Read ChasingSin Online

Authors: Sara Brookes

ChasingSin (3 page)

BOOK: ChasingSin
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Her laughter rang through the room and she realized it had
been months since she’d been relaxed enough to laugh. Sometimes she forgot just
how stressful her career choice was. While she didn’t have many outlets to
compensate for the tension, this was certainly going at the top of her list as
a choice.

The bed dipped as Snyder joined them. His hands lifted, his
thumbs tracing the undersides of her breasts, slowly following the curves. His
lover’s hands molded to her breasts, cupping them to lift her nipples in
offering. He nipped and tasted, teasing her by scraping the tip of his tongue
over the hard bud before fitting his mouth over her entire nipple and sucking.

As Tripp continued to hold her, she pushed back against him,
sliding her pussy along his shaft. Her wet heat drenched him as she moved and
she wanted nothing more than to be filled. Desperate to find relief, she pushed
against Snyder to dislodge him from his place and thrust back as she spread her
legs in offering to Tripp.

“Oh I don’t think so. It’s my turn this time.” Snyder
shifted to the side, lying back on the horrendous yellow quilt covering the
bed. His hands closed around her hips again, pulling her body down onto his.

His mouth fit over hers and she realized she could kiss him
forever as she tasted herself on his tongue. Tripp had given her a vivid
display of what he was capable of in the shower, but Snyder had sold himself

She was dimly aware of the sound of foil as another condom
was unwrapped, but she was too caught up kissing Snyder to stop and watch as
Tripp dressed his lover. At this point, it didn’t matter who filled her, just
that someone did.

“I don’t think I’ve ever tasted anything as sweet as you.
But I have to confess. As addicting as the taste is, as long as I could worship
your body for hours on end that way, I want to know how it feels to be buried
inside you.”

Snyder shifted his hips, sliding into her without warning.
She bit back the sigh the sensation raised as she accepted him, willing him to
give her everything he had to offer. He wasn’t as wide as Tripp, but he more
than made up for it in length. Tripp’s hand slipped around her torso as she
leaned back, offering support as Snyder gripped her hips.

Tripp pulled her back against his chest again, but this time
Snyder followed, sitting up so she was pinned between their bodies. Snyder’s
head brushed her jaw as he dipped his head and captured her nipple again.

“This is how much you mean to us, Kate. We need you between
us, over us—whatever. Just so that you’re with us so we can tell you how much
we cherish you. It’s fucking beautiful watching you like this is. Snyder
teasing these perfect tits of yours while you ride him with that slick, hot
cunt. I don’t think that’s something any of us can live without.” Tripp’s soft
endearments washed over her gentle as a summer rain and she turned her face to
his as Snyder continued to suckle.

They were fluid, moving as one while a thunderstorm splashed
lightning outside to announce its arrival. Thunder rolled, rumbling through the
charged air. The power and fury of it ignited something in her. She wanted to
answer, but she knew the minute she did, this would all be over.

She wasn’t ready for it to end yet.

“I’ve got you, Kate. I won’t let you fall.”

But fall she did as Tripp’s mouth closed over hers. It was
the kind of fall she knew would be a glorious descent followed by a
heartbreaking end. She’d buried so much of what these two men meant to her. It
had been too painful to face because she’d been worried about fucking
everything up. As his tongue slid between her lips, everything she’d been
holding back came rushing forth and it didn’t matter what happened in the end.

She only cared about now.

Snyder’s teeth nipped at her breast and she pushed down in
answer, grinding against him because she wanted so much more from them both.
The wet sounds of their fucking lifted into the air, merging with the sound of
rain pounding on the pavement just beyond the door.

Warmth and pressure built, rising in a crescendo that echoed
the monster storm raging outside. She rode him, reaching back to pull Tripp’s
hips hard against her bottom so she felt his erection as well.

A sharp crack of thunder split the air just as she slammed
forcefully down on Snyder. Her body imploded as the resonance of the charged
air vibrated outside. The orgasm was sharp and powerful, shattering her with
unrelenting force. But it wasn’t enough. Even though her body vibrated from the
potent release, she realized it hadn’t taken away her desire. It had merely
sharpened, making her want what these two men had to offer even more. Tension
built in her core again, the energy surprising her with its ferocity.

Her body demanded harder, faster—

She spun out of control as her craving increased faster than
she could keep up.

As if sensing the change, Tripp shifted behind her. His
hands moved to skim over her back, tracing the ridges of her spine in a slow,
sinuous trail. The releases had sensitized her skin, fuzzing her mind with a haze
she couldn’t seem to shake.

But the fog wasn’t so thick she didn’t miss Tripp’s finger
skimming over her anus. Immediately, the hazy edges of her excitement vanished,
snapping into sharp focus in the blink of an eye. Snyder’s arms tightened
around her, offering comfort when he seemed to sense something had changed.

“Easy, Kate. I take it you don’t have any experience with
anal sex?”

“I do, actually. I was just startled for a moment.” She
levered her hips up, pressing her hand against the center of Snyder’s chest
while she continued to slowly ride him as the tip of Tripp’s thumb pressed
against her opening.

“Well, now. Told you she had some surprises in store for

The strain in Snyder’s voice caused her to glance down. He
looked directly at her, but his eyes appeared to be glazed over and just on the
edge of losing focus completely. Smiling, she changed her angle, leaning down,
and a rumble shook through Snyder’s chest as she skimmed her lips against his.

“I can come from anal sex alone. But based on what Tripp
said in the shower about taking you both inside me at the same time, I really
thought you two had something else in mind. Shame, really. Two strapping fellas
such as yourself would fit quite nicely together inside my pussy. But if you’d
rather not find out…”

As she trailed off, she watched Snyder’s eyes darken
considerably and Tripp’s hands tighten on her legs.

“Nice to see my powers of persuasion are still fully intact.
Open for me,” she whispered, pleased when Snyder did without hesitation. Her
tongue slipped past his lips and his hands tightly clenched against her hips.
Tripp’s fingers skimmed over the swell of her ass and she shifted higher.

“Relax, Kate. Just ride Snyder. I’ll take care of things.”
He spread her thighs wider, shifting her higher so only the crown of Snyder’s
cock remained inside her. Her moan filled the room as Tripp massaged her
opening around where their flesh met with his thumbs. She felt the familiar
press of his cock against her and relaxed into the pleasurable burn as her body
stretched to accommodate his girth.

Snyder’s kisses became rougher and more frantic as each
second passed. His hands suddenly gripped tighter as he tore his mouth away and
his chest moved against hers, panting for air as Tripp continued to push forward.

Thankfully she had experience in this area because of some
experimentation in college. She knew she needed to relinquish control to let
Snyder hold her as he needed while Tripp worked to join Snyder’s cock in her
pussy. She sighed softly as she fought her body’s demand to ride Snyder. She
knew she needed to wait, her time would come.

The pressure and intensity grew as Tripp slowly advanced,
and for a split second, she didn’t think her body would allow both of them to
be in the same space at the same time. But Tripp’s thumbs moved in slow,
comforting strokes as he pushed, pulling Snyder’s cock along with his into her
wet heat.

Snyder gave a deep, guttural groan just as Tripp’s chest
came into contact with her back. At first the sensation of being so tremendously
full was uncomfortable and she had to take a few calming breaths to overcome
the pressure. She loved the feeling of being so stretched and never wanted this
moment to end. But as her body adjusted, as her hunger vibrated through her
again, she realized she needed more. Sitting here holding them inside her
wasn’t enough.

“I need…”

“Tell us, Kate. We’re here to give you what you need.”
Tripp’s voice was gravely and low, as if the strain has started to take a toll
on him.

“I need you both so much. Hard. I like—
oh God
. I have
to have you two driving into me right now. I can’t stand not to anymore.”
Desperate for some kind of relief to illustrate her frustration, she pushed
Tripp’s hands away and drove the thickness of both of their cocks into her

All three of their bodies shuddered in reaction.

Her head fell against Snyder’s sweaty shoulder. “
I’m going to die if you two don’t start fucking me right now.”

Tripp’s lips pressed against her shoulder, plunging into her
with deliberate strokes. “Then consider this the second time we’ve saved your
life today.”

Lost to the euphoria, Snyder’s hands fell away to the bed.
Those strong fingers that had snatched her off the highway clenched the sheets
on either side of her legs. Tripp held her in place, slowly dragging her along
the length of the two cocks buried inside her core.

Each thrust into her pussy caused Snyder’s cock to brush
against her clit. The shock waves of the sensation radiated out, heightening
the power of the lust racing through her veins.

“Yes, that’s it. Fuck us both, Daniel.” The endearment of
Tripp’s real name said on Snyder’s husky breath touched her, setting off a new
set of fires she hadn’t expected. It added a rich layer of intimacy she’d never
experienced before.

She reveled in this moment, thinking about how whole they
made her feel trapped between them. How she was able to return that in kind.
Snyder hardened even more inside her, his strain visible now as he fought to
maintain some semblance of control.

Watching him struggle was as powerful as it was beautiful.

She drove onto them with a forceful thrust, with Snyder
taking the brunt because of his position. The sensation must have been too much
for him to take, because he suddenly clamped his hands around her waist,
holding onto her as he arched off the mattress.

He gave a sharp growl as he came and she pushed up to rest
her head on Tripp’s shoulder while they watched Snyder’s release. Tripp’s hot
breath skated across her skin and his hands came around to cup her breasts, his
thumb and forefingers tugging at her nipples.

Tripp’s orgasm came a moment later, a whisper on the heated
air around them. His release was quieter, but seemed to be just as intense as
Snyder’s. A flash of lighting lit the room with a splash of white and the lamp
on the bedside table flickered once before going out completely.

Held between these men in the pitch black, vivid lighting
flashing in the sky outside, she sighed into the darkness. The pleasure they
gifted her with so sweet and powerful it was almost painful. That delicious
agony morphed with such swift intensity, she couldn’t help but succumb as they
used their bodies to demand more of her.

Her orgasm ripped free, stripping her bare to her very core.

Her body drooped as the exhilarating rush of thoroughly
satisfying sex with the two men faded away, leaving her boneless and drained of
all energy. They welcomed her in their embrace, fitting her between them. Skin
damp from shower and sweat, their bodies became a tangled mass of wet skin.

It was glorious and caused her to smile in the dark.

Safe and secure for the first time that day, she drifted off
to sleep.


Kate listened to deep breathing. Twice over. She smiled in
the hazy light of early dawn as she lay twined around Snyder and Tripp’s
bodies. Her head on Tripp’s chest with Snyder pressed up against her, his head
on Tripp’s shoulder. It was impossible to tell where they each ended and began.

They’d woken her twice during the night. Once to place her
on her knees so Tripp could take her from behind while she swallowed Snyder’s
cock. And then again a few hours later to give her a slow, sweeping orgasm
driven by Snyder’s tongue and fingers while Tripp had savored her nipples.

Each time they’d all returned to this same position.

She should have felt comforted by their embrace. Cradled in
their strong arms in some hotel in the middle of Kansas, while the early
rumblings of a new thunderstorm sounded off in the distance.

But she didn’t.

She never felt more scared of anything in her life. At this
very moment, she would have rather faced down a violent, city-leveling EF5
tornado than imagine what their lives would all be like now that they’d given
over to their hormones.

Fear and panic resurfaced to clutch around her heart, and
she disentangled herself from their peaceful embrace to slide off the bed.
After locating her clothes and washing up, she returned to where they still
slept. In her absence, Snyder had curled up against Tripp.

Tripp’s hair mussed from sex and sleep. Stubble dotted
Snyder’s jaw. Together, they were amazing eye candy. They lay in a sweet,
achingly tender, lover’s embrace she didn’t fit into. It made her wonder if
she’d imagined the whole thing and never been there between them in the first

They shared so much together, it seemed only natural they
share her as well. She admired their tenacity to stick together, because this
kind of hectic lifestyle didn’t lend itself to relationships. Of course, it
helped they chased together, so those long hours away from home didn’t matter.

BOOK: ChasingSin
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