Constant Craving [Rapture Island 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (10 page)

BOOK: Constant Craving [Rapture Island 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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She thought she saw a glimmer of hurt in his eyes and figured she must have imagined it. Lifting her chin, she met his gaze squarely. “That’s the way it has to be.”

His eyes narrowed. “Anything else that you want to negotiate?”

Glancing at his lips, she licked her own, fighting the clawing need to have his mouth on hers. Scared at how intimate one of his kisses could be, Kelsey nodded, swallowing heavily. “And no kissing, right?”

Gabriel didn’t seem at all surprised, smiling as he ran his fingers through her hair. “I wondered if you’d stand firm on that. If you mean, no kissing on the mouth, I’ll agree to that for now. I reserve the right to kiss you elsewhere, though.”

Bending low until their lips nearly touched, he sighed. “Whenever you change your mind, let me know. I can’t wait to have that mouth under mine.” Lifting his head, he raised a brow again, the gesture so sexy, she wanted to jump him. “Anything else?”

Smiling despite her nerves, and feeling a little more confident, Kelsey grinned and tossed her hair back. “Nope. A week of pleasure is just what I need.”

A week to immerse herself in Gabriel’s lovemaking and bask in his attention.

He nodded once in satisfaction. “Good. We understand each other. This week is about discovery and pleasure. Let’s go to bed.” Wrapping an arm around her shoulder, he started for the bedroom. “In case you haven’t noticed, there’s only one bed. You’ll sleep with me, of course.”

Kelsey had noticed that the room held only one bed as soon as they’d arrived, and the knowledge that she would be sleeping with him had been hovering in her mind all day.

“I’ve never actually slept with anyone before.”

Gabriel’s smile lit his features. “One of many firsts together. I’ll cherish it. By the way, darling, you’ll sleep naked.”


* * * *


Kelsey fisted her hand on the pillow beneath her head, resisting the urge to shift to a more comfortable position. There
no comfortable position. Lying naked on her side, with the warmth of Gabriel’s body at her back, she couldn’t settle, more aware of her body than she’d ever been before.

Gabriel’s hand moved up and down her arm, his gentle caress both soothing and arousing. “Relax, Kelsey. I’m not going to attack you.”

His husky, low tone increased the level of intimacy in the dark bedroom, strengthening the bond between them she fought so hard to ignore.

“How the hell am I supposed to relax with your cock pressing against my back? How long can you stay hard anyway?”

Chuckling, he pressed his cock against her bottom and bent to nuzzle her neck, sending more delicious waves through her. “Say the words, Kelsey. Say that your body is mine while we’re here, and I’ll make you come. I want the words from you.”

She sucked in a breath at his erotic demand, rubbing her thighs together at the incredible ache that made her pussy clench incessantly. “That’s blackmail.”


Running the tips of his fingers down her arm, and perilously close to her breast, Gabriel brushed his lips over her shoulder. “There’s no point in denying yourself. Or me.”

She smiled at that. “Do you always have an answer for everything?”

His tongue moved slowly over her shoulder, sending prickling heat to every erogenous zone. “You know what you want, but you don’t want to say the words. I need the words, Kelsey. I won’t take what you don’t give. Say it, Kelsey. Tell me that even though you’re not willing to give me anything else yet, your body’s mine.”

She turned to look up at him over her shoulder, squinting for a glimpse of his features in the dark room. “Just for the time we’re here, right? No expectations.”

After a short pause, Gabriel nodded, something she felt as his hair brushed over her shoulder. “Just for the time we have here, but for
every minute
of the time we have here.”

“And when we go home?”

Gabriel kissed her shoulder again. “When we get home, we’ll…renegotiate.”

Smiling in the darkness, Kelsey nodded. “After we see if I can even do this. Will you let me know when I mess up?”

Gabriel scraped his teeth over her shoulder. “You’ll know.”

Kelsey took a deep breath and let it out in a rush, excitement bubbling through her veins. “Then yes. I’m all yours.”

Pushing against her shoulder, he rolled her to her back, his breath warm against her lips. “Good girl.”

Kelsey shivered, moving her leg against his, her body tight with anticipation. Excited at the hard feel of his body and the controlled strength in his movements, she pressed against him. “I’m not good, and I’m not a girl.”

Gabriel ran a hand down her body, from her neck to her belly, setting off ribbons of tingling delight that seemed to spread everywhere. “You won’t always like what I do, and you will absolutely not be comfortable with everything I do to you. But, you
submit to it. You will let me explore your boundaries.”

Moaning as his hand slid higher again, she twisted restlessly in an attempt to get him to touch her breast, but he deftly avoided her. “Are you planning to do anything kinky?”

With a small chuckle, he teased her navel. “Of course.” Reaching over her, he turned on the light on the nightstand beside her.

“Hey!” Blinking against the light, she struggled to focus on his features.

Gabriel bent over her, his black hair a dark curtain that blocked out most of the light. “Bondage, spanking, anal, and you’ll wear nipple and clit clips, and you’ll spend a lot of your time naked.”

Kelsey stilled, alarmed at the rush of pure, white-hot lust that slammed into her.

Staring into her eyes, Gabriel lifted a brow. “Scared? Or aroused?”

Kelsey rubbed her thighs together at the fresh rush of moisture, her pussy clenching. Her clit throbbed and tingled, feeling swollen and unbelievably sensitive. To her amazement, her puckered opening began to tingle with awareness at the word a
. “I’ve never done any of those things before. I’ve never heard anyone talk that way before. What if I don’t like what you do to me?”

“It’s a time of discovery for both of us. Trust, remember? Now spread those thighs.”

“Excuse me?” The hint of steely demand in his tone nearly made her come on the spot.

“You heard me.”

He shoved the covers aside with an impatient brush of his hand, exposing her to his gaze.

“Have I mentioned that there will be consequences for disobeying me?” The threat in his voice couldn’t be mistaken, especially when accompanied by the cool intent in his eyes.

It excited her, his sharpened attention sending a feminine thrill through her.

Now that she could see him, Kelsey couldn’t prevent her gaze from sliding over him, her mouth going dry at her first look at his naked body. Sucking in a breath, she lifted her gaze to his, trembling in helpless anticipation. “You weren’t serious about that spanking stuff, were you?”

God, he was gorgeous. Dark, hard, and so incredibly male.

“Of course.” He smiled, a smile of wicked intent. “I’m looking forward to having you over my knee. I’ll give you a quick orgasm tonight so we can get to sleep. I’ll wait until tomorrow to fully inspect you.”

“Inspect me?” Each provocative thing that came out of his mouth took her deeper into the new world he’d opened up to her.

The desire for him continued to sharpen, creating an arousal so intense, she could think of nothing but relief.

Smiling, he ran a finger down her center. “Of course. You’re mine now. Before this week is out, I’ll know every inch of your body. I’ll know more about your body and responses than you know yourself. I think you’re going to be very surprised at the passion inside you. You’re shaking with it now.”

Nodding, she blinked back tears, wanting him more than she’d ever wanted anything. She couldn’t get enough air in her lungs, and she ached everywhere.

And he’d barely touched her.

His eyes narrowed. “Open to me.”

Reacting to the underlying steel in his provocative tone, and the promise of ecstasy in his eyes, she obeyed him without hesitation, shocked at how natural and incredible it felt to leave herself defenseless against him.

With a seductive smile, she arched toward him, hiding her amusement at the look of surprise in his eyes. She placed her hands on his chest, looking up at him through her lashes. “I’m ready.”

“And somehow you think I don’t know that. Remarkable.” Taking her hands in his, he removed them from his chest. “I’m your Master, and you’re my submissive. You don’t have permission to touch me unless I give it to you. Spread your legs wider.”

Her smile fell. “What?” She’d expected him to reach for her, and give her the orgasm he’d promised, not drag it out and make her feel even more vulnerable.

Smiling slightly, he ran a finger down her arm. “You heard me. Wider. No talking. Wider than that, Kelsey. Good, now don’t move.”

Kelsey obeyed him, her heart beating nearly out of her chest.

Gabriel’s gaze moved over her, leaving a trail of heat in its wake. “Damn, you’re beautiful. I can’t wait to inspect every inch of you.”

Arching her back, she lifted her breasts in offering, her nipples aching for his touch. “Why don’t you do it now?”

She ached for his touch. Everywhere.

Gabriel’s eyes hardened. “No. When I explore you, I want to take my time, and it’s late. You’ve been tense all day and you’re too tired to handle it. Keep those thighs spread. I’ll make you come and settle you for the night.”

“Settle me for the night? I’m not—oh, hell.” The feel of his fingers on her clit had to be the most incredibly sexual and overwhelmingly erotic thing she’d ever felt. “Oh, God!”

Gabriel shook his head, his expression stern. “I told you to stop talking. Another word and I’ll stop, leaving you even more aroused than before. You won’t be able to sleep and you’ll be tired tomorrow. That’ll just piss me off.”

It was as if no man had ever touched her before. The feel of his fingers on her clit, the heat of his gaze on hers, and the powerful presence of the most captivating man she’d ever met filled her with a sense of wonder—a sense of defenselessness and wicked pleasure she’d never known existed.

Everything felt new and exciting, the sensations so sharp, her body tightened and shook, overcome by a sublime pleasure unlike any she’d ever known. She came hard, stiffening and crying out in alarm, shaken by the strength of it.

Waves of it kept washing over her, the slide of his fingers over her throbbing clit sucking her into a vortex of dizzying pleasure that she couldn’t escape. “Oh, God. Gabriel. Oh, God. So good. No more. No more.” Shaking her head from side to side, she fought his hold, but found it inescapable.

“Yes. More. Your orgasms belong to me. Your clit belongs to me.” His deep growl held both authority and sexual tension.

She cried out as he continued to stroke her, the pleasure becoming excruciating on her overly sensitized clit. She fought to close her legs, but a strong thigh between them kept them parted. Her body jerked in reaction, the pleasure so extreme it bordered on pain. “No more. Please. Oh, God.”

She tried to hide her face, but Gabriel removed his hand from between her thighs to grip her chin.

“Don’t ever turn away from me. Your pleasure’s mine, and I want to see it.” He released her hands, his expression hardening. “
No more, no,
don’t work here, Kelsey. Only your safe word will stop me.” Reaching out, he turned off the light. “Remember that. Red to stop, and yellow to slow down. Unless you use one of those words, I won’t stop.”

Gathering her against him, he dropped back against the pillow. “Now go to sleep.” The edge in his tone as he tucked the covers around her had her struggling to open her eyes.

Turning her head, she smiled, her entire body humming with the most incredible pleasure she’d ever experienced. “Damn, you’re good.”

He didn’t open his eyes, or laugh as she’d expected, his body tense against hers. “And you’re a brat. You’re starving for it, darling. You came as soon as I touched you.”

“Go to hell.”

“I’ve been in hell waiting for you. There’s a lot of passion inside you just waiting to be tapped. It’s mine now to explore.” Turning toward her, he rolled her to her side, and with a hand at her waist, pulled her back against him, spooning her from behind.

“You’re going to be mad as hell when I deny you.” He kissed her shoulder, chuckling softly when she shivered. “Being unsatisfied puts you on edge. Believe me. I’m feeling it right now.”

“Why don’t you take me?”

“Because you’re half-asleep, and I haven’t had a chance to explore you yet.”

“Hmm.” Disappointed, she lay there wondering what one of his submissives would have done in similar circumstances.

Something else he said penetrated. “Deny me? Deny me what?” She had no idea what he was talking about, and with the warmth of his body seeping into her sated one, she didn’t have the energy to try.

Gabriel’s breath tickled her ear. “Deny your orgasm, darling. Starting tomorrow, you’re going to have to earn the right to come.”

BOOK: Constant Craving [Rapture Island 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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