Chasing Pavement: A Biker Erotic Romance (4 page)

BOOK: Chasing Pavement: A Biker Erotic Romance
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Brad carried Miriam to her bedroom and shut the door, dropping her on top of the bed, and stripping off his shirt. His torso could have been etched in stone, with pectorals and six-pack clearly defined, and rippling through his skin.


Miriam’s sexual instincts were burning for release, and became too much for her to resist. She pulled off her shirt and let Brad aggressively tug at her sweat pants, yanking them off to leave only her panties. Brad pulled down his pants and underwear, and crawled onto the bed, parking himself between her spread thighs.


Miriam was positively dripping wet by this point. Brad’s cock was stiff as a ship’s mast, and she stared, open-mouthed with lust, at the cyclopean cum-hole at its tip. His sack was actually too big to fit in her hand, filled to the brim with the genes that had given Emily life. Brad was a man in his prime, and he still sent shivers of sexual excitement crawling up and down Miriam’s spine just by threatening to touch skin with her.


Brad grabbed Miriam’s panties and yanked them down her legs with Miriam eagerly helping him. Now her womanhood was exposed and vulnerable, and Miriam reflexively arched her back for her assailant, eager to be filled by him. Brad was happy to oblige, taking a hold of his manhood and sliding into her.


Miriam gasped through gritted teeth as Brad’s thick rod penetrated her to the hilt, arching her back as much as she could to allow him deep inside her. The tip of his cock touched her cervix and he held himself inside her, savoring the sensation of being buried up to the crotch in female flesh. His initial thrusting was slow but deliberate, with latent power behind each inward stroke. Miriam’s love-canal was already well lubricated, and Brad’s masculine rod moved smoothly and effortlessly inside her.


Once again, Miriam was betraying her fellow Seraphim by allowing a Fed inside her body as well as her home. This time it was worse. Four years ago, she’d been prepared to sleep with Brad in order to double-cross him and escape federal custody. This time, she couldn’t pretend to herself that this was for the good of the club. She was allowing the same federal agent that had murdered the Seraphim’s leader to make a whore out of her, again; and all because she had finally succumbed to the base urges he inspired in her. In her defense, it had been four years since she’d last had sex; raising a daughter was more important than getting laid. But in that time, she’d been left hungry for the kind of passion that only the opposite sex could fulfill; and in her experience, no one could fulfill it the way Brad did.


Brad’s thrusting began to accelerate, making Miriam release stifled moans as he repeatedly filled her. Miriam wrapped her arms around Brad’s neck and shoulders, holding this alpha close to her, desperate to be mated by him. Everything about the coupling was exquisite, from the feeling of his manhood driving into her most intimate passageway, to the sensation of his skin rubbing against hers as he moved inside her, to the sparks of pleasure dancing in the base of her belly that grew more intense with each successive stroke.


As Brad’s strokes grew more aggressive, the fire in Miriam’s belly grew. Each inward thrust sent a new wave of pleasure shooting up her spine from her pussy, making her nerves tingle. Half remembering how risky and treacherous this mating was, she tried to compensate by trying to quell the ecstasy rising inside her body, suppressing it with what little will she had left. But Brad was having none of it, and he squeezed her shoulders to hold her in place as he drove his sex-rod home ever harder.


The orgasmic fire became too much for Miriam to quench, and it blazed into a bonfire inside of her, setting her nerves alight. She squealed in ecstasy and gripped his shoulders, digging her nails into his back in animalistic lust. Brad continued to thrust, spurred on by Miriam’s pleasure and determined to possess her in the most fundamental way.


Suddenly, Brad pulled out of Miriam, unceremoniously flipped her over, and forced her head down with one hand while using the other to guide his cock back into her slick cunt. Miriam gasped again as Brad mounted her a second time, like a stallion mounting a mare in heat. This position excited her even more, pinned on her stomach beneath the imprisoning weight of such a virile man, captive to his all consuming urge to breed. She spread her thighs as wide as she could on the bed as Brad ground his crotch into her with increasing ferocity, charging at full speed towards his own climax.


As Miriam thrust her ass back at Brad in response to his fucking motions, she stretched out her hands reflexively and found something metallic under her pillow. It was the switchblade she hid under the covers for emergencies. For a brief moment she was transported out of the amorous fugue that had clouded her mind and back to the real world consequences of what she was doing. Even as Brad continued to plow her like the whore she had become, Miriam was reminded of what a deceitful act she was performing by mating with an ATF agent, and couldn’t bear to picture what might happen to her or Emily if the Speeding Seraphim found out.


Admittedly, however, the fact that she was taking such a risk by allowing such a dangerous person to fuck her was part of what made it so pleasurable. Her mother had never approved of Brad--her first ever boyfriend--and losing her virginity to a man she’d been forbidden to see had made it that much more exciting. After Brad had left for college, hooking up with the leader of the dangerous criminal gang that had taken her in had been even more adventurous. By the time Brad had reentered her life, working for an organization devoted to hunting down her new family, the forbidden act of sleeping with the enemy had been almost impossible to resist. But it was altogether different this time. She had given birth to the enemy’s child in the meantime, and was risking two lives by sleeping with him again. That was an unacceptably selfish risk that she’d impulsively decided to take anyway.


And yet she could still rectify her mistake with that knife. As awkward as the motion would be to execute, one swift move at his neck and it would be done. Much quieter than a bullet, and she could still clean up and call the Seraphim to explain what had happened, or at least a modified version of what had happened.


But was she really prepared to murder the father of her daughter in such cold blood? Murdering a federal agent couldn’t be in the best interests of the club; and if Brad had been telling the truth, it was his actions that had kept her out of prison and safe from the suspicions of her fellow bikers. Killing him was no way to repay him for keeping her safe and free, and wouldn’t do anything to keep her that way.


Brad’s climax ended Miriam’s guilt ridden deliberations as he let loose a virile snarl of ecstasy and drove himself as deep into her pussy as possible. Miriam was plunged back into the sexual passion of the moment as she felt the head of Brad’s penis touch the tip of her cervix and let loose his masculine payload into her once again. One sticky jet of molten man-seed after another erupted into her feminine depths, sending shivers of pleasure fluttering throughout her body.


The thoroughly sated Brad leaned down and planted his lips on Miriam’s neck, reveling in the still cooling fires of his lust. Miriam craned her neck around and made contact with his lips, hungrily kissing him back, and quietly letting go of the hidden switchblade. The act was complete, and her chance to commit a murder she would almost certainly have regretted silently slipped away.


Without withdrawing from her, Brad lowered himself down on top of Miriam and rested his broad torso on her back, caressing her shoulders as he did so. Miriam snuggled into his embrace and made herself comfortable, still pondering what to do with the man inside her. She couldn’t have another child, not without drawing notice from everyone she knew; she’d need to get a morning-after pill from the drugstore. But Brad was a more vexing problem.


“She is yours by the way.” Miriam murmured to Brad.


“I know,” Brad whispered back, “I wouldn’t have pulled so many strings to keep someone else’s daughter safe.”


“I guess it’s lucky Bear and I used rubbers, then.” replied Miriam dryly.


“I know you hate me for killing him, but I’ve moved heaven and earth to make sure you and Emily were safe; and I’d do the same again to keep you two safe.”


“If there’s even a shred of truth in that statement,” Miriam said, turning to Brad with an earnest tone, “then leave here and never come back. If the Speeding Seraphim find out I’m sleeping with a federal agent, they’ll kill me.”


“Come with me then,” said Brad, turning deadly serious, “you and Emily can go into witness protection and just disappear from the Seraphim’s radar.”


“And then what?” asked Miriam, “Mommy, daddy, and their little girl live happily ever after on the other side of the country? I’ve never even been outside the state.”


“It’s better than living in constant fear of being found out by the criminals you’ve been running guns with for so many years.”


“Don’t talk about them like that,” said Miriam rather angrily, “they’re not saints, but they’re the only family I’ve had since my mom passed and you left.”


“You said it yourself, Miriam,” Brad continued to press, “they’d kill you if they found out you’d had a baby with the man who killed their leader.”


“You put me in that danger, Brad,” Miriam shot back; “don’t you forget that.”


“I know you don’t trust me after what happened, but at least think about it; please.”


Miriam lay her head down on the pillow and closed her eyes as Brad’s cum started to drip from her snatch onto the sheets.


“I will.”




Authorities are still pursuing various leads regarding an arson attack in a small Nevada town which left a 32-year-old woman dead from smoke inhalation. Her young daughter, who wasn’t in the house when the fire started, has been placed in medical care. Meanwhile, police are appealing for any witnesses who may have seen anything suspicious on the night of the fire...”


Miriam switched off the TV and tossed the remote onto the table. She knew the whole story already, and the truth behind it. She got up and padded silently to the window. Winter hadn’t technically arrived yet, but the snow was already beginning to fall, leaving a delicate layer of crystalline white on the trees and pavement, which shimmered under the street lights. It was a beautiful sight. Having spent her life in a state covered by desert, snow was special.


Remembering her small-town home in Nevada brought a silent tear to her eye. The Speeding Seraphim all thought she was dead, killed in the staged fire that had burned down her house. They’d been her family for a decade and a half, and she’d played the leading role in one last betrayal against them. She’d made a lot of tough decisions, but going through with Brad’s plan and faking her own death had been particularly hard.


Miriam shut the curtains and left the darkened room. She tiptoed to Emily’s room and peered in. Her three-year-old daughter was sleeping soundly in her bed, cuddling her stuffed rabbit toy. A maternal smile spread across Miriam’s face, and she held back another tear. She would never have joined the witness protection program if not for the need to give her daughter a secure home. Being a biker chick had its fun moments, but it wasn’t the kind of life a child should have to grow up in.


A sudden discomfort at the base of her stomach banished Miriam’s sentimental thoughts. Quietly shutting Emily’s bedroom door, she rushed to the bathroom just in time to retch into the sink. She downed a glass of water to calm her unsettled stomach, but the nauseous feeling was still there.


Looking at herself in the mirror reminded her yet again of the scale of the changes she’d undergone. Witness protection had forced her to change her appearance, which included getting rid of the biker-chick look. Her nose piercing was gone. Her hair was longer and back to its original Miriam blond color. The Speeding Seraphim tattoo on her lower back had definitely had to go.


Miriam loosened her dressing gown and exposed her chest, revealing the broken-heart tattoo that adorned her cleavage. That, at least, she’d been allowed to keep; hardly anyone knew she had it, anyway. But it was still a tear-jerking reminder of everyone and everything she’d been forced to leave behind.


A second bout of nauseated retching ruined the poignancy of the moment. As Miriam downed another glass of water, the unlocked door to the bathroom opened, and the only man in the house entered.


“What are you doing up so late?” asked Brad, embracing Miriam from behind in his powerful arms. Wearing nothing but a pair of boxer shorts, he looked like a male model with the toned, well-developed muscles rippling under his skin.


“I couldn’t sleep,” she replied, taking a hold of his wrists. “Plus I don’t feel so good.”


“There’s nothing you want to tell me, is there?” Brad asked.


Miriam had nothing on underneath her dressing gown, and he gently wormed a hand in between the folds, planting his palm on her belly.


“No,” she lied softly, tenderly stroking his hand with her thumb. Now wasn’t the time to reveal that he might be a father again.


“Have you seen the snow outside?” Brad asked, gently pulling Miriam into a cozier embrace from behind.


“It looks beautiful,” Miriam replied dreamily, swaying gently in Brad’s arms. “I don’t think I can remember ever seeing snow before.”


“Never?” asked Brad, sounding surprised. “Not even once before?”


“Nevada’s a desert, remember?” Miriam reminded Brad with a chuckle. “You’ve been away from our home state too long.”


“I’ve been away from you for too long,” Brad answered, holding Miriam closer still.


Brad’s hand wandered northward to her breast, cupping it in his hand and massaging the nipple. Miriam closed her eyes and inhaled sharply as the stimulation set off a pleasurable tingling sensation in her chest. Meanwhile, Brad’s other hand slipped into her dressing gown from the other side and travelled down toward her crotch.


“Brad, wait,” Miriam took a hold of his wrist just as he managed to dip the tips of his fingers in between the lips of her womanhood. “I’m not feeling up for it right now.”


“Are you sure I can’t change your mind?” Brad whispered in her ear, an undertone of male urgency present in his voice.


“It’s not even four in the morning yet,” Miriam murmured in reply as Brad’s fingertips started to plow slowly through her increasingly wet feminine folds. “You can touch me and pleasure me all you want in bed, but no sex until daybreak.”


Brad paused in his sexual motions and reluctantly ceased the foreplay, retracting his hands from within Miriam’s dressing gown and allowing her to lead him back to bed.


BOOK: Chasing Pavement: A Biker Erotic Romance
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