Club de Fleurs 2: Sadie [Club de Fleurs 2] (Siren Publishing Menage and More) (9 page)

BOOK: Club de Fleurs 2: Sadie [Club de Fleurs 2] (Siren Publishing Menage and More)
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“I’m going to start the Jacuzzi for you. It will help with any soreness you are experiencing, and help loosen any stiff muscles.”

“Thank you, Master. I feel stiff and sore all over, but it’s a good feeling.” She giggled again. He loved her giggle.

Dave helped Sadie into the tub and thoroughly washed every inch of her, paying special attention to the area between her legs. Sadie didn’t think she could come again after all she had been through last night, but as Dave carefully and gently washed her, she felt the familiar stirring. “Please, Master, please. I need…” She spoke softly.

“Yes, girl, your Master will take care of you.” Leaning her against the back of the tub, he moved in front of her and raised her legs to his shoulders. He took her clit in his mouth and gently sucked and licked until she came, screaming his name.

Moving around, he lifted her into his lap and held her until she calmed down. “Okay, girl, time to get out. I’m getting all pruny.” He laughed, lifting up one foot.

Sadie giggled, and let him help her from the tub and dry her off. She was stiff and a little sore, but she had been worse. Walking with Dave, they went in the bedroom to get dressed. Dave gave her a sundress to put on and no underwear.

They walked into the living room to find Evan sitting there with a bag of doughnuts and drinking coffee. He stood, and walked to Sadie pulling her into his arms, kissing her thoroughly and slipping his hand beneath her dress. “Very nice, just the way I like it. Good morning sunshine,” he said, releasing her. He had been up all night thinking. He wasn’t sure what had been bothering him last night, but this morning it was gone and all he could think of was being with Sadie again, and if she wanted Dave too, that was something he could work with. They would figure it out together.

Maybe their relationship wasn’t the most conventional one, but if it worked for them who cared. Happiness was what mattered, not what the rest of the world thought.

The three of them were happy and no one was going to change that.

Sadie relaxed, seeing Evan. She had been worried about where he was, but all seemed okay. He had probably just left early to get some doughnuts and give her some time alone with Dave.

Dave got coffee for himself and Sadie and they all sat on the couch. Eating and drinking, they sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes.

Dave got up and refilled all their coffee cups. “We need to talk about this meeting,” he told Evan and Sadie.

They sat and talked for several minutes. Evan explained what he thought would happen and Dave interjected as necessary. Sadie took it all in, having no experience, she asked questions occasionally, but mostly just listened.

When it was time they went to Dave’s office where the meeting would be conducted. After several minutes of “who’s got the bigger balls” and posturing on both sides, Sadie finally broke the tension by threatening to leave if they couldn’t do anything productive. Both sides calmed down and the meeting finally got underway.

It was decided that the DEA would rent Sadie’s condo and conduct their operation from there. Evan would arrange to have everything she didn’t immediately need packed up and moved into storage for the time being while Sadie decided if she wanted to stay there after the operation was completed, or find another place.

Dave hoped she would decide to move in with him, but knew it was too soon to ask. The lease for the condo was originally set for six months, but could be terminated early or extended if the need be.

The meeting lasted for a couple hours and Sadie was exhausted by the end of it. She needed a nap and then she needed to decide what she was going to do. She wasn’t sure she was comfortable moving in with Dave or Evan on a semi-permanent basis, but was afraid to stay with friends or her sisters for fear of them getting hurt. Her head hurt so bad from the tension, she just went to bed. As Scarlett said in
Gone with the Wind
, “I’ll think about that tomorrow.”

Sadie woke several hours later alone and hungry. Getting up, she wandered into the kitchen to find something to eat. The suite was quiet and she didn’t see Dave or Evan anywhere. That was good, it gave her a chance to think. She needed to decide what to do, where she was going to stay and what to do about her painting and her job.

She curled up in a chair in the living room with her snack and considered her options. She hadn’t really made any decisions when Dave and Evan walked in. Startled, she jumped and almost spilled her drink in her lap.

“Where were you, girl? You looked deep in thought,” Dave asked as he leaned down to kiss her.

“Just thinking about the future and what I should do for the next few months, but I didn’t get very far. What have you boys been up to?”

“You’ll find out later, we have some evil plans for you, but not tonight. Tonight I think we will order in pizza and watch a few movies. How does that sound?” Evan answered her as he leaned down for his kiss.

“Perfect,” Sadie answered. She really did need a quiet night after the past couple days. “Just perfect.”

The three enjoyed the movies and pizza, and later in the evening Dave popped some popcorn. Sitting on the sofa, her head in Dave’s lap and feet in Evan’s, Sadie was comfortable and relaxed. Too soon the evening was over and the trio went to bed.

Sadie slept well and woke late. She wasn’t scheduled to work at the gallery until later that day, but decided to take the day off. She needed to go to her condo and get some of her things before Evan and his crew packed them all up. She also needed to move her car to the club until she decided what to do. She knew she shouldn’t keep putting it off, but it was so comfortable staying with Dave and Evan that she really didn’t want to move. Maybe she didn’t have to.

Chapter Eight


Dave broke through her musing by coming in the room with a cup of coffee. “Morning beautiful, did you sleep well.”

“Perfect, Master,” she answered. “Can we talk?”

“Sure, girl. What’s up?”

“I need to go to my condo and get some things, and I will need to work later this week,” she said in a rush, afraid he would say no to both.

“No problem, after you get up and get around Evan and I will take you and you can decide what you need and what you want to do with the rest of your stuff. The DEA would like to move in next week, so we need to get this done.”

“Next week, I’m not sure I can get packed and the place cleaned by that time,” she said, chewing her bottom lip.

“Don’t worry about it. You just need to decide what you want to do with your things, and Evan and I will take care of the rest,” Dave answered her, pulling her into his arms for a kiss. “Right now I need my morning kiss.”

I guess that was the end of that, she thought as she gave herself up to the kiss.

As promised, Dave and Evan took her to the condo and she got what she needed and gave instructions for the rest to be put in storage.

Dave promised to find her a room at the club to paint or if there was nothing that was suitable for her, he told her they could rent a studio for her to use. She worried about the expense, but Dave and Evan both assured her that the DEA would cover it, not telling her they would if the DEA didn’t.

Sadie settled her things into Dave’s suite, just for the time being, she told herself, promising that it was just temporary.

When Sadie told him it was just temporary, he just smiled at her. Yeah, right, he thought, but wasn’t going to start an argument.

Things settled into a routine after that. Either Dave or Evan was with her all the time except when she was at work. At first they insisted on staying with her, but then she pointed out that the gallery had its own security. They relented after making sure the security for the gallery was completely briefed. They still insisted on dropping her off and picking her up though. They had moved her car from the condo to the club, but she wasn’t allowed to drive it alone. Talk about overprotective.

Chapter Nine


Sadie was happy and even though part of her still thought she should be looking for a place to stay, she was very content where she was. Both men spent every night with her and the sex and play was great. She was worn out most of the time, and the guys could come up with some very inventive play and punishments.

She still needed to talk to the men about the incident in her past. They had both been encouraging her to make an appointment with a counselor, worried that she would check out again.

One evening she sat the men down and told them her story. “I want to tell you about what happened to me when I was a child. I was ten or eleven, old enough that I was not immediately missed. One day I was playing in the attic and I accidentally got locked in an old trunk. The lid was too heavy for me to lift and I was in there for several hours. I wasn’t hurt, but I was very scared and got hungry and thirsty. I thought I was never going to get out of there and was very scared. I cried and screamed for help but no one heard me. When someone finally missed me it took a while to search the house and find me. Ever since then when I get stressed or overwhelmed I go back to that silent dark place.” She was crying when she finished remembering the hours she spent in the trunk.

After she finished telling her story, the men took her in their arms and held her until she was calm again. They were both sympathetic and promised to do whatever she needed to help her get over her fears. She promised to make an appointment with the counselor Evan’s friend had recommended the next day and they let the matter go.

None of the rooms at the club had been suitable for painting, they were all too dark, so the guys had helped her find a studio to rent. She went there several times a week to paint, but usually didn’t accomplish much as she was never left alone. Today she was going to try and convince them to let her have some alone time. She had almost forgotten about the threat her neighbors had made, she hadn’t heard anything for several weeks and according to the information Evan had the DEA was getting closer to the drug dealers now that they had moved into her apartment. She wasn’t as worried now and let her guard down a little.

Dave took her to the studio that day and she finally got some alone time by convincing him to go and get them a couple smoothies from across town. Dave agreed and Sadie had some time to herself for the first time in weeks.

Knowing she should be painting, but not really in the mood any more, she decided to go outside and find a bench to sit on until Dave returned, which shouldn’t be long.

Luckily there was an unoccupied bench right outside her studio, and she sat enjoying the beautiful day and the people around her. Sadie had always enjoyed people watching, trying to figure out family dynamics.

A group of several people walked by, one pushing a baby carriage, and she tried to determine the relationship of the group. Were they just a bunch of friends on an outing
or was it a family enjoying a day in the city?

She heard the sound of glass shattering and turned to see someone breaking the glass on her studio door. For a second she couldn’t believe that someone would have the nerve to attempt a break-in in the middle of the day with all these people around, then reaction set in and she got mad. She jumped up to confront the person, when a hand on her arm stopped her.

“Ms. Sanders, I’m from the DEA. We will take care of it. I want you to go and sit in my car until we have the situation under control. Where are your friends, you usually have someone with you?”

“He went for smoothies, he’ll be back. Shouldn’t we see what is happening in my studio?”

“My partner is taking care of that. I’m going to check on him. You stay here,” and he closed the door, shutting her in the car.

Sadie stared out the window, trying to see what was going on, but a crowd had formed and it was difficult to see. Finally she saw Dave pull up behind her and grabbed for the door handle to get out. But there weren’t any handles on the inside of the door, and the windows were electric and the car had to be running to operate them. She started beating on the window and yelling, trying to get Dave’s attention.

Dave pulled up in front of Sadie’s studio and wondered what was going on. There was a large crowd and he didn’t see Sadie anywhere. Getting out of the car, he started toward the building when he heard pounding and screaming. Seeing Sadie in the back of a dark car, he sprinted toward it. Just as he reached down to open the door, someone hit him in the back of the head and he blacked out.

He came to in a dark room, tape over his mouth, with his hands and ankles tied to a chair. Once his eyes adjusted to the lack of light, he saw Sadie across the room, in a similar situation.

Only there was a man standing to the side of Sadie, and he was rubbing a gun across her cheek and forehead. He was saying something to her, but Dave couldn’t make it out. What the hell was going on? He didn’t want the asshole to know he was awake so he stayed quiet and tried to move as little as possible. He had to figure a way out of this.

Without her knowledge, he and Evan had made sure there were tracking devices in all of Sadie’s clothes, so Evan should be on the way with help by now, he hoped. He didn’t know how long he’d been unconscious or where they were, God he hoped Evan was on the way. He didn’t see any other way out of this right now unless the jerks fucked up somehow.

He couldn’t make out the man’s face, the jerk stayed in the shadows, but he could tell Sadie was crying. God, she must be scared to death. He had to figure a way out of this. Sadie looked his way and he tried to send reassuring thoughts her way with his eyes, but couldn’t tell if she could read him through all her tears.

The jerk turned his way and he quickly slumped in his chair, wanting his captor to think he was still unconscious. He heard footsteps and he was jerked up by his hair. Biting his tongue, he willed himself to stay still and not respond. He could smell the asshole’s fetid breath as he leaned down in Dave’s face and shook him, trying to determine if Dave was awake or not.

After what seemed like several minutes, but was probably only a few seconds, Dave was let go and the jerk walked back to Sadie. Letting his head slump again .Dave tried to look around to determine if there were any others in the room or if it was just the one man that had taken them. Where the fuck was Evan and help? How long had they been missing? Maybe Evan didn’t even know they were missing.

BOOK: Club de Fleurs 2: Sadie [Club de Fleurs 2] (Siren Publishing Menage and More)
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