Chief's Angel (Biker Rockstar Series Book Three) (8 page)

BOOK: Chief's Angel (Biker Rockstar Series Book Three)
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“Angel….that was amazing.”

He rolls off and takes me with him, so I’m curled in his arms.

“I…didn’t know it would be like that,” I confess my voice hoarse.

“What did you think it would be like?”


He laughs, “That was fast.”

I feel my eyes widen. “It was?”

“Hell yeah, I was wound up, and you’re so fucking beautiful.”

“Well, if that was fast, I can’t wait to see long.”

He grins and kisses my head, pulling me closer.

“Are you sore?” He asks.

“A little,” I admit.

I wiggle out of the bed and pick up my underwear, pulling it on.

“Where you goin?” Caden asks, leaning up on his elbow.

“I need to pee.” I say, grinning.

He laughs and watches me walk into the bathroom. I close the door gently behind me, and stare into the mirror. I feel amazing; everything about him makes me feel emotions I have never felt before. I use the bathroom, groaning at the stinging pain, and then I walk back out into the bedroom. Caden is up and wearing only boxer shorts again, he grips the sheets on the bed and pulls them off.

“Why are you doing that?”

He turns and looks at me, his face concerned, “There’s blood.”

I feel my cheeks go red, “Blood?”

“You must have bled. You didn’t see that when you went to the bathroom?”

If I thought I’d been embarrassed before, that was nothing compared to how I was feeling now. “I didn’t look.
God, I’m so sorry.” I feel tears start to well in my eyes.

He waves a hand, “No, don’t be.”

“Let me help,” I say, rushing over and gripping the sheets.

Caden grips my shoulders and turns me, “Hey,
it’s okay.”

“I’m sorry…”

“Stop saying sorry, it happens. It is just a little blood.”

“I didn’t mean to ruin your sheets or…”

He silences me with a kiss, “You didn’t ruin anything; it'll wash out. Angel, stop freaking out.”

“I’m so embarrassed,” I say softly.

“Don’t be. Come on, let’s get this downstairs and I will make you something to eat.”


Once I get dressed, we head downstairs and I wait while he loads the sheets into the washing machine and turns it on. We make our way into the kitchen and I watch as he prepares two turkey sandwiches.

“Where’s your Dad?” I ask, looking around the house.
God I hope he wasn’t in the house!

Caden shrugs, “Probably out.”


“He likes you,” he says, slapping the bread together and pulling out some soda.

I smile. “I like him too.”

I met Caden’s Dad Jeff two weeks ago and got along right away with the older man. He is quiet and keeps to himself mostly, but he was kind and sweet towards me.

“He’s nice for an older retired biker.”

Caden chuckles to
himself, “You wouldn’t have known it ten years ago.”

“Was he hard on you?”

“He was, but never in a bad way.”

“He is a good Dad though, right?”

“Yeah, he is.”

He slides the sandwich towards me but, just as I’m about to take a bite, the doorbell rings.

“Fuck, who the hell is here now?”

Caden stands and walks over, I nibble on my sandwich and watch as he opens the door to reveal a pretty, but hard looking girl in the door way. I stare at her for long moments, shocked with her appearance. Her blonde hair is decked out in dreadlocks. Her eyes are a light blue, and her face is very pretty; well, except for the piercing in her lip and nose. She’s tall and has a killer body. Wearing black boots, black jeans and a tight tank top she is the epitome of biker chick.

“Dani…you’re back.” Caden says.

As in his ex-girlfriend Dani? I put my sandwich down.

“I’ve been trying to call Chief; where you been?”

Her voice is flirtatious and she pushes her chest forward seductively. I’m getting a really bad feeling about this but I can’t look away.

,” Caden’s tone is abrupt and unfriendly, “we broke up remember? I don’t have to answer your calls.”

“Baby, we aren’t still going over this are we?” Dani drawls as she reaches to trail her hand down Caden’s arms and I feel the bile rise in the back of my throat. “You and I both know…”

Her voice trails off as she spots me sitting in the kitchen.

“Who the fuck is that?” she spits out; her demeanor changing from sweet and seductive to hostile and, if I’m not mistaken, possessive.

“Not loving you calling my new woman ‘that’ Dani so you’d better watch that ugly mouth of yours.”.”


“It’s over Dani; I don’t know how many times I have to repeat that.”

From the tone in Caden’s voice it would appear that this isn’t the first time he’s had this conversation and I can see his frustration mounting. Remembering what happened the last time Caden’s temper was riled, my palms begin to sweat and my heart races.

“You fucking asshole, I gave you two years of my life!”

“One and a half and it didn’t work out. Get over it.”

“We were good together,” she cries, glaring at me.  “Too good for me now you’re with Little Miss Swanky Pants over there?”

“Watch it.”

“Where’d you pick her up Chief, the fuckin’ library?”

“Enough!” He snarls.

“You ain’t fooling anyone Chief. Pretty soon you’ll wake up to yourself and come back to where you belong. Someone like that,” she says, stabbing a finger in my direction, “will never last in this world and you know it.”

A dark smile creeps across her face and even though she’s talk
ing Caden, her eyes don’t move from me, “I’ll be sure to keep your side of the bed warm Chief because we both know you always come back.”

He slams the door in her face and she snarls a bunch of curses. He turns to me and gives me a sorry look.

“So that’s Dani?” I say.

“Yeah, don’t mind her;
she can’t seem to understand no.”

Caden walks back over to the table to grab his sandwich. He sits and gestures for me to join him but I hesitate.

“She is right you know; we are so different.”

“We are only different if you want us to be Angel.”

I look away, “I should probably go home.”

“Don’t go because of her, come on…” he begins to rise but I hold out my hand to stop him. 

“Caden, I have to go. My Mother has been pestering me.”

Caden’s eyes narrow and I see his jaw clench, “You haven’t told her about me?”

“No, I haven’t.”

“Why not?”

“Because she’ll flip.”


“So, it isn’t that easy.”

He eyes me with ill-disguised disgust, “It’s because you won’t get your damn money isn’t it?”

“It’s not that at all! I’m gaining massive experience in my job at the moment, experience that I need.”

“So what?
You’re planning on hiding me? I gotta tell you, that idea ain’t working for me. I ain’t anybody’s dirty secret.”

I exhale loudly, “Caden, it isn’t like that.”

it like then? Enlighten me Angel because I sure as shit ain’t figuring it out!”

“Please, can we not fight?”

After a long pause, he sighs and shakes his head, “Fine. You want a ride home?”

“No, Jaxson will get me on his way past.”

“Ok, are we still on for tomorrow night?”

“Of course.”

“I’ll be there at seven.”

I nod, and he steps forward to kiss my head. I feel the tension in the air, but I say no more; I just get my things and leave him standing in the kitchen. I text Jaxson to pick me
up, then I begin walking down the path and head towards town. A few of the bikers are in the house next door, laughing and joking. I notice Max and Bill, and they give me a grin.

“Hey Angel,” they yell.

I raise my hand to wave, “Hi guys.”

“Where’s Chief?”

“Inside, I have to get home.”

“How are things going girly?” Max asks, standing and walking over.

“Good, I think. I did just meet Dani though.”

He gives a small chuckle, “Oh…that piece of work will give you nothing but hell; you make sure you stick up for yourself now ya hear?”

My shoulders slump and I know the resignation shows on my face. “I don’t know if I have that in me.”

“That’s why he calls you Angel, you know?”

My head tilts in surprise. I’d never even thought to ask why Caden had given me that nickname. “Oh?”

“He reckons you’re soft and sweet, just like an Angel.”

“Well, I’m afraid it’s true. I don’t have much of a backbone.”

Slinging his arm around my shoulder and pulling me towards him, he gives a slight squeeze before letting me go again. “We’ll teach you, just stick around with us a bit longer…”

I laugh, “Thanks Max. I guess it couldn’t hurt to learn how to throw a decent punch.”

“Girl’s gotta know how to defend herself,” he grins.

“Yeah, something like that. Catch you guys later, okay?”

“Alright Angel, be good.”

I wave to them once more, before walking further down the street. I’m half way down when Dani steps out in front of me. I skid to a halt and stumble backwards a few steps. I hadn’t been expecting to see her again and straightaway she gets right up in my face. Up close I can see how dazzling she truly is; without all her tough get up she could be a stunning girl.

“You’re the new taste…” she sneers, giving me a once over.

Raising both my palms to stop her coming any closer, I try to make my voice sound firm, “I don’t want to discuss this with you.”

She snorts, “I heard you were a fuckin’ princess but I didn’t realize how much so. Have you heard yourself? I don’t want to discuss this with you.” She mimics in a sing song voice.

“What is your problem?”

Her face goes hard, “You.”

“I haven’t done anything to you.”

“Pretty sure moving in on my territory classes as something bitch. I’m Chief’s old lady; I have been for two years. Chief isn’t the sweet, charming man I have no doubt he is being. I know things about him you will never know; and you princess, are not his cup of tea.”

“That’s for me and Caden to decide” I bite back.

“No, it isn’t. You don’t date a biker and just get to decide how it goes. Do you have any idea of the potential that man has? He will run this club one day, and someone like you will only hold him back. His life is as a biker, it runs in his blood. Your life is so far from that, what do you expect to gain out of being with him?”

“Caden is different.”

“Is he?” she smirks, “that goes to show how little you know about Caden Williams.”

“I know enough.”

Crossing my arms over my chest I look Dani straight in the eye. She stares back with a look of mock pity as she clasps her hands together over her heart.

“Let me guess? He is sweet, and charming. Heck, everything about you screams ‘virgin’! He probably told you it was amazing and that he has never done it before. He lied. I was a virgin when he first fucked me too. He is a player, and players belong with girls like me. I don’t hold him on a leash; I let him do what he wants, because I know he will always come back to me.”

“You’re just trying to cause trouble. You had him, you lost him, and you can’t handle seeing him with me!” I snap.

“No, princess, I’m not. Chief is a beautiful man, don’t get me wrong, but he has a dark side; a side that you haven’t yet seen. Walk away now, because in the end only you’ll come out hurt. People like Chief move on and get over flings like you. Now you’ve spread your legs the fun is gone and he’ll get bored. Walk away, go back to playing with your books and leave these bikers to women who know how to deal with them.”

She shoves me hard, and walks past me. I swallow and steady my trembling hands. Is she right? Is he just putting on an act for me? Has he been lying this whole time? I sit on the curb and pull my knees up to my chest and wait for Jaxson. If my heart would stop pounding for a minute, I could decide if I was slowly drowning myself or not.










“Do I
to?” I say, sighing.

I’ve spent the whole day inside my head, trying to figure out what to do about Caden and Dani. By the time my Mother arrived this afternoon to help me get ready for the charity dinner, I was completely freaking out about the whole thing. Whilst I knew that Dani would most likely say anything to try and come between me and Caden, I also wondered whether there was an element of truth in what she said and this possibility frightened me.

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