Coveted: An Alpha Male Romance (13 page)

BOOK: Coveted: An Alpha Male Romance
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Rocco de Michele

When I saw Joseph searching the room with that look on his face I immediately stood. When our eyes met, he motioned for me.

“I’ll be right back,” I told Gabe.

“Everything good?”

But I didn’t answer him because I was walking away. As I was leaving the room, I kicked myself for not checking on Yanna. I knew that she had been in the ladies’ room longer than necessary but I didn’t cut Gabe off in time to go see about her. Something in Joseph’s eyes told me that I should have.

“What’s going on, Joseph?”

He didn’t answer and his face went blank as he stared behind me.

I followed his stare to see Pops, Jamie and Tia. I still hadn’t spoken to Jaime. I was pissed that, though I had told my family that I was bringing someone special to dinner, she thought it appropriate to bring her tramp friend.

The conniving look on their faces made me scared for Baby. “Where is Yanna?” I asked no one in particular.

My father slightly rolled his eyes as if he didn’t give a fuck as I heard Joseph say, “She left, Roc.”

I took off running towards the door. As I appeared outside, I saw Baby walking down the steps. “Yanna!” The sound of my voice seemed to scare her, causing her steps to quicken. “Baby!”

“Leave me alone, Roc!”

I could hear her tears and that made me chase after her even more. “What’s wrong?! Talk to me.”

“I shouldn’t have come here; that’s what’s wrong!” She was still stomping away. Her heels were so loud against the marble walkway.

“Yanna, stop.” Finally, I was able to catch up to her. I held her gently by the elbow and she spun around. Initially her eyes were full of anger, but as I stared down on her, her eyes softened but tears pooled in her eyes.

I looked towards the door and down the walkway. Though no one was arriving at the moment, more guests were still expected, so I guided her towards the side of the house for more privacy. Luckily, her anger had subsided enough that it allowed her to follow me against her will. I assisted her as her heels dug into the grass. Eventually, she bent down and kicked them off. Her pretty, French tipped toes glowed against the green grass. I took the heels from her hands and held them for her as she leaned against the brick of the house. The sun was setting and red and orange hues bounced against the tears that were now falling down her face. I couldn’t wipe them away fast enough. I would wipe and more would come so I began to kiss her quivering lips.

“No, Roc,” she tried to fight me, but I wouldn’t let her. I dropped her heels and anchored my hands against the wall on each side of her, burying her in my space as I continued to lay kisses on her lips.

“They hate me,” she said into our kisses.

“Who cares?
love you.”

Her eyes darted into mine. I’d never said it and hearing it had silenced her. She looked like she wanted to fight but I kept kissing her, hoping that I could kiss the fear and uncertainty away. I felt guilty. I had brought her here so whatever had happened was my fault.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered into her mouth, before sucking her bottom lip, and she whispered a moan that accepted my apology and that was staying… She was still mine.

I began to run my hands all over her. I couldn’t help my goddamn self. My Baby was independent, strong, and cocky, but it turned me the fuck on when she submitted to me, when she let me know without words that she was all mine.

The heat of her body was luring me to her like a hypnotist. Without permission, I pushed her fitted skirt up to her waist. Her mouth moved to protest but I took it into mine before any words left her lips. The curve of her ass was in one hand as the other groped the seat of panties that covered her mound, which had soaked them by now.

Quickly, I spun her around and ripped her thong from her body. She was no longer timid. A light giggle left her lips as I used my hand on the arch of her back to bend her over slightly. Dropping to my knees, ensuring grass stains on my jeans, I spread her until her wet mound was exposed. The moment that my mouth covered her pussy, her body quivered.

As my tongue circled her clit, her body began to quake. She widened her legs to give me better access and my cock hardened in anticipation to be inside of her. The feeling caused a deep moan from my baritone voice, sending vibrations through her body and causing her toes to curl around blades of grass. As I sucked her clit, my tongue played around it. Up and down. Up and down. Faster. Harder until I felt it becoming more and more erect in my mouth.

“Fuck yes! I’m cumming!” left her lips in hard whispers. I took her waist into my hands and helped her grind my face hard and fast until I felt her cumming down my throat.

“Mmmm! That’s it baby.”

She was weak in my hands as I stood. But before she could become limp in my arms, my steel, wide length was climbing inside of her awaiting, hungry wet pussy. She squirmed, fighting the urge to yelp out in satisfaction. To make matters worse for her, I anchored myself on the wall of the house with one hand while wrapping her curls amongst my fingers with the other. Her neck now exposed was my fucking playground, just like the rest of her.

“Oh my God, Roc. Please…”

“Please what?”

She had no answer. She only whimpered. I could feel her grasped at my cock, tensing with every vicious dive my length took inside of her.

Chapter 17
Yanna E. Hill

After Roc fucked me senseless on the side of that beautiful yet evil mansion, we left without saying goodbyes. On the ride home, remnants of my orgasm were subsiding and the reality of his family’s ill feelings, were replacing it. I felt so guilty. I felt like a problem; his problem.

Even as we got back to his condo and spooned the rest of the night, a somber feeling was over me that was eerie. Then, as I replayed the words for Roc that Jamie, Tia and his father had said to me, somber turned to hurt and insecurities. I had never felt that when in Roc’s arms, and I didn’t like that I was now. It reminded me of heartbreak, of hurt, and pain, and I wasn’t supposed to feel that ever again. I was supposed to be protected from all of that when I was in Roc’s arms. I cared for Roc more than I had cared for any man in my life, but I refused to feel that hurt again. It reminded of my past heartache; of Alex, moreover, of Alexis. And that, I couldn’t deal with.

I was strong enough to leave Alex, and had been strong enough to weed out any further hurt, until now. I had fallen for Roc, but I didn’t have to fall for the pain as well.

So in the middle of the night, before the sun rose, I slipped out of Roc’s bed and sent Courtney a text message. I knew that he would be up. It was the brink of a Sunday morning, and his Saturday nights usually ended very early the next day.


Can you pick me up from Roc’s house?


As I awaited his response, I gathered my clothes and tiptoed out of his bedroom. Once inside of the living room, I dressed quietly just as my phone lit up, indicating a silent notification.


Sure, baby. Everything okay?

I’ll tell you all about it when you get here. Just hurry.


Once dressed back into my bandage skirt and camisole, I reached into my purse for a pen. Noticing a few pieces of mail on his end table, I took a letter and wrote on the back of it:


I can’t come between you and your family. I love you too, but I can’t do this.


I then tiptoed into the kitchen, to the refrigerator, and used a magnet to stick the note to it.

I did love him too. So much that my tears were no longer of sorrow once he finally told me those sweet three words. In that moment, I had forgotten the hurt and fell in love with that man all over again. It was obvious that we had loved each other for quite some time, but to finally say it signified it for me. Yet, to have it said in such a hurtful moment let me further know that I had to leave.

I didn’t slip my shoes back on until I was out of the door. I knew Roc’s security codes, and after drinks and a good orgasm, he was a hard sleeper. So, I was able to slip out unnoticed. It was five in the morning, but on a July day, it was already nearly seventy degrees. I took in a deep breath, expecting to feel instant heartache so intense that death would be close behind. Yet, when I didn’t, something told me that maybe I was doing the right thing.




Beyond the stress of leaving Roc, it was finals time. Graduation was weeks away. I had worked hard to finish my Masters, and I was a nervous wreck that I would fail finals because I could think of nothing but Roc. I’m guessing he woke up at about seven, because that is when my phone started to blow up with text messages and phone calls. By that time, a sleepy Courtney had hurried me out of his Camry and promised to come back over to my mom’s after he got some rest.

I knew better than to go home because, knowing Roc, he had already showed up there.

I kept trying to tell myself that, though it was intense, it had only been seven months. If I survived leaving Alex, surely I could survive this.

But at the time, I couldn't talk to him or reply to his messages. I was still too weak and would find myself right back in his arms being snubbed by that evil father of his and that bitch of a sister. But I couldn’t sleep either, so I studied for hours, though I couldn't remember a damn thing that I’d read.

To make matters worse, at noon, my mother and Madea came through the front door. I immediately knew that something was wrong when neither Madea nor my mother could look me in the eyes.

“What’s wrong?”

Madea had been sick. For the last two months, she had a persistent cough, shortness of breath and chest pain. My mother had finally talked her into making a doctor’s appointment last week where they had run a few tests. The doctor had called her in that morning.

No one would answer me. That made my heart begin to beat at a frightening speed. Both Madea and my mother walked towards the couch that I was sitting on and sat on either side of me.

When Madea held my hand, my eyes filled with tears instantly, as she told me, “I’m sick, sweetie.”

“Wh–What’s wrong?” I asked nervously. “How sick?”

“It’s cancer.”

That was it. My world was over. It was very selfish of me in that moment, but right then, I felt as if I had no one. I loved my mother to death. She was a good mother, but Madea was my rock. The only other person that came close to replacing her was Roc. Now, I was very close to having neither. And that thought sent me into crying hysterics. When I thought I was able to live without Roc, at that moment was when I had become so broken that I couldn’t.

Rocco de Michele

Luckily, when I arrived at the estate, Jamie was standing on the steps watching Joseph load her luggage into the trunk of Pops’ driver’s car.

“JAMIE!” My thunderous voice bounced off of the brick walls in front of me as I charged up the walkway. “Why would you say those things to her?!”

She met me with a roll of the eyes. She appeared to be the arrogant, stuck up bitch that I was usually sure to avoid. “I didn’t say anything to her,” she claimed with disgust all over her painted face. “I didn’t know that she was in the bathroom.”

Just as my injurious eyes were two inches from hers, I could hear my mother a few feet away. “Rocco!”

I was steaming as I stared Jaime down, trying to figure out just how hurt my mother would be if I rung her daughter’s neck. Jamie was fortunate; had she been my brother instead, her fucking jaw would be swollen and her teeth would be scattered across the marble by now.

“Rocco! … Rocco, v
ieni qui!”

My sister placed her hand on her hip, daring me to ignore my mother beckoning me; daring me to lash out in front of my dear old mother.

“Get the fuck out of town and never come back,” I hissed.

She smiled provokingly. “Is that a threat?”

“It’s a prayer. And you make sure you tell that cackling bitch, Tia, that the same goes for her.”

I left her standing there as I went to my mother. I could hear her climbing into the car and it pulling away just as I reached my mother and kissed her cheek. “Where is Pops?”

“No, Rocco,” she warned, blocking my path with a tender hand on my arm. “Just leave it alone.”

“Mother, I can’t. He can’t choose who I love–“

“I understand. You’re right. But trying to talk any sense into that man is a waste of time…” I could literally see her shoulders sink with sorrow. “Trust me, I know. So please,
for me
, just let it go.”

Luckily for my mother, she was the only other person on this planet that I loved as much as Baby. So, like Baby, I was selfless with her and gave up my own happiness to ensure that I didn’t hurt her. I kissed my mother’s cheek and walked away; battling the aggressive man in me and the man next to him that loved too hard to let him hurt the women that I loved.


BOOK: Coveted: An Alpha Male Romance
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