Counterpart (Succubi & Incubi Assn.) (2 page)

BOOK: Counterpart (Succubi & Incubi Assn.)
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“No.” I moved my head away before dirty images could form inside my
head. “Unless you sort your girlfriend out, I'm not ready to be a boyfriend

And the award for biggest hypocrite goes to...

I risked a look in his direction and he was kneeling on my bed,
wearing only the pair of jeans while his chest remained bare. It was such a
distracting sight. Seeing every single inch of that perfectly worked out body
was killing me by the second. Then I remembered how they felt last night, when
my hands slid over them, taking their sweet time at feeling what they had been
dying to feel.

Stop, Maya.

My eyes moved up and I swear my breath hitched the slightest. The
smallest amount of space known to man-kind was between our noses, and the
temptation to close that distance was prodding at my brain.

I felt his eyes wander over my face, leaving a trail of heat along
with it. There was even a point when they watched my lips momentarily. But as
quickly as they were there, they were gone and staring back at mine. If it
wasn't for the smirk still playing on his lips, I'd think I had won.

“Funny.” His fingers found my thigh and the tips of them tickled the
skin up the side until they reached the fabric of my panties, where he lightly
played with the material. At least I had the decency to put them on. “You
didn't seem to think that last night.”

Exactly why I think I'm a hypocrite.

“Last night is something we won't talk about, ever,” I said. The
last thing I needed was more rumors.

The room fell silent. I knew for a fact it had only been a few
seconds that we were staring at each other, but it seriously felt like an hour.
The smirk on his face had fallen down and the lips, that I adored so much, were
pressed into a thin line.

I had won.

Planning to take my win to the next level, I almost broke the eye
contact, but Tristan beat me to it. He didn't say anything, but his fingers had
moved away from me, leaving the lingering feel of them ghosting on my flesh.
After a brief nod to himself, he sighed, running a single hand through his
messy short cut hair.

“Alright.” He pushed himself off the bed.

I watched him lean down and pick his shirt off the ground, his back
muscles tensing with every step. Then he did something unexpected. He just
walked out of my room, without a single glance back. I wasn't even sure why I
was surprised by this—he wouldn't be the first guy to do that.

But still, he didn’t even say goodbye.

“Rude.” I sighed, letting my head fall back against the wall behind
me. At least I could breathe now.

“Hey.” A single knock on my door sounded and I looked over to see my
dorm-mate grinning widely.

Jamie Moore was considered my
best friend, due to the
fact that she actually put up with my shit. For the past three semesters she
never once judged me, or even asked why I was such a whore every second
weekend. So I kept her around. She was safe. She was open-minded. Two things I
wished I was.

The reason I say that she's my '
best friend' is because
that’s what she practically is. She knows nothing about my sexual desires, or
the fact that I suck the lives out of men that fuck me off. The only thing she
knows, is the fact I’m some reject from the Simmons family and have parent’s
that don’t give a single shit about their children. So yeah, I didn’t think
bringing up the demon thing would do any favors for anyone except make me the
campus freak.

Jamie was gorgeous though, and sometimes I even thought she would
make a good succubus—if she ditched the glasses and maybe curled her
stick-straight brown hair—but there was some potential.

Who am I kidding? Jamie was the exact opposite to me. She was a
classic nerd. She defined the stereotype for 'book worm' and I wasn't sure if
that was a good thing or not. She was fun most days, but when it came to essays
or exams—well, anything that could hinder her life the slightest—she wasn't
much fun.

Actually, if you disturbed her during those times, she can be a real

But that's why I love her.

“Good morning, sunshine,” I replied, a matching grin showing on my
face. “You all packed and ready to go?”

Summer had started and that means goodbye to half the college
population. Thank God.

Not that I was happy to see Jamie go—because I wasn't—I envied her
right now.

The light green of her eyes brightened and she looked like a cartoon
character as she nodded. “Of course, who would have thought I'd be cruising
around the
summer, huh?”

That's why I envied her. Because Jamie was such a top student, and
she never let her parent's down, they decided to take her on a cruise around
the Caribbean, while I was stuck at campus until my sister, Delilah decided to
show up—which was a long stretch. She had called earlier and said she was going
to be a couple of weeks late. Translation: I'm sorry, Maya, but I just don't
care enough to travel all the way to hang out with a sister I hardly see
anyway. Seriously, I don't even remember how that phone call started. It was a
waste of time and it practically ended with me telling her to just not bother,
and that was that.

“Yeah, well, I'm sure you'll have fun in the sun,” I said in my most
I'm so happy for you
voice, which admittedly wasn't that happy.

Jamie noticed the flatness in my tone and took a seat at the end of
my bed. “What are you doing through break?”

She didn't know about the phone call between Delilah and I, and I
had no intention of seeing her sympathy—I had already caused her to feel guilty
for going away.

“Oh, you know, hang out with the parents—eat sushi as I do every
other holiday.” It wasn't a full lie. That's what I had been doing. Last summer
I was at the house in
San Francisco
, eating sushi outside. That was pretty much it though, and the
reason I was even there was because I needed to get away. It was a stupid
decision, but I hardly saw my parent's the whole time, so it was good.

This summer however, my parents made sure they let us know that they
were going away for six months. That meant no visits from children were
allowed. Last time I heard, they were basking in
. After that phone call, I really had no interest in hearing the

“Sounds like fun.” The look she was giving me was one that knew
there was something I wasn't telling her, but she didn't push it further,
instead she changed the subject. “I saw Tristan leaving, without a shirt.” Her
eyes narrowed. “I thought he was with Tori.”


“He is.” I put the cigarette out in the ashtray beside me, avoiding
her gaze. It was amazing how an object so small, could be a great distraction.
“She ditched him last night at the party, so I thought I would make up for her
loss and give him a good birthday present. You only turn 21 once, right?” I
shrugged as if it wasn't that bad but even I knew it was sort of bad. I pushed
my blankets off and got out of bed, not caring if Jamie saw my lingerie

“So you slept with Tori's boyfriend? That's a good image you're
putting on yourself, Maya,” she said.

“Yeah, well I can't regret it now. It's already done.” I grabbed a
pair of faded skinny jeans, pulling out a light top to go with it. “Besides,” I
said, placing the clothes on my bed and pointing my gaze towards Jamie. “We
didn't have sex. It was just a make out session and then his drunken ass passed

Biggest semi-lie ever.

Lucky she didn't pick that one up. “You should be careful, Maya. You
and Tristan may be friends, but you guys have a very,
definition of friends than most people, actually, than everyone. What you guys
have is called FWBAC.”


“Friends with Benefits and Complications.”

The complications thing I could understand...

“We're not friends with benefits.” I was positive about that. “That
would involve me having sex with him, and that hasn't happened.”

Jamie cocked a single brow. “Touché, I’m waiting for that day to

I rolled my eyes, waving my hand in the air. “You'll be waiting a
really long time.” As much as I would've loved for that to be a lie, it wasn't.

Tristan = off limits.

Jamie went silent after that and she stayed in my room for a bit
before she went back to packing. Needing another form of distraction, and
making sure she was out of my hearing range, I picked up my phone and dialed
one number I knew by heart.

“I smell something that involves sex,” a familiar male voice teased
on the other end.

“Well if it isn't my favorite incubus.” I grinned. “How are you
doing, Daniel? Please, do tell me how
is treating you.”

Daniel Bradshaw was pretty much the male, more sexual version of me.
He classed himself as the epitome of sex appeal, which was understandable. You
could see it everywhere.

Hell if it wasn't for Tristan, Daniel would probably be my go-to
guy, the one that would hear about my problems and then make it better—then
again, he was actually doing that because Tristan didn't know about me either.
Daniel just didn't know how to make me feel better without bringing up sex as
an option. Nonetheless, he was a great friend and someone who had grown close
to me—just not as close as he wishes. He was fun and trustworthy.

I walked around the room while he explained the amount of girls he
had been with in the past few months. Every encounter was detailed the same way
I would detail mine: sex, booze, boobs, grinding, tongues lashing, hands
grabbing... it was basically an erotic novel.

But if he asked me how
was, I was going to have to lie. Truth be told, I hadn't been out
in a while. The last time I had my release was a few weeks ago, after one of
Tristan's fighting events.

I remember that night all too well.

“Shot! Shot! Shot! Shot!” the crowd cheered. A row of us sat in
front of the bar and raised our glasses in the air.

“Here are to the wins tonight, boys,” I said, before downing the
whole shot. The burn that trailed down my throat didn't bother me one bit. I
embraced it. It gave me satisfaction, and half the time it was relaxing. “Who
wants another round?” I shouted, only to receive a holler of cheers in reply.

I could feel him before he showed up. Tristan walked up to my side
in all his winning glory. You couldn't miss the wide grin on his face, success
swimming through his head. He had a good fight tonight—which wasn't new. He
seemed to be a big winner around here.

And he definitely looked good, sporting a freshly washed shirt and
dark jeans.

“Maya, how much have you had to drink?” he asked, like a parent was
asking their child how much cookies they stole from the jar. It only caused my
lips to pull up in smirk.

Then the mood disappeared.

Tori Matthews, Tristan's girlfriend, appeared out of nowhere then.
Her blonde hair had been put through the curler and spiraled over her shoulders
like the fake extensions that they were. Large amounts of make-up were applied
to her face and the scowl—which I had gotten used to—appeared at the sight of

“Apparently not enough,” I mumbled and took the shot the bartender
had laid out. “Congratulations.” I slid one of the others to Tristan—purposely
ignoring his bimbo's presence—and he took it with no hesitation.

Tori didn't seem at all phased which wasn't normal. She stayed away
from me, and I stayed away from her.

This is why I knew I needed to get away.

“I'm going to go see what's out on the dance floor.” I pushed off
the bar before anyone could stop or distract me, and moved down to the large
area. The heat in the back of my neck prickled against the skin. I knew Tristan
was watching me. I couldn't even find it in myself to look back.

The thing with Tristan and I is that we have a connection that no
one sees or knows about. Not even us. Well we know about it. We just don't
understand it sometimes.

It's like we like to be near each other, and I know deep down that
he would take it to the next level, but I can't. I refuse to do that to him.
For the first time, since I even turned 18, Tristan was the first guy that
intrigued me. Something about him seemed to always pull me in. Even my demon
loved him.

Yet, I was ignoring her cravings for him, because I cared.

So he started dating Tori. It wasn't the best relationship in the
world, but he was happy. Sometimes, he'd occasionally come over to my dorm and
talk about how she doesn't want sex. You would think after being together for
the past few months they would at least get past first base. But no, she stuck
to kissing and that was it for her. She had some big thing where she wanted to
wait for the right guy to come along and she'd lose her virginity to him.

BOOK: Counterpart (Succubi & Incubi Assn.)
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