Chasing Day Series: Chasing Day & Catching Day (7 page)

BOOK: Chasing Day Series: Chasing Day & Catching Day
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It wasn’t until his arms felt like lead and his emotions came up like bile to choke him that he finally stopped. Chase’s vision cleared and he saw that his father was a bloody, unconscious heap under him. He looked at his mother, who had tears streaming down her face in rivulets as she clutched the cordless phone to her chest. Out the window, he saw red and blue lights flashing. He realized that she must have called the cops.

A loud knock sounded at the door, signaling that the flashing lights were, in fact, the cops. Stephanie ran to the door and opened it. They strode into the house and pulled Chase off of his father. They cuffed him just to be safe. Once his father regained consciousness, they got him into a chair, and they questioned the three of them.

“Do you want to press charges, Mr. McCoy?” One cop asked.

“Fuck, yeah! Motherfucker!” Ben bellowed through the blood oozing out his nose.

“No, you won’t!” Stephanie spoke up, uncharacteristically. “He’s our son and you started it. I will not have you ruining his college career!”

Ben huffed indignantly but remained quiet. The cops unlocked the cuffs that cut into Chase’s wrists. Some paramedics that had been called showed up and lead Ben to their ambulance to go get patched up. The older man’s nose was broken and quite possibly his ribs as well. Stephanie looked at Chase with sorrow-filled eyes and followed them out.

Chase’s chest tightened, once he was alone. His emotions finally bubbled up to the surface. He collapsed to his knees and sobbed.

Merry fucking Christmas.






Chapter 9





Daylen looked out the kitchen window at the flashing police and ambulance lights with a sense of dread. It was obvious that the McCoy reunion hadn’t gone over well. She prayed that Chase was okay. She had seen what looked like his father and mother get into the ambulance before it pulled away, but she wasn’t sure.
God, please let him be alright.

Daylen ran upstairs to her bedroom. Even though it was freezing outside, she lifted her window a crack to let Chase know he could come in if he wanted to. Something she had done for the last four years, since they’d gotten too big to meet in the treehouse. Daylen then grabbed her pajamas and went into her bathroom to take a shower before bed.

She tied up her braids in a bun on top of her head and showered quickly, not wanting to waste too much time, just in case Chase did come over. He usually did when he got into fights with his dad.

Daylen got out of the shower, dried off, and quickly rubbed some lotion on her arms and legs. She pulled on her pink musical note print, fleece pajama bottoms, and a pink tank. She wondered if her pajamas were too childish for an eighteen-year-old, but then just shrugged it off. She slid her feet into her pink fuzzy slippers and padded quietly to her room.

She opened the door and stopped in her tracks. A very battered and bruised Chase sat on her frilly, white virginal daybed with his duffel bag next to him. Daylen instinctively ran towards him but stopped short once she was in front of him. Afraid to touch him, for fear of hurting him. Chase didn’t say a word. He just reached out a hand with bruised and bloodied knuckles and grasped the material of her tank, pulling her towards him.

Chase buried his face in her chest, his shoulders shaking uncontrollably. Daylen wrapped her arms around his head and let him cry it out.

“Shh…it’s okay. It’s okay.” She cooed and soothed.

Daylen stroked her hand through his hair. The gelled spikes soften as she continued to run her fingers through his blond locks.

Chase finally calmed down and pulled away from her. He wiped at his eyes and then looked at the front of her tank. His face flushed with color.

“Uh…sorry,” Chase said, embarrassed.

Daylen looked down at herself and realized that her tank was almost completely transparent from his tears. She quickly covered her breasts with her arms.

“Um…it’s alright.” Daylen looked around for her high school sweatshirt.

She walked over to her desk chair, where it was hanging and threw it on.

“Hold tight. I’ll be right back, okay?” She said, before slipping out of her room.

Daylen crept quietly to her mother’s bathroom, grabbed a towel and found the first aid kit. Then she went downstairs and grabbed an ice pack out of the freezer. Once she’d collected all the things she needed, Day swiftly made her way back to her room. Chase hadn’t moved an inch. He just stared off into space.

Day walked over to him and placed the kit on the bed next to him. She dug through the contents to find what she needed. She opened up some antiseptic wipes and cleaned the cut on his eyebrow and handed him the ice pack wrapped in the towel to hold against his swollen face. Daylen then moved to the cut marring his beautiful bottom lip.

Chase just sat and let her tend to him. He stared up at her quietly. Day’s heart pounded in her chest, but she ignored it while she took care of him. She held up his hands and cleaned each knuckle.

“What happened, Chase?” Daylen finally asked.

“The usual.” He shrugged. “But this time I sent him to the hospital. Great way to start Christmas, right?” Chase laughed mirthlessly.

Daylen shook her head sadly and worked on his other hand.

“Anywhere else?” She asked.

Chase placed the ice pack down and reached back to grab the material of his sweater and pulled till it and his undershirt cleared his torso and head. Daylen gasped as she took in the bruises along his ribcage. Then she looked behind him and saw matching bruises across his back. Her eyes filled with the tears she’d been holding back since she saw him sitting on her bed.

A silent tear fell to her cheek and ran down her face. Chase pulled her towards him and kissed the wet path it made. His lips touched the corner of her mouth, where the tear stopped.

“Don’t cry for me. I’m okay.” He reversed roles, now soothing her.

A gentle sob burst from Daylen’s lips. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Yes, Pretty Day. I’m alright. A little sore, but that’s it.” Chase clasped her face in his hands. “I just need to forget. To believe for just a minute that my life isn’t this shitty. Help me forget.”

“O-Okay,” Daylen whispered, haltingly.

He looked up at her, brushed the tears from her soft cheeks, and pulled her face down towards his. Chase kissed her lips gently, careful of his split lip. Daylen kissed him back hesitantly. He softly bit her bottom lip and she gasped, opening up her mouth to the gentle strokes of his tongue.

Daylen hadn’t kissed anyone since the night of their birthday party four years ago. She instantly melted into the kiss. Chase wrapped his arms around her back. His hands rubbed down, reached under her sweatshirt and tank to the smooth skin of her back. His fingertips brushed lightly over her sensitive skin as he continued to stroke his tongue against hers. Day shivered against him.

“Are you cold?” Chase paused between kisses to ask.

“N-No. I-It just feels nice.” Daylen’s voice quivered.

“Hmm…” was his only response as his lips and tongue went back to exploring her mouth.

Chase’s hands slid around Daylen’s thick waist, to her front, and moved over her round tummy. Daylen shuddered when his thumbs stroked the underside of her heavy breasts. Her nipples hardened in anticipation, of what she didn’t know. She soon found out, her body understanding what it wanted before her innocent mind could even comprehend it.

Chase cupped each breast and his thumbs grazed over her sensitive nipples. Daylen gasped into his mouth. She had no idea a simple touch could feel that good. Or that it would send tingles to the place between her legs.

“Is that okay?” Chase asked against her lips.

“Mmhmm…” Daylen mumbled, unable to form a coherent sentence.

“I want this to feel nice for you,” Chase said thoughtfully.

“I-I wouldn’t know the difference.” Daylen got out as she looked down shyly into his sweet brown eyes. “Would you? H-Have you done this before.” Daylen asked, instinctively knowing that she would lose her innocence on this night. And to the boy she’d dreamed of for nine years.

“No. It’s never felt right, till right now.” Chase confessed honestly.

Day nodded her head in understanding, pleased that they would lose their virginity together. She agreed. It just seemed…right.

Chase raised his arms slightly, starting to lift up her tank and sweatshirt. “May I?” He asked, making sure she had time to say no if she wanted to.

Daylen inclined her head once, still unable to believe that this was finally happening. Chase grasped the bottom of the sweatshirt and tank, and began to lift them up and over her body. When the cotton cleared her head, Daylen crossed her arms over her chest. Aside from changing with a bunch of girls in the locker room for gym class. And her mom taking her to the female gynecologist to get her first exam and the birth control shot, so she didn’t have any ‘Mom, I’m pregnant’ talks. Barely anyone, especially males had ever seen her naked breasts.

Chase gently clasped her wrists and pulled her arms away from her body. His thumbs soothingly rubbed her wrists above her erratically beating pulse. His eyes devoured her large, soft breasts.

“Beautiful,” Chase said on a soft exhale.

His fingers loosened around her wrists and his hands slid up her arms, moved past her shoulders, up her neck and he stroked her jaw lightly. He reached up and tugged on Daylen’s braids, making them slip out of the messy bun on top of her head. The braids fell past her shoulders, in a curtain of seductive innocence. He wrapped his fingers behind her neck and pulled her in for another kiss. This kiss was hungrier as if he couldn’t get enough of her taste. His tongue flicked against hers and she had to squeeze her thighs together, as her pulse beat rhythmically at the apex of her legs.

Chase’s hands moved down her front, till they were once again stroking the aching tips of her breasts. He released her mouth and she panted while he kissed a path down her chin to her neck, and over her collarbone. Once Chase reached the large, dark brown tips of her creamy golden breasts, he paused for a moment. Daylen’s chest heaved in anticipation of what he was going to do next.

His full lips kissed the tight buds softly before he drew one into his mouth and flicked it with his tongue. Daylen’s knees instantly buckled and Chase caught her in his strong arms. He went to lower her onto the bed, but it squeaked loudly, under their weight. The both froze and listened for her mother for several beats. No sound came from the hallway and they breathed a sigh of relief.

“We can’t do it there. The bed will make too much noise.” Chase commented.

He quickly pulled off her fluffy comforter and pillows, making an impromptu pallet on the floor. Chase laid her down gently and stretched out beside her. He moved back over her breasts, giving the other the same attention as the first. Daylen’s fingers dove into his hair, needing something to hold on to.




Chase was so hard that he thought he’d come in his pants before he ever even got inside her. He didn’t want to have an
American Pie
moment. Especially, since he was trying his best to go slowly for her sake. Not to mention his fear of doing it wrong. His mind flooded with memories of conversations about girls and sex he’d had with Miguel, Xavier, and the guys from college and the football team.

You gotta finger a girl first. She has to be wet or your dick won’t go in.

Man, she was so wet! Definitely a good sign she was into me.

Play and suck on her tits that’ll get her going. They love that shit.

Dude, if you ever feel like you’re gonna spill your load too soon, just think of your grandparents doing it. That’ll stop ya for sure!

Naw, man! You can’t just stick it in her. You have to rub on her clit first.

All of the broken and disjointed conversations crowded his thoughts and he shook them off, deciding to focus on the girl next to him instead. He tried listening to the noises she made and repeated anything that made her moan, sigh or hitch her breath. Kissing her deeply and flicking her nipples with his tongue, definitely seemed to do the trick.

Chase swirled his tongue around her puckered areola and her hips flexed in response. He knew it was time to move his hands lower. He’d fooled around with a few girls, but they had been nearly bone dry down there, so he didn’t know what his friends were talking about. Or he assumed the girls must not have been into him. And he still had no clue where a girl’s clit was supposed to be. But he swallowed down his performance anxiety and slid his hand down to the waistband of Daylen’s pajama pants.

Once his fingers moved under the fabric, they brushed past the triangle of hair at the V between her thighs. When Daylen realized where his hand was going, she clenched her full thighs together, stopping his progress.

“It’s okay. Open up for me, Day.” Chase coaxed, his voice sounding husky and strange to his own ears.

She hesitantly opened her legs, he propped himself up on his elbow to watch her face, and his fingers curled down to her warm opening. Chase’s fingers touched the outer lips of her sex and his eyes grew wide as he looked down at Day’s flushed face. Her nether lips were saturated with wetness.
Thank God! I must be doing something right.
It was the sexiest thing he’d ever experienced, knowing he’d caused the wetness that drenched his fingers.

Chase grew bolder, now that he knew Daylen was turned on. His fingers dipped inside her soaked entrance and her hips moved towards his hand reflexively. A small cry passed her parted lips. Her pink tongue peeked out to lick her lips. Chase leaned down to kiss her glistening lips as he continued to stroke his fingers in and out of her wet heat. Her tight walls clasped his fingers in a death grip and for the first time, Chase started to worry that he’d be too big for her.

Daylen released his lips and her face scrunched up. “Chase… I feel weird.” Daylen gasped.

“I-I think it means you’re excited. It’s okay. Unless you want to stop?” Chase asked, praying that she didn’t.

“N-No, let’s keep going.” Daylen looked up at him with trusting eyes.

Chase got up on his knees and crawled over her right leg, situating himself between her thighs. He reached for the waistband of her pants, wrapped his fingers underneath the elastic of her pajamas, and shimmied them down her legs. He pulled them off of her feet and tossed them to the side. When he looked down at her again, Daylen had placed her hands over her bare sex.

“Don’t hide. I wanna see.” Chase soothed, once again grasping her wrists and pulling her hands away.

Her mound was covered in curly, springy black hair. The lips looked swollen and pink and glistened with her arousal. Chase took the time to take in her whole naked form, lying in front of him. Her creamy golden skin glowed, and her plump full body looked soft and inviting. He couldn’t think of anything better than finally burying himself deep inside of her.

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