Read Club Ties Online

Authors: Mara McBain

Tags: #Romance

Club Ties (33 page)

BOOK: Club Ties
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“This is a special gift from the boss. She was his favorite plaything until she pissed him off. He wants to make sure she’s in this shipment and nobody sees her again.”

Eva froze at the words. Where were they sending her? What kind of shipment? Her head pounded. Why hadn’t he killed her?
You like to spread your legs for lowlifes?
The whispered question hissed in her memory, worming icy fear into her heart. What was he doing?
Killing you is too easy, you faithless whore.
She tried to force her mind to work. The word shipment kept tripping her up. Rocco owned strip clubs, night clubs, and a stable of street walkers.

“Don’t worry. We’ll send this one overseas where they like the American girls,” another voice said with a sinister chuckle.

Eva’s head spun. The bastard had sold her into a whole new kind of hell. Bile burned the back of her throat. A surge of panic fueled her struggles. Maybe if she was difficult enough, they’d just put a bullet in her. Suddenly she was falling. Light exploded behind closed lids as the back of her head cracked against the concrete, and then there was nothing.


Zeke’s knuckles were white on the door handle. Waiting had never been his forte. To watch an operation go down and be unable to contribute in anyway was killing him.

“I feel like a fucking five-year-old on time out,” Murphy muttered beside him.

Zeke didn’t argue the sentiment. Anxiety churned in his gut. Mox’s woman was in there. His son, who had risked everything to take out the bastard that had hurt Gin, was now depending on him to do the same. Glancing at his watch, Zeke scanned the perimeter. With the security Soriano had, he’d know the Feds were coming long before they hit the door. If Eva was still alive, the son-of-a-bitch would have ample time to finish her. He opened the car door.

“Think about what you’re doing,” Murphy said softly.

“I have. Stay here.”

Donovan met him before he made it ten yards.

“Get back in your vehicle, Zeke.”

“Just coming to talk to you, Cap.”

Donovan eyed him suspiciously.

“Do they have eyes on Soriano? He could kill her if they don’t take him by surprise.”

“As much as we don’t care for the alphabet boys, they do know what they’re doing. They’ve been tracking Soriano’s movements inside the house as best as they can. There’s no sign of the girl.”

“What about Constantine Chelios?”

“No sign of him either,” the Captain said patiently.

“Is it possible he left with Eva?”

“There has been no sign of either of them since this morning. Now, I know you’re worried about this girl, but you have to understand why you can’t be a part of this. I’m sticking my neck out letting you be here. Don’t screw me over on this, Zeke.”

Zeke sighed and looked toward the house again. He stroked his goatee, and nodded. As frustrated as Zeke got with the brass, Donovan was a decent guy that regularly went to bat for his detectives.

“I get it. Once the bastard and his men are clear of the house though?”

“Everyone knows your ties to the girl. When she’s found, one way or another, we’ll make sure you’re there.”


Zeke had to give it to the Feds. When they gave the order, the joint taskforce took Soriano’s house and grounds in a swarm. The deep boom of voices in the dark identified the intruders and barked orders, demanding instant compliance. Zeke tensed at the crack of gunfire, flashes of light breaking the night. His heart thudded as adrenalin pumped through his body. Murphy moved beside him, his hand on his side arm. The Boston brawler didn’t look any more comfortable being on the sidelines than he was.

He listened to Donovan get reports from their guys. Tension charged the air as he waited to hear some word of Eva. Minutes ticked by. The paramedics went in, and still nothing. Zeke ran a hand over his face, trying to keep a rein on his temper and concern alike. A slender form wrapped in an emergency blanket came down the drive with a female officer. Zeke shouldered past Donovan. As he got closer, the flood lights revealed a young woman of Asian heritage, Filipino perhaps. He drew in a breath and shaking his head, started toward the house.

Murphy and Donovan followed, but Kellen met them at the top of the drive.

“We found clothing in one of the upstairs suites that match what Eva Taylor was wearing when she left the hospital, but there is no sign of her. My men are still looking and I made a phone call to get dogs in to search the buildings and grounds. We’ve found a couple of nasty little hideaways so far. Soriano was into some kinky shit.”

“Was?” Zeke asked tightly.

Kellen turned as paramedics brought a gurney out. The Agent-in-Charge’s eyes narrowed on the occupant.

“Somehow, the son-of-a-bitch still had a pulse, but I’d bet my badge he won’t make it. I tapped three in his chest.”

Zeke lunged at the gurney with a roar. The paramedics scattered, but anticipating the move, Murphy and Donovan wrenched their enraged comrade back. His foot connected, nearly managing to capsize the stretcher anyway. Murphy took the bulk of Zeke’s weight as they crashed to the ground.

“Where the hell is she?” Zeke bellowed.

“He’s not conscious, Brawer,” the Captain said softly, reaching a hand down to help him up. “If she’s here, we will find her.”

“I’m putting you on a diet, partner,” Murphy groaned.

Ignoring Donovan’s outstretched hand, Zeke rolled to his feet and yanked Murphy up.

“Stop your complaining, pansy ass,” he grumbled, his icy gaze locked on the departing ambulance.

Kellen put a hand on Zeke’s arm. He held up a pacifying hand at the detective’s sharp look and gestured to the phone at his ear.

“They have a girl at the warehouse that matches Eva Taylor’s description. She’s unconscious and being transported to the hospital with several others right now.”

“Come on. I’ll let you play with the siren,” Donovan said, heading for the car.

Zeke snorted at his Captain’s wry humor and followed on his heels. The ambulance reached the gates and its wail echoed through the night as it cleared the other vehicles. Zeke’s finger tapped against his holster.
Three in the chest.
He glanced back at Kellen, and the agent met his eye. He smiled as if reading Zeke’s thoughts and said,

“Semper Fi.”


Chapter ~ 41


  Pulling the chair over next to the bed, Zeke settled down and stretched his long legs out. He studied Eva’s profile in the pseudo gloom that passed for nighttime in the hospital. Her youthful features were battered and bruised. The lips that seemed perpetually curved in a smile were split and swollen. He watched her chest rise and fall. Three of her ribs were broken. The doctor said she was lucky not to have punctured a lung. There was a certain sense of déjà vu to the scene as his heart recalled the brunette waiting for him at home.

Ginny’s voice had been husky with tears when he’d called to let her know Eva was alive. His bad ass bride had really taken to the girl. They’d bonded on a deep, emotional level from that first night. The similarities in Eva’s start with the club and his wife’s twenty odd years before made the hair on his nape stir. He let his head loll over the back of the chair. The passion in his son’s eyes when he spoke of the girl wasn’t lost on him either. How had he ever not known Mox was his? The big ox was so much like him it was scary. He prayed Eva could handle it. Mox would do anything for her. With great power comes great responsibility, and she had the ox by the tail.

He couldn’t picture where he’d be if Ginny hadn’t knocked on The Lantern’s back door all those years ago. Maybe one day, Mox would look back at the Thanksgiving ice storm in the same way. The right woman was a powerful gift. Zeke smiled. Some of his brothers had no clue what strength warmed their beds. Over the years, the old ladies had become a vital part of the Lords. He thought of the conversation he’d had with Murphy a couple of weeks ago. No, the women didn’t ride and couldn’t vote on club matters, but they held the family together.

The Lords were a dysfunctional bunch. Children of rape, abuse, and abandonment had found a home together. They each had their story, and yet within the group they were accepted as whole. Eva was a fine addition.

Zeke startled as a weight settled into his lap, but he knew who it was before he opened his eyes. Enfolding his old lady in his arms, he held her close, breathing in her scent. When he opened his weary eyes, they landed on his son standing on the opposite side of the bed. The fear and pain on his broad face struck a chord.

“She’s going to be okay, son,” he said softly.

The look Mox gave him begged Zeke to be right.

“Doc said three broken ribs, a fractured cheekbone, and a lot of bumps and bruises, but she’s tough and is going to make it. She’ll be glad you’re here. She called me Mox earlier. I’m not sure which of us should be more insulted.”

A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips, but he didn’t take his eyes off Eva.

“I need a cup of coffee. Let’s give them a couple of minutes,” Zeke suggested, shifting his wife to kiss her forehead.

“Coffee sounds wonderful,” she sighed, reluctant to leave the warm shelter of his arms. “What about Chelios?” she asked into his shoulder.

“Bullet through his forehead, courtesy of his boss it looks like.”

“And the asshole?”

“Soriano didn’t make it to the hospital, DOA.”

“My heart pumps piss-water for both of them,” Ginny mumbled around a yawn.

“I’m sure it does, baby. You’re full of empathy. Now your old man needs some caffeine before he gets real grouchy,” Zeke said, kissing her forehead again before he boosted her to her feet. He gave Mox a little nod as he herded his sleepy wife out of the room.


Mox moved around the bed and gratefully sank down in the chair his father had vacated. Eva’s hand felt tiny and chilled in his. The hospital bed seemed to swallow her up. Fear and anger roiled in his stomach. She moaned and shifted restlessly in her sleep. He leaned closer, stroking a lock of hair out of her face.

One eye opened and he held his breath. She blinked at him. Her hand came up and her fingers brushed over his cheek.

“It’s really you.”

“They don’t make angels this ugly,” he said with a small smile.

Her fingers fluttered over his ear, hovering near the place where the bullet had grazed his skull. He caught her hand and turned it to kiss the pulse point on the inside of her wrist. He squeezed her hand gently.

“I love you.”

“I love you too,” she whispered, her voice breaking.

He swallowed hard and slowly slid the engagement ring back on her finger. “Don’t ever leave me again.”

She shook her head, not sure if it was a promise or disbelief. Tears trickled over her battered cheeks.

“You still want me?”

“You have to ask that question?”

“I left.”

“And you’re never going to do anything that stupid again,” he said firmly.

“When we were lying there in the street with all that blood, I thought you were dead.”

“Even if I’m dead, my family will take care of you. It’s a promise each one us makes to our club brothers. Family is family. Those ties are forever.”

“What about Reaper?”

“He’s going to be okay. It’s hard to kill crazy.”

Eva closed her eyes, sending up a prayer of thanks. Lee’s screams still echoed in her ears. She worked her jaw for a moment, feeling the broken tooth scrape along her tongue. If she went back to Trinity Falls she’d always be looking over her shoulder. Every time they crossed the street, she’d be afraid. She turned the diamond on her finger.

“I’m sorry. I can’t do this,” she whispered, tugging on the ring.

Mox’s hand closed over hers, his grip threatening to crush her trembling fingers.


That one word hung between them. The muscle in his jaw twitched, and she couldn’t hold his gaze. She turned her head toward the window.

“I know you love me. You just admitted it. Things might not be perfect, but don’t give up on us without even giving it a shot,” he said, his voice a strained growl.

“It’s not that, Mox. I can’t live like that again. I can’t worry every time we cross the street together that you’re going to be gunned down. I love you too damn much. I love your family too much, all of them. What if next time its Ginny standing beside us or, God forbid, Kat and the baby? I couldn’t live with myself,” she said, a sob making her voice crack. She shook her head, trying to force words past the raw emotion in her throat.

“He’s dead,” Mox said, reaching down to tilt her chin up. He leaned over her bed, bringing his eyes down to her level. “The son-of-a-bitch is dead. The only bastard you have to deal with now is me.”

Eva’s arms closed around his neck, pulling him down to her until he sprawled awkwardly over the hospital bed. She choked on her sobs as she clung to him, and it took Mox a minute to realize she was laughing. He smiled and nuzzled her cheek and the beautiful dimple nestled there.

“Are you sure? You deserve so much better,” she whispered, but he shook his head and smiled down at her.

“You’re the one I don’t want to live without.” 




BOOK: Club Ties
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