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Authors: Brenda Cothern

Coming Home (4 page)

BOOK: Coming Home
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Brad was afraid to break the silence as his thoughts swirled. He'd actually gotten off with a guy… and liked it. Fuck, he loved it. So what if that made him gay. That made him think about the last thing Chase had said to him.
But I will fuck you
Brad's ass clenched at the thought and he wasn't sure what he really thought about that as he sat up and re- buttoned his fly.
It was twilight and Brad glanced at Chase. "Beer?"
Chase looked back at Brad and replied, "Naw. It's getting' late." With that, he stood and climbed out of the creek, leaving Brad where he sat in the water.
"We good?" Brad asked over his shoulder.
"Nothing's changed," Chase said without turning around. "You said it yourself, 'what's the harm in doing something about it.' Well, I did." He bent and picked up his tee shirt and sneakers before looking at Brad again. "You were right. No harm at all. I got off and so did you but that doesn't change anything between us." With those words, Chase turned and headed up the hill into the woods.
Brad watched Chase until the trees swallowed him up.
We have to be better than we had been before. Don't we?
At least that was Brad's hope as he swam toward his own shore, collected his cooler, and mounted Dusty to ride home.

Chapter 5

Another Saturday night at the Watering Trough
, Chase thought, I really need to get internet. Fucking boondocks. Chase had seen Brad come into the bar and was glad when the guy didn't try to buddy up to him. He still was not sure why he did what he did with the guy in the creek but racked it up to just being horny and some petty payback bullshit. At the time though, he meant what he'd said about fucking him.

Hell, if he was honest with himself, and he was, he still meant it. He hadn't thought of anything else all week but he wasn't going to chase the guy like a skirt.

The fear and tension he felt in Brad when he whispered those five small words was real and only confirmed his suspicion that Brad had absolutely no experience with men. That fear was almost a tangible thing and Chase relished that he was the cause. He understood Brad's fear since he didn't have any experience while he was stuck in this one horse town either. It didn't change anything between them though.

Brad had seen Chase immediately upon entering the Trough but as much as he wanted to go talk to the guy, he knew if he did the guy would just up and leave again. Better to be in the same bar with him and not talk than watch him storm out again.

How girly is that shit? A few kisses and a rough hand to get me off and I am mooning over the bastard.

Chase watched Brad all night from under the brim of his hat and only briefly wondered where that asshat Bobby Morris was instead of here. Maybe if he was lucky, the guy would get lost trying to find his way home. Chase considered putting some quarters on the pool table when it was Brad's but reminded himself he didn't like the asshole and wasn't going to stalk the bastard after just one mutual orgasm.

All night his mind went back to the creek and all night he had to push the memory away. The hatred he had harbored for Brad Wilson was still simmering but it seemed that the desire that warred with it for so many years, where the man was concerned, was thinking about becoming a serious competitor.

Brad had kept one eye on Chase and one eye on his game of pool all night long so he didn't miss it when the guy cashed out his tab and headed to the rest room.

"Shit," Brad cursed as he purposely scratched on the eight. "Well, I guess my run of luck is over boys."
"'Bout damned time too!" one of them replied as he laid his stick on the table and called good night to Jackie as he left the Trough. He always pre-paid his tab on Friday so there was no need to hit the bar.
Chase came out of the men's room to find Brad gone from the pool table. A quick scan of the bar showed no sign of him and he caught himself frowning.
No big deal, I was leaving anyways,
Chase told himself as he made his way out the door. He rounded the corner of the building and made his way toward his pick-up. Like déjà vu, a hand landed on his shoulder and he had the owner of that hand pinned to the side of the building. He stared into the owner's brown eyes and cursed the smile he received in return.
"Jumpy much?" Brad grinned.
"Do you want to get yourself hurt?" Chase angrily asked in return and thought he saw something flash in Brad's eyes. "You shouldn't sneak up on people, Brad," Chase tightened his hold on Brad's wrists and saw that flash in his eyes again.
"Did you forget what I said?"
Without warning, Chase spun Brad around so that his chest was touching the wall and his wrists were now painfully held behind his back in one of Chase's hands. Chase leaned in so that his chest was touching Brad's back and his mouth was by his ear.
"Do you want to get hurt?” Chase whispered in Brad's ear and could hear the man's breathing increase. Chase leaned against Brad until his whole body touched the man, his hand holding the wrists digging painfully into both of them.
Did he want to be hurt?
Brad didn't know but being restrained by Chase was hot as hell and he tried to push back to feel more of the man's body against him. If he had any doubts about his sanity before, he had none now. He had definitely gone insane.
Chase reached around to the front of Brad when he felt the guy push back against him.
Yep, sure as shit, he's turned on by this
. Just realizing that made blood rush to Chase's own cock and he grabbed Brad's dick. Hard.
"I didn't hear you, Brad." Chase whispered as he simultaneously tightened his grips and pushed his groin against Brad's ass.
Brad's breathing was so fast that Chase almost didn't hear his reply. "Maybe."
Chase was shocked. That was not the answer he had been expecting but his cock didn't care what he was expecting and throbbed painfully to remind him of his current state. He released Brad and stepped back but when the guy didn't immediately turn around, he leaned in and whispered,
"You know where I live. Bring rope."
Bring rope
. Brad's mind whirled and it took him a moment to realize that he just heard Chase's truck pull out of the lot.
Oh, shit. Was he seriously thinking about letting Chase Murphy tie him up?
When his cock throbbed at the thought, he realized he was. He laughed as he climbed into his own truck and knew thinking with.
exactly which head he was

Chase had no idea what the hell he was doing.
Good thing I am a Marine…overcome and adapt… Ooh-Rah
. He went into the dining room and grabbed one of the straight back chairs and brought it into the living room. No reason to do this in the bedroom. Not like there will be any sleeping going on. Chase hung up his cowboy hat on the peg he had installed by the door for just that purpose. He was just coming out of the kitchen with a cold beer in hand when headlights danced over his living room curtains.

Brad turned off his truck and just sat in the cab. His eyes went between the rope he had coiled on the seat and the house in front of him several times.
Fuck it,
Brad thought and grabbed the rope from the seat. He slammed his truck door harder than he had intended but didn't even glance back as he walked up the stone walkway and knocked on the door.

The door opened and Chase stood there. Gone was his cowboy hat and he had undone the buttons of his shirt to reveal his muscular chest. The sight turned on Brad more than he wanted to admit and his voice caught in his throat so he just lifted the hand that held the rope.

Chase stepped aside to allow Brad to enter but the minute he was behind the guy; he tackled him to the floor. Brad let out a surprised yell as he hit the floor and Chase found out first hand why he was a wrestling champ. Even though Chase had size and weight over Brad, the guy had the moves. Before Chase realized what had happened, Brad was on top and pinning his ass to the floor.

Brad looked pissed and Chase could not contain his laughter. The harder he laughed the more pissed Brad looked but he couldn't seem to stop.

"What the fuck, Chase?" Brad asked in all seriousness.
Chase finally settled down enough to answer, "Thought you wanted it rough?" Chase laughed again. "I was just warming you up."
Brad realized he'd over reacted and shook his head as he released his hold on Chase. "Maybe this isn't a good idea," Brad said as he climbed off of Chase, who continued to lie on his carpeted floor. "I don't know what the fuck I am doing here."
Chase threw an arm over his eyes before he spoke, "I don't know what you are doing here either, Brad."
Brad glanced over at Chase from where he sat on the floor next to the guy. His eyes roamed from the lips that had kissed him so harshly at the creek to the now almost bare chest. He followed the thin patch of chest hair that started between Chase's pecs, down to his navel and eventually into the top of the tight Wranglers he wore. His eyes settled on the bulge behind the zipper of those jeans.
Chase could just barely see Brad's face through the crook of his arm as it covered his face. He knew the guy was looking over every inch of his body as he lay on the floor but he didn't care. The guy needed to figure out what he wanted. Chase couldn't do that for him and if the asshole didn't know then he could just go home.
"I don't know how to be gay, Chase." Brad said quietly and refused to look at the hard glare he was sure Chase was now giving him. "I don't know what to do." Brad felt like an idiot admitting it to Chase.
Chase barked out another laugh.
'Mr. Great-At-Everything' was finally confronted with something he wasn't great at. Hell, something he didn't know anything about. Why doesn't that make me feel better?
"I can't teach you to be gay," Chase returned the angry glare Brad was giving him.
"Fuck it then," Brad stood and stormed to the open door. "Fucking waste of time."
"Yeah, you are," Chase replied without moving from the floor. "Big fucking waste of my time."
"Fuck you, Murphy," Brad replied and walked out the door.
"Don't you wish!" Chase shot back as he got off his floor and went to stand in his doorway. "How's it feel, Wilson? To not be the best at something? To have something thrown in your face?" Chase couldn't seem to stop the tirade that was building even though Brad had stopped half way down his walk. "Maybe I need to grab a few more people who know what they want and what to do just so we can pick at your pride some more." Chase didn't even stop for a breath as he plowed on. "You're a fucking worthless excuse for a jock, wrestling champ and home coming king. You couldn't even get your popular ass out of this fucking hick town." Brad turned but Chase didn't stop. "Some fucking life you made for yourself, Mr. Popular, you worthless piece of shit…"
Brad was charging Chase as he was taking a breath to continue the verbal ass kicking and whatever words Chase was about to unleash, never made it out. Brad slammed into Chase who absorbed the hit by going with the momentum until the wall stopped him.
"Fuck you asshole! Big bad Marine, fuck you!" Brad was yelling but Chase wasn't listening.
Fists flying, Chase pulled his own arms in close to his body to absorb the hits. He was biding his time until an opening presented itself and when one did, he took the shot. His first punch took Brad across the same side of his jaw that he'd bruised the last time. Shot two and three went to the body and those were the only shots Chase got in before he found himself on his back again.

Chapter 6

Fighting Brad on the floor was like wrestling a demon but Chase was not about to let the bastard flip and pin him. He got in a punch that put Brad off balance and bucked his hips to throw the man. The move unseated Brad and Chase scrambled to grab the rope that had been dropped on the floor. He rolled over just in time for Brad to land on him again. Brad was trying to flip and pin him but Chase ignored the attempts as he wrestled to get the rope onto Brad's arms. It was pure luck that Chase succeed when Brad tried to change his tactic.

Chase gave a rough pull on the bunched rope he held in his fist and Brad crashed down onto him, no choice but to follow the rope.

Both men lay panting on the floor and Chase was more turned on than he had any right to be from a brawl. It seemed he wasn't the only one with a raging hard on from their fight, either.

What a fucking mess
"You done?" Chase asked and tugged on the rope slightly which caused Brad's body to jerk on top of him. He was answered with a moan and Chase wasn't sure if it was the good kind or the bad.
"Answer me, asshole," Chase demanded and stretched out the arm that was holding onto the rope. There was no way in hell he was going to let Brad up if he still had fight in him. Hell, if it hadn't been for the rope and his leg thrown over Brad's, they would probably still be going at it.
Brad was afraid to move. His body hurt from the fight but not nearly as bad as his cock ached. All of his focus was concentrated on not coming in his button fly's like some virgin on his first date. That thought made him laugh.
Chase heard Brad start to laugh before it turned into another moan and this time he was sure Brad's moans weren't from pain. The bastard that he was, he couldn't resist shifting so that his hip pressed even harder against the erection of the man above him.
"Fuck," Brad breathed out. "Don't. Chase, please."
Could he really be that close?
Chase was tempted to find out but decided that he had been a big enough dick for one night. Aggression always turned him on since his body could now handle it and he wouldn't forget this little tidbit about Brad.
Or maybe it's the rope? Interesting.
"I'm gonna let the rope go but I swear to fucking God Brad, if you hit me, I will fuck you raw." Chase growled and knew it was an empty threat but Brad didn't know that.
The moan that Brad gave at his threat was more felt than heard before Brad nodded his head in understanding. Brad felt the slack in the rope and Chase's legs let him go but he still did not move away. He was still too hard and it felt too good to lie where he was.
Chase surprised him when he wasn't immediately pushed off but then he realized why. Chase was as hard as he was so he pushed down experimentally.
Chase groaned when he felt Brad push down into him but he was not going to walk him through figuring out what he liked.
Twenty six years old and doesn't have a clue. Time to learn, asshole.
Brad felt like he was back at square one. He didn't know the first thing about being gay. Hell, even the porn he was able to get his hands on was straight so he was at a total loss as to what to do now. Chase said he wouldn't teach him but he doubted the man would just let him lie here or leave if he had the chance to get off.
Fuck, I feel like an idiot
Brad finally moved off of him to kneel by his side and Chase waited. When it appeared that he wasn't going to do anything, Chase spoke.
"Just do what you want," Chase told him and after holding Brad's gaze for a moment, covered his eyes with his arm.
Time to see what he will do
, Chase thought.
Grow some balls, jock
Brad looked at Chase just lying on the floor next to him and still wasn't sure what to do.
Do what you want
Could it really be that easy?
Chicks never just let you do what you want.
Tentatively, Brad moved closer to Chase and leaned back so that he was on his side, head in hand. With his free hand, he reached out and caressed Chase's chest. The feeling was so unlike anything he had felt before. Hard muscles, covered in a sheen of sweat from their fight, were where he usually found soft breasts and the fine hair tickled his palm as he followed the dark trail that was different.
Chase felt Brad get comfortable next to him then begin to touch him softly. The feather light touch was driving him crazy and although he told himself to see what the guy would do, he put his free hand on top of Brad's. Brad instantly stopped and Chase could feel him tense beside him.
"You won't fucking break me, Brad," Chase said quietly and pressed Brad's hand harder into his abs to prove his point. When Brad didn't begin moving his hand again, Chase did it for him.
Brad felt how hard Chase was pushing his hand into that rock solid body and when Chase began to move his hand, Brad allowed him to do so. The pressure Chase applied to the back of his hand never eased up as he moved it up his chest and across each small hardened nipple before he moved Brad's hand back down his abs. Chase didn't stop there. He moved Brad's hand down lower and when he stopped on the Wrangler's bulge, Chase pushed Brad's hand down even harder and pushed into his palm. When Brad cupped his hand so he could feel all of Chase in his fingers as he was being pressed to the man, Chase let out a low growl.
The sound shot straight to Brad's cock, which he didn't think could get any harder, and he let Chase guide his hand to stroke himself through his jeans while he studied his face. He still had the arm closest to Brad thrown over his eyes but his lips were slightly parted and seeing those lips like that made Brad remember the harsh kisses from the creek. They were not the soft, hesitant kisses of a girl but the rough and hungry kisses of a man who knew he wouldn't hurt the one he was kissing.
Chase felt Brad's lips touch his own and thankfully, they were not being gentle or going slow. As Brad hungrily attacked his mouth, Chase uncovered his eyes and wrapped his arm around the guy's neck. His other hand left Brad's and he hooked a finger into Brad's belt loop and tugged. The tug was just hard enough to bring Brad almost back on top of him like before and he wrapped that arm around his waist. Brad was not heavy and his weight felt good pressing down against his side as Brad's hands tried to find more of Chase's skin to touch.
When Brad broke their kiss and began to bite along Chase's neck, he could not help but thrust his hips upward. Brad was not being gentle and the rougher he was, the more Chase was turned on.
The asshole is learning, learning fast, thank God.
He felt the hand that was rubbing his cock start to unbutton his jeans and he moaned as he sucked in his stomach to give Brad better access.
The noises that Chase was making were building Brad confidence.
I must be doing something right
and that thought encouraged him as he fumbled with the button and zipper of the Wranglers. He did not stop his not so gentle bites as he found one of Chase's small nipples. Sucking it into his mouth, he used his tongue to tease it as his hand finally set Chase's hard cock free. The second his rough hand wrapped round it, Chase let out a hiss of pleasure and thrust into his rough palm.
Chase felt Brad continue to bite his way down across his abs until his cock bumped the guy's chin. He knew how nervous Brad had to be and when Brad stopped stroking him, Chase looked down the length of his body into those deep brown eyes.
"Not really sure how to do this," Brad's eyes darted away from his and he felt like a virgin again.
Ha, guess I am when it comes to this shit
"C'mere," Chase pulled him up and before Brad had a chance to settle on him, Chase pulled the hem of his shirt up and over his head.
Before Brad could move his arms to free himself of his shirt, Chase rolled them over so that he was now on top. He gave Brad another hard kiss as he worked at his jeans. With a flick of his wrist, he had the first button undone and a slight tug, popped open the rest of the button fly. Chase didn't let his surprise show when he realized that Brad was bare beneath his Lee's but instead moaned his approval into their kiss. Commando made his mouth water.
Chase left Brad's mouth so quickly that Brad's head tried to follow him. Brad ran his hands over Chase's short blond buzz cut as Chase began biting and teasing his way down his body. The warm, wet heat of Chase's mouth on his aching cock was so unexpected that Brad almost sat upright off the floor and came right then and there.
"Fuuuck," Brad exhaled with a hiss as one of Chase's hands settled between his pecs to push him back down to the floor and the other squeezed the base of his cock hard.
Brad let himself be pushed back but kept his head lifted so he could watch Chase. The sensation of Chase's mouth and hand on his cock was blowing his mind. He tried to learn exactly what it was that Chase was doing to make him feel so fucking good but the moment Chase moved his hand and took his cock to the root, his head slammed back onto the carpeted floor and his mind blanked out. His hips left the floor and his hands dug into Chase's head, finding no purchase. He knew he was close but he couldn't form the words of warning to let Chase know.
"Arrrrgh!" Brad's back arched when Chase squeezed his sack, causing him to explode down the hot throat that was milking him dry.
Chase lifted his head slightly but did not stop sucking on Brad, even after he felt the last of the delicious fluid hit the back of his throat. He felt B r a d ’ s harsh breathing under the palm of his hand as it rested on his stomach and he gave the guy a moment to settle while he looked up the length of his body.
Men are so beautiful like this. Not handsome or sexy but beautiful, simply beautiful
Chase lifted his head and crawled up Brad's body, his hard cock leaving a wet trail in its wake.
Brad opened his eyes just as Chase's mouth crashed into his. The mixture of Chase's taste and the remnants of himself was intoxicating. He couldn't get enough and when he felt Chase take his own cock in hand, Brad batted his hand away.
"Let me," Brad pulled back from the kiss enough to say before Chase devoured his mouth again.
Brad wrapped his hand around Chase and began to stroke. It was awkward, felt backwards to him, because of the position. He felt like giving the guy a hand job after receiving the best blow job of his life wasn't a fair trade off so he pulled on Chase's cock and pushed on those rock hard abs until Chase was straddling his chest. He lifted his head just enough to dart his tongue out and lick the tip of Chase's cock.
Chase's knees rested comfortably in Brad's armpits as he gazed down his body to watch Brad take tentative licks on the head of his cock. This was not the best position to attempt a first blow job, Chase knew, but he wasn't about to stop the man beneath him from trying. He could, however, make his attempt easier. So, he leaned forward to brace himself on the floor above Brad's head and looked down the length of his body to watch.
Brad did not even tense as Chase shifted his position above him even though he was practically trapped under the man. One hand concentrated on stroking the cock that was now pushing against his lips while he brought his other hand up to grip Chase's hip.
Chase ran his free hand through Brad's sunkissed brown hair and resisted the urge to thrust into his hot mouth. Brad's lack of skill was evident in the scrape of teeth Chase occasionally felt but the brief flashes of pain didn't last long. Like the bites the man gave him earlier, the scraping of teeth along his rock hard shaft sent jolts of pleasure through him.
Brad relaxed into the new feeling of having a hard cock in his mouth. He knew he would never be able to swallow it down like Chase had, at least not without a lot more practice. The taste was so different from anything he had ever had in his mouth before; the mixtures of salty sweetness made his taste buds pop and scream for more. Soft hardness everywhere his tongue touched and he wanted more of that feeling.
Chase knew Brad was enjoying this new experience by the small noises the man beneath him made but he also knew that he was not getting enough friction to get off. Another position would be better. When he pulled himself out of Brad's mouth, the guy tried to follow.
"On top," Chase growled as he moved off Brad and threw himself down flat on the floor.
Brad licked his lips and could still taste Chase there. He wasted no time kneeling between his legs and taking that beautiful cock back into his mouth.
Who knew something so ugly when it was soft could be so beautiful when it was hard? Certainly not me!
This angle was much better, more relaxing on his jaw, and he could take more of Chase into his mouth. In this position, his lips were soon stroking hand.
Chase gripped Brad's shoulders, fingers in hard enough to bruise, and could not resist thrusting his hips toward the heat that was Brad's mouth. It took all of his control not to pull that brown haired head down harder onto his cock. Instead, he moved one hand from Brad's shoulder and replaced Brad's hand on his cock with his own.
Brad let Chase take over stroking and he braced himself more firmly above him, arms to each side of the hips that were now thrusting upwards. Some instinct or maybe it was the combination of rough strokes and jerking thrusts, had Brad lift his head slightly and remain still. The thought that Chase was actually fucking his mouth made his already spent meeting his

BOOK: Coming Home
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