Crazy for You (22 page)

Read Crazy for You Online

Authors: Maddie James

Tags: #humor, #romantic comedy, #jamaica, #contemporary romance, #nudity, #club resort

BOOK: Crazy for You
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Andrew pulled her under the warm spray.
Within seconds, as their bodies met in the small confines of the
tiled shower, all thought flew out of her mind. There was no more
reasoning to be done, no more thinking about what to do. There was
no single way brain activity could even exist—except for the cells
that controlled pleasure—and they were going into overload.

His hands were all over her and she felt the
sensation of sweet surrender. Tasha’s back was to the shower head;
the spray fell over her shoulders. Andrew had already lathered up
handfuls of soap and had started at her neck, soaping her down.
Tasha simply stood, breathing in shallow breaths, her eyes closed,
as he started at her shoulders, lowered to her arms, lingering at
her breasts, her tummy. He turned her and washed her back, tossing
her long hair over one shoulder to the front, then slid his hands
down to the curve of her tiny waist and the swell of her

Again rotating her body toward him, he knelt
as he continued down her thighs, taking both hands up and down the
long length of her legs to her feet. Gradually, he returned to her
inner thighs, then finally, he stood with another handful of soap
and cupped her, gently, and cleansed her where her legs joined.

Opening her eyes, Tasha found Andrew staring
into her face. She smiled and he shot a slow grin back at her. “I
sure hope that soap has natural ingredients in it,” she murmured.
“I never put anything in or on my body that’s not natural,” she

Andrew growled and gently pushed her back
under the shower spray to rid her body of all the soap bubbles.
“Honey, anything I put on or in your body today, I plan to be all
natural.” He kissed her lips quickly and clasped her around the
waist, tugging her closer to him as the spray bounced all around
their shoulders. “Don’t you worry about that.”

He turned her around then. “Let me wash your

She glanced over her shoulder. “You don’t
have to, I can do it.”

His eyes held hers. “I want to...” he

Tasha turned back around. The next thing she
felt were his fingers running through her hair and every sensitive
nerve-ending in her scalp crying out in pleasure. Again, he
lathered shampoo into her hair, massaging her scalp and pulling it
through to the ends of her waist-length tresses. Over and over
again, he massaged and lathered. Tasha let her head drift back
toward him. The caresses his fingertips made over her head, as he
rubbed in tiny circles and raked his fingernails gently across her
scalp, sent radiant downward spirals of sensation over her body to
the tips of her toes.

“You have beautiful hair...” Andrew whispered
near her ear.

She let herself go; she let herself simply

He massaged behind her ears and she tilted
her head first one way then the other. He rubbed her neck and her
body felt languid and lazy. He lifted and combed his fingers
through her hair, and she felt her body become so relaxed that
finally, she had to lean back against Andrew so support herself.
With one hand he reached around and held her against him, his hand
resting just under her breasts, his other still gently massaging
her head.

The touch of his fingertips on her scalp was
so erotically stimulating that when he touched her there, she could
feel it all over her body. All over. Her pulse raced with the
excitement building within her.

Thrusting the one hand down over her abdomen
to steady her, Andrew slid his hand lower and lower until he
nestled his fingers in the small triangular patch and gently
caressed her. Pressing his fingers into her flesh, he forced her
back firmly against him. Tasha could feel his own desire behind
her, throbbing against her buttocks.

Then he released her and dipped her under the
shower’s spray again, thoroughly and quickly rinsing all the
shampoo out of her hair.

Tasha turned to face him. “Your turn,” she

He shook his head, his eyes full of
determination. “No. Not yet.”

He started at her breasts. First one nipple
and then the other felt the assault of his lips and tongue. His
hands braced her back as he quickly turned her and pushed her into
the back wall of the shower. She fell into the wall, the palms of
her hands flat against the tile. She needed the support, she didn’t
trust her limbs anymore to hold her body up, and with what he was
doing to her now, she’d be just another puddle on the shower floor
before long if she didn’t have something to lean on.

His lips lowered. Trailing from just
underneath her breasts down to her navel, he lovingly and
caressingly kissed and licked, his rough tongue sending tumultuous
tremors up and down her body. Then he knelt in the shower before
her, his hands flat against her abdomen, and slid lower.

He kissed down her left thigh and his hands
followed the trail. Tasha lifted both her hands off the wall and
cradled Andrew’s head in them. Eyes closed, her head tipped back
and her chest arched slightly forward as his left hand came up
between her thighs and touched the sensitive flesh between her
legs. Her breathing came in short gasps.

Andrew’s lips rose up to her inner thigh, but
stopped when he reached her feminine mound. Tasha sucked in a deep
breath when she felt his fingers spread her apart, then groaned his
name as he planted his mouth at her center.

For a moment, they were simply joined that
way. Tasha fought for control of her body, then felt herself slowly
sliding down the shower wall.

Andrew caught her with his hands and held
her. He pressed her back into the wall with his lips on her. She
moaned her pleasure as his tongue and mouth assuaged her throbbing
need, for there was no speech, no words that could be said. This
was something primal, basal, a physical act that went beyond words.
And he continued, flicking with his tongue, laying the flat part
against her, licking, creating and filling a part of her that had
never been filled.

She felt the first quaking tremors deep
within her. She was suspended within two worlds, somewhere between
heaven and hell. The onslaught of pain and the pleasure he ravished
on her body were somehow joined and a part of the other. The
tremors increased and built within her. She felt his hands kneading
her thighs as she pushed herself tighter against him. Gasping at
his assault, she clutched his shoulders as with one final thrust
against her flesh, she exploded into him. He gave and she took. She
gave and he took. Again, she felt her body go limp and slide.

Andrew stood and braced her against the wall
with his body. Letting her head fall against his shoulder, he
gathered her up into him and cradled her close. With one hand, he
gently massaged and caressed where seconds earlier he had loved her
with his mouth, allowing her a slow entrance back to him.

Tasha thought she had somehow melted into
him, and wondered if she was even all there—still within her own
body. Or was she a part of his? Ever since they’d made love...

Breaking the embrace, Andrew let her lean
back against the shower wall again.

“The water’s getting cool,” he whispered into
her cheek. “Stay there, I’m going to wash, then we’re going to
finish this.”

Leaning against the wall, Tasha watched as
Andrew quickly lathered and soaped his body. Mesmerized, she
watched his hands play over his face, his ribs and chest, his lips,
down his thighs, and then quickly over his swollen genitals. Tasha
felt a surge of passion rush through her. Even the cool water
hadn’t slowed him down, she mused, half smiling. He washed his
hair, quickly lathering, then as his eyes closed and he dipped his
head back under the shower spray, Tasha stepped forward and reached
out, gently grasping his hardened shaft within her two hands.

Immediately, Andrew’s face came up to meet
hers. “Ah, honey, don’t...not yet,” he moaned.

But it was too late.

She knelt before him. Her sweet mouth was on
him in a second. Andrew felt every muscle in his body tense at the
tender invasion of her tongue. She ran her flat palms down his
chest as she slid lower. Never before had he felt such passion,
such a wild torrent of desire. Never before had a woman taken him
like this....

Her tongue gently slid down to the base of
his shaft then curled around him. When she dragged her hands down
to his thighs and gently cupped him, he felt as if he’d died and
gone to....

Then she devoured him.

“Sweet mother...” He threaded his fingers in
her hair and pulled her face up to look at him. “I’m cold...”

She arched an eyebrow at him. “You’re cold?”
she teased.

“No, dammit. I’m hot, know I’m
hot. The shower...” He could hardly stand, let alone put a complete
sentence together. “Let’s get out of here.”

With a flick of his wrist he turned off the
water. After stepping out of the shower, he encased Tasha in a huge
fluffy towel and brought her to him. Slowly, he raked the towel
over first her body then his, then let it drop to the floor as he
kissed her lips.

Just outside the door, the bed waited, and
after another quick jerk of the covers, they fell into it.

They lay side by side for only a moment until
Andrew could stand it no longer. Lifting himself up on one elbow,
he partially covered her body with his. Looking down at her, he
watched her face as he smoothed a stray strand of hair away from
her cheek. He peered into her eyes as he trailed the pads of his
fingertips along her jaw line then over her lips. When they parted,
he thrust an index finger inside and she closed her mouth over the
end of it, much as she had done earlier at a point much lower on
his body.

An ache surged inside him; her eyes flared
with need.

Andrew continued the trail down her
body—neck, breasts, the small, smooth mound of her belly—and then
lower until he touched her again where she most wanted him to. And
he could tell very much that she wanted him to. She arched into his
hand and her eyelids fluttered at the touch. She sucked in a deep
breath and then let it out very slowly moaning his name. Her body
throbbed against him.

Andrew had watched each and every reaction
his hands and lips had on her body, and it only urged him on to
higher ground. He wanted the pinnacle. He wanted it all.

Quickly, he fully covered her, his body
easing up on hers, meshing their heated warmth together. He kissed
her, deeply, thoroughly, his tongue penetrating, invading her
mouth, as hers did to him—he fought the urge to penetrate her in
other ways. They panted and breathed of each other. Tasted and

Andrew could feel Tasha’s hands kneading his
shoulders, clutching at his back, then lowering to his waist, his
buttocks. He rocked against her and she broke away from the kiss,
gasping for breaths of air as she bit into his shoulder. She slid
both her hands between them, where his hips rocked into her pelvis,
reaching, searching until she touched him. He felt one long finger
scrape the engorged length of him and shuddered.

“Be still,” he commanded in a hushed whisper.
“Don’t. Don’t touch me.” He gasped and eased off her, supporting
his weight on his elbows. “I’m not going to last long and I
promised you slow and steady.”

Smiling wickedly up at him, she grasped him
again. The sensation of her long silky fingers over him nearly sent
him reeling.

“I like fast and hard,” Tasha taunted, her
eyes sparkling at him with passion.

“You’re a demon.” He pushed her thighs apart
with his knees.

“I know,” she breathed and pulled his face
down to hers.

Andrew thrust himself into the cradle of her
thighs. Tasha cried out as he lifted her off the bed with the jolt
of their joining. Again and again, he thrust into her deeper and
deeper until he thought he’d drowned in her. And again and again
she took him, wildly took him to places he’d never been before.
Their bodies played an unwritten tune, composed an impossible
rhapsody, as their physical coming together shattered any myths of
soul’s touching, of flesh melding, of one man and one woman
cleaving together as one body.

For Andrew knew it could not be a myth. It
was all true. And making love with Tasha had proven that.

Tasha squeezed and tightened her body around
him as he felt her giving away to passion’s dance and then he felt
his own last prodding thrust fill her. He was deep inside her.
Filling her. And he wanted to stay right there, forever. About a
hundred years. For there was no greater peace on Earth.

After a moment, he rolled off of her,
gathered her close to him and breathed in the mingled scent of
their union. Her head lay against his beating heart; her arm flung
over his chest. He curled one of his legs over hers protectively
and let her name escape from his breathless lips.

Then as Tasha relaxed further against him, he
contentedly dozed, knowing that for the last time in his life, he
had truly found love. Because after this, there could never be
anything else.

At Andrew’s soft snore, Tasha lifted her head
off his chest. She looked at him, his head back in relaxation, his
lips partly open. He looked so content, so peaceful. And exhausted.
They’d certainly had a day of it.

No, they’d had a week of it.

She gingerly lifted herself up on one elbow
to look him more fully in the face, her eyes taking in every
feature, every angle, every laugh line or jut of bone. She wanted
to memorize every detail, remember every touch, recall every
sensation for as long as she could.

For the first time in her life she felt
whole, totally fulfilled. A part of him.

Panic gripped her heart.

She supposed it could be true. She knew it
was true. Then with a ragged sigh, she tore her gaze away from his
face and buried it into his chest. Holding him close, she decided
not to think about it any further tonight. She would think of it

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