Control (19 page)

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Authors: Charlotte Stein

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Romance

BOOK: Control
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Chapter Fifteen

kitchen, when I get back. Together, just talking, as though I don’t know – they can do that, now, apparently. The atmosphere is tense, but not unpleasant, and when Gabe sees me in the doorway he smiles with all of his teeth.

I knew I shouldn’t have left him in the shop alone, for Andy to pounce, like a lion on a gazelle. But things needed to be bought and further thoughts about feelings needed to be had, and unfortunately the end result is me, dying to ask what they’ve been talking about.

‘Bought yourself anything nice, babe?’ Andy says, as he leans back in his chair. He makes an almost comical contrast with Gabe, who remains all ramrod straight and clasped hands.

‘The usual. Magazines, chocolate, fur-lined handcuffs.’

Gabe looks as though he’s happy about all three. Andy bares his teeth.

‘We were just having a chat, about all the things we’d like to do. And we came to some totally awesome agreements.’

‘Oh really,’ I say, making sure I don’t let it slide into a question.

‘If you want to, though – only if you want to,’ Gabe adds, though his expression tells me I’m going to like whatever it is.

‘I think she’ll want to. You want me to fuck you, don’t you, babe?’

I glance at Gabe, but he’s gone unreadable, again. I get the feeling they’ve talked about more than Andy just fucking me, but hey, if they’ve decided – who am I to say no?

But I go to Gabe, first, and kiss him long and deep. Soon he’s back in his chair almost as far as Andy is in his, but I use it as an opportunity for something non-sexy, too. I pull away just as he’s starting to relax, and look him in the eye, and ask him if he’s sure.

He barely hesitates at all, before he answers. And he’s already got his hands on the buttons of my shirt, and his leg between my thighs – what else could I read, but enthusiasm?

Though said hands do falter, a little, when Andy comes up behind me. Runs his hands all over my back, and demands I tell him I want him.
Tell me how much
, he says, before I’ve even got anywhere near the answering part – but then, that’s Andy. Just so sure that I long for him and desire him.

Gabe, on the other hand, watches as Andy snakes his hands around my middle, and starts unbuttoning my shirt. He takes right up where Gabe left off, and soon I’m standing in the kitchen, in just my skirt and bra.

‘Upstairs,’ Andy says, and Gabe obeys immediately.

But I’ve decided I’d like to take my time. I think I’m not far off from exerting a little of my own control, over the pair of them.

Not that Andy has any idea about such a thing, as he divests me of every item of clothing, and tells me to crawl over Gabe’s sprawled-out-over-the-bed body, and give him a good long kiss.

Of course I do it, but more because Gabe is already flushed and breathing hard and palming the stiff shape of his cock through his trousers. His hands immediately roam all over my naked body, and he moans into my mouth when I return the favour.

He feels boiling hot, beneath the neat tuck of his shirt and his tank top.

‘You should see the view from here,’ Andy crows, so I spread my legs wider, to let him get a better look.

Naturally, he takes that as his cue. Before I’ve even managed to wrangle off Gabe’s many layers, Andy’s stark naked behind me, one finger just trailing between my legs. And Gabe knows it, too, because he’s had the same idea. He’s less bold about it then Andy, of course, and he doesn’t simply thrust his fingers into all the juiciest areas first.

But I feel their hands briefly meet, just the same – one underneath, and one from behind.

I think that’s more exciting than the actual touching. In fact I know it is, when Andy definitely grabs a hold of Gabe’s hand, and tugs it all the way through my slippery slit.

Beneath me, Gabe’s eyes flutter closed. He says something that might be
oh you’re so wet, you’re always so wet
, just before sinking what I think are two of his fingers all the way into my pussy.

Behind me, Andy says:

‘Describe what she feels like.’

Probably because he’s got some of the same kinks as me, and knows by this point that hearing Gabe dirty talk is the equivalent of a hot wet tongue between your legs. However, he doesn’t say what I expect – not by a long shot.

‘She feels beautiful. She’s always beautiful.’

And Andy goes with something even more jolting.

‘Yeah. She feels real nice here, too,’ he says. Before pressing what feels like his thumb, right over my completely exposed arsehole.

I jerk forward so vigorously that Gabe grabs my hips, as though he’s afraid I’m going to shoot through the headboard, or something. Unfortunately, this just means that I’m caught in position, with Andy’s thumb pressing and worrying right over the place I’ve never had anything other than an accidental finger of my own.

And my fingers are

Andy’s thumb is not. It presses and presses until I think I’m going to scream from the pressure, and when it moves away it’s almost a relief.
. There’s also this sense of shivering absence left behind by it, and I’m not ashamed to admit that I moan, at the feel of something different but the same pressing back there.

Different because it’s slippery when it returns. The same because it still seems huge and exciting and awful, all at the same time.

Gabe eyes me, all big and dark and concerned, then whisper-asks me what Andy’s doing. I think he knows, however, because he still has two slowly working fingers in my pussy, and the distance between him and Andy can’t be that great.

Plus every time Andy pushes his slippery thumb hard against me, I rock forward.

‘He’s trying to put something in my arse,’ I say, and I don’t whisper it at all. I like the little conspiratorial thing we’ve got going, and I like being this close to him, but oh, it feels good to say something so dirty out loud.

And it feels even better, to see Gabe frown and shiver, at the same time. Now it’s his turn, to ask what something is like. To get someone to describe something that makes them feel naughty and wrong.

‘Thick,’ I tell him. ‘Too heavy and thick.’

It’s not the sexiest way to describe something like this, I’m sure, but the hand I slide between our bodies and pass over his still clothed cock – I’m pretty certain that helps the overall effect.

He makes a little
sound, then tells me how he wants Andy to do it harder, press harder, fuck my arse. I ask him if that’s what they talked about, but he doesn’t respond. He’s turned his head to one side, into the pillow, and his fingers stir fitfully in my creaming pussy.

‘Don’t you want to fuck my arse?’ I ask, though more because I’m surprised he’s expressed such a desire at all, than because it’s odd that he would want Andy to do it, not him.

But apparently the latter is not the case, because he pants a hot, moist
into the press of my mouth, just as Andy’s thumb slides suddenly and shockingly into my clenching arsehole.

It happens just like that – one moment I’m sure it’s never going to fit, the next I’m so full of something it feels like I’m bursting. He’s not going to actually try this with his cock, is he? Because I’m not sure I can take it and I’m definitely sure I can’t take Gabe – though God, is it OK if I’d like to try?

He’s rutting up against my palm, now, more frantic than I’ve ever seen him, and when Andy slides that digit back and forth – just a little – he whines, high and tight. Words spilling out amongst the sound, like:
he’s doing it, isn’t he

I tell him yes, and feel his cock kick up against my palm – a heavy, dull jerk. Almost as heavy and dull as the feeling of Andy, fucking my arse with his thumb.

‘Has he lubed his finger?’ Gabe asks me, suddenly still amidst all of this fuck-up, so I calm his obviously frazzled nerves. I tell him yes, that it feels slippery and much more sensitive than I would have imagined.

But that I wish it was him, fucking me there.

I think he flashes me a smile, for that. Though it gets somewhat lost, beneath his sudden moan – the one he gives because I squeeze, instead of rubbing. It pushes him over into leaving my pussy behind, so that he can get at his belt and his zipper and other things in the way of me stroking his cock.

‘I’ll get her ready for you, mate,’ Andy says – a sentiment that makes my clit jump. I imagine them talking in hushed, filthy tones about how they’re going to lube me up and prep me, stretch my arse wide so that Gabe can fuck me there – God.

However, Andy’s not quite so magnanimous as all that. Oh no no no. No – he’s happy to prep me, but by prep he actually means
fuck you first, before your boyfriend gets a turn

And he’s not lying, either. His thumb disappears and then all I can hear is him rolling on a condom, louder than a gong, while beneath me Gabe barely dares to touch his own freed cock.

His eyes are full of wonder and something like shame, and he leans in to tell me that he thinks he’s going to come – so soon and so without anything happening to him at all. Though I feel I should probably point out to him – lying beneath your girlfriend while she strokes you off and someone else prepares to fuck her arse … I’m not sure that qualifies as “without anything happening at all”.

In fact, it feels more like something really slippery and solid, easing its way into my yielding arsehole.

I slap my hands down onto the pillow, either side of Gabe’s head. I’m also pretty sure that I tell Andy to stop, no, I can’t take it. But he just holds my hips and surges forward, while Gabe examines every nuance of expression on my probably sweaty and very red face.

I can feel his hand, fluttering against my belly. But he still doesn’t touch his leaking, too-hard cock.

‘Does that feel good?’ he asks. ‘Is that what you’ve been wanting?’

But Andy answers for me.

‘You bet it is,’ he says, and then shoves into me hard enough to make me lose my balance. I fall to the side of Gabe, face first in the pillow. Of course, on the downslide my belly grazes Gabe’s hard cock, and I’m pretty sure that’s why he makes a sound of protest.

Though he makes a far, far louder one when Andy says, ‘Your turn, bud.’

Only, you know. I don’t think he means
now you fuck her arse
. And I think Gabe knows he doesn’t mean that, because his gaze shoots up to Andy, somewhere over my shoulder, and he looks startled and almost angry.

But he waits, for Andy to confirm.

‘Come on. Fuck her pussy while I fuck her arse.’

This is definitely not what they discussed. I can see it all over Gabe, and in Andy’s slightly mocking tone, and through my body, which seizes up while my mind floats off to a higher place. Lord, wait until I tell Jeanette

I feel Gabe’s clammy hands slide over my ribcage, as Andy slows to a gentle rock in and out. Barely anything at all, really. It still makes nerve endings I didn’t know I had shiver and shake, and I can still feel lube trickling down the crack of my arse in an utterly obscene sort of way, but now everything is calm, and not too pressing.

Though I can hear in Andy’s voice how turned on he is.

‘What are you waiting for? Come on, Nancy. She’ll love it.’

I kiss Gabe’s open mouth, and reassure him that that’s sort of the case. But Gabe still hovers on the edge of doing this, hands not wanting to take the condom Andy fumbles off the bed and passes to him, eyes wandering all over me, in consideration.

I hover on the edge, too, sure that he’s not going to. Andy calls him Nancy again and he flinches, so I knock my body back at Andy and tell Gabe it’s OK, it’s OK. Nothing that he doesn’t want to do, right? And I like it. I do like it. He doesn’t have to worry.

But he still hesitates. Even after he’s wriggled and squirmed and somehow managed to get the condom on – while Andy and I hold our breaths and alternately clench and thrust in minute increments – he hesitates.

And then he says, ‘Are you sure?’

With worried eyes, and I’m pretty certain that no one in the history of the world has ever loved someone so fierce and sudden, in the middle of almost double penetration. Pretty certain.

‘Fuck me,’ I say, and it comes out much more like a sob than I intend.

I shake more than I intend to, too – and especially when Gabe searches out my wet hole with the head of his cock, and it’s so obvious that this is just not going to fit until it does, and I bunch the pillows into my fists.

I’ve no idea what kind of sound I make. It must be something like the cry someone lets out, when they’re being strangled – a sort of choked gasp. But it’s appropriate, because that’s definitely how my pussy and my arse feel – like they’re being choked. I feel utterly filled and completely wiped by it, as though somehow everything on my body is being touched by the two cocks trying to work their way inside me.

I barely hear Gabe tell Andy to stop, though I know he does. Mainly because it comes directly after the sound I make, and his hands clamp down hard on my hips – but not for the same purpose as Andy’s.

He holds me away from the blissful sinking feeling of the two of them, not thrusting in any further while Andy tries desperately to do just that. It creates a delicious push-pull sensation that makes my clit throb, but Gabe insists again.

‘No. We’re hurting her.’

I try to reassure him, but Andy’s kind of laughing and ignoring him and thrusting oh God he’s thrusting and it’s so … unlike anything else I’ve ever experienced. All of which combines to make me unable to say anything but
oh, oh, oh
and maybe a
Jesus, yes – fill me up

Somewhere in between I’m sure I manage to tell him that I’m OK, I’m OK, please just do it, but his face is tense and tight when I finally lay blurry eyes on it. His fingers are pressing into my hips, and when Andy rocks his concern gives way to a wavering cry of pleasure.

‘He can feel my cock,’ Andy says, so full of evil delight that I really wish his words didn’t turn me on. But they do, and I ask him for more, and soon he’s fucking against both of us in these stiff little jerks, until I know I’m about to come.

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