Read Coyote Gorgeous Online

Authors: Vijaya Schartz

Tags: #novella, #arizona, #shape shifters, #chupacabra, #rangers, #skinwalkers, #star people, #girl with gun, #hopi legends, #great coyote

Coyote Gorgeous (13 page)

BOOK: Coyote Gorgeous
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Madison shuddered at
the idea of another encounter with the monster she’d only glimpsed
once by moonlight.

But be
discreet. I don’t want your mistake to jeopardize my future in the
He sounded more
desperate than threatening, but Madison knew better.

Nodding, she rose and dashed out the
door. She’d better get the job done, because if she failed, Jake
would surely ruin her career out of spite. He already resented her
for dumping him.

Once in the bright midday sun of the
parking lot, Madison slowed her pace. As much as she hated to,
she’d have to swallow her pride and ask Kal for permission to
patrol through his property. Her heart raced at the idea. He hadn’t
answered her call after their tryst at the art gallery twelve days
ago. And it had taken her all this time to numb herself to the pain
of his rejection.

He’d used her shamelessly.
But she hadn’t found the courage to face him. The humiliation ran
too deep.

Whatever his problem with
commitment, Madison wouldn’t become a convenient lay whenever they
met and someone to ignore the rest of the time. If only she could
resist him. Unfortunately, their last encounter had proven she

Steeling herself for the
call, she flipped open her cell and dialed his number. Several
rings. The answering service picked up. Good. That might be easier.
Madison took a deep breath and released it slowly then said in her
most business-like voice.
Madison Huntley. I’d like to requisition your backyard for a
stakeout tonight. Strictly business.





After nightfall, Madison stopped the
four-wheel-drive pickup in front of Kal’s house and turned off the
lights. The full moon glowed brightly overhead. She shook her head
at the coincidence. Was it a month ago she’d enjoyed a romantic
dinner by candlelight with Kal? No dinner and no wine this time.
Although she could not really blame her first failure on the wine,
there would be no chance of distraction tonight.

Grabbing her weapons bag, she stepped
out of the truck and hit the lock button on her key ring. Despite
the late hour, waves of heat rose from the asphalt, warming her
bare legs below the khaki shorts of her summer uniform. She slung
the heavy bag over her shoulder and walked around the fenced front
yard, toward the back of the tall, modern house.

The spacious deck, illuminated by a
single yellow light, stood quiet and bare. She climbed the three
wooden steps and peered through the glass wall into the dimly lit
living room. No one in sight. Was he too ashamed to face her? He
should be.

. Now that she had come, she wanted to see him. At least give
him a piece of her mind. But she wasn’t about to step into the
house to let him know she’d arrived. He’d probably heard the truck
anyway, unless he wasn’t home. Just as well. She wouldn’t have to
endure his smooth enticing ways, although she would miss the

Setting the heavy bag on the deck
table, Madison opened it and took out the pieces of her tactical
rifle, checking each one. This time, she’d brought a night vision
scope. As she assembled the weapon, her anger mounted.

sonovabitch probably charms the panties off any woman he fancies. I
should have known better than fall for his blatant
she mumbled in rhythm
as she snapped the scope into place with more force than
He won’t play me
for the fool again.

How naive of her to believe he had any
interest in her, other than sexual gratification. One by one, with
practiced precision, she inserted the cartridges into the clip. The
truth be told, she’d never been a good judge of handsome

Pounding the clip into the
well, she locked it. Then she pulled back the rod, fed the chamber,
let the bolt and rod slam forward, and announced with
Locked and

Too wound up to simply wait, Madison
decided to walk the grounds. She flipped off the deck light and set
out on foot toward the nearest slope, rifle in hand, ready for a

The warm desert night smelled of sage
and pine. She listened to the familiar sounds. Flying insects,
owls, nightingales, cicadas, locusts, a distant bark. No coyotes,
though. When the sounds ceased, she’d know a predator

How could I
have missed?
She hoped the
M-14 would drop the target for good this time. How had the beast
escaped with a large slug in the chest? Even if she’d missed the
heart, the fact that it had dropped and the blood on the ground
proved a hit. Infection alone should have killed it.

A low growl behind her chilled her
spine. Madison spun around and raised the rifle.

Kal stepped back
and held up two cans of Pepsi. He chuckled nervously.
You shouldn’t be here. It’s more
dangerous than you think.

Felix, the bobcat, emitted a low growl
but heeled at his side like an obedient dog. Odd behavior for any

Heart still thudding,
short of breath, Madison lowered the muzzle of the M-14.
Are you trying to get
She couldn’t help
the edge of concern in her voice.
I could have shot you.

Kal frowned at her then
popped a tab and handed her a can.
Just thought you might be

Her anger subsiding, she
accepted the icy drink and took a refreshing gulp, enjoying the
cool effervescence. She raised the can in his direction.
Thanks. Very thoughtful of

His smile strained in the
moonlight as he glanced at the rifle. Did he think she might shoot
him for jilting her? Good. He hefted himself onto a flat boulder,
sat letting his legs dangle above Felix, then opened his Pepsi with
a popping swish.
I wasn’t
going to show up, but you deserve the truth. Your life is in grave

Tell me
something I don’t know.
Madison leaned against the same boulder, her back to him,
enjoying his proximity. He made her feel safe. She took another
sip. Why couldn’t she remain angry with him in his presence? But
she worried about his safety as she scanned the desert hills

I’m not
kidding. I tried to keep you away from me, but I
He sounded so
serious. What kind of game was he playing now?
There are forces at work that you
do not understand.

I feel safe
with the rifle. You should be worried about
She refused to
play games. She glanced up at him.
If the beast attacks you, I may not
be able to shoot for fear of hitting you. For your own safety, I’d
prefer that you return to the house.

Gone was his polished
exterior. He looked almost haunted. As a matter of fact, he hadn’t
joked or complimented her, brushed her hand, or made any advances.
He frowned again.
Listen, I
haven’t been totally honest with you about the

Madison turned to face
Gee! If you want to
confess, you’re out of luck.
She drew satisfaction from seeing him squirm.
I’ve seen the predator, I shot it,
and it’s not you. A freaky big animal, maybe, but not a

Don’t be so
He gazed up the
moonlit slope of a distant hill.
The one you seek is about a mile away, watching

The comment made Madison
shiver despite the heat. By instinct, she could feel when she was
being watched, and she felt it now, all the way through her
How would

I can feel
these things.
No hint of a

For some unexplained
reason, Madison trusted him. Did he know something she didn’t?
While in his serious mode, would he give her a logical explanation
for being so distant?
If you
have something to tell me, go ahead.

Time is
Yet, Kal
It will be here

Madison hated
guessing games.

It is not
human, it is not beast, yet it is both.
Kal glanced at her, as if expecting a

Madison kept quiet.

It is a
skinwalker of pure evil.

An evil
Her attempt at
sarcasm fell flat. That old legend again. Now that she had seen an
unknown beast, Madison was more inclined to believe.
Is there any other

His eyes glinted in the
blue glow of the moon.
As a
matter of fact, there is.

He’d piqued her
Where are you
going with this?

Think about
it. You shot the beast and it didn’t die. Maybe it’s immune to
human weapons.

That animal
is not immune. I saw it drop. I hurt him bad.
Yet the possibility puzzled Madison. She patted
the M-14 hanging over her arm.
I trust my weapon. This baby does a lot of

Kal looked away and
massaged his left shoulder as if it ached.
Not completely immune, but it
survived. So, maybe it’s not an animal, but something

Explained like that, it
almost made sense. Only one problem. Skinwalkers didn’t exist. Or
did they? The face of the monster she shot a month ago flashed in
Madison’s mind.
I don’t
believe in legends.

His voice
trailed off.
I know
first-hand. I saw the monster last night.

You saw
Hope filled her chest.
Now, maybe Madison would have a better witness than Pablo to
corroborate her report.
did it look like?

It’s big and
Kal sighed.
But it saw me, too, and it’s after
me. That’s why you are not safe here.

You mean you
are bait to that monster?
terrifying thought, but skinwalker or not, this could work to
Madison’s advantage. If the beast came for Kal, she could kill

I’m not
exactly bait.
He fell silent
again, jaw clenched.

Then what
are you trying to say?
Madison’s patience started to erode.
Get it out. It’s like pulling worms
out of soggy ground.

That glint in his eyes
Remember when I told
you the meaning of my name?

Guardian of the people?
Madison wracked her brain to find a connection.
Guardian against

He nodded with
satisfaction, as if proud of her.

So, if the
beast is a skinwalker, what are you? Some kind of
Her sarcastic
tone met with a stony face.

No time to
explain. Listen.
he stared at the hillside.

BOOK: Coyote Gorgeous
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