Counterpart (Succubi & Incubi Assn.) (16 page)

BOOK: Counterpart (Succubi & Incubi Assn.)
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He chuckled softly against my flesh, his hands moving up from my
hips to caress the skin over my ribcage. His lips finally came up and hovered
over my own. “So dramatic and impatient.”

My arms were moved above my head and his fingers threaded through
mine. He was in a teasing mood tonight, which was what I loved about him. He
gave me a taste of my own medicine, and it always sent a surge of want in me.

My lips parted as he lowered his head, breathing the softest kiss
along them. He was so close to me, and I attempted to close the distance fully.
The slightest touch of his lips against mine caused me to inch forward, but he
moved away.

“Tristan,” I groaned, letting my head fall back on the pillows.

“Maya,” he whispered in the same tone. His lips pressed against my
cheek and then trailed down my jaw. “Maya, Maya, Maya.” My back arched as he
sucked on my neck lightly and I hated the fact that he had my hands on

Not that I’m complaining or anything.

I maneuvered my legs out from under his and wrapped them over his
thighs. That way, he had me on lock-down, and now, I had him.

Tristan's tongue flicked out and he trailed it down my neck to my
collarbone. He knew the right places to kiss on me. Well... all the spots I
would let him kiss. If he went below the breasts, then he was out of bounds.

Tonight though, it was no holds barred.

I pushed myself up against him, feeling for a reaction. What I got
was more satisfying. “Someone's happy to be here.” I smirked.

I felt him smile against my skin and he moved his kisses back up
until he was a mere inch from me. “I'm always happy to see you.”

The entire wait, all the teasing, it was worth it.

He took my upper lip between his and pressed hard. I didn't waste
any time to flick my tongue out and run it along the softness of his bottom
lip. There was a small groan that came from his chest and he opened up,
flicking his tongue against mine and starting the fight for dominance.

He tasted sweet, but alcohol was noticeable. His lips—like his
skin—were soft and addicting. Overall, he smelt intoxicating tonight. It wasn't
a strong scent, but it was enough to push me to the state of restlessness.

His hips ground into mine, causing me to suck in a quick breath. Why
did he have to leave his jeans on?

Actually, why hadn't I removed them yet?

He pressed hard against me, and my kisses became desperate at the
feel of his bulge pressing against my thighs. Neither one of us wanted to take
a break and catch a breath. We didn't care. Our fingers finally disconnected
and we were quick to touch each other. My fingers ran through his hair while
his made their way to the back of my neck to press me closer to him.

My fingers tugged the strands of his soft hair, wanting more,
needing something to rid of the heat that was flowing through me.

I don't know if Tristan knew what I was thinking, but his lips
reluctantly left mine and I finally had the chance to take a decent breath. He
didn't return to my mouth though, which was annoying. But he soon made me
forget about that.

“I know it's my birthday, but I’d rather do things to you instead.”
He laid kisses along my neck again, then over my breasts. I didn’t understand
his words at first, but when his kisses started to slow down along my abdomen,
I kind of got an idea on what he was thinking.

His fingers played with the fabric of my panties again, and usually
this would be where I pulled the plug, but today I had no motive on stopping
him. Like I said before, there's no holds barred. And I was way too horny to
even try to stop him.

He kissed just above my belly button and his arms came under my
thighs, lifting them until they rested on his broad shoulders. Our eyes
connected and I'm sure my own darkened at the sight.

“You're so intoxicating, Maya,” he whispered before placing another
kiss just above my panty line, “so fucking intoxicating.”

It was a memory that I'd never forget. It was also a secret I would
never tell anyone. I told Melinda and Jamie the sugar coated version. Yeah, we
just kissed, but he kissed much more than my mouth. I was glad for that memory
because it was something I could imagine when I found my subjects to be

I was greeted by my lovely clock when I finally opened my eyes.
4:35AM. Irritated and annoyed, I knew there was a reason I woke up. It had been
at least an hour since I met him, and now his ass needed to go.

I rolled over and pushed against the soft back. The last time I did
this, the back was toned, broad and soft... not soft and completely

“Hey!” I pushed again. “Wake up.”

The guy stirred a bit but didn't make any motion to tell me he was
awake, so I tried again. “Dude, seriously. I told you, my parents are coming
over at 5 and my dad has a firearms license, so unless you want to get shot—”

The bed jolted as he jumped off the bed, gathering his clothes in
one sweep.

“Oh yeah, you're awake now.”

I didn't know his name, I never knew their names. I don't even
remember how he got in my bed to be honest. He was on the skinny side but not
lean and cut like I liked them. Faded jeans hung low on his hips, a ripped
shirt showing off how non-muscular this guy actually was. Seriously, he must’ve
had something I wanted or I completely dropped my standards in 24 hours.

My eyes moved away him and they found a bag of weed on the
ground—oh, now I remember why he was here. Melinda and I got bored and went on
search for marijuana. This was our payment. And even though they think that we
fell for their scam, they actually fell for ours. Our demons were hungry, and
we wanted weed.

We killed two birds with one stone.

He was taking his time finding his phone on the ground, and I knew
it was just a ploy to see if I'll let him stay for another 10 minutes. They
always did this.

“I wonder what kind of shotgun my dad got this time...” I murmured,
picking at my non-polished nails.

I saw him stiffen in my peripheral vision and—
surprise, surprise
his phone in 0.1 seconds. The family thing always worked, even though them
coming would never happen.

He quickly picked the phone up, and didn’t look my way when he
exited the room.

“Take your friend too!” I called after him, wrinkling my nose at the
fact he didn’t shut my door. I heard the front door open and close in record
time and Melinda walked in.

“Ugh, it's about time he left, seriously, he was so annoying.” She
slumped down next to me. She had the decency to put an over-sized shirt over
her naked self, but me however—the only thing missing was my jeans.

“Your guy was annoying? Mine obviously doesn't know what boobs are
since he went nowhere near them.”

“Nah.” She waved her hand in the air. “You should be glad about
that. I was literally getting annoyed when all he would do was look at my
breasts. Seriously, I almost slapped him if this bitch wasn’t hungry.”

“Well if you think about it, Mel. Your boobs are like perfect.” And
that they were. “If I was a lesbian, I’d so use you for your boobs.” They were
like the perfect size and everything. Not huge, not small, but perfect.

She rolled her eyes and yawned, patting her stomach. “I should be
satisfied for at least a week. He wasn’t that fun. Did you use the parent

“Yeah, it always works.”

“When does it not?” She yawned again, this time more dramatic. “I
wish I could go to sleep. Seriously, but I never can after sex, you know? It's
such a downer.”

“Actually, no, I don't know, I always pass out. But,” I reached over
and retrieved the rolled joint from the dresser. The guy wanted to smoke it
before we
did it
, as he would say, but I knew what drugs did and I
wasn't up for staying awake the whole night. “I have a remedy for that.”

Her eyes glinted down at the joint, a smirk pulling up on her lips.
“You always know what to say and do, Maya.”


“Wow, so Tori and Tristan are in
?” Jamie asked through the phone.

“Mhm,” was my only reply. They had been gone for two days now and in
that time I'd slowly gotten over trying to avoid Tristan as a subject. Now, I
just went with it.

“That's some crazy shit. How are you feeling?”

I walked into Starbucks and greeted the scent of coffee with
happiness. Melinda was still asleep at the dorm and I thought I would be a good
friend and bring iced coffees. It was yet another hot day, which always meant a
lot of people.

“Tell me about it. I'm good. Nothing I can do about it. He doesn't
want to see me again.” I walked up to the counter and ordered the usual before
sitting at a nearby seat to wait.

“Yeah, that's rude. So you think Tori found out, huh? That would
explain it and, I told you so.”

“Yeah yeah yeah.” I was over the subject quick. “Anyway, how's the
? I hope you're drinking a lot for
me and partying with all the hot guys on the ship. Please, give me some sort of
juicy story.”

If you had asked me a few weeks ago if I wanted to hear about
Jamie's trip, I'd probably say no but I'd go through it because that's what
friends are for. Now, I would take Jamie's trip and love to hear her stories
because they would distract me from the drama that has become my life.

“Oh my God, Maya, there is this really nice guy on the cruise ship. He's
here with his family too. He's from
but he doesn't go to college. He works but I haven't found that
information out yet. He is so cute. We're going out to the restaurant for
dinner tonight.” She gushed about the trip and I was actually glad she was
having fun. And hey, she found a guy.

“Aw, my baby is growing up. Next thing you know, you'll be off
getting married and buying your first house with the guy.”
While I live a
sad and lonely life.
Nice to know I have a sense of humor.

“Please, let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves. How’s San Fran

“What?” I arched a brow. What was she talking about?

“You were going to San Fran for the summer...”

“Oh... yeah. It’s great... totally

“You’re not in San Fran are you?” her voice was blank and I knew I
couldn’t lie.

“Not technically, but if I drove 6 hours I would be.”

“Maya,” I looked up to see one of the workers placing my drinks on
the counter, “and Ethan.” She placed a coffee beside them.

“Oh, got to go, Jamie. I'll give you a call another time. Have fun
tonight. Send me more pictures. Love you.”

I hung up before she gave me a lecture on why I shouldn’t lie to her
about some things. I had to wait behind a guy—who I was guessing was Ethan—to
get my drinks. In that one second, I had taken him all in. He kind of reminded
me of Tristan from the back, but he was a bit taller and more built. Not a lot,
just a bit. He wore dark jeans and a fitted black shirt that showed off his
tanned muscles. Melinda would love this guy. I checked his finger when he
reached for his cup and I spotted no ring. Bonus.

“Oh, sorry,” he said, taking a step back for me. Now that I got a
good glimpse of his front, he couldn't be much older than me. Maybe mid-20s.
Dark hair was neat and tidy on his head while his green eyes reminded me of the
scenery of a rainforest. They weren't as exotic as Melinda's light ones, but
they stood out pretty much the same. He would definitely be someone Melinda
took home. As for me, my demon didn’t seem at all interested.

You’re staring, Maya. Move before you freak him out.

“What—I mean no problem.” I reached around him and grabbed my
drinks, heading towards the exit in a rush. I had to roll my eyes at my own
idiocy. I rarely ever stuttered in front of a male, but he took me by surprise.

I breathed a sigh of relief once I was outside and away from the
guy. I could feel heat travel to my cheeks and I drunk back some of my iced
coffee to push it away.

I looked through the windows of stores as I walked past, staring at
everything and anything. Window shopping became a hobby for me, especially when
I was by myself and didn't have anything else to do. It didn't really matter
though—I would need approval from my fashionista's for me to get them.

There was nothing interesting on my side so I attempted to look
across the street. The sun didn't help, practically blocking my view so I'd see
my own reflection.

Is it me, or do these windows seem to add like ten pounds on you?

But my reflection wasn't all I saw.

The Ethan guy was a few feet behind me, hands deep in his pockets.
No coffee in sight.

He didn’t acknowledge me staring at him. Actually, I didn’t think he
even knew I saw him, but something about how his head was low and the strides
of his legs matched my own, seemed odd.

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