Collared by Wolves [The Haunt of the Wolves 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

BOOK: Collared by Wolves [The Haunt of the Wolves 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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The Haunt of the Wolves 1

Collared by Wolves

Natasha Talbot, an ordinary human wanting more out of life, ventures into a forest where a club is holding submissive trials, not knowing this is where werewolves practice BDSM.

While at the club Natasha is fought over by two lots of men. Griff Seamer is an alpha werewolf with a reputation for being a rogue. He doesn’t hesitate taking on Ford Chaplin, Max Holman, and Callum Lane, three beta wolves who formed a pack as a way of getting the submissive women at the club who normally prefer the alpha men.

During the fight Natasha becomes aware of their shifter natures and runs away. But is she more frightened by the BDSM or their animal aspects? Determined to try again, she returns a few nights later, but when she is kidnapped by a pack who like the darker side of BDSM her four men realize they have to work together to rescue her.

Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

35,084 words



The Haunt of the Wolves 1






Jennifer Denys










Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Ménage and More




Copyright © 2013 by Jennifer Denys

E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-425-2


First E-book Publication: March 2013


Cover design by Harris Channing

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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.




Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Collared by Wolves
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Amanda Hilton, Publisher




This is to all the writers of werewolf stories that stirred my imagination and left me wanting to write my own story!

Note to readers from author: This story is not intended to be a realistic portrayal of BDSM. Please be aware this is fictional BDSM only.


The Haunt of the Wolves 1



Copyright © 2013








You are invited to attend Submissive Trials

on Friday, 2
September, 7:30 p.m.

at The Haunt, off the old Deer Park Road, Spring Valley


Submissive Trials!
As Natasha Talbot reread the invitation that had appeared in her morning post, she felt desire rush through her body and her clit started to throb.

She suddenly had to sit down as her legs turned wobbly. This called to her deepest yearnings. It sounded so intriguing, so exciting, and it was something that she had really wanted to do for a couple of years now. But ordinary people like her who had average looks, with boring secretarial jobs, and who lived with their aunts despite being twenty-four didn’t do things like BDSM. They didn’t become submissives who surrendered to the will of a Dominant. They didn’t let another person whip them until they climaxed, or anything else similarly exciting that she had only read about before now.

“Oh, God.” A rush of wetness dampened her panties, and she had to clamp her legs together.

Natasha looked at the envelope again, but there was nothing on it to indicate who it was from, and neither had it gone through the postal system, so there was no stamp. It was just a plain white envelope. So whoever had left it had hand-delivered it. A shiver of fear went through her that someone not only knew where she lived, but also that she could be interested in this lifestyle.

Then she shook her head dismissively and threw the invite on the table. “Don’t be bloody stupid, Natasha. You’ve never told anyone, so how could they know?” No, it was just a leaflet drop.

She bit her lip. Even if it hadn’t been intended for her, she could fantasize about attending this event, which was only two weeks away. She had initially become aware of BDSM when she had read her first erotic romance about a girl who persuaded a friend to take her to a club not realizing the friend actually owned it.

Natasha chuckled. She was now a connoisseur of erotic romance stories, particularly the BDSM ones, and it was frequently the case that the hero secretly owned the venue. “It’s about time it was the heroine who did the subterfuge! Hmm. That’s an idea for a story.”

Sighing deeply, Natasha leaned forward resting her elbows on the table, cupping her face in her hands as her thick red hair fell about her shoulders. Not that she was interested in dominatrix stories herself. She preferred the females to be the submissive person in the book. After reading that original story, she had done some online research and had become absolutely fascinated with it, but also frightened, suspecting that she would have a major panic attack if someone tried to tie her up. At the same time, she was jealous of those women that could do it.

Picking up the leaflet, she looked again at the address and frowned. “Well, I know Spring Valley is about an hour from here, but the old Deer Park Road is a new one on me.” Spring Valley was a rather mysterious forested valley with a range of hills on one side called Hawk Ridge that no one ever ventured near. She’d heard tell that there were wild animals there.

She giggled. It was a tale told to children that anyone venturing inside the woods was never heard of again.

Shaking her head, amused by that myth, she noted the time. 7:30 p.m. It would be entirely possible to get home from her job working in an insurance firm on the date in question, have a quick bite to eat, get changed, and drive there.

Get changed. What on earth does one wear to submissive trials?
Natasha made a face. Would they expect basques and fishnet stockings? With four-inch heels? Maybe leather skirts and crop tops? Or would dress code be part of the induction? Were they expecting experienced subs or newbies?

Natasha looked again at the invitation and sat up straight, her heart pounding hard in her chest.

Newcomers welcome

This was clearly stated at the bottom corner of the card. She gasped. She could have sworn it hadn’t said that before.

Dress appropriately.

It was like all her queries were being answered. It must have said that before, but she just hadn’t read that far down.

“Anyhow, stupid girl, they don’t mean you. You can’t do this. You’re much too ordinary and shy, and besides which, whatever would Aunt Marjorie say?”

Do I have to tell her?
Her aunt was away that particular weekend as it happened.

Could she do it? She rose from the table and went over to the mirror, pushing her hair off her face with trembling fingers.

Can I?

Chapter One


The Shroud started to descend.


Griff Seamer could feel the compelling demand of what was commonly called “The Shroud” and instinctively fought against the sensation of something clamping against his mind, forcing him to accept its ultimatum.

He chuckled. He could feel the same automatic rejection of this primeval warning from others in the club. For that was what it was, a caution, but more than that, it was a compulsion to those in wolf form to turn back into their human selves instantly as the threat of human beings was close by.

Thankfully, Griff was already in his human guise, very tall, dark haired, olive skinned, and muscular. But he grinned at the howls of those who wanted to stay wolf. One couple in particular was close to climax judging by the speed at which the male was hammering into the bitch. “Bitch” in a wolf sense.

Griff’s grin turned into a grimace as he felt the Shroud pull even tighter, bringing those resisting it into compliance. He gritted his teeth and tried to let it wash over him, knowing there was no way anyone, let alone he with all his alpha strength, could resist it.

Abruptly the couple in question turned into two nude, sweaty humans, kneeling on the dusty floor. The woman’s face was close to the ground with her backside in the air as the man thrust his cock into her ass. He held a leash, which was attached to a collar around her neck, tightly within his teeth. As her claws turned back, her nails scraped against the wood.

Unfortunately, the change was so sudden that the man fell on top of the woman, who couldn’t hold herself upright, and they went sprawling in a heap. A cry of pain came from the female, partly from getting squashed beneath someone larger than her, and partly from the man being forced further into her rectum than he probably intended.

However, it was just in time. A girl stood in the doorway. A human girl. Griff turned to look at her and saw her face was transfixed by the sight of the naked couple rolling around on the floor.

BOOK: Collared by Wolves [The Haunt of the Wolves 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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