Read Cover Me (Rock Gods #3) Online

Authors: Joanna Blake

Cover Me (Rock Gods #3) (10 page)

BOOK: Cover Me (Rock Gods #3)
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She shook her head breathlessly. No he wasn't hurting her. He was being so careful and slow. But she wanted him to go faster.

To take her.

She whimpered and felt her body squeeze down on him unconsciously. He groaned and sunk in a little deeper. And then her hips started to make small circles without her meaning to. Her body had taken over, pulling him inside her with every rotation.

"Oh God Kat. I can't- I can't-"


He moaned and lowered his head to her neck. His hands grasped her hips hard. And he started to move.

Oh dear lord, he started to

Slowly but firmly he slid into her depths until she felt the tip of his shaft touch her womb. She moaned in protest as he withdrew, but then he drove back into her completely. Again and again he pistoned his cock into her willing femininity.

But she wanted it harder. Much harder.

Bruce was staring into her eyes as he pumped her with his cock.


He stopped above her. Her whole body was screaming in protest at the interruption.


"I forgot to put on a condom- hold on-"

He started to withdraw but she wrapped her legs around him.

"It's okay."

He stared down at her.

"I'm on the pill."

He moaned and leaned down to kiss her. And then he began again. This time his movements were less precise, more desperate. She could tell he wasn't going to be able to stop again if he wanted to.

Thank goodness for that.

Kat felt tremors starting to build in her limbs as she got closer. She hadn't felt anything like this before in her life. She knew she was going to climax and that it was going to be big. No, not big.

It was going to be epic.

"Oh God, oh God-"

She froze, her spine arching off the bed as she started to peak. She could see Bruce above her, watching her as he continued riding her through her orgasm. She fell back to bed, her whole body shaking.

His arms were around her as his body came even closer.

"I got you… it's okay…"

How had he known that the orgasm had shaken her to her core?

She felt so vulnerable and exposed, so incredibly open that it frightened her. And she could feel another orgasm building inside her.

"Oh God!"

His thick rod pulsed inside her as her body convulsed on his shaft. They were coming together this time, his essence adding to the sensation, allowing him to move faster inside her.

Her head was thrashing on the pillows. Her whole body felt like it was in the middle of a fireworks show. Still, he didn't stop.

He plunged into her again and again as he lost himself in his orgasm, just like she had done. Finally he collapsed on top of her, using his forearms to keep from crushing her completely with his weight. He was almost twice the size of her, so she appreciated the gesture.

That's with the tiny part of her brain that could still think.

He kissed her tenderly and rolled to the side, taking her with him. He was still inside her. Clearly he didn't want it to end any more than she did.

She never wanted it to end. Not just because the sex was so good. No, it was because she loved him.

She was in love with Bruce Harrison.

Oh no.

There was no denying it after what had just happened. She loved him. Now she was really in trouble.

Her head was spinning when Bruce started moving his hips. She gasped. He was getting hard again, still inside her. She gripped his shoulders as the sensations overtook her.


"Oh God, yes."

They made love twice more before falling into a deep slumber. Slower the second time, but the third was just as desperate at the first time. She wondered how long they could sustain that level of passion. If it was longer than a few weeks, it would become difficult to get anything else done.

Not that she minded.

The floor to ceiling windows faced away from the sunrise, but as soon as the sky was light, she was awake. She was smiling as she watched Bruce sleep. He was so gorgeous. So kind. So talented.

And he was hers, at least for a little while.

She padded barefoot into the bathroom and looked at herself. She looked like a wanton. She smiled and washed her face, running her fingers through her hair.

They'd been planning on taking a shower together last night but they'd gotten, um, distracted. She smiled wider. It had definitely been worth the delay.

She'd make them both a cup of tea and then maybe they could get clean together, wash each other's backs... She tiptoed into the kitchen and pulled out the tea and two cups. That's when she saw it.

There was a note stuck under the door. She tugged it into the room and stared at it. It said Bruce's name written in a woman's cursive. And above that, was a big kiss in dark red lipstick.

A terrible feeling was forming in the pit of her stomach.

She knew she shouldn't open it.

The package felt heavy in hand. It wasn't just a note. There was something else in there.

It wasn't even sealed shut. She tilted it and she could see inside. Lace. There was something red and lacy inside.

She dumped the contents on the console table by the front door.

It was a thong. A red lace thong and a key card for a hotel room. There was a note too.


I'm still up if you're still interested.



              Kat felt sick suddenly. He must have been on the brink of taking this girl home with him last night when she'd- when she'd- oh lord, she'd thrown herself at him!

She couldn't even blame him for this. She was the one who'd told him to look elsewhere. Apparently, he had. And then she'd gone and ruined everything.

This was the worst day of her life.

It had been the best night of her life.

But now it was over.

She had to leave. Her pride wouldn't allow her to take the humiliation. She wouldn't use Tommy as an excuse. He was doing so well now, they were nearly ready to send him home.

He might even be able to attend school this year.

She'd just tell the truth.

It was time to go home and get her head out of the clouds. The limelight was clearly not for her. Rock stars were
not for her. She'd fooled herself into thinking she could handle this last night but she'd been wrong.

She reached into the drawer and pulled out a pen and notepad.











Bruce was thinking about picking out engagement rings when he woke up. He felt amazing. He knew his life was about to get a whole lot better, now that the beauteous Kat was in it. They'd move in together immediately. He'd postpone the rest of his tour. They'd honeymoon in Bora Bora.

Hell, maybe they should just get married today.

He rolled over.

The bed was empty. He reached out and patted the spot where she'd been curled up against him.

It was cold.


Nothing. He knew she was gone before he put his feet on the floor. He knew it before he checked every room in the suite. He knew it in his bones.

A cold feeling was filling his chest. It felt like his heart was cracking into a million pieces.

He could feel it. Something was wrong. She was gone for good.

He was passing the front door when he saw it.

A note.

No. Two notes.

The first one was from a woman named Barbara. He felt irritated as he read it. He got notes like this all the time but he couldn't blame Kat for getting mad when she saw that.

It was the second note that made him feel like his blood was turning to ice.



I have to leave. I apologize for not finishing out the run of the show.

I don't blame you for this, I blame myself. You are who you are. I'm just not the kind of person who can handle sharing you with other women. Maybe I'm not strong enough. I had a wonderful time with you, on stage and last night.

Especially last night.

I'll never forget everything you've done for Tommy and me.

Please, take care of yourself.



              He closed his eyes and crumpled the note. Why hadn't she just waited for him to wake up? He could of explained- he didn't even know who Barbara was! Probably one of the fans he'd invited to the club last night.

Well, that plan had backfired. In a giant, horrible way. He smoothed out the note and read it again. Something else started to replace his regret.


She'd run out on him again.

She didn't blame him for being a what? A man whore???

Still, he couldn't completely blame her for thinking that. His Kat was so proud. He couldn't expect her to understand that this was just part of his job now could he? And she'd thanked him for last night. He hadn't been imagining the incredible connection they had.

He crumpled the note again. There were only ten more shows in Vegas. They'd offered him a month long run in all the Hard Rock's around the world.

He was thinking about taking them up on it.

But not until he got his woman back.







Kat held the tray of watered down cocktails high in the air as she stalked through the Jewel Box. It was a ridiculously fancy name for what was in essence, a strip club. A high-end strip club but still, just another sleazy operation at it's core.

During the day she worked at a insurance office as the receptionist. The pay was crap but they gave her health insurance on the first day. She'd been able to cancel Bruce's fancy pity plan. She knew now that he'd just felt sorry for her. He'd wanted to screw her, yes, but it had been nothing more than that.

She was the idiot who'd fallen in love with him.

It was better to make a clean break. She'd already sent the unworn clothes back to the fancy department store and taken the car back to the dealership. The insurance had taken her the better part of a week to sort out but now that Tommy was home and healthy, it had been time to snip that final cord.

Now there was nothing to tie them together.

Nothing except the giant hole in her heart.

She bent over to put her tray down at one of the VIP couches by the stage. As she did, a hand closed over her ass, making her jump in the air. This was a regular occurrence unfortunately, one of the worst things about working there. Thankfully the huge bouncer Willis was by her side in a second.

"He messing with you Kat?"

"Just a quick grab."

Willis leaned ominously over the scared looking business man.

"You apologize to the lady now."

"I'm- I'm sorry."

Willis raised his eyebrows and waited until the man opened his wallet and threw a couple of hundreds on the table.

"That's better. Keep your hands off her. And leave a good tip."

"I just did."

"No, that was an apology. A tip comes at the end."

The man nodded eagerly, hoping to avoid getting kicked out of the club, or even worse, a beatdown. Willis smiled and patted the guys sweaty bald head. Then he scooped up the hundreds and handed them to Kat. She tucked them into her apron front. It was a humiliating way to make two hundred bucks but she wasn't going to turn it down either.

"Thanks Willis."

The big man just grunted. He liked her she knew. He was a good guy actually. He'd shown her pics of his kids once.

"You let me know if he bothers you again."

"I will."

Kat doled out the drinks without further incident and headed back to the bar.

The bartender pointed across the room.

"You got a new table. He specifically asked for your section."

She turned and frowned. She was too new to have regulars. And it wasn't like she was one of the dancers either. But sure enough there was someone sitting in the shadows, as far away from the stage as you could get. The dead zone they called it. She was new so they'd given her that section. She got one table up front per shift though, thanks to Willis.

Kat put a bowl of snacks on her tray and walked over to the corner table. As she got closer, she could see it was a well dressed man, built and good looking. He was wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap.

She stopped in the middle of the floor.

It was him.

Harrison was at the Jewel Box.

Oh god, she didn't want him to see her in here. To see what she'd been reduced to doing. Her costume left little to the imagination with a super short, cheap looking miniskirt and a tight cropped top with a low V. Her cheeks burned in embarrassment and indignation.

After a minute, she forced her legs to move.

Might as well get this over with so she could back to her oh so fabulous life.









Bruce stared at her from behind his sunglasses. She'd recognized him, he knew. She looked angry. She looked uncomfortable. She looked like a god damn boner factory!

She plunked the snacks down on his table and whipped out her little pad and pen.

"That outfit should be illegal."

He looked her up and down. It might piss her off but he didn't care. She was the one who was denying him, while letting every jerk in this place have a good look at her charms.

A really good look.

Half the guys in the place were ignoring the naked girls on stage and watching her as she stalked around the place on those impossibly long legs.

"What do you want Mr. Harrison?"

He smiled slowly, debating about how to answer that. He could think of a few specific requests that would make her whole body blush.

"You know what I want."

She shook her head in exasperation.

"No, I really don't."

His smiled widened.

"I want you."

"You already did. That’s going to have to be enough."

"Well, it’s not. I don’t just want you for one night. I want forever Kat."

Her jaw dropped a little bit.

"Kat. Listen to me. Did you really think I would be that desperate for you if I'd been screwing groupies every night? I'm not 15 you know."

She pressed her mouth into a thin line.

"It doesn't matter. That's your life. This is mine."

"Yeah, it looks like you are doing fantastic Kat."

"There's nothing wrong with being a waitress! Besides I have a day job too."

"I know. You look exhausted by the way."

Her mother had kept him informed of what was going on. But only after he'd bribed her with a case of expensive chocolates. And the promise of a big old fashioned wedding. And a new house in Malibu so she could be near Kat and Tommy once they'd moved in with him.

Her eyes filled up with tears.

"Just - just leave me alone! I don't need this- I don't need you!"

She turned and ran out of the club with Bruce close on her heels. He grabbed her arm and yanked her around to face him. She was crying. Not in that manipulative way that some women had. No, his angel was weeping tears of pure heartbreak. He'd hurt her, without even trying.

But he couldn't stop now.

"When are you going to stop running Kat?"

She frowned at him and looked away. He pushed her backwards gently until she was against the wall. Then he leaned over her, boxing her in with his body.

"Let me take care of you Kitty Kat. I want to be with you. Don't you want to be with me?"

Her eyes were blinking up at him in surprise. She still didn't believe him. But she would.

He was reaching into his pocket for the ring when a dark cloud passed over head. No, not a cloud. The bouncer from inside the club was looming over them.

"This guy bothering you Kat?"

"No, he's- he's an old friend. Just give us a minute okay?"

Willis nodded slowly but he didn't go far. Just leaned against the wall and stared at them.

"Jesus, the guy's a tank."

"Yeah, well you can see I'm not in any danger here."

"I am."


"I'm in danger. I’m in love with you Kitty Kat. Don't you know that?"

Her eyes got really wide. He smiled at her. And she broke into tears. Big heaving sobs.

"It's only you sweetheart. I promise. It's only ever been you. From the first minute I saw you."

She was really wailing now. He almost laughed. He knew he'd won. He could feel it.

"I didn't really want to do this here, but…"

Slowly Bruce lowered himself to his knee.

"Katrina Henley, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Her crying got even louder if that was possible.

"Is that a yes then?"

She nodded tearfully and he stood up, slipping the ring onto her finger. He kissed her tenderly.

"We can just tell people we got engaged at a restaurant."

She laughed finally and he took her hand, kissing the back of it.

He picked her up and carried her to his car. As he passed the front entrance, he smiled at the bouncer triumphantly. The enormous man was smiling slightly.

"Bruce Harrison!"

He stopped and looked at the giant.


"You take good care of that girl now, you hear?"

He grinned.

"Oh don't worry, I will."

BOOK: Cover Me (Rock Gods #3)
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