Consumed (8 page)

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Authors: Julia Crane

BOOK: Consumed
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She didn’t want to admit defeat, but pretty dresses won
time. “Well, I guess it couldn’t hurt to try on a few.”

Her mother grinned. “It’s settled, then. We’ll look while I’m here.”

“Shopping is pretty lame here, Mom. Trust me on this. Let’s just wait ‘til my next visit.” Keegan jumped up to pour herself a glass of orange juice.

“Fine.” Her mom sighed and poured the eggs into the pan.

Keegan took her glass of OJ and went back to her room to get her phone. She texted Rourk, but when five minutes passed and he didn’t reply she figured he was busy training. She had to stop herself from closing her eyes and checking on him. This newfound gift was going to be hard to resist.

She refilled her juice back in the kitchen as her mom set the table for breakfast. Keegan had to admit it was nice to have her mother there to cook for her again. It was good to have the company.

“This is great, Mom.” Keegan filled her plate with food and took a seat across from her mother.

“Glad you approve. Your brother doesn’t seem to agree.”

Keegan smiled warmly at Warrick as he tossed his eggs on the floor. “He doesn’t know what he’s missing.”

There was no sound but for the clink of their silverware and Warrick’s occasional laugh as he tossed more food beneath the table.

“Thanks for making breakfast,” Keegan said when she was finished. She dumped her plate in the sink and kissed her mom on the forehead. “I need to go see if I can find something to wear that matches this necklace.”

“It’s not that ugly, Keegan. I think it’s quite pretty.”

Keegan raised an eyebrow and smirked at her mom. “Uh huh. Whatever you say, Mom.”

In her bedroom, she stared into her closet and thought,
I need to go shopping
. Since she hadn’t brought a lot of her wardrobe with her to Alaska, she was seriously lacking.

She decided on a white off-the-shoulder sweater. If she had to wear the necklace she might as well put it on display. She pulled out a pair of loose-fit jeans and slipped into them. What was she going to wear for shoes? She had to walk around campus so she decided on her frayed white Converse sneakers.

Keegan put on some light makeup. She liked the neutral look—a bit of pale, pink blush and shimmery eyeshadow with some clear lipgloss. Her mother always told her natural was best. She curled her hair in front of the bathroom mirror, leaving it to hang down in big waves.

Good enough
, Keegan thought, unplugging her curling iron.

The dolphin earrings that Donald had given her for Christmas were resting on a corner of the sink. When she saw them, her heart felt heavy. She wondered how he was doing and if he would ever talk to her again. It pained her that she had hurt him so deeply.

say Donald would find someone else. That was one small ray of hope. Keegan was glad to know he would find happiness. He deserved to be happy.

Keegan enjoyed the time she spent with her mother and Warrick. The apartment was usually so quiet. Being able to come home from school and see them was wonderful.

They did some of the touristy things around town that Keegan had always wanted to do. Warrick loved the train ride up the mountain, where the snow was thick on the evergreen trees. Keegan took them to the wild life sanctuary she had been volunteering for, where she introduced them to the staff and animals.

Her mother didn’t care to have pictures taken, but Keegan made them humor her. She got some amazing shots of her mom and her brother. Alaska was a beautiful place for photography enthusiasts. She filled an entire memory card—it would keep her busy editing after they were gone.

When the time came for them to fly home, Keegan felt stronger with the underlying pain that came from the bond. Her mother’s constant help and healing had prepared Keegan for her absence.

She was sad to see them go, but also excited.

Rourk would be there soon.

Chapter 9

eegan woke up elated on the morning of Rourk’s arrival.

As she stood before the bathroom sink brushing her teeth, she was stricken by the thought that for the first time, she and Rourk would
be alone. The idea made her shiver in expectation…and in nervousness.

Is today the day I lose my virginity?
She thought as she tossed her toothbrush into the holder. Goodness! She certainly hoped so!

She wondered if she should go to the drug store and get some protection. Although, Rourk did seem like the kind of guy that would take care of something like that. Plus, it would be so embarrassing for her if she had to. She decided to leave that up to him.

Keegan tore through her underwear drawer trying to find something sexy. She laughed as she picked up her
Hello Kitty
underwear. That would not work. Maybe she should go shopping. It would give her something to do while she waited for him to arrive.

, she thought, nodding to herself. She threw on pair of sweatpants and a
Save the Dolphins
t-shirt and drove to the mall.

If you could call it a mall. As she parked the Jeep in the nearly empty lot, she thought it looked more like a dingy strip shopping center. It was a large, yellow brick square with dirty glass doors and cracked sidewalks. Unfortunately, it would have to do. She had no other option.

There was a big department store, so she went there first. All the underwear seemed so adult. Either too sexy or too old looking. She picked up a pair of granny pants and stared at them in disgust. Finally, she decided on a pair of black boy shorts with matching bra. At least she would match. She couldn’t wait to get home and try them on.

On second thought, she was already at the mall, so she might as well stop at Starbucks and get a white chocolate mocha. Keegan smiled and strolled down the hall looking in the windows but not really seeing anything. Only three more hours and Rourk would be there. She had butterflies in her stomach and couldn’t seem to wipe the goofy grin off her face. People probably thought she was crazy, but she didn’t care.

When she got home, she decided to take a quick shower. By the time she finished getting ready, it would be time to pick up Rourk from the airport. She grabbed her phone and texted Anna.
Ack Rourk will be here soon!


Have you heard from Lauren? She never returns my texts anymore.

She hasn’t been talking to me either, Anna replied.

Keegan stared at Anna’s text, worried. I hope she is ok.

Maybe we can go visit her next week.

That would be cool. I can afford to miss a couple of days of classes
. Actually, she would be happy to miss school.

Have fun with Rourk and I want DETAILS!

Of course. Xoxos
. Keegan smiled when she hit send.

She turned the shower on as hot as she could stand it and stepped into the tub. The water felt great as it pelted her skin. She used her special scented soap: sandalwood and vanilla. She wanted to be perfect for Rourk.

The necklace felt so heavy and annoying in the shower. She had to remind herself to be grateful for it. Keegan lathered up her legs to shave while she was singing at the top of her lungs to one of her favorite Adele songs. She wished she had a voice like that girl—Adele sang like an angel.

She nicked herself as she was dancing.
Damn it! That’s what I get for not paying attention.

Keegan toweled herself off and pulled on her new underwear set. The bra had a bit of lace to it and the bottoms were just plain black. She twirled around in front of the mirror, checking herself at all angles. She shivered at the thought of Rourk’s hands on her body.
How did I get so lucky?

In her room, Keegan pulled out a dress she had found shopping with her mom. She had fallen in love with it when she saw it on the hanger. It was a v-neck dress with small ruffles down the buttons. Halfway down the fabric, there were cute ties on the side. She wanted the blue, but went with the gray, because it would match the necklace better. She pulled it over her head and brushed down the front to smooth it out. Keegan grinned and touched the little cap sleeves.

She looked over at the clock: one hour to fix her hair and makeup. She had put her hair in a bun in the shower so she didn’t have to wait for it to dry. She sat down on her vanity desk and let her tangled mess of hair fall free from the bun. She smiled; she wouldn’t have to do too much to her hair. It was nice and wavy from being wrapped up.

Keegan decided she didn’t want to go overboard with the make-up. It seemed guys didn’t like make up as much as girls did. Who would have guessed it? At least, that’s what Donald and crew said. Keegan felt a pang of guilt when she thought of Donald. He always said she looked best without a trace of make up and her hair wild. He had always made her feel beautiful.

Keegan shook off thoughts of Donald, and went back to her make-up. When she was done, she had about twenty minutes left. She couldn’t stand waiting in the silence of the apartment, so she grabbed her cardigan and went to the airport.

She couldn’t wait to see his face; she was so tempted to try to visualize him in her mind. Her mother was right—it wasn’t fair for her to check up on him all the time. Besides, she was going to have him there in the flesh in a few moments.

She parked the jeep, jumped out, and shuffled inside. She was lost in thoughts of Rourk, and slammed into an older guy who was walking out of the building.

“I’m sorry,” Keegan told him with a slight smile.

He smiled back and said, “No problem.”

She walked up to the board just inside the doors to see Rourk's arrival gate. His flight was advertised as Gate B6—and was on time—so Keegan took a deep breath and tried not to run in that direction.

In just a few moments, my chosen will be walking through the entrance
, she thought. The airport was busy since it was a Friday evening, but Keegan found a bench and sat down, watching people greet each other. She realized she had forgotten her camera. She smiled.
Oh well, we will have a lifetime of photos ahead of us.

Keegan felt the pain in her chest subsiding. He was closer. She stood up when she saw people coming through the gate. Her heart was pounding so fast. She scanned the crowd, searching for his face and her heart skipped a beat as his intense grey eyes met hers. He walked confidently towards her with his back pack was slung across one shoulder. She loved the plaid shirt he had on over his plain blue t-shirt. He was wearing cargo pants and looked like a model out of an outdoor magazine.

She rushed forward as he approached and flung her arms around his neck.

Rourk laughed when she caused him to lose his balance. “I take it you are happy to see me?”

She pulled his head towards hers and kissed him lightly. “You have no idea. This week seemed to drag on. I couldn’t get you out of my mind.”

Rourk laced his fingers with hers and they walked outside. “Well, I’m here now. All yours for the weekend.”

Keegan narrowed her eyes. “You better be all mine forever.”

Rourk grinned and shook his head. “You know I am.”

“Are you hungry? Do you want to go out to eat or just head to the apartment?” Keegan asked, her heart fluttering at the thought of taking him home.

“Let’s just head to your place. It was a long flight. I can always cook us something to eat.”

When they got to her Jeep, she handed Rourk the keys. “You can drive. You need to learn your way around since you will be visiting me so often.”

Rourk grabbed the keys and threw his bag in the back seat. He had to push the seat back quit a bit. “You are tiny.”

Keegan blushed. “Well, female elves aren’t known for being huge.”

“I think you are perfect.” Rourk leaned over and kissed her softly. She loved how she felt when their bodies connected. She couldn’t wait to get him back to the apartment.

Keegan caught him up on her visit with her mom. She pretty much chattered non-stop until they reached her apartment. Once they pulled in, Keegan suddenly felt shy and nervous.

Her hands shook a little as she unlocked the front door. She flung the door open and dramatically announced. “This is it! My first home of my own.”

Rourk stepped through the doorway and looked around. The living room was brightly decorated, showing off Keegan’s personality—which was a stark contrast to his plain room. He took in the black couch with purple and pink throw pillows in front of a big flat screen TV. The floors were hardwood with strategically placed throw rugs in bright colors. There was a lime green ball hanging down from the ceiling as the light. He really hoped she didn't plan to decorate their place like this.

“So what do think?” Keegan’s face lit up and her eyes sparkled.

“It’s interesting. It certainly looks like it belongs to you,” he answered honestly.

Keegan clapped her hands together. “I love it. My mom and I had so much fun decorating.”

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