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Authors: Linda O. Johnston

Covert Alliance (6 page)

BOOK: Covert Alliance
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“Very good. What time is your shift here over? If I’ve finished eating and left by then, I’ll come back for you, and we’ll go get you some wine and me some beer.”

Kelly inhaled deeply. She didn’t really want to deal with this here while she was working. How should she handle it? “Sorry,” she said. “When I’m through here, I’m just heading back to my place. I’m rather tired tonight.” Although she hadn’t told him to buzz off, she hoped he’d get it. If not, she would have to make it clearer if he asked her out again.

But his response made her freeze in fear, and not because she was scared of seeing him in any social capacity.

“I understand,” he said, his voice quiet. “But I know who you really are, and you and I need to talk right away.”

* * *

Alan had to hand it to her. Except for her initial split-second twitch of apparent nervousness, Kelly—her cover name, of course—maintained her cool demeanor.

She even managed a laugh as she said to him softly in return, “Now, that’s a line I’ve never heard before. Let’s see. I know who you are, too—Clark Kent. But I won’t let anyone know that you’re really Superman and likely to fly away soon.”

“Good. I appreciate that. Now, what time do you get off?” He hoped that taking a firm stance would convince her to go along with him. He didn’t want to even hint at threatening her with exposure around here to gain her cooperation. It was something he would never do, even if, as a last resort, he had to make her think he would.

He didn’t take his eyes off her. She remained standing beside his table, but he could see her body tense as she squeezed the hand not holding her notepad into a fist. He figured she wanted to slug him or run. Or both.

But, smart lady that she was, she kept all emotion inside except for those few reactions he was watching for.

Beautiful lady, too. A lady who could probably use some support—emotional, and maybe also physical, since she appeared to sway just a little.

But then she seemed to get a hold of herself. “Hey, great idea.” She smiled sexily at him as she leaned down and kept her voice somewhat low—although those around them might be able to hear it if they tried. “I’m new to this town and have lots of questions about it that I’m dying to ask a longer-time resident. I’m off in ten minutes. When and where should we meet?”

* * *

Kelly hated to play things this way, but it was part of the training pounded into her while changing her identity. Play along with things as much as possible if put into a compromising position. Never admit anything about yourself or your past.

Stay alert and always be smart.

So was this smart?

It was now seven fifteen. Sighing, wishing she could go the other direction, she instead pulled out of the Haven’s small parking area for staff that was behind the restaurant. She headed carefully onto the wide city street, busy even at this hour. That was Blue Haven, with its active residents.

The car she drove had been given to her as part of her cover: a ten-year-old dull red domestic sedan that desperately needed a new paint job. Fortunately, it had survived its cross-country trip. She was a waitress not only here, but also where she had been placed by the Identity Division, in Baltimore. Restaurant servers didn’t make much money, so an aging car, and as tiny and cheap an apartment as possible in this California beach town, helped her hide her real identity. Truth was, she actually didn’t have much money except for her salary, even though the ID Division had provided her with an initial stipend to get her started.

Oh, the money she had saved while living here in Blue Haven and working in its best elementary school as a teacher was still hers. But it was in accounts under Shereen Alsop’s name, and Kelly would dare to try using it again only as a last resort. What if Stan knew about those accounts and had paid their administrators off to let him know if Shereen tried to get into them?

Now, glad she had changed clothes before leaving, she drove only a few blocks in the opposite direction from the elite little town’s civic center to the local bar that Alan had told her about, where they would meet, ostensibly for a date. He’d offered to drive her himself, but she wanted her own vehicle close by in case she felt most comfortable fleeing—after giving a good excuse, of course, like she was getting ill.

Which she might be, upon considering the impending meeting.

She had frequented Tony’s Lounge now and then when she had been old enough after growing up in Blue Haven. Going there just added to her hurdles of potentially running into someone who might recognize her. Despite the chummy name, it was a lounge of renown around here, where many local politicos and businesspeople met after hours to toast deals they’d made that day with pricey drinks. Even elementary school teachers frequented it occasionally—especially one whose sister, a real estate broker, was married to a city council member.

Kelly pulled her car down the familiar driveway between Tony’s and the Haven Liquor Locker beside it. Both were owned by one family, and Andi had been in the same high school class as the son, Tony Jr. Kelly knew him, but not nearly as well as her sister had, so she wasn’t worried about him recognizing her.

The parking lot behind the bar was busy, but she quickly found a space.

Before she got out of her car, Alan was beside the driver’s door, waiting for her.

She swallowed. Years ago, she had occasionally been on stage in high school plays. She knew how to act—and her acting abilities had been enhanced by the Transformation Unit instructors while her identity was changed.

It was time. She grabbed her purse from the floor in front of the passenger’s seat.

When Alan opened the door for her, she smiled broadly and said, “Well, fancy seeing you here. Let’s go get a drink.”

* * *

Kelly had changed her clothing a bit from the garb she wore as a server, Alan noted while she matched her pace to his as they entered through the bar’s back door. She still wore the same white blouse and somewhat uncomfortable-looking shoes, but she’d donned a longer skirt.

Theoretically, he supposed, that should make her appear less sexy.

It didn’t. Kelly Ladd was one hot lady, no matter what she wore.

And despite himself, he couldn’t help imagining how sexy she’d be wearing nothing...

She’s become part of your assignment here
, he reminded himself unnecessarily and shrugged off any inappropriate trains of thought.

He hadn’t changed from his official uniform here—a suit. That was fine. He’d had his job with the CIU long enough to feel comfortably chameleon-like in what he wore, depending on the situation.

He hadn’t been at Tony’s often, but it always seemed crowded. And dark. And noisy.

Hopefully it was a good public place for the conversation they were about to have. One in which he intended to ensure that, no matter who the lovely woman with him was, or wanted people to think she was, they would work together for their common purpose.

“How about over there.” Kelly pointed to one of the room’s few empty tables. It was way off in a corner. There were plenty of other people around it, but there was something remote and impersonal and—well, promising about it.

“Looks good,” he agreed, and used the excuse of maneuvering through the crowd in the darkness to take her arm.

The moment he touched her, she looked up at him, her eyes wide and wary. And then she grinned. “I have a feeling this evening is about to get interesting,” she said.

“You got it,” he agreed and, not letting go of her, moved in front so he could be the one to steer them through the crowd.

In a minute, they were at the small, square table. He did his gentlemanly thing again and pulled out the chair.

He took his seat across from her and pushed one of the menus in the table’s center toward her, keeping one for himself.

“Let the games begin,” said Kelly, her smile this time appearing to challenge him.

“And may the best person win,” he agreed.

Chapter 5

o what would you like to drink tonight?” Alan looked across the table at Kelly with an expression that suggested he might want to drink
. Her shiver indicated both nervousness...and pleasure.

Under other circumstances, she might even enjoy flirting with a man like him.

But now, caution had to win out over any sexual interest. He was most likely playing her.

Well, she could do the same to him.

“Something nice and smooth and...tasty.” She smiled at him in a way she hoped suggested she might want to taste him.

“Sounds good to me.”

Their server came over. He wore a T-shirt and jeans and acted enthused enough that he was clearly hoping for a big tip. Kelly knew the type but had no problem with that, especially since Alan was apparently treating. She ordered a rich-sounding zinfandel, while Alan asked for an imported German beer. He also requested chips and salsa so they could nibble while they drank—and talked.

The volume of conversations around them was intense, which also provided Kelly with some relief. This could be considered a date between acquaintances, and no way could they have a heavy discussion here on any topic—just the way she liked it.

Not that she was certain what this meeting was about, but she could guess. Still, because of the covert nature of the ID Division and its assignments, even if Alan was who she believed he was, and he also knew who she was, they couldn’t talk about it in this place.

The only way to hear much of what each other said here required at least some shouting, which increased the unlikelihood of getting very personal. Neither wanted anything of any importance to be overheard.

“So what made you decide to move to Blue Haven?” Alan asked loudly.

To save my nephew, for one thing
, was the first response that flew into Kelly’s mind. But she kept things simple, engaging in part of the lie she was supposed to use. “I come from the DC area and always heard how wonderful things are in California. This town sounded especially nice to me, and so far I’m enjoying it.” That was a bit of an exaggeration, but it seemed to work. She regarded his truly handsome, angular face with a smile, her head cocked. “How about you? What brought you here—or are you from here originally?” She felt certain he wasn’t.

“Kind of the same thing—I just heard interesting things about this area.”

Their enthusiastic server returned with their drinks, and the rest of their somewhat loud conversation involved things Kelly would have preferred not talking about, like her background and life before she came here. But some of that was built into her cover, so it wasn’t like she had to invent entirely new things—or anything she wouldn’t want overheard. According to what she told him, she had been a restaurant server forever.

She also wondered how much of the story Alan told was true. He said he had grown up in Virginia, served in the US Army, and liked the military but not enough to stay in it. He had decided to go into private security, also in Virginia, and that was his experience before moving here.

Interesting. Believable, whether or not it was true. Kelly found herself relaxing a bit, as if this were a true date.

Not that she would ever let her defenses down. She couldn’t.

Some of the tables around them emptied, then refilled. Kelly wondered how long they had already been there. She didn’t check her phone for the time, but realized it was getting somewhat late. She kept nursing her wine, not wanting to order another—and not just because she had to drive back to her apartment when they were done.

No, she needed to stay fully alert.

But she almost spilled the small amount of it that was left when she heard a familiar voice behind her, talking loudly over the crowd.

It was Stan.

* * *

Alan had been enjoying their time together—especially since he had an agenda he hadn’t told Kelly about yet. But he would when it was over.

He intended for them to take a short walk. Now that anyone paying attention to them would figure they’d been on a date, they could be seen together even more without suspicion about their real reason for seeing each other.

But now, he noticed Kelly wince at the same time he heard Stan Grodon’s raised voice and guffaws as he marched into the lounge area with a woman Alan hadn’t yet met.

From Alan’s perspective, that was okay. To Stan, security guy Alan Correy should be just an ordinary fellow who also sought out sexy women to date.

But despite how Kelly quickly got a hold of herself, it was better if she didn’t spend a lot of time in that man’s vicinity.

Alan knew she’d been well trained, but she was only human.

Oh, was she human...and female...and sexy...

And Stan, standing behind her, had apparently just noticed her presence. He glanced down, away from his own attractive date, a blonde who was even more skimpily dressed than Kelly had been in her server outfit.

Under other circumstances, Alan might have leveled a challenging look at the guy who’d dared to zero in on his date. But he didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize his ability to remain a security provider for Stan.

Time to get her out of here.

“Looks like you’re done, right?” he said to Kelly. “I’ll get our check.”

* * *

Kelly felt relieved when, after paying their tab, Alan pulled her chair out for her, then grabbed her hand and led her through the crowd—right past Stan—and out the bar’s back door.

She had to get over this. While she was here, she was likely to run into Stan in a lot of unexpected situations, and she had to maintain her cool.

He hadn’t recognized her yet. Hopefully he never would—at least not until she had found a way to make him stop hurting Eli and pay for what he’d done to Andi.

When they reached the dimly lit parking lot, Kelly turned to Alan, planning on thanking him for the drink and his company and saying good-night, just as she would do on a date.

Instead, he smiled at her in a way she could only describe as grim, and said, “Let’s walk.”

She started to refuse, but he took her hand again, even more firmly this time, and started leading her past the rows of cars and toward the street.

BOOK: Covert Alliance
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