Cold Hard Cash: A Story of Erotica (4 page)

BOOK: Cold Hard Cash: A Story of Erotica
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Then, out of nowhere,
started chanting, “Cold! Hard! Cash! Cold! Hard! Cash!”

!” I hissed.

“Cold! Hard! Cash!” they chanted, grinning at me.

He shook his head, smiling, and headed our way. I ducked down a little, slightly embarrassed. I mean, he was probably the best looking guy I’d ever seen and he’d kissed me on the cheek and even groped me a little. Of course, he’d probably kissed—and groped—a lot of women, so I maybe I shouldn’t have felt that special.

“Hello, ladies,” he said with a slight Southern drawl.

“Hello, Cash,”
said and smiled at him. “Is that your real name?”

He shook his head, laughing a little. “It is. The cold and hard came later, after I started, you know… Dancing.”

“I like it,” she said and gave him a wink.

He grinned and glanced over at me, then back at her, then said, “Well, thank you.”

“Is that a Southern accent I detect?”
asked. “Not from Miami?”

“Actually, I from farther south,” he said and glanced at me again, then back at her. “South Carolina.”

We cracked up at his joke, laughing like little school girls. He was so funny. And cute. And hot. And sexy. And… Oh, good God, thank you for allowing us mere mortals to be in the presence of such a man. They do exist!

“Oh, South Carolina,”
said. “Whereabouts?”

“A little town just outside of Myrtle Beach,” he said.

“Myra and I took a few spring breaks there a few times, didn’t we, girl?”
said and smiled at him.

“We did,” I said and nodded.

“Oh?” he said. “Is that so?”

I nodded. “Yup. Couldn’t get too far from Georgia.”

“What part of Georgia?” he asked.

“Middle,” I said and refused to look him in the eye. Actually, I couldn’t even look at him. He was so cute, it made me nervous. Even though I was sure I was blushing, I didn’t want him to know I liked him. What sort of fool would I look like? I glanced down at my gigantic plate of food and pushed it away and said hurriedly, “I usually never eat this much.”

raised an eyebrow each at me.

He chuckled and said, “Don’t worry about it. It’s good food.” He paused. “I’ll tell you what will make it even better. It’s on me.” He motioned to the manager who nodded, then turned back to us. “Have a lovely evening, ladies,” he said and smiled as he turned to walk away.

and Myra!”
said and pointed at each of us.

He backed away laughing and nodded, then exited.

“He has to be the coolest guy in the world,” she said. “Is he not? Is he not the coolest guy in the world?”

“He is! He is!”
and I chimed in.

“Oh, how I wish I wasn’t engaged,”

“How I wish wasn’t married,”
said, then stared at me. “You know what, Myra? You should go for it. He’s cute and I could tell he digs you.”

“Are you serious?” I asked. “And how am I supposed to ‘go for it?’ Just walk up to him and ask him to sleep with me?”

“That’d work,”
said. “I would.”

nodded. “Me too.”

I shook my head. Yeah, I wanted to get laid but I didn’t want to act desperate. Was I desperate? I thought about it. I probably was. But not

“He’s a stripper,”
said. “Women do it to them all the time. It’s not like he’s never been approached like that before.”

“I don’t think I want to,” I said. “Sorry, but I just don’t. He’s cool and cute and all but… You know, I still have a little pride and I don’t like to beg.”

“If I were single,”
said. “I’d beg. For him, I’d beg.”

“Well, I’m not going to,” I said. “Come on. Let’s go.”

They shrugged and we left a tip on the table and left. Then
wanted to walk on the beach. We went across the street and walked in the surf, almost getting soaked from head to toe. Then we sat down on the sand near the water and fell back laughing. The waves gently lapped at our feet.

“We’re like a bunch of teenage girls,”
said. “What did they put in our drinks?”

said and propped herself up on her elbows then grimaced. “Oh, fuck! My stomach! I shouldn’t have eaten!”

“Oh, shit, you okay?” I asked and sat up.

“I’m fine,” she said. “I just need to lie down. You two stay here and I’ll see you back at the room.”

“You sure?” I asked.

She nodded and smiled, then grimaced. “I’m never eating again!” she yelled as she ran off.

“Poor thing,” I said and stared after her. “Maybe I should go see about her.”

“No, you stay,”
said. “I’ll see if she’s okay. Unless, of course, you want to come too?”

I stared out over the waves and felt so peaceful, I shook my head. “No, if you don’t mind, go on. I’ll be up in a little bit. If you need me, I have my cell.”

“Will do,”
said and followed
back to the hotel.

I sighed and lay back in the sand, loving the fact that I was here, in Miami. Was there any better place to be? I didn’t know but for a second I wanted to sell everything I had and move down here. It was just so addicting. But then I realized that I’d be alone as
were going back to San Fran and I had no relatives or friends here. I wasn’t so sure how much fun it would be when it was just me by myself.

“Nice out, isn’t it?”

I looked up to see Cold Hard Cash. I was so immersed in my thoughts I hadn’t noticed him standing there. He was barefoot and looking so cute and sexy it hurt a little. I had a hard time coming up with anything to say but finally managed to mumble, “Yeah, it is nice.”

“I walk on the beach every night,” he said. “I’m sort of an insomniac after a show. The adrenalin gets going and it takes a while to calm down.”

I nodded and sat up, brushing the sand off of me. “So, that was a good one, that show,” I said and shook my head. What was I saying? Was I still mumbling? Was I coherent? I didn’t know but he smiled and sat down beside me.

“Thanks,” he said. “We try. You girls here on a bachelorette party trip?”

“Huh? Us? Oh, no. Well,
, the blonde, is engaged but
is already married and me… Well, I’m single.” There I went again. Like I was telling him so he’d know I was available.
! What the hell was wrong with me?

“Cool,” he said. “I just thought that maybe you three were here because of that. We get a lot of bachelorette parties.”

“Never cared for them that much myself,” I said. “We threw
a shower, but that was it. She was ready to get the hell out of town and couldn’t be bothered.”

“Oh?” he asked.

I nodded. “She lives in San Francisco now. So does
. I’m the only one still on the East Coast.”

“It’s the best, though,” he said.

I laughed a little. “It is. I agree.”

“Cool,” he said. “You like Miami?”

“I do,” I said. “How did you get down here? From South Carolina, I mean?”

“I drove,” he said.

I stared at him and then we cracked up. “No, I mean, how… Never mind. I shouldn’t pry.”

“No, pry all you like,” he said. “I came down here to model—shocker, I know. And then that sort of petered out and I needed money and there was a show that hired me. And then, well, the rest is, as they say, history.”

“Cool,” I said and smiled at him. “By the way, it’s cool that you’re cool. I mean, you’re cool, not weird. Does that make sense? I mean, you’re, like, a normal guy. You’re cool. Cool.” I shook myself. How many times could I say “cool” in a sentence? Why didn’t I try to slip a few more in there?
! I was such an idiot.

“We all are, normal and cool,” he said. “This is just how we make our living.”

“I know,” I said, noticing how all of a sudden the alcohol really started kicking in. I was a little bit drunk, to say the least. “Just excuse me. I’ve had one too many martinis tonight. Not to mention fruity tropical drinks.”

He nodded and looked out over the waves and was about to say something when all of a sudden a huge wave came up to the shore and soaked us from head to toe.

“Oh, fuck!” I said and felt the sting of salt water in my eyes.

“I was about to say we were too close to the water,” he said and jumped up and then held out his hand to help me up.

I got up then stared down at the dress and shook my head. “
is gonna be pissed.”

“You borrow that?” he asked.

I nodded. “Unfortunately. Now I am up shit creek.”

“It still might be okay,” he said and held up the shoulder to get another look, then dropped it. “No, that dress is fucked.”

The dress was completely soaked and weighing me down. I wanted out of it as it felt kind of icky now. Sea water and sequins, they do not go together.

“Shit! I knew it!” I said. Then, for some reason—maybe it was all the liquor, maybe it was because I had on this super heavy dress that was now soaked with ocean water and smelled a little fishy—I sort of forgot he was there or didn’t give a shit and pulled the dress over my head and threw it on the sand. I glanced down at my body, noticing my panties and bra were soaked, too, and very uncomfortable. I glanced up at him, standing there, staring at me, and I suddenly felt so free. Free to do whatever I wanted to do. I grinned at him and unhooked my bra. Besides, I was pretty drunk so I didn’t really care what anybody thought at that moment.

“Don’t do that!” he yelled and held his hand up.

“You do it for a living!” I said. “I’m doing it now!”

“What is wrong with you?” he asked.

Nothing was wrong! Everything was fine! Sure, I wasn’t acting like myself but what was the big deal? I never got to act crazy and do stuff like this. I did everything by the book and I was sick of it. For tonight, I wanted to be that free person I knew was inside of me. I wanted her to come out and play. While I was feeling tipsy, the fact of the matter was that I wasn’t too drunk not to know what I was doing, but drunk enough not to care. Besides, I knew I probably wouldn’t be coming back here for a long time. So, why not? I wanted to see how far I could take this. Life was short and I needed to get some living in. This was my moment.

I threw my bra at him and held my arm over my breasts, grinning. I turned to the ocean which seemed to welcome me. Fuck it! I was going for it! I ran into the water, almost tripping in the waves and dove in. Salt water stung my eyes but I didn’t care. I was free! I’d never felt so free! I probably should have watched my alcoholic intake but oh, well! I turned to see Cold Hard Cash coming towards me, as if he were going to rescue me and I yelped, dove in and tried to swim away. But he grabbed me by the foot and pulled me to him. He forced me on my feet and grabbed onto my shoulders.

“You’re drunk,” he yelled over the surf. “You could drown! Come on!”

“I am not drunk!” I said, realizing that I was turned on from the show and definitely from him. “I’m happy!”

“Good for you!” he yelled. “Come on!”

And, in a fit of either temporary insanity, which I’d already aptly displayed, or in a fit of lust, which had been building since I laid eyes on him, I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him. And I mean
I half-expected him not to kiss back and he didn’t at first, as if me kissing him shocked him but then he did and he kissed back as if he were pleased I’d kissed him first. Sometimes a girl can make the first move. Especially in this case.

“Oh God,” I moaned, allowing the atmosphere and the lust in my body to take over. “Fuck me, Cold Hard Cash,” I moaned. “Fuck me.”

“You’re drunk,” he said, still kissing me.

Yeah, drunk with lust. “Come on,” I said and ran my lips over his again. “Let’s do it.”

“Are you sure?” he asked and pressed his body closer to mine.

“I am,” I moaned wanting it so badly I couldn’t think straight. And it had been a while for me. I needed sex and he was there. Why the fuck not?

He stared at me and nodded. “If that’s what you want.”

I didn’t answer. I pushed myself onto him and kissed him again, kissed him hard, ramming my tongue into his open and waiting mouth, allowing him to suck at it then offer me his to suck on and to play with. We ate at each other and my nipples rose up in need, needing to be toyed with, needing to be touched and suckled and pinched, just a little. And then he did. His big hands came up and cupped my bare breasts, squeezing them and then he pinched the nipples, a little harder than I expected but that just added to the intensity of the situation
. And the situation was that we were standing in the ocean. I was nearly naked and he was kissing me, playing with my nipples and I wanted more.

“Touch me down there,” I whispered in his ear and nibbled at his earlobe. “Between my legs. Touch me. Please, touch me.”

He complied and cupped me there, down there, squeezing me gently as his mouth found mine again and began to suck at my lips. He bent me back a little so that my hair was in the water, then pulled me back up. I jumped into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist and he walked us back to the beach and laid me down on the sand.

My hands were in his short hair, grabbing at it, pulling at it, then they went down his back, along his strong back. He rose up and pulled his soaking shirt off and threw it to the side. I grabbed onto his pants, slipping my hand inside them and found his cock. Oh, wow. He was hung. He was big and I mean
. I’d never felt one quite that large but it pleased me to no end. Sure, I had gotten an idea of how big it was at the show, but to see and touch it in real life was quite another thing entirely.

BOOK: Cold Hard Cash: A Story of Erotica
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