Read Christmas Killing Online

Authors: Chrissie Loveday

Christmas Killing (9 page)

BOOK: Christmas Killing
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‘A few ideas. I say, was your mother a teacher?’

‘My mother? No, certainly not.’ She laughed uneasily. ‘Whatever made you think that?’

‘Nothing really. I used to have a lady called Mrs Pringle who taught me.’

‘Well it was nothing to do with me. Besides Pringle ... oh never mind.’

‘I suppose you’d rather not elaborate?’

‘Certainly not.’ They had by now reached her office.

‘What were you about to say? Back along the corridor there.’

‘Nothing. I wasn’t thinking. Forget it please.’

‘Very well. For now at least. Now then, Mr Pryce’s address please? And his daughter’s phone number.’ Miss Pringle looked in her files.

‘It is definitely ninety-seven according to this. South Street.’

‘Haven’t you sent him any letters there?’

‘Evidently not. He has a pay packet on Fridays and this really is his only address. His daughter’s phone number you wanted?’ He nodded and she gave it to him.

‘Right, I’ll give her a call and ask for her address. Thanks.’

The two detectives left and went out to their car. Ray dialled Matti’s number and sat waiting for someone to answer. At last, amidst a cacophony of other noises, he heard her faint ‘hello’.

‘Is that Matti?’ he asked.

‘Sorry can’t really hear you. Who is it?’

‘Detective Chief Inspector Ray Jones.’

‘Sorry, it’s much too noisy here. Can you call back later?’

‘Where are you?’

‘At the Christmas fair. Speak later.’ And she switched off her phone.

‘Bloody brilliant. She’s at the fair.’

‘Do you want to go and look for her?’

‘Not much point. We’d probably never find her. No, we’ll have to try again later. Might as well go back to the office now. I’ve got a feeling in my bones we need to look at Bert and his brother again.’

‘You may be right. If it isn’t either of them, we’re left with Miss Pringle!’

Ray stared at his companion.

‘You don’t mean that?’

‘I was joking. But think about it. She’s a miss, nearing middle age. Possibly she’s bitter about something or other.’

‘Good lord. You do surprise me. Who else have you got in your sights?’

‘The girl from the flat, Marie. She was always very calm about her mate being done in.’

‘Possible I suppose. Anyone else?’

‘Well there’s always Kevin Riley but he seems to have gone out of the main picture now.’

‘Know something? I’m glad I don’t have your mind, Ted. You’ll be blaming me next.’

‘What exactly were doing last Wednesday afternoon?’

‘I have no idea whatsoever.’

‘And you expect everyone else to know? Everyone else needs a perfect alibi but you haven’t even got a shred. It could have been you.’

‘Now you are being ridiculous. The Vicar with the meat cleaver in the pantry. Could have been him.’

‘Interesting thought, though.’

‘What the vicar and meat cleaver?’

‘Not exactly. But Miss Pringle. There’s a thought.’



Chapter Ten


Ray kept trying to call Matti but without success. It was around five o’clock before he finally reached her.

‘I understand you’re going back to work tomorrow. Is that right?’

‘Yes. Me and my friend are going in as a twosome.’

‘Good. Well, be observant at all times and don’t ever be left alone.’

‘Blimey. You must be worried. Am I being daft doing it?’

‘No, I don’t think so. I’ll put in one of my officers to watch out for anything so don’t worry. I wondered if you could help me. I need to speak to your father. He wasn’t in work today and I tried to call and see him but your address is different. Well, non-existent.’

‘How d’ya mean?’

‘The records at Foredyce’s suggest you live at ninety-seven South Street and that doesn’t exist. The numbers stop at ninety-three.’

‘Me Dad doesn’t like people calling. He gave the wrong address to that Miss Pringle. Nosy old cow.’

‘So where do you live?’

‘Sorry, this line’s breaking up,’ she said making stupid noises in her throat. He could have sworn he heard her giggling before she switched it off.

‘Damn you girl.’ He dialled the number again but he got voice mail. ‘Now why are you so intent on keeping your home address hidden?’ he murmured. He dialled Miss Pringle’s office.

‘Can you do me a favour?’ he asked once he’d reached her. ‘Suggest you can’t pay either of them with cash and say you need their address to post their money to them.’

‘Very well. I doubt it will go down very well but I can try. You’re no nearer to solving the crimes?’

‘I’m afraid not. Many thanks. Oh, I shall be posting one of our officers around the store when the Grotto opens again. Let’s hope it helps. Goodbye then.’

‘Goodbye. And thanks.’

Ray put his phone down and looked at his computer.

‘I’m wondering more about Miss Pringle. Do you really think she could be capable?’

‘Who can tell?’

‘She was definitely uncomfortable when we were in the corridor. As if she was going to tell us something and then gave up. I’ll talk some more about my teacher. See what comes out of it.’

‘I doubt she is guilty. She’s much too respectable. Anything you need me to do? Cos if not, I’ve got a heap of outdated papers to look at.’

‘No, you get on with it. Need to keep up with the papers to keep them upstairs happy.’

Ray sat back and thought about the case. Ted had put forward his list of people who could be guilty. Himself, he favoured Bert and possibly his brother Dickie. The latter certainly had a grudge against the store that he knew about. Bert, well he did seem an altogether dodgy character. They had suspected him when his own daughter had been put as the replacement elf. Obviously, he was someone they definitely needed to see again. With a brief sigh, he settled down to do some paperwork that had been piling up.

‘Okay if I go now?’ asked Ted just after six.

‘Sure thing. Tomorrow, we’ll make a start at the shop and see if Bert has come in. I’d like to be on-site anyway. Make sure all goes well with the re-opening of the famous Grotto.’


The next morning, they drove to the store and parked. A whole load of new signs were hanging around the entrance.


Inside, there were lots more small signs and arrows pointing the way towards the Grotto. Already, a crowd was gathering, mostly mums and their little ones. Ray saw Geoffrey Foredyce among the crowds, talking to his customers and looking very smiley. Miss Pringle was also hovering around. She had spent a lot of time yesterday overseeing the cleaners and making sure it was all pristine and ready for the little ones to go in and see Santa.

‘Ah, Detective Chief Inspector, Sergeant, nice to see you here. I assume you haven’t come to sit on Santa’s knee?’ This was followed by a series of chortles which Ray found most embarrassing and rather out of place from Miss Pringle.

‘Just wanted to make sure all was well. I see you managed to find another Santa.’

‘He’s one of our other internal staff. Wasn’t all that willing but a few extra pounds and he’ll be fine. Now, is there anything else you need from me?’

‘I’ll be up to see you later. Will you be in your office?’

‘Oh yes. I have a lot of work to finish. Unless you need anything now?’

‘No I don’t think so. As long as all is well here. We’ll go and see if Bert is here at work today. Or perhaps you’ll know?’

‘I’m afraid not. I’m not quite sure why but he’s not turned up again. His daughter’s here though. Matti, come here for a minute,’ she called to the elf.

‘What d’ya want?’ she asked rudely. ‘Only I’m sticking close by my friend. Don’t wanna leave her on her own.’

‘Where’s your Dad?’ Ray asked without preamble.

‘Dunno. Ain’t he in? Downstairs is where he usually is.’

‘Evidently not. Did you see him this morning?’

‘Nah. I was up and out of the ‘ouse early and didn’t even look for him.’

‘And where is that house?’

‘Look in my Dad’s file. It’s in there. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m needed back there.’ She turned and scuttled back to her friend.

‘Very helpful, I’m sure. I’ll leave it to you Miss Pringle. Perhaps you could let me know when you find out their address. Come on Ted. I don’t think there’s much else we can do here.’

They strolled through the store and went to the handbag department. The Detective looked at the two girls, Daphne and Marie and watched them working or rather, standing around pretending to look busy. Marie nudged her friend when she saw the two officers and they whispered something before they moved towards them.

‘Hallo officers. Can I interest you in one of our handbags? A nice present for your wife?’

‘I don’t think so, thank you,’ Ray said.

‘Any news yet?’

‘Not yet. We’re pursuing our inquiries. Have you had any thoughts? Either of you?’ ‘No, nothing at all. We have been thinking about it all. How terrible it’s all been. What with Jimmy getting murdered too. I understand he was stabbed? Is that right?’

‘It is, yes.’

‘So, two different methods of murders. Carried out by the same person do you think?’

‘As I said, we’re pursuing our inquiries.’

Daphne was looking very upset and near to tears. Perhaps she was the sort of person who did cry a lot. Marie scolded her and told her not to take on so.

‘I’m sorry. It is awful what happened to both of them. I can’t help but be upset.’

‘Excuse me but I think you may have a customer,’ Ted interrupted.

‘Oh goodness. Sorry. Yes Madam, can I help you?’ Marie had slipped into selling mode. Daphne stood close to the two men looking very miserable.

‘I don’t know how she can do it. Keep going so easily, I mean. I’m not saying she wasn’t upset but I haven’t seen her crying at all. Mind you, I’ve probably cried enough for everyone.’

‘Everyone’s different.’

‘Can I talk to you? Privately I mean. Sort of off the record.’

‘Of course. Is there somewhere we can go to?’

‘You could come to the canteen. There’s sure to be somewhere there.’

‘Do you have a break due?’ asked Ted. ‘Only we wouldn’t want you to get into trouble.’

‘I can go in five minutes. If you go up there first, no-one will know I’m talking to you.’

‘Very well.’ Ray and Ted left the department and went to look for the canteen. ‘Rather mysterious isn’t she?’

‘I suppose she is a bit. Wonder what she’s worried about?’ They saw a door with a notice
and pushed it open. It was the canteen. ‘We’d better wait here for Daphne to come.’

They stood awkwardly close to the door and nodded at various people coming and going.

‘Let’s go in. We can talk to the staff again. There was one woman we spoke to before who’d seen Jimmy before he was murdered. Madge I think her name was.’ They went in and ordered two coffees. ‘Is Madge around?’

‘Fraid not. It’s her day off.’

‘Can I have one of those bun things please,’ Ray asked. ‘You want something Ted?’

‘I’ll have a sausage roll. They look good.’

‘Right you are. That’ll be two pounds fifty.’

‘Amazing prices here. Two coffees and two cakes. Perhaps we should come and eat here every day.’

‘You’d have to get taken on in the company to get these prices.’

‘Thanks,’ he said with a laugh. ‘Let’s go and sit over there in the corner.’

They moved over to wait for Daphne to arrive. At last she came through the door looking flustered. She went over to the two of them and said she was sorry but Marie had stopped her to ask her what was being said.

‘It was all a bit awkward. But, I’m here now.’

‘Do you want a coffee?’

‘No, it’s all right thanks. I can’t be long.’

‘So, what did you want to say?’ asked Ray.

‘It’s all a bit tricky and believe me, it’s only a suspicion. I realised that Marie was away from the department when Julie was murdered. When we got round to thinking about these what do you call them? Alibis? We’d both said we were in the department but I know Marie wasn’t. I don’t know where she went. I assumed she was up here having a tea break but I don’t know.’

‘Thank you for telling us anyway. Do you happen to know where she was on the Saturday morning? When Jimmy was murdered?’

‘I don’t know. I think she was in our department then. I can’t be sure though.’

‘Was she behaving at all strangely on Wednesday?’

‘Not really. But she did seem very bright later in the day. Sorry, that sounds a bit strange. I’m not even sure what I mean about her being brighter. Sort of excited, maybe?’

‘And did you say anything to her about this?’

‘Not really. When Julie didn’t come home that evening, she did say perhaps she was staying with Kevin. We neither of us liked him at all. Could never understand what she saw in him. Look, I’d better go or I’ll be missed.’

‘Okay. Thanks for your help. We’ll follow up what you’ve told us.’

Daphne shot back to her department.

‘What do you make of that then, Ray?’

‘I don’t know. Was it the girl being vicious? Or trying to be helpful? I thought the pair were getting on really well in the flat together. And how do we manage this without letting on what Daphne has told us?’

‘I suppose we’d better look at doing interviews again and possibly see her again. Let her fit in with the rest.’

‘You did say you were a bit suspicious of her, didn’t you?’

‘I suppose at the start of any inquiry, everyone seems to be a bit suspicious.’

‘I want to go and check on Goods Reception. See if our illustrious friend has turned up there. Perhaps someone does know where he lives. He’s obviously frightened of something if he keeps it so secret.’

They finished their coffee and went to that part of the store. It was at the rear and on the ground floor. If he were to describe it as chaos unlimited, that would be to be kind. It was an area filled to the ceiling with boxes and plastic wrapped things with weird shapes. The one young man, who desperately trying to get it sorted, looked as if he was on the verge of a breakdown. He was pale and lanky and looked as if he hadn’t eaten for days.

‘I can’t talk now. Which department are you with? I’m sure whatever it is you’re waiting for, well it’s here somewhere.’

‘Detective Chief Inspector Jones and Detective Sergeant Wilkes. I know you’re very busy but can you answer a couple of questions for us?’

‘Oh yes. Sorry. I may be able to after Christmas. Now, it’s not possible.’

‘I’m sorry sir, but I must insist. Do they know how pressed you are down here?’ he asked.

‘I said it was impossible down here but nobody seems bothered. I’ve been on my own for the last two days. Everything’s coming in and somehow, I’m supposed to sort it and send it to the right place. Damn. That’s for ladies fashions and I’ve labelled it for children’s wear.’

‘Do you know where Bert is?’

‘I was told he’s not well.’

‘Do you know where he lives? We need to see him urgently.’

‘He lives in South Street somewhere. Seventy something.’

‘You’re sure?’

‘Course I’m sure. He’s next door but one to me. Yes of course. He must be at seventy-three.’

‘Thanks very much. I’ll mention your predicament to Miss Pringle. I’m sure she can send someone down to help you.’

‘Thanks Gov. I’d appreciate it.’

The two detectives went back upstairs and knocked at the door of the HR department.

BOOK: Christmas Killing
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