Read Club Prive Book V Online

Authors: M. S. Parker

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult, #college, #Suspense, #Humorous, #Billionaire

Club Prive Book V (6 page)

BOOK: Club Prive Book V
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“You’re hurt.” My voice came out a little dazed. My head was still spinning from that kiss.

“And you’re naked.”

I looked up at Gavin and gave him a half-smile. “You just now noticed?”

His expression was serious, bringing me out of my lust-induced haze. Right. This wasn’t the time or place. He pulled off his shirt and held it out to me. I slipped into it. He was enough bigger than me that it actually covered everything important. In fact, it was longer than some dresses I’d seen.

“I meant what I said.” Gavin brushed his fingers along my cheekbone. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if he’d...” His eyes narrowed. “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

I wasn’t about to tell him what had happened before he’d arrived. Not now, anyway. I opened my mouth to lie, but the words died before they reached my lips.

Gavin let out a cry of pain and looked down. Howard smiled up at us as he yanked his knife out of Gavin’s calf, raising it to strike again. I kicked out, knocking Howard away, but he rolled with it this time and came up with his gun in hand.

“Move!” Gavin grabbed my hand even as I saw Howard raise the gun.

My legs obeyed before my mind processed what was happening. I let Gavin pull me out the door and we ran down the hall. I heard a muffled sound of a gunshot behind me. The room was soundproofed all right. We headed straight for the stairs. Howard was shouting after us as we disappeared through the door. Fear was sharp and metallic in the back of my throat, and the sound of blood rushing in my ears was almost deafening.

We ran into the main room and started to cut across. We were less than a third of the way across when Gavin stumbled for the first time. I grabbed his arm, trying to help him.

“Go,” he said.

I shook my head. “No.”

“Dammit,” he swore. “Carrie, please.”

His leg buckled as we reached the middle of the floor and his foot slid on the blood that had been trailing behind him. Howard’s knife had gone deep. I bent to try to help him up and heard the stairwell door slam open.

“Go!” Gavin shoved at my hand. He looked up at me, pleading. “Please.”

A gunshot echoed and I felt the air above me move. Howard was getting closer, and the next shot might not miss. But I couldn’t just leave Gavin to die. An idea – something completely and utterly insane – popped into my head. I stuck my hand in Gavin’s pocket, ignoring his questions and look of complete surprise. I grabbed what I wanted, then turned and ran.

I hit against the wall, jarring my hands and sending a jolt of pain up my injured thumb. I turned, praying that Howard would wait until he got closer to Gavin to do anything. Gavin pushed himself backwards, but didn’t try to get up. Without him saying a word, I knew it wasn’t because he couldn’t stand, but because he was trying to draw Howard’s attention away from me, giving me time to escape.

Fuck that.

“You son of a bitch.” Howard was breathless. He may have had the pretty movie-star face, but he clearly didn’t keep up with his cardio. “How dare you! I gave you everything!” He pointed his gun at Gavin as he moved closer.

Now Gavin pushed himself to his feet, the look on his face saying that he wasn’t about to let Howard shoot him on the ground.

Every inch of me was tense as I waited. Just a little more. I heard the click as Howard prepared to fire. No more waiting. I jammed Gavin’s key into the lock, turned it, and hit the button.

With a soft whirr, the gears beneath the floor began to turn and the floor started to move. I saw surprise flash across Gavin’s face, but his reaction was brief. Howard’s was not. He let out a sound I could only describe as a squawk and nearly tripped over his own feet trying to move away from the widening gap. Gavin didn’t even hesitate. His fist hit Howard square in the jaw, sending the older man reeling backwards. The floor had opened enough that Howard fell into the water beneath with a splash. His gun landed on the floor several feet away.

I breathed a sigh of relief and ran back out to the floor. I threw my arms around Gavin and pressed my face against his bare chest. I could feel his heartbeat and concentrated on that steady sound. His arms wrapped around me, his hands moving up and down my back, palms hot through his shirt. My body started to respond to his touch. Even after all I’d been through, he could still have that effect on me.

“Help!” A gurgling cry from the pool pulled our attention from each other to Howard.

He was thrashing around in the water, going under, then sputtering as he resurfaced. “I can’t swim!”

“Too bad.” Gavin’s words were hard.

I looked up at him. I had to admit, part of me wanted to leave him there. If Gavin and I ran outside and just left Howard to drown, we could tell the cops that we’d just kept going. But it would be murder, and we were better than that.

“We need to help him.” I reluctantly stepped away from Gavin and started towards the edge of the pool. “We’re not killers.”

Gavin walked with me, though the expression on his face clearly said that he wasn’t so sure.

“Besides,” I added, “I think Howard deserves to make friends with all of the nice guys in prison who have issues with people like him.”

Gavin reached down and grabbed the back of Howard’s shirt. He lifted the other man over the edge and tossed him to the floor.

“Thank you!” Howard gasped. He staggered to his feet, a grateful expression on his face. “You won’t regret it. I’ll make sure it’s worth your while.” He started blabbering.

Apparently he hadn’t heard what I’d said about him making new friends in jail.

“I have plenty of money. I can make you each a full partner.”

I looked at Gavin and saw my own incredulity on his face. Was Howard serious? Did he think that saving his life meant we were going to let him go? That his money could pay us off?

“No hard feelings.” He held out a hand.

That was it. I took two steps forward and kicked him squarely between the legs. He dropped to his knees, mouth opening and closing, but no sound coming out. I swung my already damaged right hand and hit him as hard as I could, straight on the jaw. He fell to the floor, eyes rolling up. The dull throbbing in my hand and foot were overshadowed by the extreme satisfaction I felt with the damage I’d inflicted.

I turned towards Gavin and found him staring at me with wide eyes. “Guess I should never piss you off.”

I smiled. “That’s probably a good idea.”

Chapter 9

ou call the cops while I call the airport.”

I gave Gavin a puzzled look. “The airport?”

His expression was grim. “I’m taking a little trip to the Middle East.”

I took a step towards him and put my hand on his arm. “You have a name. You have evidence. Let the authorities handle it.”

“He killed Camille.”

The pain in Gavin’s eyes made my heart hurt. I reached up and put my hand on his cheek. “I know he did, but if you go after him, you could lose everything.” I could see the war of emotions playing across Gavin’s face. I added, “That man took one parent from your daughter. Don’t let him take another.”

He closed his eyes and slowly let out a breath. “You’re right,” he said. He reached out and pulled me to him.

I stayed there for a moment, letting myself soak in the feelings of safety and security. I wanted to just stay there, but unfortunately, Gavin needed a doctor and Howard needed the cops. I took a step back, but slid my arm around Gavin’s waist. “Let’s get you sitting down. You’re bleeding all over the place.”

I helped him over to a chair and then did all the things that you don’t usually see the heroes do in a movie. Usually, the scene just cuts from them saving the day to the cops being there and taking the bad guys into custody – or body bags, depending on the film. Now I knew that in that in-between time, the heroes had other things to do. While Gavin made the call to the cops, I picked up Howard’s gun and fished his knife out of his pocket. He was still out.

I put the gun and knife within arm’s reach of Gavin, then ran upstairs to the room and retrieved a pair of handcuffs. They may have been lined with pink fuzz, but they were good enough to cuff Howard around the base of a table. Since the table was bolted to the floor, I felt pretty safe in assuming he wouldn’t be getting away any time soon.

Once I finished all of that, I returned to attend to Gavin. He’d pressed some napkins against both of his cuts, but they were already soaking through. I went back behind the bar and found some towels that I was able to tie around his wounds. They would do until the paramedics showed up. With that done, I started to sit in the chair next to him, but he grabbed me around the waist and pulled me onto his lap. I wasn’t going to complain, though I did make sure most of my weight was on his uninjured leg. Granted, the cut was in his calf, but it was propped up and I didn’t want to put any extra stress on it. It was a bit awkward, but I didn’t mind. I leaned back against him and wrapped his arms around my waist.

“First thing tomorrow, I’m calling my contractor to come in and tear down that room.”

His words surprised me. I tilted my head back to look at him. The angle was awkward, but I didn’t want to sit up. “Why?”

Now he looked surprised. “You were assaulted in that room. Almost raped and murdered. Why would I want to keep it?”

I gave him a half-smile. “But I also have some good memories in there too.” I did shift this time, moving so that I was leaning on my side rather than back. It was easier to look at him then. And touch him. I put my hand on his chest. “Or have you forgotten?”

Gavin put his hand on the back of my neck and pulled me towards him for a kiss. When his tongue teased at my lips, I opened my mouth eagerly. My hand slid down his abdomen, feeling those strong muscles tighten under my touch.

He broke the kiss and pressed his forehead against mine. “I remember every detail of that night and the next morning. I couldn’t believe I could feel that way again.”

A thrill went through me. “Besides,” I added. “What’s a sex club without a private room?”

His expression sobered. “That’s another thing. I think I should turn it into a regular club.”

I understood what he was thinking along those lines. Howard had used the club as a front for his sex-trafficking business. Keeping it as it was just seemed wrong somehow, but I had an idea. “There are tons of regular clubs in Manhattan. Why don’t you just tweak it a bit?” He raised an eyebrow in question. “How about a burlesque club for both men and women? A place where singles and couples could come together.”

“That’s a possibility,” he said slowly.

“Maybe I could even help you run it.” I grinned. “And maybe you should keep that room upstairs for just two very exclusive members.”

He blinked, as if my suggestion startled him.

“After all,” I teased. “What better place to introduce me to all of those pleasures you’ve told me that your world holds.”

He kissed me again, his hand sliding up my thigh and under his shirt. I’d forgotten that I wasn’t wearing anything under it. The heat of his palm as it ran over my ass reminded me. It was tempting to lose myself in the kiss, to let my body respond to his touch the way it wanted to, but a comment he’d made earlier had wormed its way back into my mind and I needed an answer. Reluctantly, I broke the kiss.

“Back in the room,” I started. He tensed. “You said you’d found information on the missing women.”

“I did.” Now he just looked confused.

“Do you remember anything about a girl named Patricia Vinarisky?” I almost didn’t want to ask. It seemed like too much to hope for, to find her. “Do you remember if she was still alive?”

Gavin thought for a moment. “There were so many names, I can’t remember if she was one of them. But the files are all in the office.” He handed me his keycard. “Go look. I’ll keep an eye on Howard.”

I took the keycard, kissed Gavin’s cheek, and ran up to the office. The files were easy enough to find. He’d left them in a stack on the desk. I shuffled through them, my anger towards Howard returning as I saw just how many lives he’d ruined. Halfway down, I found it. I opened it eagerly, hoping to find a statement that she was alive, but that information wasn’t in there. What was in the file was confirmation that Patricia had been delivered to the mansion of a rich sheik in Saudi Arabia over a year and a half ago. That was a long time, but I had to believe that she was alive. If she had half the fortitude of her father, she would have survived.

We’d be giving the files to the authorities, but I couldn’t make Mr. Vinarisky wait any longer, not when I had something. I knew that the DA’s office would be pissed if they found out I did this, but after what I’d just been through, a couple of angry lawyers just didn’t seem that scary.

I picked up the phone, then realized that I didn’t have the number. The computer was on, so it didn’t take long to do a quick search and find it. Frank answered on the second ring.


“Mr. Vinarisky? I don’t know if you remember me, but my name’s Carrie Summers.”

“You were that lawyer who called looking for my daughter.” His voice immediately hardened. “I still don’t know where she is.”

“I do.” I blurted out the words, hoping he wouldn’t hang up before he heard them.

Silence, then: “Say that again.”

“I know where your daughter is, Mr. Vinarisky.” I could hear the wail of sirens and knew I didn’t have much time. “She’s just outside of Medina in Saudi Arabia. She was sold to a local millionaire twenty months ago. I don’t know any more than that. The authorities will have this information in just a few minutes, but she’s not the only one.”

“Wait – wait, what are you talking about?”

I didn’t blame him for sounding so blindsided, but I couldn’t take the time to explain. I told him the name of the man who had bought Patricia and added, “I’m sorry I don’t have anything else, but I couldn’t not tell you.”

“Where are you getting all this from?”

I didn’t answer his question or wait for a thank you. I didn’t have the time. I hung up and picked up the stack of files. As an officer of the court – or at least an almost one – I knew that I should leave the files here for CSU to find, but I couldn’t, in all good conscience, make these women and their families wait one minute longer than necessary. I took the files downstairs, arriving at Gavin’s side just as the first officers entered.

BOOK: Club Prive Book V
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