Confessions of a Teen Nanny 03 - Juicy Secrets (2 page)

BOOK: Confessions of a Teen Nanny 03 - Juicy Secrets
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the deals

A chord.

drienne cringed at the sound of a loud and crashing

"I hate Mendelssohn," Emma whined. She slammed the piano keyboard shut."He doesn't know one iota about composition!"

Adrienne hid a smile. Emma was so far advanced for her age that it was nice to see her throw a normal kid-fit for a change. "I don't know, Emma," she teased. "He has kind of survived the test of time."

Emma glared at Adrienne. "Ohhhhhhhh-kay," she moaned. She started practicing again.

Adrienne settled more comfortably on the sofa and stared down at her homework. Luckily, her cell phone rang. Adrienne glanced at the screen: Lily Singh.

"Hey, there, Adrienne!" Lily greeted her in her ever-cheerful voice. She was one of Adrienne's closest friends at Van Rensselaer High, the best public school in

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the city, where they were both juniors.

"Hey, Lily, what's up?"

"Tamara and I are going to Caf� Dante in the Village," Lily said. "Why don't you come, too? We might catch a movie since it's Friday. Avoid homework till tomorrow."

"Sounds cool!" Adrienne said, glancing at her watch. "It's already dinnertime. I just have to wait for Mrs.Warner to come home so I can get paid."

"Excellent. Invite Liz, too," Lily said. "See you later!" She clicked off.

Adrienne was just about to dial Liz when she heard the elevator door opening into the vestibule of the Warners' apartment. Adrienne crossed into the entrance hall, hoping that it would be Mrs.Warner.

A small dog with tufts of hair raced into the hall and promptly hid under a credenza. The dog was followed by four doormen carrying bags from Alexander McQueen, Stella McCartney, Prada, and Dior.

Oh, no, Adrienne thought, her shoulders sagging. It's Cameron!

Even though Adrienne was over Brian, she would never forget the way Cameron had treated her. She had befriended Adrienne solely to steal her boyfriend. She used Adrienne to throw parties just so there would be someone to blame in case they got caught. And every chance Cameron got, she found a way to put Adrienne down.

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"Thanks, guys," Cameron said to the porters. She handed each of them a crisp $100 bill as they stepped back into the elevator.

"What a day!" Cameron said, smoothing the front of her Roberto Cavalli top. "I am totally shopped out."

"Sorry it was so rough, Cam," Adrienne said. "Listen, do you know when your stepmom is coming home? I'm only scheduled till Emma's dinnertime, and she owes me five hundred dollars for last week."

"Oh, wow," Cameron said, her nearly silver eyes wide. "Is that why Christine gave me five hundred dollars this morning? I just used it for tips for the boys downstairs." She laughed. "I mean, how could I know that you only make five hundred dollars. I was afraid that I wasn't tipping enough!"

Adrienne's jaw tensed. Fine, she thought. You want to be that way? She could play Cameron's put-down game, too. After all, she'd learned from the best: Cameron herself.

"Cam, when you were out shopping, did you go from Bergdorf 's to Alexander McQueen down in the meat- packing district?" Adrienne asked.

"Sure," Cameron replied, tossing her long, white- blond hair over one shoulder. "Why?"

"Oh, I was just wondering if you had seen the huge banner hanging across the front of the New York Public Library,"Adrienne said."You know the one. It has an enor-

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mous picture of Mimi von Fallschirm on it."

Cameron winced as if she had been hit. Score! Adrienne thought triumphantly. Mimi was a sore topic for Cameron, and Adrienne knew it.

"I did," Cameron said, glowering. "I can't believe that her big-nosed, fat old face is up there. It should have been ME on that poster."

"But you didn't win Deb of the Year," Adrienne reminded Cameron sweetly--just in case Cam had recently had a lobotomy and didn't remember the crushing defeat. For the girls in Cameron's orbit, being named Debutante of the Year was the be-all and end-all of making it in "society."

"And," Adrienne added, "Mimi is a princess, Cam.You can't top that.You'll just have to face the fact that she's the committee chair for the Young Lions of the New York Public Library. Just one of the perks of being Deb of the Year."

"It's so unfair!" Cameron moaned. "I should be the committee chair." Her eyes narrowed. "And trust me, I will be."

"Isn't it a little late?" Adrienne smirked.

"It is never too late. Not for me. I was meant to be the chair, and I will be." Cameron gave Adrienne a sweet smile. "And you're going to help me."

"No way, Cameron," Adrienne said.

"If you don't help me," Cameron said, "I would

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wonder how much longer you'll be working here." She did a flawless imitation of her stepmother: "Adriana, we are a family, and families help one another."

Adrienne sighed. She'd heard that refrain all too many times.

"Besides," Cameron added, the sweet routine dropped entirely. "We had a deal, remember?"

"What deal?" Adrienne asked innocently, but she cringed inside. She had hoped Cameron had forgotten their conversation at the Manhattan Cotillion.To her great relief, Cameron hadn't brought it up again in the two weeks that had passed.

Cameron pointed her perfectly manicured finger at Adrienne. "Now don't pretend you don't remember, darling.You know perfectly well what I'm talking about." Cameron took a step closer. Instinctively, Adrienne shrank back as if Cameron were contagious.

"You help me dethrone Princess Mimi von Foul- schirm," Cameron crooned, draping her thin, silk-clad arm across Adrienne's shoulder, "and I will let you in on the secret Parker Devlin is keeping from your gal-pal Liz.And, believe me, this is something she really must know."

Adrienne sighed. There was definitely some kind of trouble between Liz and Parker. Their relationship alternated between awesome and awful.

"So. . . ?" Cameron wheedled."Will you hold up your

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part of the bargain?"

Adrienne sighed again. Cameron could make her life hell, as she had in the past. Besides, what did she care if Mimi was toppled from her position as a chair of some benefit Adrienne would never attend?

"Fine. I'll help you," Adrienne said. "So what is this big secret of Parker's?"

"No, no, no." Cameron smiled her megawatt smile. "First you help me. Then I help you."

Adrienne was getting frustrated. She had experienced this trapped feeling far too frequently since becoming a nanny. If it wasn't Mrs.Warner somehow getting her to put in extra time with extra responsibilities, it was Cameron stringing her along, just as she was doing right now.

"What exactly do you want me to do?" Adrienne asked. She braced herself for the worst, since the worst was generally what Cameron had to offer.

Cameron put a finger to her porcelain cheek as if she were thinking hard. "Well, that's just it. I haven't come up with the perfect plan--yet. But when I do, you'll be the first to know!" Cameron turned to leave, and then stopped.

"Oh, and Adrienne," Cameron added, smiling, "I was so teasing you about the money. Christine still has it. Ciao!"

Adrienne shut her eyes and counted to ten.Twice. She only opened them after she could no longer hear Cameron's Manolos clicking on the marble floor.

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"Adriana?" a familiar voice called from the hallway lead- ing to the bedrooms."Is that you?" It was Christine Olivia Warner, Cameron's stepmom and Adrienne's employer.

She's been home all along? Adrienne thought. I wish I had known--I'd have been so out of here.

"Yes, Mrs. Warner?" Adrienne called back. Adrienne had learned to answer to almost any name since in all this time the COW rarely managed to get her name right.

Mrs.Warner appeared at the door of her suite. She was dressed in elegant, bone-colored silk trousers and a pale peach blouse that flattered her cosmetically enhanced skin. Her blond hair was well-sprayed."There you are!" she said. "At last. I need your help on a number of things. . . ."

"Um, Mrs.Warner?"Adrienne said, noticing once again that the COW always managed to come up with her correct name when she was asking for a favor. "My day is actually over, and I need to get going."

Adrienne spoke very quickly so that Mrs. Warner couldn't interrupt her.The COW had an infuriating ability to rope Adrienne into all kinds of extra tasks. Adrienne was determined to finally set some boundaries with this wacky family.

Mrs. Warner raised an eyebrow as far as her Botox would let her.

"In fact," Adrienne continued, "I was just waiting around until you could pay me. . . ?"

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"Oh, very well," Mrs.Warner said, clearly irritated. She vanished for a moment, then returned holding out several crisp bills. "Here." She handed Adrienne the money.

"Thanks!" Adrienne said good-bye to Emma and picked up her backpack in the hall closet. She raced to the kitchen to hop into the service elevator--and freedom.

"Hey! What's your hurry, gorgeous?" Adrienne stopped. It was Graydon Warner, Cameron's older half brother. His silky brown hair, dark eyes, square jaw, and killer bod did nothing to disguise the fact that he was a total sleaze. He was always trying to cop a feel, or was making lewd remarks, and was generally annoying to Adrienne. This was the first time she'd seen him since the Manhattan Cotillion, and she really hoped it would be her last for a looooooong while.

"Gotta go, Graydon,"Adrienne said."See you around."

"Of course you will," Graydon said."After all, we have a hot date."

"Yeah, sure," Adrienne said. "Dream on."

"Why so mean?" Graydon pouted.Then he grinned a sly, slow grin. "You remember our deal, don't you?"

Adrienne blinked. She had totally forgotten. I must have blocked it because it was just too horrible to remember, Adrienne thought. First Cameron and now this?

"You said that if I helped you and Liz get into the Manhattan Cotillion, you would go on one date with me,"

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Graydon said. "So when do I collect?"

Adrienne sighed. It was true. Liz had begged Adrienne to agree to Graydon's demands. Parker was that important to Liz, and Liz was that important to Adrienne. Without Graydon's help, they never would have gotten into the ball. Liz would never have gotten Parker back that night, Adrienne would never have realized what a loser her ex- boyfriend Brian was, and Adrienne wouldn't have seen Cam's humiliated face when she lost Deb of the Year to Princess Mimi von Fallschirm. Watching Cameron lose almost made the promise worthwhile.


"Don't nannies keep their promises?" Graydon pressed.

Adrienne shuddered. "All right," she said. "One date and that is it. One! No groping, no gross behavior, you pay, and I can go home whenever I want. Deal?"

Graydon laughed. "You drive a hard bargain, Adrienne. I like that. Let's make it tomorrow night-- before you can figure out a way to back out. Seven thirty. You work Saturday, right? I'll pick you up here."

"Whatever, Graydon." Adrienne stepped into the waiting elevator and pushed the button.

"See you then." Graydon winked at her as the eleva- tor door closed.

"Ugh," Adrienne groaned. How did my best friend's love life make my life so complicated?



gotta take this

O n Saturday Liz made sure to get home from outfitting Heather at Copperfields with plenty of time to get ready for her date with Parker.They were going to Jack Chasen's party, and Liz dressed with special care.The deep burgundy silk Ghost dress--paid for by saving several weeks of nanny pay--made her pale skin shimmer and emphasized her long legs. She pulled her dark curls into a ponytail, letting soft tendrils frame her face.The look was sexy--and casual chic. Just what she wanted. She hadn't spent a lot of time with Parker's superrich friends, and she wanted to make sure she made a good impression--or, at least, fit in.

There were still times when insecurity overcame Liz, and Parker's occasional erratic behavior cast a gloom over her sunny worldview. It didn't help that Liz had met Parker through Cameron Warner. Cameron and her satellites seemed to take delight in making Liz feel as if she were a scholarship wannabe among the legitimate privileged class.

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They were all stunned when it turned out that Parker wasn't just slumming with Liz--that he actually seemed to genuinely care for her.

"Have I mentioned yet that you are the hottest girl here?" Parker asked as they walked into Jack Chasen's townhouse on East Seventieth Street.

"Twice," Liz said, smiling up at him."I might just start to believe it--"

"You should," Jack interrupted,"'cause it's true. Devlin, take your date's coat so I can get her a drink and try to steal her away from you."

Liz giggled, enjoying the attention, and glad to know that Jack was really joking; he had been dating Miranda Dalziel for months, and everyone knew it.

Parker helped Liz off with her coat and disappeared in search of the attendant hired for the evening.

"Come on," Jack said. "Let me get you something to drink."

Liz followed Jack into the dining room. It was large and basically empty, except for the huge mahogany table covered with wine, beer, and fixings for mixed drinks. Scattered around the room were kids from Parker's world: the superrich set. Liz nodded at a few faces she recognized from Pheasant-Berkeley School for Girls or from other dates with Parker.

"What's your pleasure?" Jack asked, picking up an

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empty crystal glass from the enormous table.

"Me, I hope," Parker said, stepping up behind Liz. He put his hand on the small of her back, sending delicious shivers up her spine.

"You'll do for now," Liz teased.

Parker grinned."I think I can take over from here, Jack."

"Enjoy," Jack said, putting the glass back down. He wandered off to greet a couple who had just arrived.

"I'm glad Jack didn't manage to steal you away from me," Parker said, wrapping his hands around Liz's waist.

"Not possible," Liz said, stretching up to give him a kiss.

"Good," Parker said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small box."Then I don't have to return this."

Liz recognized the orange box of the House of Herm�s. Smiling at Parker, she opened it.

A heavy gold bracelet lay inside, made of the chains and links of horse bridles.

"I thought you could use it since you're going to be hanging out at the stables," Parker said, grinning.

Liz was touched by the thoughtful gift--and blown away by the incredible quality, not to mention the cost of the beautiful bracelet."I can't believe that you remembered that I have to start taking Heather to riding lessons next week."

"I always try to know where you are," Parker said. "Gotta keep an eye on you!"

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He leaned in to give her a real kiss, but before his lips touched Liz's, his cell phone rang.

Parker straightened up and pulled out his cell. He glanced down at the number on the phone display.

"Gotta take this," he said."I'll be right back."Without waiting for Liz to respond, he spun around and left the room.

I hate that cell phone! Liz thought. Irritated, she stalked over to the table and picked up some grapes. She popped one into her mouth and looked around the room. The party seemed to be couples only, and everyone was mov- ing quickly into make-out mode.

And here I am, alone and stuffing my face, Liz thought. That is so typical. Liz dropped the grapes back on the table and went downstairs to find Parker.

Liz peeked into a library and a music room, and finally into the kitchen, where she startled two large Persian cats that immediately leaped onto counters and hissed at her. "Thanks," Liz said sarcastically to the cats. "Like I don't already feel like I'm trespassing."

Liz looked out the kitchen window into the garden and saw Parker standing alone, talking into his cell phone. He looks serious, Liz thought. Concerned, she quickly slipped outside.

". . . so what does this mean for us, then?" Parker said, his voice trembling.

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Us? Liz screamed inside her head. She felt her heart begin to thud hard.

Parker turned and noticed her standing there. "I have to go," he said into the phone in a flat voice. "I'll talk to you later." He snapped the phone shut and looked at Liz with hollow eyes.

"Parker," Liz said, "who were you talking to?"

"No one. Let's not talk about it," he said. He took her arm and steered her back inside. He made a beeline for the drinks table and grabbed a beer. Downing it quickly, he scanned the room. "Music sucks."

"Parker, what is going on?" Liz asked, hating how whiny her voice sounded.

Parker didn't even look at her. He just picked up another beer. "It's a total nothing, Liz."


"Drop it," Parker snapped.

Liz stared at him, shocked by his tone.

He poured a glass of champagne and handed it to Liz. "I believe this is what you were drinking," he said, sound- ing normal again.Actually, Liz realized, he sounded as if he was trying really hard to sound normal again. Like it was an effort.

"Thanks," she said, taking the glass. She noticed the new bracelet dangling on her wrist. A moment ago she had been delirious at Parker's considerate gesture and extraordinary

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gift. Now, she didn't know what to feel. One minute she had been on top of the world with Parker, and then some- thing happened to plummet her right into misery.

And worse--she was starting to get used to it.

"Wasn't that the best party?" Emma said. It was early Saturday evening, and the goody bag the little girl was lugging off the elevator was so overloaded, Adrienne had to help her drag it into the Warners' apartment.

"Sadly, Emma," Adrienne said, "I totally agree with you." It was a pathetic day when a sixteen-year-old had to admit that the eight-year-old birthday party she attended was more fabulous than her wedding would probably be. And definitely more fun than my date with Graydon will be tonight.

"Normally I find birthday parties juvenile," Emma said, hoisting the bag onto her bed."But this one surpassed my expectations."

"I know you aren't crazy about Jessica Carmichael, but her family is important to your parents,"Adrienne said. "Aren't you glad your mother made you go?" She hoped Emma would start being more open to play dates. It would make being her nanny a lot easier. Now Adrienne was all the company Emma had--and it meant Adrienne had to really stay on her toes.

Emma ignored the question and pulled a three-pound

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box of Jacques Torres chocolates from the bag. Next she held up a CD of the band that had played at the party.

"That band was great," Adrienne said. "How did the Carmichaels manage to get them to play for a pack of eight- year-olds?"

"I think her dad owns the band," Emma said."Or the studio that produced the band. Or the country the band is from. Something."

"Ah," Adrienne said with a nod. Made sense in Warner-land."You unload the rest of your loot while I run your bath. It's almost bedtime."

Adrienne walked into Emma's bathroom and turned the gold-plated taps shaped like swan's heads. As the tub filled, she poured in the Annick Goutal Eau d'Hadrien bubble bath the little girl liked.At thirty-eight dollars for a miniscule bottle, it was a far cry from the Mr. Bubble Adrienne had used at Emma's age.

Water filled the marble tub, the heat making Adrienne's skin feel moist.

I'd better be careful, she thought. If I don't get out of here, my hair will frizz up and I'll look goofy for this stupid date with Graydon.

Adrienne caught sight of herself in the mirror and a slow smile spread across her face. She turned on the hot water in the sink, letting it run.

Emma opened the door to the clouds of billowing

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steam. "Are you trying to cook me?" she squeaked.

"Come in!" Adrienne said, giggling."Quick, close the door!"

"What are you doing?" Emma asked.

"I'm helping you with your bath."

"I don't need help with my bath," Emma said indig- nantly."Besides I don't consider boiling me helping." She bit her lip and narrowed her eyes."I should write this down."

"Write what down?" Adrienne asked.

"Your erratic behavior," Emma explained. "You gen- erally exhibit basically normal teenage behavior. But now and then you manifest tendencies of mania that indicate possible mental disturbance." Emma dashed out of the bathroom.

Adrienne looked in the mirror with satisfaction as her hair slowly rose into its natural state of unruly frizz and her skin grew pink and blotchy from the heat.

Emma reentered carrying her leather-bound notebook and a Cartier pencil. She studied Adrienne for a moment, then began to scribble furiously."Could you turn the steam down?" she demanded. "My pages are shriveling up!"

Emma wrote a few more sentences, then placed the notebook in the corner farthest away from the steaming tub. She took off her robe and carefully tested the water with one toe. "At least it's not boiling," she said as she slipped into the bubbles.

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"Is it all right?" Adrienne asked. Maybe she had gone a little heavy on the hot water.The mirror was now com- pletely fogged over.

"It's nice," Emma said, splashing bubbles at Adrienne.

I wonder where Graydon is taking me? Adrienne thought as she leaned into the steam rising from the sink. If I play my cards right, I'll be home and in bed before "Weekend Update" on Saturday Night Live. And this whole stupid date thing will be over with forever.

"I'm getting pruney," Emma announced."Time to get out."

"So soon?" Adrienne asked.

"Adrienne," Emma whined.

"Okay, okay." Adrienne turned off the tap in the sink and helped the little girl climb out of the oversized tub. Adrienne made sure to splash herself with the bathwater.

Emma clutched her now slightly damp notebook to her chest as she got into bed.

"Don't stay up too late writing," Adrienne said, turn- ing on the bedside lamp.

"I won't," Emma promised. "I just have to get down how weird you are." She tapped her pencil on her note- book. "I need to keep closer tabs on you in case you go psycho."

"Sweet dreams to you, too, Emma," Adrienne said, smiling. While Emma wrote in her notebook, Adrienne

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shut off the overhead light and left the room.

Cameron passed her in the hallway. "Your date has arrived," she said. Her eyes traveled up and down Adrienne. "And I'd say he's in for quite a surprise."

"Oh, I think we girls should keep boys guessing, don't you?" Adrienne said.

"I just hope Graydon is taking you someplace dark. Because looking like that, there is no lighting that can flatter." Cameron turned and strolled down the hallway to her room as if it were a runway lined with photographers.

Adrienne walked out to the Warners' enormous entry hall. The setting sun glowed through the skylight and was reflected in the mirrored walls and chandeliers, bathing Graydon in soft pink light. Maybe once he gets a look at me, he'll run screaming into the night, Adrienne thought. Oh, please please please.

"Here I am!" Adrienne announced. Graydon turned, and Adrienne grinned up at him, her hair frizzed into a reddish Afro, her ultracasual, long jersey skirt clinging to her legs, her oversized cotton shirt lank and loose. Her skin was blotchy and damp, and her hands were red and chafed from the hot water of Emma's bath.

Graydon grabbed her hand, pulling her to him. "Mmmm," he murmured. "Eau d'Hadrien. Very sophisti- cated." He smiled. "Or is that Eau D'Adrienne?"

Oh, puh-lease, Adrienne thought, stepping away from

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him. "Okay, Graydon," she said. "Let's get this date over with."

Now Graydon looked surprised. "Don't you want to go change?"

"You don't like my outfit?"Adrienne said."I'm so hurt."

"But--" Graydon stopped himself and shrugged. "You're the boss. Let's go."

When they stepped outside, Graydon nodded to the Rolls-Royce waiting at the curb, chauffeur at the ready. "The car's right here."

Adrienne got into the fancy car, reluctantly admiring its highly polished wood interior and inhaling the scent of the soft leather.

"So," Graydon said, slipping in beside her. "Are you ready to take a trip to another world?" He pulled a bottle of Veuve Clicquot from an ice bucket and poured two glasses of champagne.

Adrienne snorted. "Yeah, right. I'm not going any- where `otherworldly' with you."

"How about Moscow?" Graydon asked, handing her the crystal flute of champagne. "It's definitely different."

Startled, Adrienne spilled champagne on the leather seat. He has got to be kidding me. She stared at him, her green eyes wide with horror."You're not serious?" she demanded. "Moscow? As in Russia?"

"Not exactly," Graydon said. "But close."

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"I-I don't have a passport," Adrienne blurted.

Graydon smiled at her over his champagne flute."You don't need one."

The Warners' private jet, Adrienne remembered. Of course.

BOOK: Confessions of a Teen Nanny 03 - Juicy Secrets
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