Convincing Constance (The Blow Hole Boys) (8 page)

BOOK: Convincing Constance (The Blow Hole Boys)
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Torture. Constance was an amazing
torture that made me suffer and soar all at the same time. I’d kissed girls before. I’d done a hell of lot more than kiss them, but never had it felt the way it had with her. She needed me, and I needed her to need me.

It was so freeing. So much so that I’d forgotten all about my no touching rule. I could touch them all I wanted, but the minute they put their hands on me
, I was done. With Constance, she’d touched me more than any other person since the accident. It was wonderful and horrible at the same time. It didn’t make any sense to me.

The look in her eyes when I told
her we had to stop gutted me. From the moment I first saw her, I knew there was something different about her, but I had no idea how different. I’d spent most of the tour watching her and making sure she was all right, even though I knew she was more than capable of taking care of herself.

We both stood when the elevator reached the tenth floor. I reached down and plucked her bag from the floor and handed it to her. She wouldn’t even look at me. I knew she was embarrassed. Shit, I was embarrassed. I’d never meant for anything like that to happen. Not with Constance. She was too good for that—too good for me.

When the elevator doors opened, Finn and Chet were standing there staring back at us.

“Where the fuck have y’all been?” Chet asked. “We were about to send out search and rescue and shit.”

Constance said nothing as she ducked around the guys and went to her room. Finn and Chet looked at me with question in their eyes and I shrugged like I had no idea what was wrong with her. She didn’t go out to dinner with us that night. She stayed in her room and ordered room service. I didn’t see her again until it was time to go on stage the next day.

She was different. The way she held her guitar was different. Her body was stiff like it was stuck in attack mode
, and not once did she grin into the crowd like she’d gotten used to doing. I couldn’t tell if she was pissed or sad, and as badly as I wanted to know she was okay, I wasn’t about to go up to her and ask. Maybe I was being a little bitch, but so be it. I had no idea what to say to her.

We finished up in Denver and drove through to Sacramento, where we had three shows. Constance still hadn’t spoken to me much. She stuck to herself
, and as much as Finn and Chet asked what was wrong, she’d never say. It obviously had something to do with me, but I still couldn’t bring myself to ask.

We played for a full house, and the crowd was wilder than usual
, making for a kickass show. Constance played her guitar hard, throwing in extra chords that flourished when it was time for her solo. She was so comfortable on stage now, and she looked beautiful when she’d get in the zone and it was only her and her guitar.

Her pink
-and-blond hair flew in the breeze as she stood perched on top of the speaker and played. Her tight leather pants clung to her ass and thighs like they were painted on. The top she wore showed her amazing stomach and enough cleavage to kill a man. My eyes were glued to her as she bounced with her instrument and mind-fucked the crowd.

She was turning me on. I spent the entire show in the back
, trying to hide my hard dick behind my guitar. There was no denying it. I wanted Constance. And as long as she was game and was okay with the no relationship thing, I was going to get her. She seemed more than willing in the elevator. I just wanted a taste, and then the tour would be over soon and I’d never have to see her again if I didn’t want to. Not that I was a complete asshole, but there was no future with a guy like me.

After the show, we all went back to the hotel to get showered up and ready for a night on the town. Constance looked extra good in a tight miniskirt, fishnet stockings, knee-high boots that tied all the way to the knee
s, and a ripped-up band T-shirt that fell off the shoulder, revealing soft skin that begged to be kissed.

The club we went to after dinner had a kickass VIP section that we soon filled with people. Chet had t
wo girls on his lap, while Finn was too busy drinking himself stupid. I sat across from Constance and watched as some asshole tried to flirt with her. She wasn’t having it.

Every time he tried to get close, she’d move away. He was too drunk to even notice she wasn’t interested. I was seconds away from going over and telling him to get lost when she stood and walked away from him. I stayed seated as she left the VIP section and headed toward the back of the bar. Men turned and looked at her
, prompting me to follow her. If someone tried to pull some shit, at least I could knock someone the fuck out.

She disappeared into the women’s bathroom and I stood outside the door and waited for her to come out. Seconds turned into minutes, and five minutes turned into ten. I was starting to worry. No one had come out or gone in, and although I knew it was stupid, I opened the bathroom door and stepped in.

The room was lined with hot-pink stalls. I walked down the line of stalls until I came to one that was half closed. Peeking beneath, I saw her black boots.

“Constance?” I asked.

My voice echoed throughout the room.

She threw the door open
, staring back at me with wide eyes.

“What are you doing in here? This is the chick bathroom

“I was worried about you. I saw you come in here and you’ve been in here a while. Are you okay?”

She looked tired.

“Yeah. I’ve just got a headache. I didn’t want to fuck up everyone else’s party, so I came in here to get away from the noise for a bit.”

I reached out and grabbed her arm. She flinched before relaxing.

“Come on. Let’s go back to the hotel. I’m not really feeling tonight either.”

I was surprised she didn’t argue. Instead, she came out and walked beside me as we went back to the VIP section and told Finn and Chet we were leaving.

The ride back to the hotel
, I couldn’t help myself. I stared at her from across the car. My eyes filled themselves with Constance from her head to her full breasts and flat stomach to her thick thighs. She met my eyes occasionally, and I’d smile before she turned to look out the window again.

The tension in the car was thick and I wondered if she felt it, too.

I followed behind her and climbed on the elevator. She looked over at me when she pressed the number twenty-one for the top floor, and we smiled at each other. I could see it in her eyes; she was thinking about being stuck on the elevator with me. I was thinking the same thing.

It was wrong, but I was silently praying the elevator would stop and give me time with her. It was just my luck that the fucking thing worked and the doors opened on our floor. I followed her off and walked her to her room.

“Thanks,” she said as she turned away and pulled out her room card.

She ran her fingers through her hair, pushing it from her face as she stuck the card in its slot and waited for the light to blink green. Her hair teased me, bouncing up and down
, barely touching the sweet swell of her ass. Without thinking, I reached out and filled my hands with her hair. She turned quickly and looked up at me with wide eyes.

“What are you doing?”
she asked.

I didn’t answer. Instead
, I pulled her to me, and kissed her. She threw her arms around my neck and kissed me back. I pressed my body into hers, trapping her between me and the door.

“You feel so good
,” I said against her mouth.

Reaching up the back of her hair, I pulled
, making her look up and giving me free rein over her neck. I licked and sucked until her taste filled my mouth completely. I’d lost all sense of everything. All I could think about was stripping her down and losing myself in her.

She pressed against me and the sweet noises she made only made it worse. Pulling away from her, I looked down into her dazed eyes.

“I want you,” I said before going in for another kiss.

She melted into me, and when I filled my hands with her body, she didn’t stop me.








I could hardly believe what
I was allowing. I hated the touch of a man, yet Tony was touching me in ways I’d never been touched. His hands worked their way over my body and I didn’t stop him. He grabbed my ass, lifting me and prompting me to wrap my legs around his waist.

He pressed into me over and over again, picking a slow and torturous rhythm that had me silently begging him for more. I worked my hands over his shoulders before letting my palms glide over his chest. His muscles beneath my palms flexed and he let out a sexy growl.

I didn’t stop. I worked my hands down, eager to pull his shirt up and feel his sexy abs, but before I got down far enough, he grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head.

“Don’t touch me
,” he rasped against my neck before he sucked my earlobe.

Reaching behind me, he popped open the door and carried me into the room. The door shut behind us and he turned me
, pressing me into the door. I thrust my hips against in him a way I never had before, and the friction of him against me felt amazing.

“Keep doing that
,” he said as he pulled back and pulled off my top.

A tiny hint of panic hit me and I pulled back, but then he pressed against me and started kissing my cleavage
, and I forgot all about the reasons I needed to stop him.

My breaths grew heavy and I pulled his head to my body. I couldn’t get enough. His eyes connected with mine as he pulled my bra down
, trapping my arms in the straps. I hadn’t been that bare around another person since I was fifteen.

“You’re so beautiful
,” he said before lowering his head and capturing my nipple in his mouth.

He sucked and flicked with his tongue making me moan in pleasure. Again, I pulled him to me. My hips took over with a mind of their own, and I could feel the rise coming to me. Just the pressure of his body against mine was about to get me off.

He pulled back, letting go of my nipple with a sloppy pop. His body left mine and my feet touched the ground. I thought he was going to walk away, but instead, he turned me so I was facing the door. He lifted my skirt and starting pulling down my fishnet tights.

The door was cold against my boobs as he slowly peeled my tights from my body. They dropped on the floor at my feet and I stepped out of them. He filled his hands with my ass and hissed in appreciation.

“You have an amazing ass, Constance,” he said against the back of my neck.

, his hands were replaced with his body and I could feel his hardness poking into my ass cheek. He was still fully clothed and that made me kind of uncomfortable, but if it meant he would keep going, I wasn’t going to say anything.

Reaching around
my front, he ran rough hands over my stomach, making me suck in. His hand worked its way down until he was unbuttoning my skirt and letting it fall to the floor. He didn’t waste any time as he pushed his fingers into the top of my panties. I thought I’d explode when he pressed a finger against my clit.

“Oh God
,” I whispered.

“You like that?”
he asked.

I couldn’t respond. I tried to, but all rational thought slipped away from me.

“Answer me or I’m going to stop. Do you like that?” he asked again.

His finger was working wonders.

“Yes. Please don’t stop.”

He softly chuckled in my ear. “Why would I stop? I’m just getting started.”

My hips thrust with his movements and I knew if he continued, I was going to explode. I’d masturbated in my life. I knew what an orgasm felt like, but it never felt this good when I touched myself.

His body was so hard and strong against my back
, and as much as I thought I’d hate it, his take-control attitude was turning me on even more. Reaching behind myself, I latched onto his hip and pulled his hardness against me.

“I want you, Tony
,” I bravely said.

He breathed hard into my hair. “You got me, baby.”

His fingers continued and I could feel it coming. It was going to be a good one. He quickened his speed as if he knew what I was thinking, and then it happened. Lightning struck my body. I jerked as the wave hit me and a loud moan burst from my lips. I rode his finger as my orgasm immersed me over and over again, pulling me and pushing me over the edge.

Pulling his hand from my panties, he turned me and kissed me hard. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him back. Without taking his mouth from mine, he pushed my panties down until they fell around my ankles. I barely had one foot out of them before he lifted my leg. Opening me to him, he put two long
, thick fingers deep inside me.

It was what I wanted, but it wasn’t. The penetration felt beyond amazing. I moaned against his lips as he thrust his fingers in and out over again. Breaking the kiss, I looked him in his eyes.

“I want you, Tony.”

I knew what I meant, but I didn’t think he was getting it. Instead
, he smiled down at me, kissed the side of my mouth, and said, “I’m here.”

His fingers probed me over and over again until another orgasm hit me harder, ripping me from myself and freeing me to thrust and beg like I never had before. He held me close and didn’t stop until the muscles in my leg would no longer hold me up. I fell against him and buried my face in his neck as I tried to catch my breath.

He pulled his hand back, letting a rush of cool air enter me. My leg dropped when he released it and I fell back against the door so I wouldn’t fall to the floor. I felt amazing. I felt lighter, like he’d somehow emptied me of a few of my bad memories.

He stood in front of me with a sexy grin on his face. Leaving the door, I went to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. I couldn’t let him leave there without returning the favor.

“Now it’s your turn,” I said as I kissed his lips.

Reaching down, I grabbed his belt and began to loosen it, but he stopped me.

“No. Tonight was all about you,” he said.

“But what about you?”

“Next time,” he said as he kissed my forehead. “You should get some sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

It wasn’t exactly what I was expecting, but I pulled back and nodded. I wasn’t going to get all girlie and upset. It wasn’t like he’d used me. If anything, I’d used him. I was the one that got off, not him. I covered myself and moved so he could open the door. Before leaving, he leaned in and kissed me softly.

“Goodnight, Constance.”


And then he was gone and I was staring at a closed door.



I didn’t see him or
the boys again until it was time to go on stage. Mostly, because I’d stayed locked in my room for most of the day. I didn’t know how to act around Tony anymore. I was embarrassed and enlightened all at once.

I couldn’t stop thinking about what he’d done to me or how amazing it felt. I couldn’t stop thinking about him… period. I wasn’t sure what was happening. No way was I falling for him. I knew next to nothing about him. All I knew was he was sweet and quiet and he knew exact
ly how to get a girl off.

I wanted to ask him questions about himself. I wanted to know about his past, about his scars. But what I really needed to do was forget all about it, finish the tour, and move on. I knew it was the right thing to do, but I also knew it might be
easier said than done since I was pretty sure I was starting to feel something for Tony.

The show went off without a hitch. I played harder than I had throughout the entire tour. I knew it was the pent
-up emotions bleeding through my fingers and into the strings. I always played hard when something was bothering me.

After the show, I followed the boys to the car and then from the car to the hotel elevator. Tony and I kept making eye contact from across the small space, and I could feel the tension. I was sure Finn and Chet felt it, too, since they kept looking at us like we were fucking nuts. Maybe we were.

We came to my room first and the guys kept walking to their room when I stopped. Reaching out, I grabbed Tony’s hand and stopped him. He turned to face me and I saw the panic in his eyes. Why was he panicking? Maybe he really didn’t want me like that. Maybe the night before had been a fluke.

“Can we talk?” I asked.

It was such a girl thing to ask for, but I didn’t care. I had a week before the tour was over, and before I let myself get all wrapped up in all things Tony, I needed to know what was going on.

He nodded and then followed me into my room. I waited until he shut the door before I sat in the chair next to my bed. He followed behind me and leaned against the dresser.

“What’s up?” he asked casually.

It was as if earlier hadn’t even happened.

“I was just curious about some things.”

I had no idea where I was going with the conversation. I didn’t know what I wanted, but I knew in the back of my mind that asking for anything more than what I’d already had with him was going to be too much. We were rockers. We didn’t do commitment or relationships, and I wasn’t even sure I’d ever want any of those things, but I wanted him—to be close to him. To have him touch me. To touch him. That’s what I wanted. I wanted friends with benefits. What guy wouldn’t go for that?

“About earlier…” I started.

“It was a mistake
,” he said bluntly, cutting me off.

I stared at him with my mouth wide open and my next words stuck on my tongue.

“We work together and I’m not a relationship kind of guy, and I think maybe you might be that kind of girl. I just don’t want to fuck anything up, you know what I mean?” He rambled.

I couldn’t help myself. I
burst out laughing. He was so far from what I was going to say. He looked at me like I was nuts and that made me laugh even harder. I held my hand out for him to give me a minute, and my stomach started to ache.

“You’re way off
,” I said when I caught my breath. “I’m so not relationship material either.”

He looked crushed for a second or two and then confusion took over his expression. “Then what’s this about?”

Suddenly I lost my nerve. While I’d been thinking friends with benefits, I said the first thing that came out of my mouth.

“I was going to say exactly what you just said. You shouldn’t mix business with pleasure, right? I mean, neither of us
is relationship material, and I’d like us to stay friends. I just wanted to make sure nothing was going to be weird between us.”

Now that I knew what it was he wanted, I decided to agree. I wasn’t about to make a total fool out of myself. He’
d said I was beautiful and he wanted me in the heat of the moment, but he was probably full of it just like every other guy I knew. I wasn’t a hundred percent sure I could go through with anything anyway. Especially with my fucked-up past and all.

“Oh. Okay. Well
, I’m glad we’re on the same page.” He grinned.

I sat with a fake smile on my face while he stood and started toward the door.

“See you later,” he said.

,” I responded.

BOOK: Convincing Constance (The Blow Hole Boys)
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