. “Fourth of July is my favorite holiday. Most people like Thanksgiving or Christmas, but I love the Fourth.”

“Is that why you work for the CIA?”

She shook her head. “The Fourth isn’t about patriotism. It’s about family. We always get together for a barbecue, though they’re not usually fundraisers. This year the holiday kind of sucks with all these strangers here and Dad schmoozing everyone for money.”

“Trust me, I can relate to a father who’s all about money.”

A big sparkly red white and blue firework burst, lighting up the sky. “Oh, that one was pretty,” she said. “We usually go watch the parade in town, then come home and make all kinds of food, swim, play football and yard darts and horseshoes, and Dad and my brothers always put together a wonderful fireworks show for us. It’s one of the few times every year when we all get together and forget all the shitty stuff and just have fun as a family.” She glanced sideways at him, trying to watch him and the fireworks. “Your family was here for at least one Fourth, weren’t they?”

“I remember one. I think I was fifteen? Maybe sixteen?”

“That would have made me thirteen or fourteen. What about you? What’s your favorite holiday?”

“Same. Fourth of July. It’s the perfect holiday for six brothers who want to stuff their faces, beat the shit out of each other playing sports, then blow crap up.”

She turned to face him and laughed, her eyes sparkly each time a firework burst outside. She cupped his face and kissed his lips, a sweet gesture that felt normal. “It’s too bad we won’t see each other again. I think you’d be all kinds of fun to get to know as an adult, Damian.”

“Yeah, I’m always out on missions. Never know when I’ll be home, so relationships are tough.”

She snorted. “Don’t worry, hotshot. I’m not trying to put a leash on you. Your man card’s safe. I travel a lot, too. I don’t have any more room in my life for a relationship than you do, so no worries.”


For the first time ever, Elena really did regret that she couldn’t spend more time with a man. With her body still humming from the sex, she wished for more—not more sex, but more time. Ten years ago she’d pined for him to look at her once as anything other than a tomboy. She would have killed to be his girlfriend. Now that he seemed to want her, at least for sex, it wasn’t possible. Damian was flat out adorable. Sure, he was a giant, blond, chiseled, alpha hunk of man, but she felt comfortable enough with him to be herself—which, unfortunately, she couldn’t do.

Unlike most men, she had the sense he didn’t put on airs. He was pretty much what you see is what you get, which she found refreshing. And unusual. And her complete opposite. The nature of her job required her to be a chameleon. Even when she wasn’t on assignment, she couldn’t be her real self for fear of giving herself away.

It never really bothered her, until now. She’d already let her guard down too much with him, as it was. Not that it mattered, since they’d go their separate ways, back to their separate lives, but just once she wished she could have a genuine connection with a man.

“I’m cool,” he said

She glanced down at his re-inflating erection, then back up at his face and waggled her brows. “All evidence to the contrary.”

“What can I say? You bring out the beast in me.”

“You mean best?”

“That, too.”

She giggled—something she rarely did, but she liked the luxury of feeling a little silly—and leaned in to kiss him. His stubble tickled her lips before his tongue came out to play, seeking entry to her mouth. She gladly gave it, craving another taste of him.

His hands came up and snatched at her hair, fisting it tight at the roots. The sting and pressure, his brute strength, dissolved her into a pool of desire. Some primitive part of her liked giving in to him, which gave her pause. She usually preferred being in control. Since when would she want to give that over to someone else? Yet, it didn’t feel threatening. It felt indulgent, sensuous, hedonistic, sumptuous. If she were a puppy, she’d flop over and let him rub her belly, wriggling and wagging her tail in sheer happiness.

Using the fistful of hair to guide her, he rolled her to her back on the floor and crawled over the top of her, his presence looming and filling the space around them. The cool hardwood raised gooseflesh on her skin, narrowing her focus to the heat between them where his cock nudged at her opening.

He kissed her lips—his dog tags dangling from his neck and resting on her chest—then moved to her ear, nipping it just enough to burn before kissing and licking his way down her neck to her collarbone. That, he took between his teeth like a drumstick.

She put her hands on his shoulders and pushed him up enough to look in his eyes. “Try not to leave any marks, there, hotshot.”

He grinned, a teasing look if she’d ever seen one. “Can’t promise anything.”

“Oh really?”

His teasing had her feeling her oats. She didn’t want to think about caution. She wanted to have real fun. Enjoy him for this one night. So while he still wore his confident grin, she used her thigh to sweep his knee out from under him, and at the same time shoved his chest with her hands, forcing him into a roll. She expected to end up on top of him, triumphant that she’d taken him by surprise and subdued him, but she should have known it wouldn’t be that easy with a SEAL.

He used the momentum of the roll to not only get back on top of her, but to grab her waist and flip her face down. She didn’t like being bettered, and her first instinct was to counter his moves, to grapple and wrestle, but then he bent over her back to speak into her ear, his voice and breath heating the skin of her neck even through the mess of her hair.

“I’m impressed.”

Something inside her took pride in that. Then his hard cock slid between her ass cheeks as he grabbed her hands with one of his own, trapping them behind her back, and her insides clenched with need.

“I know a thing or two,” she said.

With his other hand he swiped the hair away from her face. He was so close the heat of his skin warmed her check. In her peripheral vision his dilated pupils and gritted teeth screamed feral, all of which made her so wet she couldn’t help squirming her ass, hoping his cock might bump her clit.

“What else do you know?”

“I know I want that big fucking cock of yours inside me.”

He chuckled in her ear. “You have a dirty little mouth.”

“I guess you bring out the beast in me, too.”

“Okay, then.”

He released her hands and hauled her up onto all fours. Grasping her hips, he pulled her back against his cock. Doggie style. She could work with that.

One hand left her waist and next thing his fingers slid through the wetness of her folds on the way to her clit, which he flicked a couple of times—making her twitch and jump—before settling for a rough caress.

Holy shit jeez fucking Louise...

He played her body like a virtuoso and all she could do was make inarticulate mewling sounds and arch her back, pressing herself into his hand.

When her arms started to tremble, she reached for the windowsill and pulled herself up, crossing her arms and propping her elbows on the sill for support. He followed behind her and used his knee to push her thighs open wider, giving him space to fit between them. As another firework burst in the sky outside, her body throbbed in time to both the powder blast and his fingers pinching her clit.

She groaned and arched her back again, her body instinctively seeking his cock, hunting for the only thing that would give it release.

With a growl so primal it spoke to a deep, desperate place inside her, he gripped her hips and lifted her onto his cock, plunging deep inside her. They both moaned the pleasure of it, their voices a strange, primitive harmony in that frozen moment before their bodies gave in to the need to move.

His first thrust broke the trance, and every thrust after that pushed her nose to the window. The fireworks had to be ending soon. It was the longest show her father had ever put together. Had to be to impress potential donors.

A green and purple firework exploded, showering golden sparks as it finished. Damian grunted with every thrust, pulling her hips backward in a bruising grip as he drove deeper.

Elena let herself go, sinking into the rhythm, the pressure, the delicious throbbing ache of her orgasm building in the muscles around his cock. She basked in the light of the fireworks, and the dark in between; the explosive blasts outside and the frenzied gusts of breath as they panted from the exertion of chasing their climaxes; the heady mix of gunpowder, sweat, and sex as she inhaled a deep breath.

The first tendrils of her orgasm tingled deep in her belly just as the first fireworks of the finale burst in the night sky. Another thrust triggered it and she gave herself up to the waves of velvety bliss as her body melted and she came apart at the seams. Damian’s climax followed on his next thrust and he buried himself into her farthest recesses, leaving part of himself behind on a long, low, rolling growl she felt as much as heard.

The free-for-all of the fireworks finale came to a close as they caught their breath, the last red, white, and blue sparks drifting down in the sudden quiet.

Elena swiped a bead of sweat from her forehead, and unable to suppress a joyful laugh she said, “Best. Fourth. Ever.”


Elena left Damian lying flat on his back on the floor with a stupid grin on his face, as she headed for the bathroom. She cleaned up, threw on some sweats and a tank, and put her hair up in a messy bun.

BOOK: Damian (The Caine Brothers #3)
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