Cowboy Country (39 page)

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Authors: Sandy Sullivan,Deb Julienne,Lilly Christine,RaeAnne Hadley,D'Ann Lindun

BOOK: Cowboy Country
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“What’s so embarrassing, I think it’s funny.” Regina smiled at the growing crowd.

“Don’t those women have any pride, flaunting themselves at him?”

“Are you kidding? Dane’s considered the catch of the county. Every girl in town secretly wants a chance to be with him.”

“Dane? You’re kidding.”

“Nope. It was the same way with Blake before he went into the FBI. Only Blake is more like you. He wasn’t flattered by the attention. I believe that’s part of the reason he was so anxious to leave town.”

“Nice to know I’m not the only one who’s not impressed. I only had eyes for you, no one else.”

“That’s nice to know.”

“Have you decided what animal you want me to win for you?”

“As a matter of fact I have. I want that cute skunk over at the dart throw.” Regina couldn’t hold back the laughter when Sterling frowned.

“No way!” He cocked an eyebrow then laughed along with her. “Try again.”

“What about the white unicorn over at the dime toss or the cute dog at the shooting gallery?”

Just then Dane came lumbering up holding a three foot tall stuffed gorilla. “Think Silver will like this?”

Dane’s wide grin made her laugh out loud. “You’re kidding. Right?” Don’t you have a girlfriend to give it to?” Regina shook her head. Silver would love it, but there simply was no room in her little house for something that size.

“Fine. I’ll donate it to the children’s ward at the hospital”

“That’s a lovely gesture.” Regina couldn’t believe how big Dane’s heart was. He’d make a great husband and father one day.

Over the next thirty minutes Regina’s arms filled as Sterling won a total of five prizes for her. She felt like a teenager again, how many times had they shared moments like this. She’d been a fool to waste so much time being angry with him.

“It’s almost time for me to leave. I want to run home and grab a shower before I head to the Stampede. Will you keep Sterling company tonight, Dane?” There were a few things she needed to do and with Sterling there she’d never accomplish her goal.

Sterling glared at her. “I was going to come and have a beer or two. Want to join me?” Sterling asked his brother.

“Sorry I can’t. Because of the Spring Fling everyone is on patrol. I’m working as a reserve deputy tonight for the Sheriff’s office.”

“I’d rather you be with Silver. She needs some Daddy time,” Regina suggested. She wanted him nowhere near the bar tonight. It would be a busy night, too many cowboys, and too much booze flowing, she could take care of herself, but with him around there was bound to be trouble.

Sterling walked Regina to her car. They spent twenty minutes saying good-bye and kissing. Instantly she was seventeen, back in school again. It was wonderful and amazing how letting go of her animosity made things so much better.

Maybe they really had a chance.




Silver held Aunt Darcy’s hand while they searched and found her Daddy and Uncle Dane checking on the animals for the Rodeo the next day. After helping them with the afternoon feed they all wandered back to the carnival rides.

“Daddy, Aunt Darcy and I are going stay here at the fairgrounds until closing. Her friend, Jenna, is going to meet us when she gets off work. Will you tell Mommy I said I love her?” Silver wanted to let her mother and father have some time alone. Besides, Aunt Darcy and her Jenna were fun to be around.

“Have fun. I’ll stop by the Stampede and tell your mom what you said.”

“Thank you.” She hugged her Daddy. Now she knew how other kids felt having a dad around all the time. This was great.

“Have fun on the rides but make sure you get some rest for tomorrow.”

“Don’t worry, big brother,” Darcy said. “Silver is going to win that buckle, count on it.”

“Bye Daddy, bye Uncle Dane.”

Silver happily went off with her aunt.










Sterling was bored. The fair wasn’t any fun without Regina.

“What time do you have to be on duty?” Sterling asked Dane.

“Are you ready to head home. I need to change and be on duty by four.”

“Fine with me.” Sterling rubbed his shoulder. Knocking down the milk bottles irritated his joints. He had a headache coming on. “Let’s get out of here.”

By the time they got home Sterling was nauseous. He broke down and swallowed a couple pain pills. No way would he be able to see Regina if he didn’t ward off the pain. And if he didn’t put something into his stomach, his head wouldn’t be the only thing hurting. He placed a slice of Swiss cheese on top of the ham then added some mustard to the top slice, and cut the sandwich in half as Dane came bounding down the stairs and into the kitchen dressed in his uniform.

Dane stopped in the doorway, put his gun in the holster then snapped the latch to secure it. “You gonna hang around here tonight?” he asked, using the sleeve of his shirt to polish his badge.

“I’m going to see Regina, have a beer or two, wait for her to get off, and see if maybe I can hang out at her place tonight.” Sterling poured a glass of milk then took a bite of his sandwich.

Dane snatched up the other half of the sandwich. “About time you guys talk things out. Good luck and thanks for the sandwich.”  Dane saluted him with it then turned and ran out the back door.

“Jackweed!” he yelled then looked around to make sure his daughter didn’t hear him swear. When he was done with his sandwich, he grabbed oatmeal cookies from the cookie jar and dunked them in his milk. At least his headache had eased a bit—it wasn’t clinging or getting worse like they had been. Maybe this was the turning point in his healing and for him and Regina. If things went well, he’d sneak away after Silver rode in her event and pick out an engagement ring then Sunday after the picnic, he’d take her to their place, propose, and tell her about the land that had been deeded over to him. With any luck and a very short engagement, they’d be a family.

The idea of seeing Regina made him feel even better. He needed her and they needed him. Why had he not realized it sooner?

He changed his shirt then jumped into his truck, and raced off to the Stampede. The town looked deserted—most folks must still be at the fairgrounds.

He pulled up to the Stampede, surprised to see so many vehicles, and figured some folks weren’t amused by the local events. When he opened the door he heard the blare of country music from the jukebox, Alan Jackson singing “
5 O’clock Somewhere

Since the place wasn’t completely packed yet he made his way to the bar and hopped onto a stool. He cracked a couple of peanuts and tossed the shells on the floor as was the practice in this bar. He didn’t recognize the bartender and didn’t see Regina anywhere.

“What can I get you?” the bartender asked.

“Whatever you have on tap is fine,” he replied as he scanned the room. “Is Regina here?”

“Regina? We don’t have a Regina working here,” he said, as he filled a frosty mug.

“You might know her as Gigi.”

“Oh Gigi, yeah sure, she’s in back.” The guy gave him another furtive glance as he handed him the beer. “You want me to go get her. Can I say who’s asking?”

“Nah, don’t bother her, I’ll see her when she comes out.”

He walked away to fill another order then slipped into the kitchen.

A waitress sidled up to his right side. “Hi Cowboy, are you new in town?”

“No, just been away for a while.” He didn’t bother to turn to face her just took a sip, his focus on the kitchen.

She moved to the other side of the counter. “Can I get you something?” The waitress futzed with her hair, batting her lashes at him.

“A burger and fries will do. Thanks.” He took a big swig wishing the waitress would leave.

“What’s your name?” She leaned on the bar in no hurry to get his order in, but enough moxy to show her interest.

Only he wasn’t interested, so he turned to give her a full view of his face. The eye patch usually ran them off, but this one just smiled and leaned closer, giving him a view of her more than ample cleavage.


“Angie, don’t you have orders to fill?” Regina glared at the girl.

He’d been on the other side of that biting tone quite a bit lately. For once it was nice not be on the receiving end of it.

Regina scowled then looked back toward the kitchen.

“Hi,” he said.

“I thought you were hanging out with Dane?” Regina didn’t look happy to see him. She wiped the counter with a damp rag and kept glancing over her shoulder.

“Did I interrupt your dinner?” he asked then chugged the  majority of his beer.

“No. Why?” she asked, all antsy, like she was up to something.

“You seem anxious, that’s all.”

“Just busy. I’m helping out on the grill. Eddie said someone was asking about me.”


“The bartender.”

“Oh him. I stopped by for a burger and a beer. I wanted to know if you’d mind if I waited for you at your place so we could talk when you get off work.”

“Sure, that’s fine.”

Regina glanced toward the kitchen again.

It was quite unnerving. He felt as if he’d walked into something or was interrupting.

“Do you have a break coming up soon? You could sit with me a bit.”

“I have to get back to the grill. I don’t have break for another hour.”

“No problem I’ll finish my dinner and head to your place. Can I get your key to the house?”

“Ah—yeah, let me get it. My purse is in the back?” She gave him an odd look.

Talk about feeling unwelcome. Time to leave, maybe he’d read too much into her behavior earlier today.

Regina returned and came around to his side of the bar and handed him the key to her house. “I get off at midnight. I’ll see you then.” She turned heading back toward the kitchen as if he’d been dismissed.

He was hoping for a kiss but pocketed the key.

Angie sashayed passed Regina and set the dinner plate before him. “Here’s your burger handsome, need any condiments?”

“No thanks.” He’d lost his appetite and wasn’t even sure he could choke it down.

“Can I freshen your beer?” She batted her lashes at him.

“No thanks. Can I get this to go?” he said.

“Just because she’s got a man back there, don’t let her chase you off. I’ll be glad to keep you company.” She gave him a big grin then leaned on the counter for another show.

“Excuse me.” A man? He dropped his burger then headed to the restroom. His head was splitting open. What the hell? No one told him Regina was seeing anyone. He washed his face with cold water. Angie must be mistaken.

He dried his face and shook off the implication. The waitress was wrong, had to be.

Returning to his stool, Angie stood there with a to-go container. “Are you sure you want to leave. I go on break in ten minutes.”

“Sorry, I’m taken.” he said.

“That’s too bad. If you change your mind, I’m here most nights.” She leaned in even more to give him a view of what he’d be missing out on.

“Thanks just the same. Can I get my check?” He stepped off the stool, put his burger and fries in the container and clicked it shut. He drained his beer setting the empty mug on the counter.

Angie came back and handed him the check. He pulled a twenty from his wallet and said, “Keep the change.”

Just then he heard a high pitched yewah coming from the kitchen. He rounded the bar and raced past Angie to make sure Regina was okay. He skidded to a halt only to have the waitress slam into his back. What he found was Regina with her arms around a man in an embrace.

Sterling cleared his throat loudly.

Regina turned, jerked away, and her face went bright red. “It’s not what you think?”

“It never is,” he said then turned to leave.

“Sterling, wait!”

He turned around. “Wait for what?”

“You remember Gage Gentry?”

Gage stuck his hand out to shake.

Sterling stared at his hand, but didn’t take it. Gage Gentry. How could she? Gage was the only guy to ever dared to trespass on his territory and hit on Regina. Apparently he still hadn’t learned his lesson.

Regina stepped toward him.

He took a step back needing distance.

Tears filled Regina’s eyes. She bowed her head.

He wasn’t sure if they were tears from being caught or what. He couldn’t take much more. His heart ached. “Is there something you forgot to tell me?”

She looked up, her mouth dropped open as she looked from him to Gage and back to him. Her mouth closed, lips clamped into a thin line, eyes narrowing. “You’re an idiot.” She turned away, grabbed her purse, and walked out the back door.

Gage followed right behind her.

Sterling couldn’t stop himself as he flew out the back door after them, only to find Regina crying on Gage’s shoulder.

“Why didn’t you just tell me you were involved with someone? It would have been kinder all the way around.”

Regina pulled away and wiped her eyes on the back of her hands.

He didn’t understand why all the tears when he was the one hurting.

Gage stepped between them. “I think there’s been a mistake here. Gigi, you run inside and get back to work. I’ll straighten things out.”

“Butt out,” Sterling ordered. “This is between Regina and me.” He didn’t need some asswipe to make things worse. Hell, he was doing great on his own, besides things couldn’t get any worse.

Sterling turned to follow Regina back inside. He’d only taken two steps when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He whipped around yanking his arm away. “Back off.”

“I’m sure we can work this out.” The guy was all smiles.

“Work it out?” he said. “Are you for real?

“I think you have the wrong idea about us.”

“You do, huh?”

“If you’d just give me a moment of your time, I’m sure I can straighten it out.”

“No thanks.” Sterling turned to go after Regina to give her back her key.

Gage tapped him on the shoulder.

Sterling snapped. He turned around and threw a punch before he could stop himself, only his aim of off. He barely clipped Gage on the chin.

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