Consumed: A MMA Sports Romance (42 page)

BOOK: Consumed: A MMA Sports Romance
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But if it was Jess, and she had brought my
books up, I couldn’t just leave her hanging outside. There was another knock.
Either way, I thought, I would have to face the situation eventually. I took a
deep breath. When I went to turn the knob on the door, it wasn’t locked; I set
my spine—clearly it wasn’t Jess, then. If she had come up, she would have tried
the door before assuming she was locked out. And she would have known for sure
that I’d come straight to the dorm instead of going to the Library after that
mess. It had to be someone else.

I opened the door. If I could have formed
any expectation of who was on the other side of it specifically, other than
Jess, I would never in a million years have guessed that it would be Zack. He
stood there, looking both mischievously amused and concerned, his dark eyes
glinting and widening at the sight of me.

“Whoa,” he said, stopping just short of
coming into the room. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”

My anger—which had started to
subside—exploded in me like coals on a low fire.

“What the hell do you mean, what’s wrong?
You humiliated me in front of the entire dining hall! Why? What the hell,
Zack?” Words tumbled out of me—I asked him if it was because of the stunt I’d
pulled, asked him if he’d demanded the date just so he could set up the stupid
thing in the dining hall; I kept talking until I couldn’t think of anything
else to say and just stood there and sighed. “Well?”

Zack was shaking his head, a smile still
tugging at the corners of his lips. “Evie,” he said gently, coming closer to
me—coming into the room and closing the door behind him, reaching out to put
his hands on my shoulders. I sidestepped, still feeling hurt and betrayed.
“Evie, no one was laughing at you. Everyone was laughing at me.”

“Those girls you were sitting with were
definitely laughing at me. They pointed. I saw it.”

Zack smiled. “Yeah, well, they’re jealous,
that’s all. They were laughing at you to make you feel bad because they’re
jealous of the fact that it’s true: I’m still stupidly, crazy hung-up on you.”

I staggered backward until the corner of
the wall caught me between my shoulder blades. “What?”

Zack smiled wider. “I’m in love with you,
you stupid girl. What did you think?” I shook my head slowly, feeling shock as
deep as I had when he had jumped onto the table. “I never said I’m not an

I laughed in spite of myself. Zack moved
closer to me again, licking his lips nervously.

“I’m sorry if you felt humiliated. I
didn’t mean to humiliate you. I meant to…I don’t know…make those stupid girls
feel like idiots. And put the attention back on me. I could tell you’d noticed
what was happening.” Zack was maybe two inches away from me. He brushed his
lips against my temple. “Look, I’m an idiot, but I’m an idiot in love.”

“Just…no more public spectacles, please?”

Zack chuckled lowly. “I will try my
hardest. But you’ve got to live up to that too.”

He brought his lips down along the side of
my face, to my cheek, down to my jaw, and then around to my lips. Before I
could even think of the reasons why I should stop him, he had me pressed
against the wall, my mouth sealed, his hands on my waist, holding me frozen.
Zack’s tongue swiped across my lips and I opened my mouth without thinking,
immediately and completely enthralled and stunned by the kiss. I should have
expected it; when his lips had moved down along my jaw, I should have known
that he was going to kiss me—but I had been so wrapped up in the moment that I
hadn’t been thinking at all. I came out of my shock but the feeling of Zack’s
hard, muscled body against mine, and the emotional high I was on, made it
completely impossible for me to pull back and tell him to stop. I couldn’t
think of anything rationally; all I knew was that I wanted that kiss, that I
wanted it to keep going and maybe even never stop.

Zack’s hands fell to my hips, and I moaned
against his lips as he gave me a careful squeeze; I could feel the heat of him
through my clothes, the tension in his body. Zack deepened the kiss more, his
tongue probing my mouth, his head tilting to give him complete control, lips
moving against mine. He sucked my bottom lip into his mouth and nibbled on it
playfully, making me half-gasp at the tingling jolt of sensation the tactic
sent shooting through me. I was hot and cold all over, trembling from the
dizzying upset and the sudden onslaught of lust I was feeling. I couldn’t quite
believe what was happening; it was like my brain was five minutes behind the
rest of the world, and that I just couldn’t seem to manage to catch up.

Zack’s hands began to move all over my
body, tickling my waist and then grazing my breasts, moving back down to my
hips. I snaked my arms around his broad shoulders and pressed myself against
him. Moments before, I would have said that the last thing I would ever do
would be to kiss Zack. I would have told you—after the situation in the dining
hall—that Zack was dead to me and that any feelings that I had for him were
completely finished. But between his apology and explanation, and the way he
was kissing me, I couldn’t even remember how I had felt moments before. All I
knew was that I absolutely needed him and couldn’t stop touching him. If I
stopped touching him, stopped kissing him, I might tremble and shake so hard
that I would fall apart.

I didn’t break away from the kiss, but I
groped behind me blindly, fumbling around with my eyes closed and my face
occupied to try and find the door to my bedroom. I reached out and knocked my
hand against the door hard enough for it to briefly hurt—and then found the
lever-handle. Zack, hearing the noise, pulled back and I almost groaned in
sudden frustration. “My room. Now.” My voice was breathless and tight to my own

“Good idea,” Zack said—in a voice as
breathless and tense as my own.

We tumbled into the room together and I
barely remembered to close the door behind us. In the moment I was out of
Zack’s arms I realized—barely—that if anyone came in they’d know what we were
up to immediately. I lurched toward my computer and turned on my music, not
even bothering to pay attention to what playlist I had selected.

Zack wrapped his arms around me and then
his lips were on mine once more and I pressed against every inch of him,
reeling, and my mind spinning. I could feel the hard ridge of his cock
straining at his jeans, digging into my hip. I was trembling again, my heart
pounding in my chest, my hands shaking as they trailed along his back and
shoulders, over the tee shirt he wore. I barely noticed the wail of electric
guitars, the shrieking of a female voice launching into a fast-paced song—in
the back of my mind I recognized it as Yeah Yeah Yeahs; I couldn’t focus enough
to think of the song itself. Zack pulled and tugged at the hem of my shirt,
working it up over my breasts while I squirmed. I threw my arms over my head
and we broke away from the kiss at the same moment, just long enough for him to
pull the shirt over my head and throw it across the room.

My hands slid along the lines and planes
of his back; I could feel the rippling muscle down along his spine, the heat of
him through the fabric of his tee shirt—I was moving instinctively as Zack
caressed me almost everywhere all at once, cupping my breasts through my bra,
tickling my ribs, gripping my hips, trailing across the small of my back as he
pulled me close to him. I brought my hands around and found the hem of his
shirt and started pulling it up. I couldn’t think of anything that I wanted
more than to see him naked—I absolutely had to see him again. The sight of him,
the taste of him, the feeling of him, had haunted me from the time we’d had sex
on the couch at his frat—no matter how angry I’d been or how depressed, I’d
remembered how incredibly hot it had been, how much better than anything I’d
done since I’d lost my virginity to him a few years before.

Somehow Zack’s shirt was over his head,
and Zack’s lips shifted along my jawline, brushing and leaving a tingling trail
in their wake as he brought them down to my neck. He kissed along the column of
my throat, moving down one side and up the other until he came to my ear. I
moaned as he slipped my earlobe between his lips, sucking it and then nibbling
it playfully, worrying it with his teeth and tongue—it was more erotic than I
would have ever thought it could be, sending hot and cold electric jolts
through my body. Zack’s hands slid against my skin, trailing around to my back,
and I felt his deft fingers touching and feeling for the clasp of my bra,
finding the hook-and-eye in a moment. He unhooked it and shifted back from me
just slightly—I could still feel the brush of his skin against mine—and guided
it away from my body. It seemed like it almost evaporated, disappearing off
somewhere—I didn’t care where. He lifted me up onto the bed and slipped between
my splayed legs, bringing his mouth back up to mine and once more kissing me

Before I could make my brain work to
figure out what was going on, Zack pulled away from my lips and dropped his
mouth to my breasts, kissing along the tops of them, working his way slowly to
my right nipple. He cupped the underside of my breast and took my nipple between
his lips, sucking and licking. I cried out—a flood of pleasure gushed through
me, and I felt my pussy getting wetter and wetter as his tongue lapped at the
sensitive bud. He teased me for what seemed like an hour—even grazing my
sensitive flesh with his teeth sharply enough to send a jolt through me that
might have either been pain or pleasure—before he switched to the other nipple.
I threaded my fingers in his hair, writhing and twisting, pushing my hips down
against his. Through the fabric of my clothes, I could feel the hard ridge of
Zack’s cock pressing right up against my soaking wet pussy and I rubbed myself
against him, wrapping my legs around him as tightly as I could and rocking my

Zack groaned with my nipple between his
lips, his hands on my waist tightening convulsively. “Fuck,” he said, panting,
breaking away from my breasts for an instant before he buried his face against
them, and nuzzling me. “Evie you’re driving me insane.”

“All your fault,” I managed to say.

Zack sealed my lips with his own before I
could elaborate, kissing me so hungrily, so thoroughly that for a moment I
thought I might have forgotten how to breathe. He found the zipper on my skirt
and tugged at it blindly, not fumbling but somehow not managing to catch it in
the right direction for a few moments; I almost laughed—he was just as mindless
in his desire as I was. Finally he caught the zipper the right way and tugged
it down, loosening the skirt at my waist. He lifted me up from the bed with one
arm and pulled the skirt over my hips with the other. I uncoiled my legs from
his waist and the fabric fell to the ground, neither of us caring what happened
to it. Zack tugged away my panties, almost ripping them in his urgency,
throwing them across the room without a look before he kissed me again.

Moments later, he was shifting down onto
his knees, his hands rubbing and massaging along my thighs, up to my hips. He
spread my legs wider, and sank down in front of me, looking up with eyes almost
black with desire.

“You always tasted so good, Evie,” he told
me, dragging a finger along my slick labia and bringing it to his lips. He
smiled as he sucked it clean. “You still do.”

He buried his face against my pussy and I
cried out—not even sure if the sound of my pleasure was drowned out by the
music playing over my computer, but not caring one iota as Zack began to suck
and lick. He went to work as if he were starving—as if he was dying of thirst
and I was a river, the slurping sounds barely reaching my ears. Zack’s tongue
played along my inner labia, darting against me to slide into me for just a
moment before dancing away, teasingly sliding and slipping right around my clit
but never exactly on it. I writhed and moaned out, tangling my fingers in his
hair and pushing my hips down against his face, struggling for better contact
than his teasing mouth would give me. Zack rubbed up against my clit with his
nose even as he sucked my inner labia between his lips, his tongue gliding up
and down in a quick fire movement that made me gasp.

Finally, finally, when I was certain I
couldn’t possibly take any more teasing, Zack brought his tongue up to my clit
and began to lap at it—gently, carefully at first, pausing to gauge my
response. I moaned. It felt so good—I had to have more. In moments he was
alternating between teasing my clit with his flickering tongue, batting at the
bead of nerves so fast I couldn’t even imagine it was possible, and then
shifting down to lap up the fluids from my labia, and then back up again. I
fell back onto the bed, one hand still tangled in his hair, the other gripping
the sheets as tightly as I could as my hips bucked and flexed, my body not
under my mind’s control but moving like an animal out of pure instinct. I felt
my pussy gushing, my inner walls flexing and fluttering erratically, a
sensation like a knot deep down between my hips tightening every moment the
sweet torture continued.

In my ears another song roared—but I
barely heard it; the pounding of my heart, the sounds of my panting and my
moans, my cries of pleasure, were so loud that everything else went away. I
lost all ability to judge time—it could have been minutes or hours as my
pleasure mounted and mounted and I thought that it was going to drive me
insane. When I least expected it, every muscle in my body tensed and I almost
shrieked with pleasure, arching up off of the bed, tugging at Zack’s hair
without concern and twisting the sheet until it nearly ripped in my hand. Wave
after wave of pleasure washed through me, hot and cold flashes of sensation
working out from my pussy up to my brain, out to my hands and feet, until I was
nothing more than a collection of tingling, firing nerves, my whole body so
overwhelmed that it might have been pain instead of pleasure that I was
feeling. I pushed my hips down against Zack’s face, and he continued his oral
assault, lapping up the fluids that gushed out of me, not even slowing down
with his tongue against my clit and then between my labia, moving between the
two so steadily that I thought it would never end. Just when I was starting to
be slightly afraid of that—when I started to wonder if a person could actually
come forever—the spasms started to abate, and Zack began to slowly pull back,
slowing down and gradually breaking away from my pussy.

BOOK: Consumed: A MMA Sports Romance
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