Convictions: Kelly and Stephen (4 page)

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“Today, we fish!” Kelly proclaimed.  She and Charlie went out back to the small shed to gather her fishing supplies.  What they found was rotted fishing lines, rusted lures, and not much of anything else useable.  Seeing the first real glimmer of interest from Charlie all week, Kelly proclaimed a shopping trip to Mr. Hawley’s for new supplies.

Hawley’s Hardware was only a five minute walk from the edge of town, where Kelly’s house was situated.  On most days Kelly walked.  But with the length of their shopping list they decided to drive instead. 

Chimes on the door signaled the arrival of new customers when they walked in and Mr. Hawley called out from behind the register, “Kelly my darling, we miss you something awful!”  Kelly laughed “Bill, it’s only been four days.  You can’t be that lost without me. ”

“Right you are Kelly girl, but I wouldn’t want you not to feel missed.  You might decide we don’t need you anymore but we definitely do.  Is that Charlie?  Land’s sake Charlie, I swear you’re gonna be six five when you’re full grown.  I wouldn’t have recognized you if you weren’t with your mom.”  Charlie flashed Mr. Hawley with the awkward smile of a thirteen year old who didn’t know what to say.  He then muttered something about the fishing stuff still being in the same place and headed off towards back corner.

As Kelly was turning to follow him the door chimes rang out again.  She glanced over her shoulder to see who had come in and was stopped in her tracks when her eyes met the direct gaze of the most amazing pair of gray eyes.  Her feet were frozen.  Her heart stopped beating for a moment or two and then went into double-time. 

Mr. Hawley greeted the new customer “Stephen, so glad to see you again.  Those items you ordered will be delivered out to you place tomorrow.  What else can we help you with today?” 

Not taking his eyes off of Kelly, Stephen declined “Nothing else, Bill.  I’m all set for now, just forgot to check on something.”

“Ok then, just holler if I can help”.  The look that passed between his employee and customer did not escape Bill’s attention.  He picked up a large box next to the counter and disappeared into the stock room, giving the two their space.  Bill smiled to himself at the thought of his friend Kelly finding a chance at love, and after all the sputtering she’d been doing all these years about not needing the inconveniences of a romance.

Stephen and Kelly remained still, as if cast in stone, eyes locked on each other.  Stephen, Kelly, and Charlie were the only ones in the store now and Charlie was out of ear shot.  Stephen took a few steps forward and quietly said “I saw your Jeep out front.”  In a voice that was barely a whisper he continued “I miss you.” The longing in his eyes told her that he meant every word.

She opened her mouth to answer just as Charlie yelled out “Mom, check out these lures!”  Kelly turned her head in Charlie’s direction, torn between the two men in her life, but she needn’t have been.  Turning back towards where Stephen had stood she was left with only ringing of the door chimes after his exit.  Her heart took a few beats to return to a normal rate.  She shook her head to clear it and went in search of her son.

Rattled as she was at having been so close to Stephen and not able to touch him, Kelly was still able to get a grip and help Charlie cross off all of the items from his fishing wish list.  With new supplies loaded into the Jeep they sought out Mr. Hawley for updated fishing licenses and with new licenses in hand drove to the river. 

Within the hour Charlie had re-discovered the love of fishing that he had when he was little.  He was hooked.  They spent the entire afternoon trying all the new lures, caught and released many fish, and eventually filled their quota before heading home.  The smile on Charlie’s face was wide.

Back home Kelly had to relearn the art of fish cleaning and filleting, skills that her father had taught her when she was young.  It was mostly by trial and error but eventually she was able to produce enough fillets for a feast so she sent Charlie next door with an invitation for the Kramer’s to come for dinner.  Will was a few years younger than Charlie but when you didn’t have any one else to hang out with you couldn’t afford to be picky.  Besides, they both had Max and fishing in common so they got along just fine.

The next morning Charlie woke her up at seven o’clock, “when can we go fishing mom?”  It seemed that they had finally clicked on something.  By eight they were out the door on their way to the river, and had invited Will to go with them.  It was nice for the two boys to have each other to fish with and there was much laughter shared that day.  Watching the boys, Kelly had almost forgotten about her longing for Stephen, almost.

The next nine days flew by.  As much as Kelly missed Stephen, she was happy about the new found bond with her son.  She was secretly gloating over her ability to find a hobby to share with Charlie that his father had not.

She never saw Stephen again during Charlie’s visit.  She saw his pickup truck a few more times parked in various locations; outside the post office, outside Hawley’s, and next to the Snow Shoe Inn, but she never again laid eyes on him.  She wondered whether that was unintentional or planned. At least she could not complain that he hadn’t respected her wishes to have space and time for Charlie.  But deep in her heart she wished he had not.

Two weeks had come and gone in the blink of an eye, and her time with Charlie had worked out better than she had hoped.  Saturday morning, Kelly woke Charlie up early, made a huge breakfast fit for a rapidly growing young man and helped him to pack his stuff.  She promised him she would keep all of his fishing gear safe for his next visit, and that she would find new spots for them to fish. 

Kelly loaded Charlie’s bags, and Max into the back of the Jeep, while Charlie climbed into the front.  They made the short trek out to the air strip in silence.  The small prop was fueled and sitting on the tarmac.   Kelly and Charlie retrieved his bags from the back.  Charlie gave Max a final scrub behind his ears and received a lick and tail wag in return.  They walked over to the plane and gave Charlie’s bags to a young man who was helping Phyllis load the plane.

“Thanks Phyllis.  Get him back to Anchorage safely for me.”

“Of course we will, Kelly, you don’t worry about us.”

“Charlie, I love you.  Please call my cell when you are home safe.  Keep in touch.”

“I will, mom, thanks.  I had a great time.”

He started to climb up into the small plane, turned to wave and shouted “Mom, I love you”.  With that he disappeared inside.

“Love you too babe” she whispered mostly to herself.

Phyllis got the props rotating without a problem and within minutes the small plane was bouncing down the runway, and then sailing off over the Alaskan mountain range.

Kelly watched for a minute or too, until she could no longer make out the details of the plane.  She turned back towards the Jeep and soon, was slowly making her way back to town.

Chapter 6








It was half past eight in the morning when she returned from the airstrip.  She cleaned up Charlie’s room, tossed in a load of laundry, and finished the dishes.  She packed up all of their fishing tackle in the new tackle box and carefully stored it in the shed out back along with their fishing poles. 

As badly as she wanted to be back with Stephen, she forced herself to slow down, to be deliberate in finishing up what needed to be done at home first.  Put first things first.  She was thirty-five years old for goodness sakes, not eighteen and she didn’t need to go running back out there too soon.  She was a mature woman and the last thing she wanted was to act like a love starved adolescent.

Soon it was noon and she had done everything that she could possibly think of doing so she went next door to the Kramer’s to see Will.  He would watch Max for a day or two, until she could sort things out with Stephen and figure out her next steps. 

After a short stop at the market for food she stopped into Hawley’s Hardware to beg for two more days off.  Bill grumbled about the lack of good help available but gave her a wink and told her to enjoy herself.  Not knowing what he meant by that, she ignored his remark and was on the road out of town by twelve-thirty.  At ten after one she was pulling into his driveway, parking next to his rusted blue pickup, and her heart was beating wildly, despite her self-admonishment. 

Stephen was out of the house before she had her driver’s side door open.  He had been in the kitchen, working on the tile backsplash and waiting for her to return although he didn’t know exactly when she would.  He just hoped that she wouldn’t take too long for the sake of his sanity. 

The thought that he might have her back in his arms before night fall had his nerves on edge.  It was worse than the first time.  The first time she had come to him he hadn’t been expecting her.  The sexual tension between them was great, but couldn’t be compared to what the addition of anticipation was doing to him this time.

When he heard the sounds of tires on gravel he had headed for the driveway, taking the outside steps two at a time.  Getting to her car before she had climbed out, he gently pulled her into his arms and before she could utter a word he covered her lips with his.  She melted into his arms.  The desire she had felt for him before hadn’t lessoned any over the last two weeks.  When they finally stopped for air Kelly smiled up at him and said “I missed you too”.

For Stephen, the past two weeks had been agonizing.  He had spent the time working his fingers to their bones, attempting to drive himself to the point of exhaustion so that he could sleep.  But it hadn’t help.  He had still been consumed with thoughts of Kelly. 

Stephen had only seen her once during the entire two weeks.  The day he saw her Jeep parked outside Hawley’s he had gone in just to lay his eyes on her but he hadn’t expected the toll it would take on him to be so close to her.  After that encounter he had decided to steer clear of her completely if possible. 

Kelly reached behind her to pull a small duffle bag out of the back seat and handed it back to him.  For Stephen, the duffle bag signaled her intent to stay, at least for a little while.  He would do his best to convince her to make it longer, but that conversation could wait until tomorrow.  Today was Saturday, and he intended to spend this Saturday night the same way they had spent it two weeks ago.

She turned back to the care again and pulled out two bags of groceries.  Stephen closed the car door behind her and led her to the cabin, choosing the back entrance kitchen door.  His stomach was a ball of nerves wondering how she would like the new kitchen. 

When Kelly stepped into the kitchen with the groceries she was amazed.  He had certainly been busy.  The ceiling was completed, light fixtures back in place, and the plastic was gone.  The kitchen was about ninety percent complete.  There were still some finishing touches needed to the tile backsplash and a new hardwood floor only half laid, but the rest looked incredible.  It appeared to her that he had used only the best of everything making it a dream kitchen suitable for any world class chef, which of course neither of them was.  But it would be fun to cook with him in this space. 

Stephen dropped her bag on the bedroom floor while Kelly unpacked the groceries, teasing him about how much more he gets done when she’s not around.  He smiled, and laughed, but for Stephen there was only one thing he needed right now and he would be useless until after that was taken care of. 

Sliding up behind her his erection was already well underway as he put his hands at her waist.  Slowly sliding them down to cover her hips he pulled her back against his groin so that she could feel the effect she was having on him.  He brushed the hair out of the way with his chin to drop feathery light kisses across the nape of her neck.  She shivered at his touch.

No longer interested in her neck, he turned her around to face him.  As she was pinned between Stephen and the cabinet by his hips she could feel the full extent of his erection straining under his jeans. 

“I took your bag into the bedroom” his voice was low and husky, “and I think that’s where we need to be.” 

Kelly said shyly “But I brought food?”

“Good, but later.” 

Stephen’s eyes twinkled as he began unbuttoning her shirt, the back of his hand softly brushing her breasts.  Her desire inflamed, burned red hot to her core.

His words were barely discernable through his desire for her “Are you going to come willingly or do I need to carry you again?” 

His hunger for her ran so deep that he would have gladly carried her but it wasn’t necessary.  She was just as hungry as he and their afternoon was spent getting reacquainted in the most pleasurable ways that either of them could imagine.




It was much later when they came back into the kitchen.  Stephen opened the fridge to rummage around.  Kelly said “I picked up some chops.  I can do them on the stove?” 

Stephen, nodding approval, emptied a can of green beans into a small sauce pan.  His back was to her.  He was shirtless and again she had a hard time concentrating on anything but his physique.  They had been out of the bedroom all of fifteen minutes but already she wanted to reach out to him, to run her hands over the hardness of him and feel the ripple of his muscles.  She shook her head several times trying to clear those thoughts, at least until after dinner.

With full stomachs, and dishes done, Stephen started a fire.  June nights in Alaska were still quite cool, normally only in the forties.  No cabin or home in Alaska was complete without a woodstove or fireplace.  Kelly retrieved and opened two bottles of beer, handing one to Stephen, as she took a chair in front of the fire. 

Just as they had done their first night here, they sipped their beers and watched the fire in silence.  No words were necessary, as both of them were completely content to be here in the cabin alone with only each other.  




Kelly opened her eyes with the sun’s rays.  The nights were getting shorter and she had always had trouble sleeping soundly during the summer months, when the sunlight lasted for as much as eighteen to twenty hours.  Waking early with the sun was her normal routine and often her most productive time to write but on this morning climbing out of bed was last on her to do list; she wanted to linger with Stephen as long as he would let them.

She reached over to the bed side table to retrieve her cell phone.  There were two messages.  The first from Charlie informing her that he had made it back home without any problems.  Kelly felt a pang of guilt that she had not checked for his message last night. 

The second, from her literary agent Dale, was an inquiry into whether or not she was still alive.  She smiled at Dale’s flair for drama but felt another pang of guilt.  Taking a two week hiatus from writing each summer when Charlie visited was not unusual for her. Her agent knew that.  But even prior to Charlie’s visit, starting with the first time Stephen had entered the store and her life, Kelly had become so distracted by her new attraction that she hadn’t produced anything of value.  She was now several chapters behind in her submissions to her publisher.  Kelly knew that she would have to deal with this message sometime; but not today. 

She felt Stephen stirring behind her.  It was Sunday.  Stephen normally allowed himself time for relaxation on Sundays.  More time for lounging, but at this moment lounging was not what was on his mind. 

Kelly put the phone back and turned toward him as she felt his arms reach for her.  He was already so tuned into her pleasure points that it wasn’t long before he had her moaning with desire, but it was still another hour before they made their way back to the kitchen.  When they did, they were both famished.  Kelly went straight to the coffee pot and began preparing it for a fresh full pot.  Stephen headed to the fridge.

After the breakfast dishes were done and the kitchen cleaned up Stephen inquired “feel like a hike?”  Kelly thought that the exercise would feel good.

It was a beautiful June day with the promise of near summer like temperatures.  They set out across the back yard towards a clearing at the base of the woods where one of several of his hiking trails started. 

Kelly asked “how much land to you own?” 

“Two hundred and fifty acres” he replied.  “I usually try to walk at least part of it each Sunday.  There’re a few special surprises back in here.”

Kelly got a work out trying to keep up with Stephen’s stride but she wasn’t about to complain.  The trail leveled out a bit after a while.  Stephen slowed his pace and they walked side-by-side holding hands for a while. 

Not wanting to broach the subject but needing to Kelly started “I asked Bill for a couple of extra days off but I really need to go home tomorrow.  It’s not fair to leave him short-handed.  Plus there are a few things that I need take care of at home.” 

Stephen’s frown was an unexpected response.  His heart stinging he had been unable to hide his disappointment. 

Noting his frown Kelly continued “you didn’t really think I could stay all week did you?” 

As usual, he did not know how to respond.  He could tell her the truth; that he was falling hopelessly in love with her already and that possibility of spending even one hour apart from her caused him agony or that he never wanted her to leave.  But it seemed so silly and weak on his part.  Better to stick to the simplest of answers.

“Yes” was his reply as he directed his eyes out to some distant place ahead of them on the trail.

Not fully appreciating the depth of his emotions Kelly responded lightly “Stephen, I’ll come back Friday afternoon, as soon as I’m done at Hawley’s.  Besides, I’m sure you have things to do too.” 

Even if he did tell her the truth why should she believe him?  She didn’t know anything about him, had no knowledge of his past, his distaste for casual sexual affairs, or his poor track record with more serious relationships.  How could she truly comprehend how much their relationship, as new as it was, has meant to him already? 

While he silently contemplated all of the responses that he could or should give her, she gave him the perfect opening for the only answered that mattered.

With an exasperated tone Kelly asked “how long did you want me to stay?” 

He stopped walking, turned and met her gaze head on, hoping that she could see from his eyes that he was dead serious.  His answer delivered in one word, was the only answer that would adequately describe the power of his emotion and the depth of his commitment to her; “forever.”

She stood still studying him, trying to wrap her mind around this turn of events.  His eyes showed no trace of humor.  How was this possible?

A moment later he broke their gaze to continue their hike.  The incline again increased and Kelly was left struggling to keep up, unable to continue the discussion.  Stephen remained silent. 

A half an hour later the trail finally leveled off and opened up into a meadow.  There was a small pond in the middle teaming with a wide array of living creatures.  Kelly stopped to take in the beauty of the scenery before her.  “Oh, Stephen, this is so beautiful.”  He didn’t reply.  He too stood still for a moment quietly taking it all in, with appreciation, as if the first time he had visited this site.

“Would you like to rest” he turned to ask.  She nodded her head and he led her to a level mossy area near the upper end of the pond.  There was a large boulder which they used as a back rest while that sat on the mossy earth.

For a long time they both sat in silence, watching the wildlife and the ecosystem of the pond go about its business.  Stephen felt no need for words.  What were needed here were actions.  If she were having trouble making up her mind as to where she needed to be then he would be only too happy to help her.  Besides, this beautiful day, sitting here next to her in this private spot was having a predictable effect on him.

With no advanced notice to Kelly, Stephen reached over for her, lifting her up he pulled her over on top of him.  Running his fingers deep into her hair, he pulled her head down to meet his, claiming her lips.  His hands then busied themselves with her shirt, unbuttoning it with amazing agility.  She had had no chance to protest but probably wouldn’t have anyway. 

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