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Table of Contents


About the Author

Title Page

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Chapter 1 - The Venetian Quarter, Acre, The Kingdom of Jerusalem 28 SEPTEMBER ...

Chapter 2 - The Genoese Quarter, Acre 13 JANUARY A.D. 1276

Chapter 3 - The Citadel, Cairo 17 JANUARY A.D. 1276

Chapter 4 - The Temple, Acre 17 JANUARY A.D. 1276

Chapter 5 - The Docks, Acre 17 JANUARY A.D. 1276

Chapter 6 - The Temple, Acre 17 JANUARY A.D. 1276

Chapter 7 - AL-Bira, Northern Syria 26 FEBRUARY A.D. 1276

Chapter 8 - The Venetian Quarter, Acre 12 MARCH A.D. 1276

Chapter 9 - The Citadel, Cairo 12 MARCH A.D. 1276

Chapter 10 - The Genoese Quarter, Acre 12 MARCH A.D. 1276

Chapter 11 - The Genoese Quarter, Acre 12 MARCH A.D. 1276

Chapter 12 - The Venetian Quarter, Acre 16 MARCH A.D. 1276

Chapter 13 - The Docks, Acre 15 APRIL A.D. 1276

Chapter 14 - Kabul, The Kingdom of Jerusalem 15 APRIL A.D. 1276

Chapter 15 - The Venetian Market, Acre 14 MAY A.D. 1276

Chapter 16 - The Citadel, Cairo 25 MAY A.D. 1276

Chapter 17 - The Pisan Quarter, Acre 26 MAY A.D. 1276

Chapter 18 - The Citadel, Cairo 26 MAY A.D. 1276

Chapter 19 - Assassins’ Stronghold, Northern Syria 26 MAY A.D. 1276

Chapter 20 - The Street of St. Anne, Acre 27 MAY A.D. 1276

Chapter 21 - The Royal Palace, Acre 27 MAY A.D. 1276

Chapter 22 - Fustat-Misr, Cairo 17 JUNE A.D. 1276

Chapter 23 - The Temple, Acre 8 JULY A.D. 1276



Chapter 24 - The Royal Palace, Acre 17 FEBRUARY A.D. 1277

Chapter 25 - The Docks, Acre 25 FEBRUARY A.D. 1277

Chapter 26 - The Royal Palace, Acre 26 FEBRUARY A.D. 1277

Chapter 27 - The Plain of Albistan, Anatolia 15 APRIL A.D. 1277

Chapter 28 - The Road Outside Mecca, Arabia 15 APRIL A.D. 1277

Chapter 29 - Damascus, Syria 9 JUNE A.D. 1277

Chapter 30 - The Temple, Acre 14 JUNE A.D. 1277

Chapter 31 - The Temple, Acre 14 JUNE A.D. 1277

Chapter 32 - The Citadel, Damascus 17 JUNE A.D. 1277

Chapter 33 - The Citadel, Damascus 17 JUNE A.D. 1277

Chapter 34 - The Road from Damascus, Syria 17 JUNE A.D. 1277

Chapter 35 - The Temple, Acre 10 JULY A.D. 1277



Chapter 36 - Outside Bordeaux, The Kingdom of France 24 APRIL A.D. 1288

Chapter 37 - The Citadel, Cairo 31 AUGUST A.D. 1288

Chapter 38 - The Sands, Acre 20 OCTOBER A.D. 1288

Chapter 39 - The Docks, Acre 13 NOVEMBER A.D. 1288

Chapter 40 - The Citadel, Cairo 14 NOVEMBER A.D. 1288

Chapter 41 - Tripoli, The County of Tripoli 1 APRIL A.D. 1289

Chapter 42 - The Venetian Quarter, Acre 20 AUGUST A.D. 1290

Chapter 43 - The Citadel, Cairo 7 SEPTEMBER A.D. 1290

Chapter 44 - The Citadel, Cairo 20 OCTOBER A.D. 1290

Chapter 45 - The Venetian Quarter, Acre 30 MARCH A.D. 1291

Chapter 46 - The Docks, Acre 18 MAY A.D. 1291

Chapter 47 - The Venetian Quarter, Acre 18 MAY A.D. 1291

Chapter 48 - The Temple, Acre 25 MAY A.D. 1291


Author’s Note

Character List


Select Bibliography




ROBYN YOUNG is the author of the internationally bestselling Brethren trilogy, which includes
, and the forthcoming
The Fall of the Templars
. She has traveled extensively in Europe and Egypt and has a Masters in Creative Writing from the University of Sussex. During an eclectic career, she has been a creative writing teacher, financial advisor, folk singer, and music festival organizer. She lives in Brighton, England.

Praise for the novels of Robyn Young

“A terrific thirteenth-century thriller.”
—Midwest Book Review


“Intricate but wonderfully written, a romp of a read and an exhilarating ride . . . [
] evokes the atmosphere of the times brilliantly.”

—The Birmingham Post


“One of the best historical debuts in recent memory. Exciting and enthralling.”

—John Connolly, bestselling author of
Bad Men


“Swords clash in the first sentence of Young’s latest and go on clashing throughout . . . Plenty of action . . . [and] attention to historical detail offset by pacey dialog.” —
The Times


is a sweeping historical adventure.” —
Financial Times


“Pacey but intricate . . . this book will not disappoint those wanting to dive into an epic story of war.” —
News of the World


“Richly worked and captivating . . . an epic story of war, intrigue, and heroism.”

—The Good Book Guide


“Pacey and well-written, with vivid, convincing characters,
captures your interest until the last page. I eagerly anticipate the sequel, knowing I will not be disappointed.”

—Alison Weir, author of
Eleanor of Aquitaine
Henry VIII

“Engaging and enjoyable—Robyn Young brings the tumultuous medieval world to life with pace and flair.” —Tom Harper, author of
Siege of Heaven


“If you love the Templars, the Crusades, and the Middle Ages, this is the book for you. Robyn Young is an exciting new voice that speaks loudly.”

—Sharon Kay Penman, author of
Prince of Darkness


“An intricate, compelling, captivating, and above all, believable story.
is a brilliant piece of sustained imagination.”

—David Boyle, author of
The Troubadour’s Song

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Published by Plume, a member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. Previously published in a Dutton edition. First Plume Printing, August

Copyright © Robyn Young, 2007

Excerpt from
The Fall of the Templars
copyright © Robyn Young, 2008

Map © Sandra Oakins
All rights reserved


The Library of Congress has catalogued the Dutton edition as follows:
Young, Robyn, 1975-
Crusade / Robyn Young.
p. cm.

eISBN : 978-0-452-28960-4

1. Crusades—Eighth, 1270—Fiction. I. Title.
PS3625.O97C78 2007
813’.6—dc22 2007016163

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Once again, I find myself indebted to a large number of people, without whom this book, or at least my sanity, may not have prevailed.

Love and thanks to my parents for their constant encouragement and unfailing support. Special thanks also to Sue and Dave for the roof over our heads and for finding so many excuses for celebration.

BOOK: Crusade
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