Read Colour Me Undead Online

Authors: Mikela Q. Chase

Colour Me Undead (6 page)

BOOK: Colour Me Undead
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“Lie down.” Cora wiggled out from beneath her husband.

The vampire’s mouth quirked up on one side. “Does giving you cuffs make you think you’re in charge of this relationship?”

Cora laughed. “Honey, I’ve always been in charge. Women always are—we just don’t usually tell the man. But since you can read my mind, it’s pointless to hide the truth.”

Basil laughed and docilely let Cora cuff him to the headboard. “You do know I can turn into a bird and escape the cuffs.”

“Yeah, but if you do, I’ll tattle and tell Melinda…and she’ll tell everyone in the house that the big bad vampire king can’t handle his wife.”

The vampire didn’t look overly concerned as he watched her with laughing green eyes. “I guess I’d better lie here and take it like a man, then.”

Cora nodded. “You’re a brave, brave man.”

“Now that I’m at your mercy, whatever are you going to do with me?”

Cora traced Basil’s body with her eyes before doing the same thing with her hands. Her fingers barely grazed his skin as she moved in random patterns across his body.

“Touch me!” he demanded.

“Shush, I’m in charge, remember?” Cora admonished him.

Basil growled and the tips of his fangs appeared.

Damn, that was sexy.

Cora shook her head, trying not to get distracted. Her goal was to drive him insane. If she let him tease her with his sexiness, she’d never get to be in charge again.

“I’ll let you be in charge any time you want, wife. Now climb on top and show me who’s in charge.”

Cora laughed. “Yeah, that’ll teach you.”

Leaning forward, she captured his mouth in a kiss. “Mmm.” The heat from their lips connecting travelled down her body and settled between her thighs. Damn, she’d hoped to draw this out, but she needed him. Her nipples hardened as she unconsciously rubbed herself across his body.

His hard length became even harder as she felt the rod beneath her. Letting out a soft sound, she spread her thighs and wiggled until she’d coated his cock with her wetness.

With a roar, Basil snapped the cuffs, flipped her over and slid inside her soaking hole. Cora gasped as he cupped her ass and lifted her at the perfect angle.

“Y—you cheated,” she gasped. It was difficult to find the proper level of indignation while moaning but she thought she did pretty well. “Oh, right there.”

Basil gave a warm chuckle. “I know where to go, my sweet. I can feel your pleasure.”

Cora locked her ankles around his sweat-slick back and clenched her inner muscles.

“You vixen.” Basil groaned. “We are going to have so much fun together.”

Cora arched her neck, giving access to the vampire. “Bite me.” This was her chance to live out her favourite paranormal fantasy—the one she’d always read about in books.

“Of course. After all, you are in charge.”

Basil pegged her G-spot, using an unfair advantage to get her to forget to be bossy. Hell, she wasn’t even positive she still knew her name. “D—don’t forget it.”

“Never, my dear, never.” Basil plunged his teeth into her neck at the same moment he pushed into her body, accessing parts she was almost positive had never been reached before.

“Oh!” She knew there was a snappy comeback begging to be made but it completely escaped her at that moment. As Basil sucked her blood, his emotions swept through her like wildfire. Her entire body gripped him as she convulsed with pleasure.

Cora lost all sense of time and space…as well as the feeling in her fingers from gripping him so hard. Her body became boneless and it barely registered when Basil came then removed both fangs and cock from her body.

Basil wrapped his long arms around her. “Did I break you?”

“Uh, huh. But I’m still going to tell my cousin you couldn’t take my teasing.”

“Go ahead. It’ll just make the others more jealous of my mate. After all, if you can make a vampire king lose control, no one else has a chance.”

Cora gave a tired chuckle. “Mmm, there is that.”

“Go to sleep, my dear. Tomorrow we can decide what to name the baby.”

“Remind me to kill you tomorrow. Tonight I’m too tired to look for a stake. I’m not ready to have a baby.”

Basil kissed her on the cheek. “No one is ever ready to have a baby, my love. Some are just fooled into thinking they are.”

“Ah. Am I having a boy or a girl?” She should be angry—or distraught or…something—but with her body still boneless and her libido satisfied, she didn’t have the energy to push her husband off the bed. That didn’t stop her from mentally sending the idea his way.

“Not nice. I don’t know what we’re having, but it will be adorable because it will be part of you.”

“Hmmm. I’m still going to stake you in the morning, you sweet talker. Don’t forget to remind me.”

Basil cuddled her closer. “Of course, my dear. I’ll put it on your to-do list.”

“Good plan.”

Her husband’s soft laughter made her smile. Cora decided she might be in love with him after all.

“Of course you are, darling. I am the king.”

“So you keep telling me.”

She never heard his response as she released her worries for the future and let sleep take her away.

Coming Soon from Total-E-Bound Publishing:

Temporary Position

Scarlett Parrish

October 2011


Chapter One

Three months ago I attended a staff dinner dance too far from home to make for a comfortable, quick drive back. Besides which, I wanted to have a drink, so I opted to book a hotel room for the night. That way I could taxi back and fall into bed within minutes of leaving my work colleagues if I fancied.

I hadn’t had too much to drink—only a few glasses of wine, and white, at that. Even one glass of red was enough to send me loopy. I’d thought I was playing it safe. Cue a casual conversation with Sebastian, a suggestion that, as he and Tyler were carpooling, they could drive me back to wherever I was staying…

Before I knew it, I was in a car with the two best-looking Pearson’s employees in the region, desperately chanting to myself,
Don’t say anything stupid, Jess. Don’t say anything stupid.

Turned out Tyler—the
of his store no less—was the one to take that step. And he was the designated driver, stone cold sober.

After pulling up outside my hotel, he looked over his shoulder and smirked. “Here we are.”

“Yeah.” His smile was infectious—I couldn’t help returning it. “Here we are.” I’d not yet laid my hand on the door handle. It would have seemed rude to just hop out and go upstairs, but by the same token I had no idea how to wrap up the conversation.

“Would you think I was pulling rank if I mentioned a goodnight kiss?”

I knew I hadn’t had
much to drink, and alcohol always seemed to affect my balance and speech first of all, anyway. Not my hearing. Three glasses of white spread over the whole evening, with a meal and soft drinks, too… I definitely wasn’t tipsy enough for my ears to have stopped working. “I…what?”

“Jesus, Ty.” Sebastian, who worked in the same store as Tyler, as his menswear manager, play-punched him on the arm. “You’d take advantage of a drunk woman?”

“I’m not drunk.”

“See?” Tyler held up both his palms in a perfectly-executed gesture of innocence. “She’s not drunk.”

“Yes, because that’s exactly what a sober person would say.”

“Are you accusing me of…?” I began, but the look on Sebastian’s face halted me in my tracks. God damn it—I’d been talking to him all night and never seen him in that light before. The
light as it was, from some nearby lampposts and the neon sign of my hotel.

He was leaner than Tyler, but in no way less of a presence. There was a quiet intensity to him that I’d noticed during our conversation that evening, an ability to make me feel like the only woman in the room. It wasn’t that he’d stared at me while we conversed—that would have been too aggressive. But he’d paid attention and made me feel witty, urbane, like the sort of woman who stood a chance. I’d not had much to do with him up until now—we worked in different branches of Pearson’s—but this evening had thrown us together, almost like it was meant to happen.

Like it was planned.

A shaft of artificial light caught the contours of Sebastian’s face as his mouth widened into a teasing grin. I paid enough attention to him to see the silhouette of his eyelashes as he searched Tyler’s face for some reaction or other.

“Well, if it’s a goodnight kiss you’re after…”

Tyler’s head whipped around and he eyed me as I sat in the back seat, sitting erect but not moving. Not leaning any nearer to him.

“…don’t let me stop you two guys.”


“Well, you seem very close. Work in the same store, hang out together…”

“Hey, hey, come on. Ty’s my best mate but not…we’re not…”

I lifted my eyebrows and took the opportunity to stare Sebastian down. I made out just enough to keep my interest up and my nerves down. “No?”

“Fuck, no.”

“I would have thought… Two good-looking guys…” And my blood pressure inevitably rose a few notches. No, I hadn’t had much to do with either of these two guys professionally, but when our paths had crossed of
I’d noticed them. I was the fucking Visual Manager at a sister store. Clearly not blind, for God’s sake.

“Did you hear that?” Tyler laughed quietly. “At least she thinks we’re good-looking.”

“Good-looking and…” I looked from him to Sebastian and back again. “Work colleagues.”

“From another store,” he pointed out.

“Even so.”

“No goodnight kiss, then?” Sebastian asked, and I could have sworn he looked me down and up again in a flirtatious instant. “Damn it. Maybe me and Ty
have to…”

“Now that would be
hot.” The words were out before I could stop them and if we’d lingered in broad daylight, they would no doubt have laughed at the burn spreading across my cheeks. “I mean… Jesus, I’d better…” I groped for the door handle and missed.

“Come here.” He tilted his head, motioning for me to near him, and three glasses of wine, a few months of being single and sheer bloody curiosity and
made me.

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About the Author

Mikela Chase also writes under the name of Amber Kell. She enjoys playing with her two boys, spending time with her husband and avoiding housework of all types.

[email protected]

Mikela Q. Chase loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at
BOOK: Colour Me Undead
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