Dallas [Wolfe Brothers 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) (9 page)

BOOK: Dallas [Wolfe Brothers 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Shawna’s boss walked into the room and slammed the door. Shawna looked sick. “Because she didn’t follow governmental procedure. And why would that be, Ms. McMillin?” Mr. Jefferies demanded.

“Because he and I are seeing each other. He promised that it wouldn’t happen again!” Shawna had teared up for good measure.

“You and I will be meeting after this privately.” Jefferies turned back to Cristal. “I have notified the authorities. While we should have had this incident better documented, we have several witnesses who saw you after the incident, including Angela Wright. If you wish to press charges, and I urge you to do so, the authorities will be here shortly. Have you had any issues with him since?”

Before she could speak, Angela did for her. “Several of my engineers have contacted me in regards to threats he was making against her.”

“If you look at my e-mails, I had one from him threatening me. I’ve also had various text messages,” Cristal explained.

“Get those together. I’ll have them meet you in the conference room. It shouldn’t take very long, and your coworkers were more than eager to help you out. You should be back in the field after lunch.”

“Yes, sir. Thank you.” She headed off for her cubicle where she printed out all the necessary documents. She was able to speak with the police and file her complaints. By noon, she was able to grab something for lunch then head out in the field to do the required water testing on the Fieldstone properties.

The property in question had a small creek running down the middle of it. According to reports, the previous owners had been cited for dumping illegal materials in the creek and underground. The owners, according to the information filed with the state, wanted to build a new housing unit. If the water contamination levels were too bad in any one area, it could really hurt people.

She dug her “toolbox” with testing containers out of her vehicle. Squatting down, she filled one test tube then capped it. She was reaching for the big bucket needed to check the organisms growing in the creek when she heard snapping twigs behind her.

Her head jerked up only to find Craig Ledbetter standing a short distance from her. Slowly as though not to alarm him, she stood up. The only “weapon” in her toolbox was a knife that she kept in case of an emergency.

“What are you doing here?” Cristal asked him as she held her toolbox in hand to hide the knife.

“I wanted to talk to you without your guard dog present. He’s a real asshole, you know that?”

“He can be, but then so can anyone else.” She eased toward her car. She’d come back for the bucket later.

“I’m not going to hurt you, Cristal. I just wanted to apologize.”

Sure he does! she thought. His eyes held the same eerie glaze that they held Friday when he knocked her down, and he thought she was just going to trust him. “Okay. Apology accepted. Thanks for stopping by. I’ll see you around town.”

He glared at her. “You’re not listening to me. I hate it when you do that.” He was getting more and more agitated. “Come with me, and I’ll drive you back to the office.”

“No thanks. I brought my vehicle, but it was really nice of you to offer.”

Damn, his face was turning red. She didn’t think twice, but held the knife, dropped the box, and took off running. Her keys were still in the ignition, and she hoped that she could outrun his pudgy ass, but she didn’t even bother to look back.

She almost made it. As her hand reached for the door, his reached her. His hand reached back for her and slammed her head into the top of her car. “Shit!” she screamed as she turned back to face him. “Leave me alone!” She held the knife down at the back side of her thigh. Her head was splitting.

His hands reached for her throat. He applied enough pressure that she couldn’t breathe. Without another thought, she plunged the knife into his stomach and pulled up a couple of inches. He screamed as he looked down at her handiwork.

He gave her enough space to hop into her car. The doors were locked, the ignition cranked, and she was backing up in a matter of seconds. She didn’t bother to stop until she hit the light on the paved road. Shaking, she pulled her car over to the first gas station she saw with a police vehicle in the parking lot.

She found the officers, a man and woman, and told them what happened. Soon after, they were buzzing their shoulder radios and heading out. They had her lead them to the site. She stayed locked in her vehicle, shaking as they searched the perimeter.

They found him, still alive but passed out by his truck. Paramedics were called to pick him up and take him to the hospital where he would be held under guard until he could be released into the custody of the police.

She notified work, but was still too shaky to get anything else done for the day. Angela told her to go home and not worry about coming in for the next couple of days. That was fine with her, but she didn’t really want to be alone. However, one of the officers followed her home to make sure that she made it safely.

She considered calling Dallas, but didn’t want to worry him. She didn’t think that the incident had happened in Kansas City and that Reno would find out. She turned her cell off, grabbed a cold Coke out of the fridge, and headed for the bathroom for a long soak. She hoped that the sugar would help her quit shaking, along with the hot water.

With soft music playing in the other room, she stripped and stepped into the hot water. She threw in some bath salts, took a long drink of soda pop, then waited for operation relaxation to take effect.

She must have dozed off, but she was startled when she was jerked awake to find a very angry Dallas Wolfe standing over her. He held a dark blue towel open for her. “Get. Out.”

“Dallas, I…”

He cut her off as he hauled her up out of the water. He wrapped her up tight and toted her to the bedroom in a fireman’s lift. “Dallas, please put me down!”

He did. He sat down on the bed and stood her in front of him. His hands were trembling as they rested on her shoulders. “Why didn’t you call me?”

“I didn’t want to bother you when you were at Hell’s Place. I know you stay busy there.” She fidgeted under his scrutiny.

Hi jaw clenched as he watched her. “Don’t you know you come first before my business? Before anything?” He pulled her closer to him and buried his face against her chest as he wrapped both of his arms around her. “When Reno called and filled me in, I thought something had happened to you, and I went a little crazy. I don’t even remember how I got here.”

“I’m okay now,” she whispered against his hair.

“Not for long though.” He quickly flipped her over his lap. The towel was removed and tossed to the floor. “You earned this.”

“Earned what? Dallas!” she screeched as he brought his hand across her ass hard.

“This is for not calling me.” He fired off another one. “This is for putting your life in jeopardy and not once thinking of the ones that love you.” He kept on swinging, turning her ass a pretty pink color. “This is for staying away from me for seven fucking years.” Again. “This is for not trusting me to take care of you.” He swung for the last time. “And this is for not seeing how very much I love you.”

The burning in her butt was forgotten as his words slowly registered in her brain. “What did you say?”

He helped her up until she was sitting on his lap. “Don’t you know, sweetness? I’ve loved you for a long time. If you hadn’t gone out of your way to stay away from me, I would have given in a long time ago.” He nuzzled his mouth against hers.

“I love you, too, Dallas.”

“I know, CC, I know.” His mouth captured hers in a long, fiery kiss as he eased back against the bed. “You’re mine.” He nipped her lower lip. “You’ve always been mine.” He sucked one nipple into his mouth. He released her nipple as he straddled her waist. He pulled a box out of his back pocket. “And this will tell all those men who see you that you’re mine.” He pulled out a gold chain with a wolf charm. “Will you wear this for me, sweetness?”

“Yes, sir,” she responded with tears in her eyes. “I’d be so very proud to.” He sat down beside her and pulled her up.

“Mine always,” he murmured as he clasped the collar together with a small, golden lock. “You do know what this means, don’t you?”

“That we’re together for right now?” she replied softly.

“No, that we’re together forever, bound hearts that will beat as one,” he replied as he brushed his lips across her teary eyes. “Now, where were we?” He wiggled his eyebrows at her suggestively as he laid her back down on the bed. “Oh yeah…here!”









I was born in Kansas City, Missouri and spent the first part of my life in Independence. Later, I moved to Georgia where I have resided ever since.

I am married with one son, five cats, four turtles, and a dog. I have been an avid reader all my life. I even got my Master’s degree in Reading.

In high school, I began to write with earnest. I so badly wanted to become a writer. After a conversation with my health occupations teacher, I lost confidence in my abilities as a writer and put it on hold for ten years or so.

After suffering a lay-off, I decided to try my hand at writing again. I have really enjoyed doing what I love so much – putting the characters I love in stories.



For all titles by Kaylee Feagans, please visit









Siren Publishing, Inc.


BOOK: Dallas [Wolfe Brothers 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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