Cursed Fate: Cursed Series #4 (17 page)

BOOK: Cursed Fate: Cursed Series #4
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“I’m proud of you, sweet girl.”

She begins to blush as a small smile spreads across her face.

“I couldn’t be here without you, Steve. Thank you for taking a chance on me.”

“You’re amazing at what you do. I’m happy to be the one you’re about to practice on. This design isn’t one that’s going to be easy. I love that you set yourself up for the challenge.”

Releasing a heavy sigh, she starts to pull the latex gloves on her hands.

“Well it’s do or die time… lay down buddy and let’s get started.”

I obey her command and lift my legs onto the table. Pulling my arms behind my head I find a comfortable position and await the pleasure of pain I’m about to experience.

A buzzing sound fills the small room. Her fingertips graze my skin. A warm palm splays across the side of my leg and the pressure of her forearm rests above my knee.

“Here we go,” she whispers.

Knowing what’s about to come next, I ease myself into a state of relaxation. The needle begins to drive through my flesh and I’m sent into a zone of euphoria. This sensation is the best drug I could ask for, my body is at ease and I trust the woman behind the machine with all my heart.

“Steve…umm hello, earth to Steve,” Ashley calls while shaking her hand on my chest.

“Huh, uh what?” I ask opening my eyes to see my beautiful girl standing before me.

With a giggle, she kisses my lips and sits back down on her stool.

“The outline is done. Wanna check it out?”

“Done…already?” I ask looking down to my thigh.

Holy shit!

I must have totally zoned out.

Shifting my legs from the table, I move back over to the mirror.

“Ashley, it looks incredible. I completely passed out. How long did this take you?” I turn looking back at her.

“Well, it was about a half hour or so…you passed out?”

Nodding, I walk back over to the table and sit down.

“Yeah, I was so relaxed, I must have fallen asleep.”

Leaning forward I stare down at the artwork on my leg.

“It looks fucking awesome! Can you believe you just did this, Ash?”

With my eyes meeting her hazel orbs, her expression is beaming with pride.

“You really like it?”

“Fuck that, sweet girl, I love it. I’m so proud of you right now.”

Releasing a heavy sigh, she pulls my leg closer to her. As she examines her work, tears fall from her eyes.

“What…wait, no…don’t cry. This is beautiful, Ash… you did this.”

“I know it’s just… I never thought I’d get behind a machine again. I was so scared that I couldn’t do it. You helped me to see that my art is worth sharing again. These aren’t sad tears, Steve, they’re tears of happiness. I’m so happy that I could scream.”

“The guys are going to love it. Keep going, babe. You’re doing exactly what you should be doing, you were meant to share your art with the world. This is your niche, babe…welcome to the Cursed Crew.”

Her beautiful face is glowing, the pride I see, and the bliss in this moment are looks that I’ll never forget.

For the next half hour, I stare down at my sweet girl as she continues to work on my leg. Her concentration and devotion to this piece are unparallel to any other tattoo I’ve received. Our other tattoos all have hidden meanings, but this one is the one that means so much more.

She’s my seraph, my redeemer and the one that has shown me the ways in which I want to live. The demons of my past destroyed my soul, but the wings of my angel showed me that our love was possible...she is my cursed fate. 

As the buzzing sound of the machine fades within the walls, I pay close attention to my finished piece. Ashley takes the liquid and wipes down any last traces of ink against my skin. When she’s completely cleaned me off, all that is left to see is her magnificent work.

She moves to stand and I can’t help but want her in my arms. Allowing my legs to fall off the sides of the table, I pull her onto my lap. With a shriek, she wraps her arms around my neck and looks deeply into my eyes.

“My beautiful girl has surpassed my every expectation, you’re really something else, Ashley. Constantly surprising me, I don’t know what else you can do to make me love you more. You’re my heart and soul. You, Ashley, are everything to me and I will prove it every day to you until I take my last breath.”

With tears streaming down her face she crashes her lips against mine. Pulling her in closer, I trail my fingertips up her back, lifting the hem of her shirt over her head breaking our kiss.

With her tits begging me to touch them, I unclip her bra and watch as her shimmering nipple rings dance in front of my eyes.

Taking one breast in my hand, I lean into her and lick around her very perky nipple. Her taste is so sweet and I can’t help but want to devour her. Teasing her other nipple with my fingers, I pinch it with just enough pressure to exert a moan from my girl.

My lips travel from her tit up along her collar bone to the most sensitive spot on her neck. She begins to grind her pelvis down onto my now hard cock while she pulls the top of my head down further onto her neck.

“Steve, I need you, please…take me right here, right now.”

Pulling her face into my hands, I look into her hazel eyes.

“You want me to fuck you on your chair?” I ask swallowing hard.

Nodding her head up and down, she pushes herself down onto me, creating a friction that gives me the non-verbal answer I need. With my hands now under her arms, I lift her from the table and lay her down against the cool leather.

She runs her fingers through her pink locks as my eyes ravage the beauty lying before me. Hovering over her body, I begin to lick and suck a trail down her stomach leading down to her pierced belly button.

Reaching for the button of her jeans, I quickly slide it through the loop and remove everything so that she’s completely bare and ready for me. Without wanting to waste a second, I remove my shoes, shirt, and shorts before bowing down in front of her.

On my knees, I spread her legs so that her glistening pussy is staring back at me. Her scent fills my senses and my mouth begins to water.

My fingers run through her wet folds as I tease her throbbing clit with my tongue. Her body begins to squirm as her hands pull my head deeper into her warmth. Moans fill the room while my tongue darts in and out of her pussy as I tongue fuck her hard. Her legs begin to shake around my shoulders. I taste and lick up every last drop of her juices while she comes undone against my mouth.

Knowing that I’ve satisfied her, I move to stand and straddle her hips above the table. Grabbing her tits in my hands, I slowly sink myself down into her. The tightness of her channel is unreal as I push through her walls inch by inch until I’m balls deep. She starts to rock her hips and I lean down onto her getting in the position I need to thrust my cock into her at just the right angle.

Her nails start to dig into the flesh of my back and I can’t hold on much longer. Fucking her with all that I have, I look down to watch as my length moves in and out of her pussy….good God, that is the most fucking sexy sight I’ve ever seen.

“Watch me fuck you, Ashley. Do you see that? It’s perfect the way I fill you.”

“You’re my puzzle piece, Steve. The only one that can make me feel whole.”

Pushing into her faster and faster, I can feel my release and I’m about to burst.

“Gahhh, Ashley, touch yourself. Rub your clit…I’m going to come soon, I need you to fall over the edge with me.”

Continuing to watch as I move in and out, her fingers on her clit as she rubs herself hard throws me over my breaking point as I lose myself in our moment. As I come within her, I can feel her walls bearing down on me, milking my orgasm until there is nothing left.

Placing my lips against hers, I know, now more than ever, this is the life I’m meant to live. She’s shown me the light and I’m consumed by everything she’s given me.


Chapter 21

Staring across the table in the diner, I wait for Christian and Jenn to meet me for lunch. Without a doubt I needed to get away from the house. I needed someone to talk to that isn’t involved with the crew and more importantly, I needed my friend. This will be the first time I’ll be in the presence of his girlfriend and, to be honest, I’m really excited to meet her.

When I called him last night to ask him to lunch, I wasn’t in a good place. My world has been flipped upside down and I’m not quite sure how to handle the emotions coursing through me. Having Dault so close, but still so lost, is killing me. Every time I look him in the eyes, I want to touch him, hold him, and be one with him again. I had no idea it was going to be this hard having him so close to me again.

I’ve tried to mesh in with the rest of the crew, but every time I look at him, I see him staring back at me…watching me. Having no clue what’s processing through that thick skull of his, I’m at a loss.

Linc and the girls keep reminding me to be patient, give him time to come around, but I’m tired of waiting. How am I supposed to pretend that the man I see every day is just a man? There’s too many feelings involved, at least for me. Sometimes I wonder if I just touched him, kissed him, or made love to him again a memory would be triggered…
ugh, this is too fucking hard

The door bells chime as I see Christian enter into the diner. A huge smile spreads across my face as he walks toward me with his arms extended. Falling into his embrace, I squeeze him hard, not wanting to let go of my friend. Looking around his shoulder I see a gorgeous woman standing behind us. Feeling a bit awkward that I’m still hanging onto her boyfriend, I remove my arms and move to his side.

A wide grin sets across her face as her bright blue eyes twinkle back to me. With her hand extended, I move around Christian and pull her into a hug. She returns my squeeze as we stand there for a few moments introducing ourselves.

“I’m Etty. It’s so good to finally meet you.”

“You too, Christian talks about you all the time. You’ve been a good friend to him through a lot.”

Looking up to him, I swat him on the arm and slide back into the booth. Once we’re all situated and have ordered our meals, Christian pulls my hands into his across the table.

“Talk to me, Etty. Just because Jenn is here with us I don’t want you to feel like you can’t talk.”

Biting down on my lower lip, I release a breath while looking to Jenn. She nods an encouraging smile to me and I close my eyes for a brief moment.

“I’m so confused, Christian. None of this is what I expected to happen once he came home.”

“Why’s that?” He asks, rubbing his thumbs along my hand.

“He’s constantly watching me, but I don’t know what he’s thinking. Why can’t he remember everything we had?”

“It’s not easy, I’m sure of that, but you have to give him time.”

Pulling my hands from Christian’s, I slam them palm down on the table, cause both him and Jenn to jump.

“I’m sorry, it’s just so frustrating. Everyone keeps telling me to give him time…how much time before I start to lose my mind…if I haven’t already?”

“Has he been into the shop yet?”

“No, we’re trying to keep him away from there until the grand reopening…you’re still coming right?”

With a questionable glare, he looks to me and then to Jenn.

“You know I’d do anything to help you out, Etty. Do you really think going to the shop is a good idea? I know the guys aren’t the biggest Christian fans...”

“Shut up, I invited you. You’re my friend and they’ll all have to just deal with it. After all Dault won’t remember who you are any way, so what’s the big deal?”

Staring down at the table, he starts to shred the napkin into pieces in front of him. Jenn pulls his hands into hers and gently places a kiss on his cheek.

“Please, Christian, it would mean so much to me having you both there.”

Lifting his head he looks to Jenn and then back to me.

“Okay, we’ll be there. Jenn’s sister Kris is coming into town for a few days to visit next week. Is it okay if she tags along?”

Clapping my hands and bouncing in the booth I reply, “Yes, of course, the more the merrier. I want this event to be huge. Not only are we opening the doors to the shop again, but finally the whole crew is back together. The girls and I have a lot of things planned. Please, bring as many people as you want.”

“Will do, should be a good time then,” he replies with a wink.

Feeling a bit more hopeful and anxious for the big day, the only thing left to make it perfect…Dault knowing who I really am.


Chapter 22

Four Days Later

“Okay peeps, time to seriously bust a move in this place. Tomorrow is the big day and there is still a lot to do,” I say standing in the middle of the reception area of Cursed Magic.

BOOK: Cursed Fate: Cursed Series #4
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