Cord SEAL Team Seven (Book 5) (16 page)

BOOK: Cord SEAL Team Seven (Book 5)
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ack at the house, my eyes zeroed in on her and hers sought me out still filled with lingering fear. I smiled to reassure her that all was right in her world again. Her face softened and I saw her body relax as if she’d been waiting for my return. So much passed between us in that one moment

While I’d been giving her time, time I thought she needed, someone else had been plotting to take her life. There was still so much I needed to teach her to bring her into my world, but looking at her now after what she’d been through, after almost losing her it didn’t matter anymore, none of it did. All that mattered now was taking her to my bed. Fuck everything else.

I suddenly couldn’t wait to be alone with her. I needed to feel her warmth beneath me, needed that connection. Only then would I be able to erase the night.

I needed to get inside her, to reassure myself that she was safe, whole, mine. Now that imminent danger had passed, she now faced a danger of a different kind. Would I have enough control to take her? Or would my overpowering need cause me to hurt her more than was necessary.

There was no doubt that I would hurt her the first time, it’s just the way I’m built. I’ve tested her tightness enough to know that there was no way for me to spare her.

My blood heated right along with my thoughts and as much as I loved my family I needed them gone. I gave Lo a nod, which conveyed much and he started the exodus from my kitchen.

“Okay everyone, let’s go and let these two get some sleep.” They all said bye to her and my brothers reassured her that she was okay now while their women fussed over her like they didn’t want to leave. Lo practically had to drag Gaby out the door, but eventually they started for the door.

“You’re with me squirt.” Dev wrapped an arm around Davey’s neck and the kid looked at me while my brother led him out the door. “Go with him, I’ll see you in the morning.” He gave his sister one last look of brotherly concern before leaving out.

She looked at me a bit warily when we were finally alone and I walked around the table to her side. “Come here baby.” I leaned over her, caging her in against the chair. For the first time when I covered her mouth with mine, I didn’t hold anything back.

“Give me your tongue.” I teased her tongue into my mouth and sucked on it until she relaxed enough to wrap her little arms around my neck. She sighed into my mouth and clung.

I lifted her from the chair and wrapped her legs around me. I was finally able to take a real breath since making the run to her place. Her heart beat against mine as I whispered words of comfort to her.

She was trying to be my brave girl, but I could feel that she was still shaken. That shit kinda put the brakes on my libido. She needed comforting, not me fucking into her body like a maniac right on the back of her ordeal.

“You good Gem?” I held her little body close as she nodded against my shoulder. “Tell me what happened.” Her body shook in remembered fear as she told me in broken sentences how she’d awakened to the stranger in her room. With each word I wished I’d done more than broken that fuck’s neck.

“I tried to jump off the bed to run but he was too quick. I couldn’t even use any of the things you taught me because he was just there and next thing I knew, his hands were around my neck.”

“Did he hurt you in any other way baby?” I don’t think he would’ve had time. Davey had called me as soon as he’d heard the men in the house, but I wanted her to get it all out in the open, to purge it from her mind.

“No, you came.” She snuggled into me as I took her place on the chair. My body reacted strongly to her nearness. That coupled with the fear of almost losing her made the man in me stand up. My cock was hard beneath her ass as she moved around seeking comfort.

“Be still baby.” I closed my eyes and fought against the need to drive my cock in and out of her, hard. Too soon Cord, too fucking soon. My head was saying one thing but my dick was singing a different tune. I gritted my teeth and begged for patience.

I just wanted the reassurance that she was safe in my arms-that no harm had come to her. The need to get deep inside her rode me hard, but I fought it back for now. I have to do this right no matter how my body might rebel.

When her body started to shake uncontrollably again, I whispered softly to her. “I’m sorry Gem, I shouldn’t have left you, it won’t happen again.” I felt inadequate. I felt like I’d failed when I was needed most. I’d let her down when I’ve made it a point never to disappoint anyone who depended on me.

“Cord?” There was need in her voice. A natural reaction after coming so close to death. She too needed reassurance that she was alive. Taking her mouth with mine, I sought to calm her as tears ran down her face. “No baby, don’t cry you’re safe. I’m sorry I failed you.” And I’ll live with that guilt for the rest of my days. For the rest of my life, I will see that fucker standing over her in the dark.

“No Cord, this was not your fault.” Now she was the one offering comfort. Her little hands ran over my shoulders and I doubt she realized she was still crying. “Come here baby.” I pulled her head into my chest and rocked. How the fuck do I make this right? The one being I swore to protect and I let this shit happen.

I held her little head in my hands as I dried her tears. “So precious.” I felt the rush go through me and gave it free reign. Her lips were hungry beneath mine as I fed her my tongue. I kissed her hard and deep as if that could erase the night, as if I could stamp out the terror she’d faced by sheer force of will.

My cock twitched and tried breaking free even as she pressed herself against me. What little control I had left was hanging by a thread. The protector in me said, ‘not now Cord, she just had a scare’. The mate had other ideas. What better time to reassure her and myself, that she was alive and safe?

I had that little argument with myself as I took her to our room. I laid her across our bed before following her down and pressing her body into the mattress. Looking down at her in the fading light that came through the window, I found myself struggling to control my hunger.

“Tell me you don’t need more time.” I kissed her lips hungrily before she could answer, and she responded with fire. I pulled her head back and looked down into her eyes. They were glassy and out of focus. At the same time I noticed the fever brightness of her eyes, I realized that she was still suffering from aftershocks.

I pulled her into my arms-covering her body once more-taking her tongue into my mouth-grinding my feverish cock into her pussy; and willing myself not to tear off her clothes and fuck her. Wrong fucking time. When she whimpered in her throat and tried to climb my cock, I knew I was gonna have a hard time holding onto my principles.

Just a little longer. That’s what I told myself. Just until she stopped being afraid and I no longer saw that fuck standing over her in the dark with his hands around her throat.

I fisted her hair as I ground myself into her, spreading her legs with my hips so I could feel her heat. It was only then I took notice of her nightwear. “Thief.” She’d filched one of my shirts without me knowing. Her grin helped to smooth some of the rough edges.

I put my hand between her thighs and cupped her while sucking her tongue into my mouth. When I felt myself getting too heated I pulled back and away, hopefully for the last time. “Don’t stop Cord please.” She ground herself into my hand hard and I felt her pussy’s wetness.

“Shh, I know. I’ll take care of you baby.” A few last soft nibbles of her lips and I eased off of her and got out of bed. I felt the loss immediately, but as much as I wanted to give in to her and to my own need, I knew it wasn’t right. I didn’t want her first time marred by the ugliness of the night. But there was something else I could give her, if it didn’t kill me.






He didn’t give any warning before making his way down my body and shoving my legs apart. His hands were rough when he tore my panties to shreds and just looked down at me, the way he always does.

My body flushed bright red, but more from excitement than shyness. It’s weird, but I think the night’s events had freed me. There was no longer any lingering doubt. I wanted this, wanted him. I could’ve died tonight. The thought made everything else seem pointless.

The hungry look in his eyes made my blood burn with lust. And when he pushed my legs even wider with his broad shoulders and ran his nose along my inner thigh I shook. He did that growling thing that makes me feel like the most desirable woman as he inhaled my scent. I couldn’t wait for that first touch of his tongue. “Please…”

He pushed my legs back to my ears leaving me open before I felt his mouth on my heated flesh. He kissed my labia and I almost swooned, but there was no time for that as he continued his assault on my senses. I held my breath as he licked me. No it was more like he was lapping at me with his tongue. I felt it in every nerve ending in my body. Like all that I am was concentrated right there between my legs where he mastered me with his wicked tongue.

I bit my lip to hold back the cry when he lifted my ass in his big hands and licked from my ass to my clit and back until I thought I would die from the pleasure. Then he pushed a finger into my ass slowly while sucking my clit into his mouth and I think I blacked out for a second or two.

It didn’t take me long to reach my happy place, and since he didn’t seem to be in his ‘master of all things’ mood, I went ahead and let myself go…a lot. I felt every inch of his tongue as he shoved it into me, his nose in the short hairs on my Mons, his fingertip as it teased me. It was like someone had turned a switch and amped up my senses.

“Cord, please.” I tried pulling him up by his hair but all that got me was a nip on my thigh before he went back to his meal. I was a limp rag of nothing by the time he pulled his tongue out of my body and eased his finger from my ass. But he wasn’t done yet.

With my legs still obscenely spread, he leaned over and did something he’d never done before. He put my feet behind my neck and locked them in place. It was the gleam in his eye that gave me my first warning. “Keep your eyes on mine Gem.” Who was he kidding? I could barely see straight, but I knew why he asked. He had yet to let me really see that part of him.

I’ve felt it enough to know why. Unless he was in the habit of walking around with a length of pipe in his jeans, he was seriously hung. The thought might have scared me in the past, but I can honestly say right at this moment I didn’t care. I wanted to do more than feel him. And the way my girly bits were tingling and purring, I’m pretty sure she would swallow him whole.

I did as he asked and he leaned over me. I felt his hand between us as he fought with the string on his pajama bottoms, right before the hot head of his cock touched me. My mouth opened in a silent scream when he used it like a weapon, rubbing himself up and down my already inflamed clit and down to where I could feel my flesh throbbing wantonly.

Tease that he is, he slipped just the head of his cock inside of me and held it there while sucking my tit hard into his mouth. I tried pushing down to get more of him in me, but I was hindered by the chiropractic nightmare of a position he’d put me in.

This way I was totally and completely at his mercy, and though I’d gotten away with cumming on his tongue I wasn’t sure if I should push my luck. My whining must’ve tipped him off to my predicament, because next thing I knew, ‘you may cum all you want tonight’. Thank heaven. That was all the encouragement I needed to crown his cock with my juices as he stroked himself in and out of me teasingly, each time stopping at that little membrane inside that protected my innocence.

“Fuck.” He pulled out and jumped off the bed like his ass was on fire. I was breathing too hard and trying not to die when he stood over me looking down before helping me with my legs, which were like Jell-O. I missed him already. He leaned over and kissed my forehead and I wondered not for the first time why such an innocent act always made me feel so cherished, so loved?






That was close, damn. I pressed down on my cock and did some exercises in my head to bring myself back under control before turning back to her. “From now on, this is the only bed you’ll sleep in, mine. You’re not going back to your mom’s.” Even if she had an argument it wouldn’t matter. If her mom wanted to spend time with her in the future she’d have to come here, and then only after I’d vetted her ass completely.

Her eyes followed me as I started to strip in front of her. I didn’t try to hide my cock from her this time when he sprang into view once released from his confinement.

Her sharp intake of breath pretty much told me what she was thinking, which is what I’d been trying to avoid until I was sure she could handle it. “Not to worry, when the time comes I’ll make sure you can take all of him.” I climbed into bed beside her and drew her tense body into my arms getting her settled.

Her eyes went down to my boy who was still semi-hard and flew back up to mine. “That’s so not gonna fit.” My roar of laughter shook her as she laid across my chest and I squeezed her, pulling her closer to me.

It felt good to laugh after a night like this. Her hand drew patterns on my chest and I kissed her hair. When she yawned it reminded me how late it was. “You’re tired baby, why don’t you go to sleep?”

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