Children of the Gods - A Chosen Novel (20 page)

Read Children of the Gods - A Chosen Novel Online

Authors: Monica Millard

Tags: #romance, #young adult, #aliens, #alien, #sci fi, #sci fi romance, #young adult sci fi, #host

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Reluctantly, I slid off the bed and padded to
the washroom. I winced as I caught sight of the bloody cloth tucked
in with his other dirty linens. The nightmares began after the
Festival and they were getting worse.

The most recent had been a particularly nasty
one. The worst yet.

It started as usual, with Duester circling
me, whispering in my ear. “I know your secret.” She leered at me.
Slowly, others would join in until Jaxson would stop them.

“Silence!” he’d call out. Everyone would turn
and look at him with expectant eyes.“What is your claim?” he would

Duester would step forward, and with long
sickly fingers, pointy like they were made only of bone, she would
point at me. “She is she a sheep in wolf’s clothing,” she

“And what should I do about that?” Jaxson
would ask. Which is usually when the dream would end and I would
wake up, heart racing, searching his face for a sign that he knew.
I could never find a trace of question in his loyalty.

The dream did not end there this time.

“Strip her and find out,” a voice called from
the shadows. It was a voice that haunts me. Niko stepped forward,
looking hungry for something that frightened me more than Duester’s
skeleton fingers. He wanted blood. It was not Anaya’s blood he
wanted, it was mine. He wanted justice for what I had done to

I closed my eyes and tried not to remember
what it felt like as their hands tore into my flesh, or how close
Jaxson held me, even while I clawed at him, trying to get away.

I knew in the back of my mind it was Anaya’s
influence. She was hitting me hard since that day but it did not
ease the fear the dreams inspired.

I dressed quickly as she replayed the image
of Niko’s face from the day of the Festival over and over again. I
stumbled out into the hall and hoped no one was around as I raced
toward the garden, bumping into the wall as I rounded the

I dragged myself through the opening and was
just barely able to hold off retching until the wall closed behind
me. I sat on the floor for a while until I was sure she would be
silent for several days.

I returned to the room and ordered a bath. I
let the girls bathe me like they had that first day, cleaning me
with care and delicacy that was uncommon in either world I had


The way to the control room was as familiar
to me as our own room now. I took a breath and walked through the

“You again.” Duester rolled her eyes.
“Jaxson, can you please do something about her?”

She jumped and took a step back, finding I
had closed the gap between us in the seconds she spent batting her
eyes at Jaxson.

“He is not yours to command. If anyone is
leaving here, Duester, it is you!” I said through gritted teeth. I
had to fight the urge to lash out at her as she sidled out from
between me and the console.

“I will leave you two alone. Jaxson, tomorrow
I would like to go into the City. Maybe she can handle my
responsibilities while I am gone.” She nodded to me.

“That will be fine,” he said. He watched her
leave before he came and took my hands into his. A hint of humor
playing at his lips as he began to unball my fists.

“Easy there, Tiger,” he teased, kissing each
finger as he unfolded it.

“Why does she get to me so easily?”

“It is your Kincha. It boosts your aggression
towards anyone who you perceive as a threat to your mate.”

“I do not think she could harm you,” I
responded, only half paying attention. My mind still lingered on
the look on Duester’s face as she addressed Jaxson.

“Not that kind of threat,” he said, brushing
a finger across the tip of my nose. I turned to look at him, paying
full attention now.

“You mean, I am jealous of her?”

His mouth widened into a grin. “It would
appear so,” he said, lifting me up so that I was sitting on the

“You are enjoying this?” I asked, pinching
him in the chest.

In response, he grabbed my legs and pulled me
closer to him. His lips hovered dangerously close to mine, but did
not touch. I worked my fingers under the edge of his shirt and
pulled him the rest of the way, our lips locking in a feverish

The console became soft and squishy beneath
me as the room was transformed into a lush forest. The entrance
closed and let out the familiar whine that ensured privacy.


“You are getting really good at this,” Jaxson
said looking around at the low hanging petals of flowers that
adorned the trees above us. “What place is this?”

“I found it on the console when I was looking
through pictures of the places in this world. It looked like
somewhere I would like to visit.”

“You never cease to amaze me. You made this
from a place you have never been?” he asked, looking

“I have a vivid imagination,” I said, feeling

He turned his attention back to me. “I would
say so.”

I ran my fingers along the line of his
collarbone. “You left without saying goodbye this morning.”

“You were sleeping peacefully. I did not want
to disturb you. It is a rare thing lately.” The concern was clear
in his voice.

“I am sorry that I hurt you,” I said, tracing
the spot that was now completely healed.

He tightened his arms around me, pressing the
side of my face against the soft skin of his chest. His fingers
pulsed softly in my hair, comforting me as they massaged.

Lulled nearly into peaceful slumber, I felt
his lips curve into a smile against the top of my head as my
stomach rumbled.

“Lunch?” he asked even as his grip loosened
on me.

“Stay,” I said, pulling him tighter against
me. “Just lay with me. Your skin is all I need.”

As if to contradict me, a second, more
insistent growl issued from deep within me, and I knew the battle
was lost. He slipped free of my grasp and stood.

“Your stomach says otherwise.” He chuckled,
holding a hand out to me. “I have a surprise for you,” he
whispered, his lips brushing gently against my ear as we walked
toward the dining room.

I could not fight the impulse to be nearer to
him. My fingers dug into his flesh with desire, pulling him closer
so there was no space between us as we walked.

Reluctantly, I released my grip and let him
walk around the table as I moved toward the opposite end. My
stomach fluttered as we met again on the other side. It seemed to
have a will of its own lately.

He held my chair out as I sat. His fingers
whispered across the bare skin of my arms raising tiny bumps of
pleasure in their wake.

“You must not tease me so, in front of
everyone. I have very little self control of late,” I warned.

He took my hand and pressed his lips so
softly to the curve in my wrist that it left a tingling trail
behind each baby kiss. My mouth fell open as he winked and released
me to take his seat. If not for the restraining chair and table, I
might not have been able to control my response. As it was, I
growled in frustration.

The corner of his mouth twitched but his eyes
remained forward. He looked all business sitting next to me,
knowing what he was doing. My erratic sleep patterns were causing
all my emotions to run at a heightened level. Desire, as Jaxson was
aware, was not an emotion that was immune to this effect.

Katy appeared before us, professional as
always, but a hint of a smile played at her lips. Her eyes switched
back and forth between us and a slow blush crept over her creamy
cheeks. Knowing I was making her uncomfortable sobered me.

“How are you this afternoon, Katy?” I asked,
straightening in my chair.

“I am well. How are you, my lady?”

“I am well,” I responded, unable to keep the
humor from my voice as Jaxson smiled deviously.

“I will be back with your food in just a
moment,” Katy said with a squeaky tone she only used when she was

“I have not ordered yet,” I responded,

She winked at Jaxson and disappeared without
another word. Jaxson would not meet my gaze and I felt my stomach
flutter again in anticipation.

“What are you up to?” I asked, studying the
contours of his face for signs that did not come.

“You will just have to be patient, Love.”

Katy appeared, saving him from my glares. She
placed a large tray in the middle of us, then set two plates next
to it and backed away. “Enjoy,” she said with a smile.

I watched her retreat back into the kitchen
before I turned my attention on Jaxson. He lifted the lid with a
look of pure devotion, his eyes watching me as the scent hit me
first. I drew in a deep breath and let the emotions of Festival
wash over me for only a second. I pushed those thoughts away and
smiled at Jaxson, unwilling to taint his surprise.

He pulled a piece from the pork roast and
held it up to my lips. There was a hint of uncertainty in his
emotions. I took the bite and let my lips brush against his
fingers. It was exactly as it had tasted when Lena prepared it.

“You will be rewarded greatly for your
thoughtfulness,” I whispered as I offered him a bite in return. A
burst of desire swelled around me as his pulse quickened, spreading
his scent into the air.

A commotion at the entrance drew our
attention away from each other. Duester stood in the doorway. And
my worst fear was now realized.

With one hand holding his hair, Duester
forced Niko to his knees. His hands were tied behind his back. Her
other hand raised and a single white finger extended toward me,
piercing me with all the fear and anger I had been holding

My chair flew back with a clatter and I was
on my feet. “No,” the word slipped from my lips before I could stop



Jaxson’s arms were around me immediately.
“Shhhh. Careful, careful,” he whispered in my ear, his grasp nearly
painful around my waist as we crossed the room. “Do not let her see
how much this upsets you or she will use him to hurt you.”

I could not think about the implications of
what he was saying. I had to remain focused. Do what he said.

“What is the meaning of this, Duester?” I

Her lips curved up into a look of pure,
devious satisfaction.

“How dare you bring a human into my dining
room while I eat!”

Her smile faltered and I hoped she could not
see me tremble under Jaxson’s embrace. “I found him outside. He was
looking for you,” she responded, the glint in her eye

“If every human that asked, got a private
audience with me, this room would be overrun. You are setting a
very bad example, Duester. I am disappointed.” I leaned forward to
show my teeth as I spoke, and Jaxson’s grip made it seem as if he
had to hold me back.

She took a step back and swallowed hard.

“Griff, can you please handle this?” I
motioned to Niko trying not to look him in the eye. It would be my

Griff, who was hovering dangerously close
already, closed the distance in a stride and pulled Niko free of
Duester.“What of her?” he asked, glaring down at Duester with a
look that frightened even me.

I turned to Jaxson. “What should we do with
her?” I asked, hoping he would dole out a just punishment, I was
incapable of at the moment. Before he could respond Duester opened
her mouth and spoke the words that damned me.

“Wait.” She held up her hands but Griff had
already shoved Niko aside, and was wrapping a massive hand around
her arm. Duester cringed but was undeterred. “He wants to be here,
to be a part of us. I say we allow him.” She turned to Finale. “You
will be needing a new host soon?” she asked.

He nodded, looking uncertain.

“Does this boy please you, Daniella?” Duester

“I… I… I do not know. I need to think,” she
responded, looking into my eyes. Hers were full of fear.

“Enough.” I waived my hand in frustration.
“He is over age. He cannot be a host any longer—”

“That should not matter if he is
volunteering,” Duester interrupted.

“I said enough!” The room was completely
silent. Not a flutter of lashes or the sound of breath tainted the

Griff’s hands tightened around Duester and
she yelped, but said nothing more.

“Get her out of my sight,” I growled.

Niko looked up into my stinging eyes and I
knew I would not last. Jaxson took Niko’s arm and gently helped him
to his feet. I followed as Jaxson led him to a room that would be
his cell.

I took a deep breath and then looked at him.
With all the strength I had, I kept my voice steady and cold. “What
were you thinking? Are you trying to get killed?”

“I just wanted to be near you,” he said
softly, looking at the floor. “I am sorry, Reka.”

My throat burned as hot tears welled in my
eyes. “I am sorry, too.” I clasped my hands tightly behind my back
to keep from reaching out to him. “Get some sleep. We will figure
this out tomorrow.”

It was too late though. His coming here had
made me acknowledge the one thing I always knew was coming. I would
have to watch one of my friends be taken and turned into a host; a
slave. Then, slowly, others would follow until I was surrounded in
their death.

I closed my eyes, unable to look at Jaxson,
knowing what I had to do.



Watching Jaxson fight whatever demons he was
dreaming of made me ache. I knew I had to spare him, but I was not
sure if it might more merciful to let him die with me.

I brushed my hands over his hair and let the
tears I could not cry while he was awake, spill silently. I
wrestled with what to do for two days, but could put it off no
longer. Duester would be released from her punishment in two days,
and she would begin working on Daniella.

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