Corrupt Cravings (21 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Salaiz

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Corrupt Cravings
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“I’m sorry. My mate worked very hard on this meal, and she’s right. We can talk afterward. Forgive me for my behavior.” Large hands cradled her face as Donavon pushed his lips into hers. “You go sit down, and I will serve you. I’m sorry for lashing out at you like I did.”

Marcella nodded and looked around. Shit. No table. She walked to the couch, noticing she had a perfect view of Jason.

“Have you eaten?” Donavon asked him quietly.

“Yes. Thank you. May I go sit down?”

“Stay away from my girl.”

Jason looked at her angrily as he walked in. She knew that look. “Please,”
her mouth silently pleaded. His face tilted to the side as if he wasn’t sure, but he nodded and took a seat on the floor, leaning against the wall.

“What’s your name, and where are you from?” Donavon asked as he walked into the living room, holding Marcella’s plate.

“Jase Lewis from Port Aransas, Texas.”

“That’s a lie.” Donavon handed over her plate. “But I didn’t expect for you to tell me the truth.”

“How do you know I’m lying?”

“I can smell when people are being dishonest. One of my gifts, you could say.”

“Really, so if I told you some random things, you’d know if I was full of shit?”

“Yes. But” Donavon smiled and looked at Marcella, only to turn back to Jason. “How about this? Walk over to me.”

Jason stood and came within a foot from her mate. They were almost exactly the same height, which meant Jason had gotten even taller.

Donavon got a deep look of concentration on his face as he looked at her other half. “I’m going to ask you some questions. If I don’t like what I hear, you’re outta here. Got it?”

“Yeah. Shoot.”

“Do you intend to do harm to anyone in this house?”

A cocky smile came to Jason’s face. “Not unless they harm me first.”

“Are we really related?”

Marcella watched the smile broaden. “You could say we are.”

Donavon’s face fell, slightly. “If I left you alone with my mate, would you try to fuck her?”

Shit! Fear took over. Marcella clutched the sofa while she awaited Jason’s answer.

“No.” The certainty in his tone left her lips parting.

A laugh came from Donavon, making her jump. “Wow, finally someone who doesn’t want to take Marcella away from me. I think I do like you, Jase.”

Confused, she watched her other half glance to the floor. How did he outsmart that damn internal lie detector? He wasn’t telling the truth, was he? No. Surely not.

Donavon left the room and came back with Aaron following. Their plates were overflowing. They both sat on the couch, her mate nearly against her side. The smell of the food coming from her lap wasn’t doing anything to help out her upset stomach. Jason’s arrival should have lightened her spirit, yet she couldn’t get over his answer or the way her body was tiring so easily. What in the hell was happening?

“I leave after I eat. Jase, can you stay with my mate and make sure everything is okay? I trust you won’t touch her. If you do, you won’t live through the night.”

“You have nothing to worry about,” Jason whispered. “So, where are you going?”

Donavon cut his eyes up from his food. “Not that it’s any of your business, but I have an appointment with the doc.”

“A doctor’s appointment this late?” Jason stretched out his legs in front of him.

“Not literally.” Donavon groaned. “I’m getting barred.”


“Jesus, Jase! Are you sure you’re a wolf? Barred, as in punished.”

“Oh, right. What did you do?”

is none of your business.” Donavon got quiet as he started eating again. Slowly, he looked up, seeming to catch himself. “Honey, this is really good. I’m sorry. I just haven’t had anything like this before. Can you make this kind of chicken again tomorrow?”

Marcella nodded. “You never had fried chicken before?”

“Well, yeah, but it never tasted like this.”

She looked at Jason, who was just as puzzled. “Sure, if that’s what you want.”

He threw her a dazzling smile and kissed her cheek. “You’re great, do you know that? Thank you.” He quickly finished off his food and looked toward his friend. “All right, Aaron, you ready? We should really be going.”

Marcella quickly reached out and grabbed his arm. “Don’t do this. I’m begging you.”

“I have to. Everything will be fine.” He tried to give her a reassuring smile, but it didn’t work. Sickness erupted in her stomach at the thought of what might happen.

“For me. Please. If you care at all for me, don’t.”

“I’m doing this because I do care, and I want to show you that I’ll take the consequences should anything ever happen to you on my watch. This is what I deserve.”

“No. It was my fault!” Marcella placed her plate on the floor and threw herself into his arms, wrapping her body around his sitting one. “You’ll have to drag me along because I’m not letting you go.”

He laughed and leaned back to look at her. “You remind me of a child. Jase, can you come get her for me?” Donavon kissed her lips and continued to smile. “You’re adorable, you know that? Now be a good girl, and I’ll be back before you know it.” When he stood, Marcella still didn’t let go.

“No. I’m serious. You’re not going.” She clung tighter, desperate for her collector’s powers. She was absolutely helpless when it came to restraining him in her wolf form.

Hands gripped around her waist and pulled, but she tightened her grip. Donavon easily pried her away. She and Jason went back a few steps at the abruptness.

“Make sure she doesn’t leave this house, Jase. And she better not have a mark on her when I get back, either, or else you’re next.”

Jason wrapped his arms around her chest while she fought to break free. “Let me go. You don’t understand what he’s going to do. They’re going to hurt him, and it’s all because of me.”

The front door shut, and Marcella lost it, turning into her collector. At the strength Jason held on with, he’d obviously changed form, too. “Donavon!” Repeatedly she screamed his name while trying her hardest to twist out of Jason’s grip.

“Marcy, baby, calm down and talk to me. What happened? Why is he getting barred?”

Sagging into his arms, she felt the sobs wracking her chest. Lifting her hands under his grip, she showed him the now light-colored bruises.

“He tied me up while he took our stuff from the other house. He was afraid I would escape. I fought the ties and bruised myself. He feels like it’s his fault.”

“It is,” Jason snapped. “What the fuck was he thinking, tying you up and leaving? He deserves what he’s getting. What if something horrible would have happened? You’d have been trapped here alone. I really don’t fucking like that guy.”

“Stop it, Jason! We have to stop him.”

“No way. If he wants to get hurt, let him. He’ll learn his lesson. Plus, how are we going to stop this whole thing without blowing your cover? Isn’t that the reason why you brought me here?”

“Yes, but”

“No, Marcy. You have to let this go. Now change back to your wolf.”

Noticing his arms had relaxed, she broke through his grasp and rushed for the door. Jason pulled her back before she could open it. She let out a scream and began to fight against him.

“All right. I guess we’re going to have to do this the hard way, baby. Damn it. I hate not letting you have your way. Now, I’m the bad guy. This fucking sucks.”

“Jason, you know this isn’t right. Just let me go. I’ll tell them I hurt you.”

They both fell against the couch as he clutched to her body. “We are not wolves, Marcella. What we view as wrong is just their way of living. We cannot interfere. I’m telling you, shit will hit the fan if you show up out there. If you want to make things harder with Donavon, you taking away what he believes in will do it. Now stop fighting, and do something useful like get bandages ready or something.”

“No, I can’t.” Marcella tried her best to hold in the bile as it threatened to escape. She was going to be sick, she just knew it. “If you don’t let me go, Jason, I’m going to lose all respect for you. Do not let your personal feelings about him interfere with what you know is right.”

, Marcy. Why do you always have to do that?” He sighed and let her go. Upon his submission, she changed back into her wolf.

“You’ll thank me someday. I promise, you will.”

Jason shook his head. “When he stays the asshole I know him to be, I’ll beat him myself. Now let’s go get your boy before I change my mind.”

Kissing his cheek, she rushed for the door. Jerking on the handle, it wouldn’t budge. “What the fuck? It’s locked from the outside.” Marcella pulled harder and a knock tapped on the glass. She pulled back the curtain and saw four men standing on the covered porch.

“Oh, shit. Jason, they’re guarding the house. Donavon must have done this.” Marcella glared at the men. “Open the door! Let us out, or I’ll break the glass and get out myself.”

One of the men held up a gun and she cringed. “Do you think they’ll really shoot me if I attempt to make a break for it?”

“Look at them, Marcy. They’d drop you in a minute.”

“I have to try something.” Running to the bedroom, she pulled open the curtain and screamed. Men were literally surrounding the house. How in the hell was she going to get out of there? Pacing, she tried her best to think of something, but nothing would come.

“Get bandages ready, Marcella. It’s already been close to a half hour. Surely, they won’t be gone much longer.”

Desperate for something to do, she followed Jason’s orders. The first place she went was to the restroom, but nothing was there. After searching every drawer in the kitchen, she was ready to scream at the top of her lungs.

“I’m going to the back and turning collector. We need supplies, and there’s none here.”

“I’ll keep a look out. Hurry.”

She took off and shut the bathroom door behind her. Letting her change take over, she quickly made everything she could think of appear in her hands. The moment her wolf filled her body, she heard male voices.

Marcella didn’t think. She flung the door open and ran for the living room. What she saw caused everything in her hands to fall to the floor. Donavon was propped against the wall, his face battered and bruised. The bottom of his lip was split open, and his left eye was puffy and already darkening. Covering her mouth, she ran to the kitchen sink and became violently ill.

A hand held back her hair as she washed out her mouth. “It’s not as bad as it looks. Really.” Arms encircled her waist, and she spun around on Donavon with fury thrumming through her.

“I’m two seconds away from finishing the job and laying your ass out cold right here on this kitchen floor. What were you thinking putting out guards so I couldn’t stop you!” He reached for her again, and she pulled away. The tears stung the hell out of her eyes.

“Let me hold you. I promise to never hurt you again.”

“You didn’t hurt me to begin with. Son of a bitch, Donavon. Why? What does this prove? That you can take a beating? I begged you not to go.”

His arms pulled her into his body, and she didn’t miss him wincing in pain. Burying her face into his chest, she gripped his shirt tightly against the conflicting emotions.

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